A century and a half later women are still seeking equal rights, autonomy over their own health needs, equal pay and respect. We've gained so much ground, yet, of late, lost ground. Thank you to all the mothers and the not-mothers who have dedicated their lives to making the world a better place.

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Gained ground, yes, but still, roughly 65% of white, working-class women voted for a guy who brags about being a sexual assualt perp, and raises money on that boast. Long way to go.

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That was then, this is now. Since the last presidential election, the rights of women have been decimated. Yes, decimated. We now have less rights than we did 50 years ago. Unless every woman must enter a voting booth with a man, don't be surprised to see that alleged percentage be crushed. Ohio is the perfect example. If you think this tawdry little court case, which was supposed to be the least of them all, is being ignored by these same women, think again. Ms. Clifford's testimony about the feeling of helplessness and marginalization? Is something every woman has experienced. It will be remembered and acted upon.

He may have bragged about his sexual prowess, but remember, it was brushed off as "locker room talk." The locker room has become a court room in Manhattan and the truth is there for everyone to see.

No, it will not be the same as it was before and please, do remember, he lost in 2020 by a huge margin. Polls don't vote, people do. Those percentage are beginning to look more and more specious with each passing day.

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Yes, Carol-Ann, good of you to cite "Ms. Clifford's testimony" here.

Her appearance in court this past week met and bested the high-priced team of attorneys working for their orange low-life on trial. Representing him, fittingly they tried to slut-shame her -- and she threw back at them. She highlighted how "every woman has experienced," as you say, "the feeling of helplessness and marginalization" which the orange rapist was still pushing on what they presumed another easy victim.

Good for Heather to have filled out the history behind this day -- good that you add how it's not merely history, but a yet-poisonous agenda for our still vulgar today.

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Stormy Daniels speaks truth to power! What a befitting Mothers Day Tribute.

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I especially liked her message on X afterwards "Real men respond to testimony by being sworn in and taking the stand in court. Oh…wait. Never mind." That, friends, says it all. She knows the real Donald Trump, even if he doesn't know himself.

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I kept hearing from all directions, and all ages, how much women liked Stormy Daniels.. how they approved of her!

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"Ms. Clifford's testimony about the feeling of helplessness and marginalization? Is something every woman has experienced."... who is free enough to allow herself awareness... not just in the sexual arena... to more and lesser degrees in business settings, volunteer work, too often at home. Her testimony did strike a nerve, OUCH!

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I do hope, Lynn, that you, Linda, Carol-Ann and other women writing here and voting this November will strike a crushing blow against the extreme misogynist and his clueless followers. MAGA is the American version of the Taliban. Why is religion the enemy of females?

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Why is religion the enemy of females? Because religion is Man made for men to dominate women. In other words, man created god to give himself the power and authority to do so! Vote Blue. Happy Mothers' Day!

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Thank you Richard, I and mine will be there trying to help these disgraceful actors off stage. Your last statement is worthy of examining. Religion is faithful devotion to an acknowledged reality. There are certainly forces larger than our puny human selves. We need faith, hope., and charity. Too much of what is called religion is simply a man-made excuse to justify internal considering... no faith, hope, nor charity in nor for other. Today, Mother's Day, I'm thinking about Mother Earth... abused. A true religion would show devotion.

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Richard, religion was invented by men to control women, pure and simple. I saw a meme a couple weeks ago that I read that (paraphrased) said:

I think God is a woman, and went on dates with a bunch of men, and told each of them the same "creation story" (for want of a better term). Men being who they are changed it, and religion is the first example of mansplaining that was documented.

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Richard and all who posted above: I always remember Karl Marx's quote:" Religion is the opiate of the masses." Especially for women. Unfortunately, even some women drink the KoolAid and prefer a so-called strong man. I feel rage when I hear anyone, male/female/other talk about voting for the orange turd. Kudos to Stormy!

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Marx was a keen observer, noting the friction between capital and labor at the beginning of the Industrial Revolution as well as the effect of religion on the masses. The older I get the more and more I favor the form of pragmatic capitalism found among the Scandinavian countries.

