I am so grateful for you and all that assist you. The American People will prevail!

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Coming to grips with Russia’s agenda and their talking points. Those now emanate from the seat of U.S. power, the White House. Our President acts very suspiciously. Is he fully compromised? Things were clear in my mind, as I wrote in this post. I have little doubt. https://bit.ly/4heWKvb

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He's beyond that!..He was raised in a KKK household..he's father was a member for what u can read..He made it very clear when he was running the 1st time who he was & his life in New York was absolutely open to anyone & everyone who cared to google. New York helped raise him along with his KKK father..How do u think he got all those permits - whether he qualified or not..trump had plenty of money with his dad's & bought off everyone & got away with openly discriminating against blacks & whoever else they felt like..But Americans didn't care..They liked his attitude - they didnt care how he treated people..I guess trump was right when he said he could go out on 5th Avenue & shoot someone & they would still vote for him & he was right!..The behavior of this man is unforgivable & he loves it!..He is having so much fun taking down America..He smiles more now then ever & after a hard day of magic marker EXCUTIVE SWIPES eliminating parts at a time of r democratic life - he goes out & play golf..He is what he has always shown & told u - a cruel greedy complete head of country superpower & congress loves him so don't ever count on congress to correct when they think the same & want the same type of country he wants - there r NO cowards in the Republican Party - NONE!! - just TURN-COAT TRAITORS - oh & they r Christians!..🤣..BEWARE OF THEIR CHRISTIAN NATIONALISM - it's not ur religion or any religion as most of us know..Do urself a favor - stop the injustice ur doing to urselves & simply Google "CHRISTIAN NATIONALISM" educate urself on this - please🤷‍♀️

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Pamela, I am in Alabama, Christian Nationalist land. I am educated. Trump is not a Christian, but a racist antisemite crook. All your words above simply characterize him. To what avail. On our side of the fence we know him to be a crook racist traitor. Given that, we need to marshal the troops to eliminate him legally. That must become our focus. There is a 5 million person March on DC planned. Will you go? I don’t know the date yet. We have to go, don’t you think?

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Oh Carl I would love to be part but I'm caregiver to my mom-95 dementia & bed ridden..In my days I have participated in local union strikes & carried the American Flag..As the CSEA Chapter President of r school distric - I drove school bus.lol..we March in Las Vegas working successfully in getting hotel-casino etc workers decent pay & recognition..I know small stuff compared to what we need to stand up against today but once u feel how it is to stand up for the good of the whole u never want to be on the sidelines again!..Many of my friends r in r 70's(77me)& we have been writing & calling all reps..my bff is a Floyd & yes connected to the same Floyd whose signature on the Declaration of Independence!..which makes u wonder how many families r connected to the other signers & how they feel..I'm slightly jealous but will being doing the best to support all of u!🙋‍♀️

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Help others get to DC. A good charter flight or two from Vegas would be a miracle for some. Organize that. Condor flies in there. A Luthansa charter operation. See what they can do.

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We r not ladies with a whole bunch of monies..We r all on fixed incomes with very little if any left over to give..Sorry

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We are the same. Phone calls may the answer the need. Impossible without a date, but Condor has an interest, they will take it from there.

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Trump and Musk need to be confronted by millions of us NPCs as we go on a general strike until the GOP gets control of these assholes. It's impossible to be polite when we are raped by the sociopaths who have taken over our government. Welcome to slavery!

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This is Orwellian. Whatever Trump and his supplicant sycophants say figure the opposite is true. Government Efficiency? The conning continues: you just need patience... like maybe a year or two or more aa they reorganize (destroy). You will *love* it. When they are done. In the meantime it's about money and power. The truth is they don't even know how to arrive at that because many of us are not that stupid or cowed.

The SAVE act, by the way which was proposed in the House, is going to work to disenfranchise many people. SAVE is not to save the right to vote.

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Animal Farm...to a T.

