The more crooks are caught in their lies and follies the better, but the right wing moves are highly disconcerting and spine-chilling.
"If a state’s legislature can determine who gets to vote, a minority can control that legislature and entrench itself in power, passing laws that keep the majority subservient to those in control. It was this very concept Congress overrode in 1868 with the Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution, saying that no state could deprive a citizen of the equal protection of the laws."
Heather, you have such a knack for placing everything in perspective. Thank you!
For all that R’s claim to be “originalists” regarding the Constitution, they sure are gung-ho to ignore any part of it they dislike, such as the 14th Amendment. Also the theory of unitary executive regarding the presidency is absolute hogwash. That theory is exactly opposite of what the founders wanted in a president. But anytime states’ rights get trotted out as a defense, the intent is to discriminate.
Speaking of state's rights, that reminds me of an infamous quote by Alabama governor George Wallace in his opposition to the integration of public schools: "Segregation now, segregation tomorrow, segregation forever." Another saying is also part of the right wingers beliefs: "My way or the highway."
Yes Kelly. The vitriol from DeSantis is astounding in its bold-faced, reckless, spewing delivery on display daily on his campaign trail that replaces his duty as governor to ALL the people of this state. Including children.
Astounding and reckless, describe this irresponsible and dangerous political agenda and those delivering it to the people. These repubs and all who support them, the copycats. They’re watering down the school curriculum - so they won’t get this: “Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.”
The scary part is DeSantis and his ilk hold enormous appeal for the vast majority of white Floridians (and white Hoosiers, white Texans, white you-name-its … in all the red states).
And the Virginia governor is working hard to keep up. This from the Washington Post, reprinted in the local Democratic Committee newsletter:
"It was hard to miss the thread running through the race-related policies Gov. Glenn Youngkin purged from the Virginia education system last week for being 'divisive': Almost all featured some version of the word 'equity.'"
"'Resource equity' — gone. 'Responsibility to advance racial, social and economic equity' — gone. 'Virginia’s Equity Audit Tool' — gone. The effort echoed Youngkin’s push to rename the state’s Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion as the Office of Diversity, Opportunity and Inclusion, which the General Assembly rejected but which the administration has enacted on the state website anyway."
Next question-is there a FL law allowing recall. If there is, I'm sure his legislature will make sure it's repealed. If not, it will never be allowed to go forward as a bill. One has to wonder what he does if he loses the election...
A lot of folks have moved from Indiana to avoid income tax! However, they left behind their dirty business for all of us poor folks and many don't understand or care what has happened!
I am sure there are plenty of people in Indiana who think this is just fine. When I was there with my cousin for a reunion, Fox was on everywhere and one of our relatives had derogatory things to say about the motel where we were and horrors, we ate at the nearby Mexican restaurant. They are fine with their ignorance because they want nothing to undermine their world view.
They are-here in NH, we have an ultra RW Libertarian group whose goal is to destroy all laws that protect people like support networks, food stamps, Social Security, Public Education, gun control laws etc. (but of course they believe domestic violence and sex w/underage children are OK and women shouldn't have bodily autonomy. Grrr! Sad to say, there are 17 members (and others who don't declare it) in the State legislature & caucus w/ the Republicans. They went so far as to put forth a Constitutional Amendment to secede from the U.S. The result was a 323 against -13 for the bill this week.
Bravo on your comment about State's rights: and overriding the 14th Amendment. We must END THE FILIBUSTER to protect everyone's right to vote. USING the filibuster to impede the right to vote is equivalent to Russia's chilling the rights of its citizens by forbidding them from speaking out. If our vote is our voice, everyone should have the same access to that vote for electing federal candidates. Why should my zip code determine how I vote for the President of members of the US House or Senate?
I hope your readers will ask all their friends and themselves ask their US Senators to pass The Freedom to Vote Act/John R Lewis Voting Rights Act (SB5647). We must convince at least 2 US Senators who supported the Filibuster in the Senate to reconsider his/her vote on SB5647 and end the filibuster to pass SB5647. .
I have begun to reach out: I met with Senator Manchin's staff after his vote not to end the filibuster. Senator Manchin is proud of his efforts in WV to pass the early voting, same day registration for coal-miners and other working folks. When I challenged his staff why he wouldn't fight for coal-miners in Pennsylvania, Ohio or Kentucky to have the same privilege through federal early voting laws, etc enjoyed under state law in W VA, his staff said Manchin believes the filibuster is more important to protect. A SUPER MAJORITY to stop citizens from unfettered access to the ballot box isn't much different from silencing protestors in Russian IMHO.
Nevertheless, he is the only straw standing between McConnell and control of the Senate legislative agenda. And WV is more likely to elect someone even worse than Manchin than someone better.