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There are religions and religions. Read the tiny book, 'Cows, Pigs, Wars, and Witches.' I think it will expand your thoughts on KoolAid.

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Good insight and parallel about MAGA. Your question at the end is a very good one that I have reflected on quite a bit. I like that Hinduism includes the Divine Mother. If you look at what's happening in India under Modi, though, that's no consolation. In any case, come time to vote I do believe women will be heard. BUT, not sure what tricks the MAGA followers and leaders have up their sleeve.

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One of the curiosities I have wondered about often is societies with female deities -- China Kwan Yin, India Durga (strongest of all the deities), Africa's many goddesses -- seemingly women's lot is most repressive. Is it my western perspective, or real?

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Hijacked religion! Hijacked by perverted creatures!

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Religion hasn't been "hijacked." It serves its purpose of basically enslaving women very well; it is used to conditioned women to enslave themselves. This is less energy intensive than using violence to control us, but make no mistake, violence will be (and is being) used when the conditioning fails. What are abortion bans if not state-sponsored violence against women?

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Because religion facilitated the dawn of patriarchy, controlling women's fertility along with the doctrine of discovery that allowed the church to dominate and extract for colonialism. A dominion mindset is the common thread and what we need to transcend for a new dawn.

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There are religions and religions. There is a tiny book, 'Cows, Pigs, Wars, and Witches.' I think it will add to your thoughts on the kind of beliefs needed in the new dawning. That's a very complex idea. Thanks Susan

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Yes, you are right that women might rise up against the odious misogyny that Republicans so proudly exhibit. There is, as you point out, evidence in recent election outcomes for such an uprising, and if 10% of the white, working-class women who voted for Trump in 2020 switch to Biden this year, Biden will win in a landslide. That the likes of Alito and his Dobbs-decision clique might have the effect of freeing women from systemic healthcare oppression is a delicious irony. I hope that happens. But even if it does, there will be a long way to go. We will still have to deal with upwards of 74 million Americans that the world would be a better place without. I say “we” but of couse mean “you.” I won’t get there with you, but I dearly hope that you can pull off the victory that eluded my generation. I think we whitled down the fraction louts in the white, working-class from 95% in 1965 to maybe 70% in 2024. If you can reduce it by another 25%, you have a decent chance of civilizing the SOBs. May the wind be at your back.

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We lost much when the early Christian church chose what books to be added and to be banned, and when they removed the goddess from the story.

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Steve, Have you read, 'Cows, Pig, Wars, and Witches?' each worshiped by some group on Earth. Fascinating little book about organized beliefs.

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Thanks for the suggestion - I have not read it

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That is my hope, and Biden's eventual victory was impressive, but the fate of some of the key states were squeakers, some of the anti-democratic loopholes in our laws being as they are. That said, the pernicious hubris of Republicans has crossed a line. The arrogant, self-serving opinions of "justices" hand selected by the tyrannical sexual assault perp lack moral legitimacy by that very fact.

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Remember, J L, it was nominated. They were hand selected for him to nominate by the Federalist Leos and Mitches.

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Everyone watch out for the Federalists.

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The plutocratic power behind the throne.

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The throne keeps the plebes distracted while their pockets are picked by the plutos.

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Yes, we're getting to a central core of the problems right there! Thanks for highlighting the fact.

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Has any previous candidate ever lost the popular vote 3 times and the electoral college twice? Orange 3 time loser turd

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And yet... he might win and impose his extravagant selfishness on the world again.

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It sounds melodramatic, perhaps, but if Trump wins, democracy around the world and here in the U.S. will begin to crumble. This is the most important election in the history of the world.

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gods fobid!

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It's all about the turn-out. Across the country. But even more so in the Electoral College's close-run states including Wisconsin, PA, Indiana, Ohio, Michigan, Virginia and Arizona

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"Decimated" means to reduce by 10%. It might be more accurated to say "cratered". Women have never been treated as equals by men.

