Jan F, I keep waiting for the media to play a more responsible role, to no avail. I've begun to think the GOP is deep into magical thinking. Even those whose brains grasp the dire situation have convinced themselves that somehow, some Superman is going to swoop in and save the day. Heck, that doesn't even happen in the movies anymore. Well, maybe the Avenger movies................
Jan F, I keep waiting for the media to play a more responsible role, to no avail. I've begun to think the GOP is deep into magical thinking. Even those whose brains grasp the dire situation have convinced themselves that somehow, some Superman is going to swoop in and save the day. Heck, that doesn't even happen in the movies anymore. Well, maybe the Avenger movies................
Those who think they are victims attach themselves to anyone (anything) they think will support their cause. Since Reagan, trillions of dollars of middle class (98% of pop ) money has flowed into the hands of the top 1%. There is maybe a reason for the GOP base to feel victimized, but talk radio and cable have blamed the Democrats. Maybe Clinton and NAFTA are a little to blame, but Clinton did balance the budget.
Jan F, I keep waiting for the media to play a more responsible role, to no avail. I've begun to think the GOP is deep into magical thinking. Even those whose brains grasp the dire situation have convinced themselves that somehow, some Superman is going to swoop in and save the day. Heck, that doesn't even happen in the movies anymore. Well, maybe the Avenger movies................
Those who think they are victims attach themselves to anyone (anything) they think will support their cause. Since Reagan, trillions of dollars of middle class (98% of pop ) money has flowed into the hands of the top 1%. There is maybe a reason for the GOP base to feel victimized, but talk radio and cable have blamed the Democrats. Maybe Clinton and NAFTA are a little to blame, but Clinton did balance the budget.