Heather, this was out of the ballpark wonderful! As the weeks go on towards the election, I keep wondering how to change the world. I wonder if we can start teaching kiddos at a young age how to be peace makers based on history. Give them a vision to end war. How to live in peace. Happy Mother’s Day to All. We’re all stewards of the earth and mothers in one way or another.

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Thank you for this awesome history lesson on Mothers Day. We might need to redo this theme and get ALL of the women to WAKE UP and fight for our rights….

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I'd like to share a song written by Ann Reed (from Minneapolis, MN) - has a beautiful setting of this story. Thank you Heather for this special reminder. https://youtu.be/jyOCwh4Vg3o?si=pcuieuRcjEotbjJn

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Thank you Professor for your piece on Mothers' day...means especially more now since I just saw SUFFs on Broadway...we still have much work to be done

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It's wonderful how the retelling of history truthfully with a positive frame of mind deepens the meaning of this holiday. Thank you, and all those mothers before us. Mothers are the first to welcome us into the world and guide us. Mothers have an awesome responsibility.and lasting effect. The power of women come this way most and have always come this way and without men's permission.

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I always like your take on history. I mourn the recent trend of sidelining women. We need to learn from our predecessors how to protect our rights before we lose them.

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Someone, who will remain anonymous, shared this on X. Don't discount it out of hand.

NAFO: the movement fighting Putin’s propaganda online


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