Kill Switch: The Rise of the Modern Senate and the Crippling of Democracy by Adam Jentleson lays out the history of the filibuster throughout the Senate’s history. Fascinating read that includes many historical figures HCR has highlighted.
Thank you again M Rauth. After reading the WP article about Manchin, posted by Barbara D Reed, thank you Barbara, I ordered "Kill Switch". I am reminded of my years at UK in Lexington and of many state locals getting reamed regularly by their own elected officials and subsequently voting, in the end, for their favorite reamer. From the fables of " Happy" Chandler, a couple decades before me, to now Mitch & company I still wonder how in the hell
they continue to be elected? Not only do we need voting rights protection, could we possibly implement some kind of concurrent voter education? The voters pamphlet alone doesn't seem to be up to the task. Most use the publication for kindling and\or are not able to render a comprehensive decision from it. Now is the time to stress education as well.
“Not only do we need voting rights protection, could we possibly implement some kind of concurrent voter education?” Spot on, Bill! And how about mandatory basic requirements for elected officials, upon filing, such as experience and education? Teachers and many other professionals need years of both plus continuing education. And references with documentation. Money and connections are prized and feed success in our elections. Thinking of TFG.
Whatever magic was in your sweet, sweet early mid-century nookie that night created a heroine for our times... Nay, a g*ddamn MARVEL SuperHero of American Historical analysis, thinking & wisdom. Mr. & Mrs. Cox... in the weirdest but most earnest compliment ever - we salute you. :)
Long ago, in my work as an environmental activist, I took a training session about finding joy when everything seemed to be dark and bleak. Its a simple exercise but profoundly important as it turns out for me, at least.
Every morning I make a list of ten things I’m grateful for in my life. Just ten. If I focus on how blessed I am/we are, I can then find the energy to do something towards protecting our democracy.
I read the UN’s newest climate report a week ago- and wept. Literally sobbed. I’ve spent a lifetime trying to make things better- and they aren’t. They are worse, dangerously so.
Afterwards, I restarted the gratitude list. On it was Letters from an American, along with many other things including the barred owl that keeps me awake some nights- spring is coming and I love the wildlife I see and hear in my back yard!
I know how hard it is to stay positive - I think most of us here share great angst. Find a little joy where you can. I’m making dinner for my daughters today. There are hugs in my near future and That will carry me for now. Sending a hug your way too.
Thank you for writing this, I will try this list and see if I can get through the day. Your love for your daughters gives me great joy. I should go hug my mom asap.
Steve, I echo your sentiments--great report and, as I read it through for a second time, a real sense of panic and doom nearly overwhelmed me. Every subpoena, every indictment, every conviction, every favorable ruling--the very things that should bring me hope--somehow aren't adding up against the walls of defense. Too many fronts have opened up in this war. It feels like the Trump playbook--chaos and confusion. And then, of course, there's Russia. Where on earth have we gotten ourself to? Sorry, my own attempts to stay positive are obviously not succeeding this morning.
Did you see HCR's video on Tuesday? In the last 3.5 minutes, she made an innovative suggestion. She asked us to consciously counter the dominant rightwing presence on fb--which is determined by algorithms--by liking and interacting with each other's posts and comments there. It may sound inconsequential, but if we proactively interact with each other on fb, we can positively affect the algorithms, and strengthen a democracy supporting presence there. I like the way her idea can help us become a force for good on social media. Here's the link:
I'm readin "Stolen Focus" by Johan Hari. His discussions with the former Google employee & other Silicon Valley companies is disheartening. However, to fix a problem, first you must know about it.
Do the "Love". Also respond to the posts you like, even if only a few words. Repost Heather (and other positive responses to your own page (might drive your friends nuts, but # of reposts help drive the algorithm too.
I was just wondering if when you replied to a positive post, instead of just liking it, or reposting it to your feed with “a” comment, you, for example, reposted it with a first comment like: Loved this post! (Send), then followed it with another comment like “This post really made me think. (send) then you repost another comment perhaps with points the post brings up for you (send) . My thought wa then instead of algorithmically just being a single “like” against the sea of negative comments, you are three or more “Likes”. I’m not saying this will work, but I wonder if it will.
I thought it was just me that felt this way. I can’t help feeling tRump et al is going skate on this. He appears to have slithered out of the New York mess. All he has to do is hold out until the Midterms…because now it seems the pundits are leaning towards a repugnant republican take back! What has happened in America!!!
Yes, yes, Sharon, both “Animal Farm”and “1984” are books of the century imho. I have been re-reading them since 1/6. But they’re timeless. 0rwell was/is brilliant and (unfortunately) the books are timeless.
