It certainly was hidden from me as a child. As a Baby Boomer with a lengthening lens for history now, I see how little I knew at all. One of my children took two classes from HCR in 1999. I found her then. I bought a couple of her books and found them almost impossible to understand because I still knew so little. You know, that learning…
It certainly was hidden from me as a child. As a Baby Boomer with a lengthening lens for history now, I see how little I knew at all. One of my children took two classes from HCR in 1999. I found her then. I bought a couple of her books and found them almost impossible to understand because I still knew so little. You know, that learning curve thing. I'm wide awake and on fire now, but the "not knowing" I had in the past helps me interact with others who still don't really know. I can admit my own journey of discovery and appeal to the goodness of the still uninformed or ignorant. It makes my skin crawl to see how I accepted much that wasn't true at all. I was missing the visceral sense of what systemic racism is, for example. So, I keep speaking up (and writing) and finding different ways to bring a few more people here and there across the finish line. History is replete with awful stories. They've always been there. Power mongers, cheats, and users. I figure, let's make a difference now while we are here, each of us. Heather is a godsend.
It certainly was hidden from me as a child. As a Baby Boomer with a lengthening lens for history now, I see how little I knew at all. One of my children took two classes from HCR in 1999. I found her then. I bought a couple of her books and found them almost impossible to understand because I still knew so little. You know, that learning curve thing. I'm wide awake and on fire now, but the "not knowing" I had in the past helps me interact with others who still don't really know. I can admit my own journey of discovery and appeal to the goodness of the still uninformed or ignorant. It makes my skin crawl to see how I accepted much that wasn't true at all. I was missing the visceral sense of what systemic racism is, for example. So, I keep speaking up (and writing) and finding different ways to bring a few more people here and there across the finish line. History is replete with awful stories. They've always been there. Power mongers, cheats, and users. I figure, let's make a difference now while we are here, each of us. Heather is a godsend.