Thank you Heather, for always reminding us what is at stake.

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It could be up to us, the million who read or listen to HCR's newsletter, to make 2024 a "wave" election in which the pro-choice movement definitively defeats the minority that seeks to control personal reproductive decisions. We can share persuasive videos and articles like these with our networks, and dialogue with friends on the fence. https://jimbuie.substack.com/p/where-abortion-rights-in-the-us-stand

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I have a subscription and I prefer to read commentary rather than listen if that’s at all possible and I don’t No, if it is within the context of what you do

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Written "Letters From An American" are posted daily on Heather's Substack page. Search for them at the top of your Substack page where the mini magnifying glass is by typing in her name or Letters From An American. Both audio and written Letters are posted

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I also would prefer to read commentary. How can I return to the written posts that I previously received prior to receiving a new subscription?

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yes it is possible because I get the written AND the spoken versions of this important daily HCR newsletter.

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Thanks. I just get the podcast version. How do I convert that to written please?

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You may try this link: https://heathercoxrichardson.substack.com/p/moderate-republicans-in-2023-and

BTW: the AUDIO version of Heather Cox Richardson is a relatively NEW feature, available only since a few months ago (methinks). Although I personally prefer the AUDIO version , in the past years I **only** received the emailed TEXT version of her great daily podcast which I enjoyed greatly although I had to stay seated to read the text on my screen. My body needs to move while listening to inspiring words... doing the dishes, sorting my desk, getting dressed, etc. But as we old hippies used to say: "Different Strokes For Different Folks!"

Although I prefer the audio version, I also get the TEXT version (I think one day earlier than the AUDIO version...) and that TEXT can be useful when I want to know how to write a name or word that is new to me... It's the best of both worlds.

And YES! let-us spread the meme of Ms Heather Cox Richardson's brilliant mind! It is my daily Island Of Sanity on the Sea of money-driven-insanity occupying the cultural landscape these **trumpian**days! ;-)

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It's interesting how Republicans howl against the federal government, but how quick they are (here in Nebraska and Iowa) to claim FEMA funds after our recent tornadoes.

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Heather: I so appreciate today’s and yesterday‘s posts. I did not grow up in the US, but I was at UCLA during the Vietnam years and remember, quite well, the nuns filing quietly every day at noon to protest the war and being caught up in a run away from the police. I do think that, for the present events, outside forces are operational as well. Yesterday’s post was a reminder of where this false notion of the media having a liberal bias came from. The damage that Ronald Reagan and especially Gingrich did to this country is unmeasurable. On the other hand, what is happening in Gaza is atrocious and yesterday, as I drove from Lisbon to Lagos, there was graffiti on walls about stopping the holocaust in Gaza, meaning, even in rural areas, people are affected by the cruelty and atrocities. Where do we go from here not only in the US but all over the world?

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Hote long before women have to report their monthly periods to the states like Tennessee?

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