A Collection of Essays by Orwell is also an excellent read. Mostly commentary about English society and the evils of empire, but a great essay, "Politics and the English Language", that is the basis of much of "1984" (this one is available online). In my opinion (humble, of course), Orwell was a great writer and moralist; likewise Camus. Some of their writing is dated of course, but that's OK. Our writing today will be dated in a hundred years, if anyone is around to read it.
Thank you J. I too think both Orwell and Camus have contributed much to society. A favorite Camus quote: “I should like to be able to love my country and still love justice.” I think of this often. ☮️
Bob, I think that is in the thoughts of so, so, so many citizens. Millions? TFG has slithered away from multiple transgressions, lawsuits and bankruptcies. And that was before his election. That’s a serious concern for our country and the power of the vote for unqualified candidates.
When I read that 4 right wing Supreme Court Justices are providing legal backing that would allow states to lay the groundwork for Republicans to return to or to attain power whether or not they win enough votes, I am confounded by the deafening silence. For those who take heart in the deluge of citizen activists who work valiantly getting people registered and turbo-charging turnout, make no mistake: no amount of organizing is going to get us around sanctioned changes to state election rules that would change who could be in charge, how votes are counted, how they’re certified, and the like.
Since the Senate’s failure, this past January, to advance the Freedom to Vote Act, the sole piece of legislation whose provisions would supersede past, present, and future state law in conflict with any of its stipulations, this critically important piece of legislation seems to have gone missing.
I sense what’s left is to hope that the 8-point spike in the President’s approval rating since the State of the Union grants him just enough leverage to call out Manchin’s and Sinema’s mere support for voting rights as hollow and performative, absent their willingness, last January, to support the exceedingly modest Senate filibuster rule change that would have been enacted only this one time to advance the newly combined Freedom to Vote: John R. Lewis Act.
No time like the present to start drafting that letter to the President.
Republicans believe in stacking the deck to make sure that no amount of voting action will overcome their “voter integrity” laws. Another Big Lie, just like Frank Luntz’ decades old advice to name things the opposite of what they are. The result being that the idiots won’t know the difference, and the ones that do know, will just wink and sign on to the evil. Worked like a charm in Tx in 1994, and all through W/Dickie’s nightmare. Still a go to strategy and who calls it out???
Jeri, Though you raise valid points, my objective remains focused on getting impactful federal legislation passed that would supersede state laws slated increasingly to restrict voting and to nullify votes. Were Dems to lose control of either the House or the Senate, that window of opportunity would close.
Unfortunately, this RW SCOTUS majority apparently doesn't believe the Supremacy Clause in the Constitution or the 14th Amendment. (Well bought by the Federalist Society IMHO.)
Since that fateful day, or maybe the day TFG was nominated, the Proud Boys and other Racist groups have been emboldened in every state. And in my Northern California small town. Law enforcement is aware, but the PB are not afraid to make themselves visible. I admit I’m afraid. I’m hoping the 1/6 arrests will wake up some of the white supremacists and copycats in the USA. And the citizens who believe they’re harmless.
It helped a small VT town shut down a "training camp" they'd been fighting for a couple years. Order includes the guy running it having to dismantle all the non-permitted "improvements" he made, and restore the integrety of the pasture alongside his right of way that passed through said pasture belonging to a neighbor. This was covered well locally and even made the national news. I've heard through the grapevine that similar sites have been shut down or curtailed in other states post Jan 6 insurrection. Taking time on some because there were sources of info in place during investigation. Maybe still are.
I naively thought that would be to final curtain for him, one which revealed the rotten core. Sigh. I did not realize that, instead, the cockroaches were emboldened out of the woodwork.
It's inconceivable to me that there are millions of US Americans who continue to support the view that Democrats and the spread of Democracy must be stopped "at all costs" when we are watching Russia's "at all costs" aggressive and violent attempt to halt the spread of Democracy in Ukraine in real time.
I have said these things in this forum before and I stand by them - it goes back to the very simple fact that in our lifetime, US Americans have not had to face a full scale invasion on US soil. We have never had our homes, schools, hospitals and places of worship bombed by an invader. We have never had to pack up and flee our homes for another country because we fear for our lives. (And who would take us in?) We haven't been slaughtered by the enemy whilst trying to move our children from harm's way. We don't know what it's like to be achingly cold/hot, hungry, dirty and exhausted. Simply put, there is not a single US born citizen alive today who has experienced the horror of invasion on US soil. We have no idea, NONE, as a people, the suffering of others struggling to live a life free from violence and persecution. Reality is this: the very wealthy people trying to shut down Democracy in the United States are safe because if and when shit hits the fan they'll be safely tucked away somewhere in comfort. After all, they have their stupid, deluded base to do their dirty work for them.