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They don’t care whether we live or die. They just want us to make money for them. If we get sick or die…no matter, we’re replaceable

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No regulation or oversight has allowed “American Oligarchs” to create their business monopolies that cover every aspect of our lives. Their wealth has allowed them to buyout their competitors and leave Americans with no choices. We buy at their prices, or we don’t buy. On top of that, they have secured government contracts that give them billions more of OUR taxpayer dollars. Add on massive tax breaks from Republicans…from most republican presidents, so, the only money left for them to go after is the benefits set up for, and paid for by the American people. My fear…this has already gone too far, and getting rid of trump won’t end it! There are dozens ready to pick up the baton and keep running with it. The whole administration is corrupt, and put in to bring America down! How do we stop that? Not sure we can.

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Have you read the “Pro-democracy Organizing against Autocracy in the United States: A

Strategic Assessment & Recommendations Faculty Research Working Paper Series” by the Harvard John F. Kennedy School of Government?

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This is one of your most clarifying and ‘powerful’ posts, Professor.

Our weakest link in preservation of Democracy is what historical facts and struggles we do or do not allow our children to be exposed to in school.

The threads weave themselves: the privileged few keep trying to unravel conscious awareness of it going without saying that all people are created equal and should be equally allowed to survive and prosper.

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I’m now a paid subscriber but cannot get oral podcast

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click on the circle in the upper right - scroll down to settings and click on that. Scroll down to Letters from an American. Click on that and choose, turn on, what you want.

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I find it in Substack

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God, please help the USA....

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The majority of today's MAGAts are somewhat reminiscent of those familiar who, in 1860 owned enslaved people. Estimates are that as many as one third of southern families the 11 states of the Confederacy owned slaves. The vast majority of soldiers in the Confederate Army owned no slaves but fought and died for the cause of slavery and against their own self interests.. The states rights issue has been debunked long ago. Slavery meant that southern white men were unable to find work because it was done by slaves. Most MAGAts seem to vote for billionaires against their own self interest. In Trump1 absolutely nothing was done for working class Americans and passed a huge tax break for the most wealthy. Now, in Trump2 he and Musk are destroying the governmental infrastructure designed to support the needs of Americans. The MAGAts will be responsible for the huge cuts to Medicaid that will hurt their aged and those who seek medical attention at the rural clinics they depend on. These and other draconian cuts are being made so the tax break that has and will result in a major increase in our national debt can be extended. Republicans will say, "this is a huge increased in taxes!". Yes. but only on the wealthy who can afford to pay much more in terms of their fair share. Still, the MAGAts who will be harmed by Trumpian cuts to Medicaid and attacks on our veterans and soon Social Security which Musk calls "a big Ponzi scheme" will still support the ultra fanatical right

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These letters were the 1st thing I started following politically, seems like a hundred years, not just sometime in the past year. Whenever I would see something elsewhere, I knew it would be explained well here. Since then, I follow lots of things & have learned more about economics & many things, but this remains my rock, the straight talk, putting what we're seeing in historical perspective. I wouldn't want to be without these letters & the thinking people that read & listen to them!

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Thank you HCF,at this point Americans need to come together and protest peacefully, join in Boycotts and stop the madness of Trump regime. Musk needs to be deported after he is removed from the White House

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Brilliant work! Heather Cox Richardson's 9 March essay on equality as our historical mainspring provides a clear, succinct and much-needed frame for today's political action. Whether your demand is that America keep faith with friends and allies across the world, for government that works for you, or the right to live as you are, or are just dismayed by the feckless cruelty of Republican leaders, you fight for your birthright: life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, for self-government and for what self government is for. Friends, I'm distributing Cox Richardson's history lesson to everybody I know.

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I thought NPC meant Not Politically Correct.

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Spot on! This libertarian bullshit, makers v takers, is the false narrative that the GOP has been using since Nixon to get support from the poorly educated working class. It works. These poorly educated people truly believe that the "social hierarchy" is god's will and thus the only valid order that liberals need to confront, but have done so poorly.

It was the income tax with its high upper marginal rates that created the inclusive, including those poorly educated conservative voters, middle class and it is the GOP's tax cuts for the rich, fully supported by those poorly educated voters, that have been eroding the middle class. Therefore, liberals must act like FDR and FIGHT and take back control of the narrative, stop being afraid of the use of "socialism" and "communism" because a) the Soviet system was NOT communist as it was not democratic, it was Leninist and then Stalinist, authoritarian and (b) humans lived under communism for the entirety of our existence until the creation of money.

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