"consequences for the country if Trump wins again. How will American life change? Who will benefit? Who will suffer?"
And also, who HAS benefited and who HAS suffered already due to four decades of "Reaganomic" policies? Since we seem to keep doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result, it's high time for a thoroug…
"consequences for the country if Trump wins again. How will American life change? Who will benefit? Who will suffer?"
And also, who HAS benefited and who HAS suffered already due to four decades of "Reaganomic" policies? Since we seem to keep doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result, it's high time for a thorough and lucid performance inventory.
There can be no doubt that billionaires are raking it in, but how much has the quality of life improved and/or decayed for most of the rest of us, due to tax cuts, deregulation, reduced voting rights and legalized de facto bribery? Not to mention increasingly haywire climate events with more on the horizon. It all very much smacks of "bait and switch" to me, and the "Republican" faithful are being had.
"consequences for the country if Trump wins again. How will American life change? Who will benefit? Who will suffer?"
And also, who HAS benefited and who HAS suffered already due to four decades of "Reaganomic" policies? Since we seem to keep doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result, it's high time for a thorough and lucid performance inventory.
There can be no doubt that billionaires are raking it in, but how much has the quality of life improved and/or decayed for most of the rest of us, due to tax cuts, deregulation, reduced voting rights and legalized de facto bribery? Not to mention increasingly haywire climate events with more on the horizon. It all very much smacks of "bait and switch" to me, and the "Republican" faithful are being had.