I’m finally visiting St Pete on a fact finding mission, for a potential winter retreat locale. Where do you recommend in order to truly catch local flavors?
As soon as he responds, you should delete this... literally thousands of ppl on this substack and for safety and privacy reasons it's better to be careful. Unless it's a "junk" throwaway email address that you don't care gets spam. But since your name is on it I'm guessing it might be your primary.
Thank you both for your concern. I’m waiting for Frederich to reply. As a Realtor for over 35 years, my email and phone number have been in the public domain for a long time.
spiffy!! I have a separate email for professional reasons and my primary is only used for personal or family activities such as Boy Scouts/Girl Scouts and educational. I have a 3rd email for gaming and a 4th "junk" email on yahoo that I look at maybe once a year. :-)
I’m finally visiting St Pete on a fact finding mission, for a potential winter retreat locale. Where do you recommend in order to truly catch local flavors?
Dear Diane, JJ is right -- placing personal contact info in public view is risky. You should delete your email as soon as practicable.
As soon as he responds, you should delete this... literally thousands of ppl on this substack and for safety and privacy reasons it's better to be careful. Unless it's a "junk" throwaway email address that you don't care gets spam. But since your name is on it I'm guessing it might be your primary.
Thank you both for your concern. I’m waiting for Frederich to reply. As a Realtor for over 35 years, my email and phone number have been in the public domain for a long time.
We see that your email is gone. Way to go, D!
spiffy!! I have a separate email for professional reasons and my primary is only used for personal or family activities such as Boy Scouts/Girl Scouts and educational. I have a 3rd email for gaming and a 4th "junk" email on yahoo that I look at maybe once a year. :-)
My primary personal email is on Gmail. I also have a work email and the Hotmail that gets all the "give us your email to view this page" traffic.
This warms my heart. You are a sweetie Diane. 💕
Thanks for your kind words Roland.