As much as I dislike being a wet blanket or a killjoy, don't hold your breath. Wherever there's a gaggle / GAG - gle of conservatives you can expect an accumulation of undiluted shite.
As much as I dislike being a wet blanket or a killjoy, don't hold your breath. Wherever there's a gaggle / GAG - gle of conservatives you can expect an accumulation of undiluted shite.
When i was a junior in high school, i took a class ''US Government'' and we were taught that conservatives that governed like the ones now in the GQP are ''Reactionaries'' that is exactly what these scumbags are now, far right Reactionaries. There are very few real conservatives that remain in the Rethuglican party.
MAYBE " Conservatives of Convenience ", not unlike " Christians of Convenience ", & the 2 groups have a LOT in common since Evangelicals started worshipping the failed Antichrist Trump, even going so far as to compare him to Jesus when DJT has as much in common with
Jesus as I do with Genghis Khan or Rameses the Great.
Christianiods? Antichristers? Jesus said to help the poor and the stranger, reject great wealth, love, not shoot thy enemy, and to go ahead and pay the taxes. Sound like Trump?
I use other terms, some unfit for mixed company & certainly NOT the ears of those claiming to be " Christian ", such as my holier - than - Jesus cousin. I refer to her as " The Second Coming " or " Li'l Ms. Jesus ", just not to her face.
Keith, she seems bipolar, this could make her go into full - on " beast mode ".
I sent her an article about Jimmy Carter & how he still gives of his time & energy in his NINETIES, completely apolitical. She reacted like I sent her the promo for a biography about Anton LaVey ( Church of Satan founder). The gal ain't right.
Virginia At least Norman Vincent Spiel was an American. Father Coughlin was a Canadian Catholic who the Vatican, through its Washington representative, sought to emasculate.
I have read that some churches have replaced their huge pictures of Jesus with huge pictures of TUMP, and that some have put a picture of TUMP beside their pictures of Jesus.. These TUMP idiots disgust me to no end. I just wished all of this would end, i am sick and tired of TUMP and his mentally deranged cult members.
At least one Evangelical called DJT " the Antichrist ", a voice crying in the wilderness, & indicated that he was DONE with him. Some of them like DJT's policies but are tired of him being a narcissistic buffoon & a 70 + BRAT.
That CNN town hall thing was disaster, all he did was tell the same lies over and over again. I didn't watch it, but i read all about it on other websites. I didn't watch it because personally, i can't stand the sight of him and hear his raspy, broken voice. He is a narcissistic, arrogant, pathological liar. I honestly do not see how anyone could like this cretin.
" There's a sucker born every minute ", to quote P.T Barnum. Some people are so desperate for a guru, a messiah, a GOD that they'll latch onto whoever's available, no matter how f--ked up they may be.
"That is the issue that will continue in this country when these poor tongues of Judge Douglas and myself shall be silent. It is the eternal struggle between these two principles -- right and wrong -- throughout the world. They are the two principles that have stood face to face from the beginning of time, and will ever continue to struggle. The one is the common right of humanity and the other the divine right of kings." -Lincoln
As much as I dislike being a wet blanket or a killjoy, don't hold your breath. Wherever there's a gaggle / GAG - gle of conservatives you can expect an accumulation of undiluted shite.
When i was a junior in high school, i took a class ''US Government'' and we were taught that conservatives that governed like the ones now in the GQP are ''Reactionaries'' that is exactly what these scumbags are now, far right Reactionaries. There are very few real conservatives that remain in the Rethuglican party.
MAYBE " Conservatives of Convenience ", not unlike " Christians of Convenience ", & the 2 groups have a LOT in common since Evangelicals started worshipping the failed Antichrist Trump, even going so far as to compare him to Jesus when DJT has as much in common with
Jesus as I do with Genghis Khan or Rameses the Great.
Christians of Convenience, great descriptor, or maybe Pharisees
American Neo - Pharisee Hypocrite party ? I'm sure some acronym could be strung together from that.
Christianiods? Antichristers? Jesus said to help the poor and the stranger, reject great wealth, love, not shoot thy enemy, and to go ahead and pay the taxes. Sound like Trump?
Daniel I think of many of the тАШChristianтАЩ evangelicals as Judasites.
I use other terms, some unfit for mixed company & certainly NOT the ears of those claiming to be " Christian ", such as my holier - than - Jesus cousin. I refer to her as " The Second Coming " or " Li'l Ms. Jesus ", just not to her face.
Daniel How about Pontius Pilate? This could make her think (for the first time?)
Keith, she seems bipolar, this could make her go into full - on " beast mode ".
I sent her an article about Jimmy Carter & how he still gives of his time & energy in his NINETIES, completely apolitical. She reacted like I sent her the promo for a biography about Anton LaVey ( Church of Satan founder). The gal ain't right.
Keith, the resemblance to тАЬprarasitesтАЭ is too good to miss. But do these people know who Judas was? What betrayal means?
Virginia These folks donтАЩt know who Judas was [look in the mirror?] and donтАЩt know the difference between Holy Toast and Holy Ghost.
Perhaps they should sign up for Parasites Pilates with Pontius.
Mega churches are the grandchildren of the power of positive thinking: Norman Vincent Peale, the modern equivalent of Father Coughlin.
Virginia At least Norman Vincent Spiel was an American. Father Coughlin was a Canadian Catholic who the Vatican, through its Washington representative, sought to emasculate.
Being American automatically makes him better than being Canadian?
I have read that some churches have replaced their huge pictures of Jesus with huge pictures of TUMP, and that some have put a picture of TUMP beside their pictures of Jesus.. These TUMP idiots disgust me to no end. I just wished all of this would end, i am sick and tired of TUMP and his mentally deranged cult members.
At least one Evangelical called DJT " the Antichrist ", a voice crying in the wilderness, & indicated that he was DONE with him. Some of them like DJT's policies but are tired of him being a narcissistic buffoon & a 70 + BRAT.
That CNN town hall thing was disaster, all he did was tell the same lies over and over again. I didn't watch it, but i read all about it on other websites. I didn't watch it because personally, i can't stand the sight of him and hear his raspy, broken voice. He is a narcissistic, arrogant, pathological liar. I honestly do not see how anyone could like this cretin.
" There's a sucker born every minute ", to quote P.T Barnum. Some people are so desperate for a guru, a messiah, a GOD that they'll latch onto whoever's available, no matter how f--ked up they may be.
John These days a US Government class should describe the GOP as Reactionaries and false fact Defactuaries.
Oh, man, you DO have a way with words. ЁЯШВ
"That is the issue that will continue in this country when these poor tongues of Judge Douglas and myself shall be silent. It is the eternal struggle between these two principles -- right and wrong -- throughout the world. They are the two principles that have stood face to face from the beginning of time, and will ever continue to struggle. The one is the common right of humanity and the other the divine right of kings." -Lincoln