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I used it in the military sense. " ...decimation was a form of military discipline in which every tenth man in a group was executed by members of his cohort." Now think of that in terms of women and pregnancy. Decimated is pretty close to the mark given the number of women/girls in this country who are of child bearing age.

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The idea of "decimation" came from the Roman army. If any legion showed cowardice in a battle, the whole legion was lined up side-by-side on the edge of a high cliff. An officer then walked behind the soldiers, pushing every 10th man over the cliff to his death. The legion was "decimated".

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The Supreme Court and the MAGA party seem to be doing just that wouldn't you say? Substitute state legislatures for legion captains, and it is the same. But now these "captains" leave it to the foot soldiers in the medical world to do the deed. Losing isn't always a sign of cowardice; but what is happening in this country is. The fear of losing status because of a tin pot dictator is the essence of cowardice. Look at it as a new take on "women and children first."

Yes I'm well aware of the concept. Women have been known to study military history. Some of us even make it a career.

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In Western society.

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Elaine, I’m curious! Is there a society in which men and women are equal? Maybe an indigenous society? I would love to read more about that.

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You might be interested in the Mosuo culture in the Himalayas where they practice "walking marriages". The women rule the relationship.


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Many indigenous cultures were, still are matrilineal and more gender equal

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We (women) don't fully get that we are equal is every way -- indeed, it seems that the female form xx was the beginning and xy came later for diversity. We are, and probably black women, are the original human form

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I think the argument can be made that women are superior to men in all the intellectual, moral, and ethical ways that are most important to a fully functioning society. We need more women leaders. I get my healthcare from the Veterans Administration. When I'm asked about assigning a new caregiver, I always request a woman doctor. They pay better attention in all of the most important ways.

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Reading today's glorious Letter from an American -- yes, GLORIOUS, and I can be very critical of some of these letters, while deeply respecting their writer and her heroic undertaking -- my mind at once turned to Russia, to the by-choice-less-than-human teenage psychopath from the Leningrad backyards who made it to immeasurable wealth and total power over the lives of his countrymen and proceeded to mass industrial murder of the close neighbors to cement that power.

And to the beyond-grotesque bespoke ideology cooked up for the sole purpose of justifying and sustaining his bloodthirsty nihilistic madness.

The poisoned shit forced on the peoples of Russia as soul-food. The Satanic perversion of a powerful Christian church reduced to a mere outgrowth of the secret police. The ocean of lies trumped up to look like what they dare call "Traditional Values". "Traditional Values" that would relegate the female sex to the role of baby factories, each to produce 8-plus kids to replenish shrinking supplies of cannon-fodder... if the dwarf from hell had not made this physically impossible by killing off an entire generation of young men.


And now, dear Americans, just think of it! All This Can Be Yours! As early as November... you too can -- and will -- be subject to these "Traditional Values" if the master of the Kremlin, his American moles and tools, his adoring admirer and would-be imitator, now stoking up dreams of vengeance in a Manhattan courtroom... continue to have their way...

And then, of course, All This Will Be OURS, too... as we, the rest of the world, live downstream of America...

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The world is counting on America's real women -- for women are our champions of survival!

Yes, if mankind survives, it will be thanks to our mothers.

If we go down, we know too well whose doing it will have been.

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I agree with you completely but would like to include “all women” not just “mothers”

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Sure. No question about that intention.

Still, it is mothers who suffer, bearing, loving and raising sons to be sacrificed... for nothing.

Underlying all this, something that transcends gender, the gross imbalance between the masculine and the feminine principles present in all of us. This makes for a world crazily out of kilter.

A bird with one wing pinioned.


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Heather, PLEASE re-run this important essay at least once a month before November's election. I was born and lived in West Virginia near GRAFTON , with a tribute to Anna May Jarvis and never knew about "Mothers' Day" as a political holiday to bring peace, world-wide. Your essay brings it to the forefront and we need to promote it widely!

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True that there has been progress, but please don't become complacent.

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Millions of unregistered women trend heavily Democratic. Register Democrats - save democracy.


