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TC, you mean like Adam Kinzinger who now openly talks about "targeted assissinations" as if he is not walking around in the open?

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See final copied/pasted paragraph below.

Excerpt: "GOP Rep. Adam Kinzinger of Illinois warned that the US could enter another civil war while discussing the country's partisan division and his censure by the Republican National Committee for taking part in the House January 6 commission.

Speaking on ABC News' "The View" on Thursday, Kinzinger said "we have to recognize" the prospect of civil war, adding: "I don't think it's too far of a bridge to think that's a possibility."

"We're identifying now by our race, by our ethnic group, we're separating ourselves and we live in different realities," Kinzinger said. "And I think we have to warn and talk about it so that we can recognize that and fight hard against it and put our country over our parties, because our survival actually matters."

"In the past, I've said, oh, we don't want to talk about it, because I don't want to make it likely," Kinzinger said of a civil war. "Well, let's look at where we are."

He said such a conflict would not take the same form as it did in the 1860s, with pitched battles between armies.

Instead, he said: "It's going to be armed groups against armed groups, targeted assassination and violence. That's what a 21st and 20th century civil war is." https://www.businessinsider.com/adam-kinzinger-civil-war-possibility-rnc-censure-2022-2?op=1

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Good for Kinzinger. We need to take a hard look at where democracy has faded and stop the bleeding, not just in Ukraine, but everywhere, and here.

I would have never thought it possible till Jan 6th. I still might not, but our current events, and having read a lot of history of Ukraine, the Maidan in 2014, and then novels about it, "It Cant Happen Here" by CS Lewis, "The Plot Against America" by Philip Roth, and analysis "Civil Wars and How to Stop Them" by Dr. Barbara Walters who studies and indexes commonalities in countries that slide from stable to instable, to civil war.

Kinzinger is right. Armed individuals, whipped into a frenzy by their mystic demagogue get into a spat at a rally or crash and upset a peaceful protest, the violence escalates to groups on groups violence. Pollical assassination's. Police feeling themselves as victims, identify with the extreme right, unwilling to serve and protect all, side with the radical right and turn their backs on their oaths ( rittenhouse syndrome). The invitation by some Police to deputize Paramilitary groups like the 3%'ers, Oath Keepers, or Proud Boys.

So much damage done by the Orange Orangutan. It is really unfortunate. The only fortunate thing we do have are people like Dr. Richardson and others who sounded the alarm early enough for some of us to open our eyes.

I can see how it could happen. All the signs have revealed themselves:

Growing Inequality

Historical Wealth Gap between the most wealthy and regular people

Polarization/growing friction between the haves and have nots

Rise of Paramilitary Groups ( 10,000's Tim McVeighs now? who knows?)

No attempts or goals of political "reconciliation" only owning your enemy

Belief that all political enemies are "others" different from "my" group

Gun Sales through the roof

Constructive Civil debate replaced by shouting matches without real discussion

Broken Norms like the peaceful transfer of power

Broken norms of political violence at political rallys, Fight those who have different views

Texans aggressive driving sending the Biden/Harris Campaign buss off the road, and Texas State Troopers not assisting, failing to protect

Normalization of lying in leadership

Local Election workers knowingly breaking the law for the mystic leader from pressure

Purging of dissenters with the party

The Big Lie Grow-eth stronger and wider

Breaking the law by Political leadership

Criminals elected to Political leadership

Continued abusive propaganda with major media outlets posing as Journalism.

High Courts unwilling to uphold the rule of law and constitutional precedent

The signs grows daily. The next shocker event, another normalization, the next marker passed. I think Dr. Snyder calls this the Politics of Eternity moving toward the Politics of Catastrophe.

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Armed groups have one big weakness.

They are armed. Hence, they are targets.

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Kinzinger may identify by his race, but, I identify by my genome.

I am human. Just like everyone else.

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Wait, what?

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