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“WE” have not been able to provide citizenship to 1.6 million dreamers; you really mean Republicans in Congress have refused to permit citizenship to these genuine innocents who were brought here illegally decades ago as babies and young teens. This is another example of the cruelty of the Republicans in Congress who are afraid to lose their so-called job instead of voting for once for justice! We will have another chance to right the score in 18 months but, please, EVERYONE on this SubStack will have to give up a bit of time, money and energy to help make it happen, won’t we?

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The Rs are quite simply the party of death. They don't care about what happens to the less fortunate unless they are a fetus. One of the books I recommended to my optimistic "debater" was The Legacy of Violence about the British Empire which he claimed did some good things....and we have done some good things for Native Americans according to him. Trying to think of what those things might have been.

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