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Thank you, Professor, for telling us our history, what’s at stake, and of noble souls who have gone before.

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Elizabeth Taylor to Richard Burton in The Sandpiper (1966): "And where did this conversation take place? In a bar? Or in a locker room?"

The more things change, etc.

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Good Point! Glad you said it!!

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Brava Carol-Ann

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Decimated? Are you kidding. The overturning of Roe has expanded rights

in some states and reduced them in some.

Our abortion practices are among the most draconian in the world. Europe doesn't allow abortion beyond 15-16 weeks. The standard is even higher in most of the world. Can you another country that has abortion on demand until birth?

This is democracy at its finest. If you don't like the policies in your state. Change them. Don't bitch about it and don't expect a court to impose its will on the people.

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Oh, dear another person who doesn't know what HE is talking about. May I suggest you take this ill informed text to another site? You will never be pregnant, you don't have a dog in the hunt, it isn't your body, it isn't your life. Are you in the medical field? No? Again, it is none of your business. Take your neanderthal ideas somewhere else. Your screed is what one expects from a misogynist who, either doesn't know the truth, or cares to ignore it. What I do expect is

intelligence and knowledge, not drivel that comes from a MAGA playbook.

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Think about how stupid and cartoonish your post was. Besides the fact its all cliches,

lets look at the obvious:

1) Who in the hell do you think you are? THis is a democracy. You don't get to decide who

can have an opinion on ANYTHING

2) If we follow your logic then WOMEN should have no opinion on roads, buildings

infrastructure, policing, war, climate et cetera. Over 90% of the infrastructure is

designed and built by men. Men police your streets, protect you from fires, service your planes and buses, build your cars, home, and planes, pick up your trash, work and maintain

your electrical grid, Are you saying that you can have NO OPINION in those areas?

Of course not.

Yet again another dumb opinion by a leftist who could think her way out of a paper bag

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Ooops, the net caught another MAGA midget throwing a misogynistic, ever so toddleresque tantrum. Pick up you malignant binky and depart.

Your comments and understand of women's rights are mirror the language and sentiments of the orange turds followers.

By the way, those professions and jobs you extol men for doing? I don't know how to break this to you; so sit down and put the malignant binky back in your mouth. So do women, lots of them. Got that? So do women. Now there is one thing a man can't do: bear a child. That's called a BFOQ - a bona fide occupational qualification. Since you can't do it, let's just say you don't have the right to legislate it. You don't have a dog in the hunt. Unless of course, you think of women as chattel. Maybe it's time you really just go away and take your neanderthal sentiments with you.

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And many women still support this man. I cannot understand this.

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Stockholm Syndrome? Fear of failure? Being raised to believe father or whom ever male knows best?

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A lot of women are still browbeaten by idiot husbands who rule with no authority except their brawny intimidation. Men have always equated penises with power and many think that all women suffer from penis envy. Well, a competent brain and an empathetic heart are all that is needed for power to be wielded fairly. Women have them in equal measure, likely more so, unless men can separate power and sex. I won’t hold my breath.

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Excellent statement! This……this is what it’s all about……..

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A penis has 4000 nerve endings, a clitoris 8. I would rather have the clitoris:)

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Is that why men reportedly think about sex every six seconds. I would agree

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Jeri: Freud was WRONG in suggesting penis envy. We all know that a vagina can function rain/sleet/snow but a penis?? Not so much (with apologies to the nice men on this site)

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So true, but they have had the microphone for centuries. BTW, there are some wonderful men on this site, and I am fortunate enough to have run into some awesome ones in my life. No important man in my life has ever treated me as anything but an equal. Wish all women could say that.

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There is no “but”. Only “and”. As in….”Gained ground, yes”….AND gaining more.

Bravo to all women of the world.


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Long way to go, most unfortunately, even as so many still support Trump.

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Of course. We still are a democracy and choice is everything.



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Every time that 60% (give or take) statistic about white women comes up, I want to see it broken down into, e.g., married, divorced, single, and never married. (Well, I'd *really* like to see "lesbian" as an option, but even in relatively enlightened places, checking that box would be risky.) Now that same-sex marriage is legal, "married to a woman" should be separated out from "married to a man" -- but in sexist, heterosexist society that's risky too. Because I seriously doubt that 60% of white women who are not economically or psychologically dependent on men voted for Trump.

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Good points, all around. In any case, if 10% of white women married to louts flip from Trump to Biden, Biden will win in a landslide. To stay safe, those women will need to tell the louts they voted for Trump, but of course the women know that. They’re not stupid. Just unfortunate.

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I'm praying for those 10%, and glad secret ballots are a thing -- although with vote-by-mail, voters have to be somewhat crafty about it.

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So true! Good reminder...and it made me laugh.. but maybe it should make me cry!

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Many women still are afraid to let go of traditional structures -- baked in codependency? It's a form of trauma and we need to heal from patriarchy and fully understand how powerful we are. We are not secondary in any way.

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All TOO true and sad. I have a couple of friends who voted for the orange man and think he’s a good businessman and they have daughters, clueless!

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Yeah, what the hell is wrong with them???

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Thank you Berry--MOTHERS who have born all of humanity are not allowed treatment until their organs begin to fail. Let's think about that this uplifting holiday....

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women were seeking equal rights in ancient Greece! Thank you for calling us to remember the mothers.

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As I remember, during one of the many Greek wars, the women on both side refused to have sex with their husbands until they stopped the war. Anyone out there remember which one?

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Yes. Damn, it's been so long since these things were on the tip of my tounge. Thank you David. I'll be able to sleep tonoght.

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RR, I had to issue a query to the all-knowing Googlebot. I'm experiencing mental data retrieval issues as well (approaching 76 in early June). But I like to chalk it up to "well, I didn't need to keep track of all that trivia anyway." I'm reserving my mental bandwidth for more important things, such as preserving democracy, and trying to ensure Earth will be habitable for a long time, stuff like that.

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Yes, I think I understand.(understatement) I've been 76 for several months now. MInutia is irrelevant. If it's important, it can be looked up. I just got around to getting my library card after living here for twenty some years and I've found a whole community of old farts who meet and discuss all sorts of important stuff. Not loud, but in earnest. In elementary school, I was always "truant". I would disappear into the library and start reading history and worked my way through most of what was there. My teachers always knew where to find me.

Right now, it is clear to all of us who spend time reading and commenting on various Substacks, that this next election is it. It will take all the focus we have to keep our country intact. Robert Hubble and Jessica Craven, amoung a few others who list opportunities to engage and work at various levels of campaigns, are valuable resources. I didn't get called to be a poll worker in the primary in CA, but they tell me that if they fall short anywhere nearby, I'll work somewhere not too far away. We all have to do as much as we can. Hang in there.

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I don't know which one and I'm Greek. Thank you for the recall--I have long fantasized that all women stage a sex strike until our healthcare rights are reinstated. It's 2024 for heaven's sake!!

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Lysistrata is the name of the play, a look into how women might have changed the course of the Peloponnesian wars, had they indeed withheld sex. See Wikipedia citation below.

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Lysistrata -- and was re-enacted modern times by Leymah Gbowee in Liberia -- won the Novel Peace prize

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Wow. The best Mothers Day message ever. Thank you Professor Richardson. This is a timely reminder. For all women. Mothers of democracy.



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Here-to-forthe I will refer to this special day as "Females' Day". Happy Females' Day to all of you loving females with or without children. May this millennium see the human female attain full equality and lead us into a Regenerative socio-economic system integrated and evolving with Mother Gaia's natural ecosystem.

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My exact thoughts this morning! Thank you so much for articulating my thoughts.

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My understanding is that in Cherokee tradition, the woman Elder was the one who made the decision of whether or not to go to war. Because women had the most to lose (as expressed by Julia Ward Howe), the Cherokee Nation was smart enough to understand this, and to honor women's rights. Would that all nations were so wise.

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