I’ll say this Daria. There are two moments that seered my brain with image and this was before the days of social media and daily inundation of global images available.
One was Walter Cronkite, choked up and dismayed telling the American audience that our president had been assasinated and was dead. Another was the image of the first, then the second plane taking the Towers down while I was in charge of my elementary school assignment. With President Bush down the road in Sarasota reading to a classroom of 1st graders and looking up as an aide whispered the news in his ear.
There have been others, of course, but these two visual memories affected the homeostasis of my feeling of being a free citizen in a sovereign country. I recall the dread and sweat on my brow. I recall the realization, even as a very young girl, that we are not as “safe” as I thought one moment before. It is but a small shock to one’s being compared to what millions of world citizens have experienced fleeing from greed dressed up as a monstrous leader.
But that is what I have asked people lately that shrug and dismiss Ukraine and complain about gas prices.
Have you ever felt completely afraid for your safety or completely afraid of losing your freedom to live and eat and talk and play and pray as you want? Consider it and quit being entitled and a scared snot nose. Either one is a citizen of this world of humans or we are nothing.
Daria, everything you have said here (and before) is right on. I easily admit I cannot begin to understand what it must feel/be like to have to leave my home in search of a "safer" place. No place is safe anymore, and Americans are deluding themselves to think they are safe here. (And you are right..."who would take us in?") Why would another country take in a selfish group who whine about the price of gas if it means there might be an outcome that helps so many.
Yet what do the news channels, local and national, focus on? Gas prices. They don't need to tell us what we see daily on huge signs. News reports should focus on the daily profits the gas companies are reaping, and how much they do NOT pay in tax on their profit.
Agree wholeheartedly. The many US Americans who fail to recognize the influence of US American oligarchs and kleptocrats in the US are in for a huge awakening.
In the past decade, I have seen from my white perspective, that other white people I know seem much more accepting of persons of color if they hold higher paying/more prestigious occupations AND also don't speak out about anything. (aka know their place) My husband and I would talk about this and agreed we thought it would be more likely that the US would see a "class war" rather than a "race war". It seems that the GQP has managed to brainwash the poorer segments of the population, but I ponder now if the sea changes that came from the pandemic might change that--perhaps those millennials might just get fed up with the status quo that existed before? Weighed down by student loans, low wages, inflation and a sense that they have no control?
I know I am rambling a bit here, but I wonder what the ultra rich would do if the working class just refused to work for them? By that, I mean the personal assistants, housekeeping, dog walkers, makeup and hair stylists that are kept on retainer by these billionaires? Would they walk their own dogs and pick up the shit? Clean their own toilets? Prepare their own food? Do without their personal trainers? Do without their bodyguards?!
The wealth gap is getting so wide, one just wonders when the have nots will have had it and come out with the pitchforks?
Pam, this is why the anti-maskers drive me crazy. Like it's such a sacrifice and impingement on their freedom to follow a state mandate to wear a mask. These selfish people have NO idea what "tyranny" really looks like.
Christine, the two events you cite shook me to the core as well. They are still vivid in my minds eye. The latter brought home the realization that we walk the thin line between freedom and chaos every single day. Your last sentence says it all.
As deep as it goes ... take it one breath at a time - with clear intentions and true heart ... I hear this phase is to last 500 years ... so, we do what we can, and carry on ....
Christine, imagine how Native Americans and people of color experience their safety everyday. They are still begging to be considered humans with rights to vote.
Yes, I feel the same, Annie. It is a lot to take in, but I keep holding fast that we were built for these times. We are tired, exhausted from the trumplican regime, the pandemic, the cults of propaganda and now we have to deal with another megalomaniac. But we are seeing a global effort to deal with tyrants that might allow this very tight ratchet backwards to move doubly-fast forward. I am in the southern part of VT. Are you in the north? It is nice to know there are LFAA substack members in our state!! If you are even in the Putney/Brattlboro area, let me know!
Good description of what this feels like, Pensa. I'm in northern Rutland County, just off Rt 7, the other side of the mtns. But I enjoy Brattleboro, used to visit friends there and take in the galleries (they've since moved). Would love to visit sometime. I've reduced my driving because of the pandemic and now the gas prices. Unfortunately I drive a tank of a Volvo. In the market for a used Prius or Corolla so I can afford to do something other than grocery shopping!
I hear you Daria - and I am sure you are not forgetting, neglecting or denying the US born citizens of First Nations who have been - and continue to be subjected to such horrors ... and now, the supreme court is likely to roll back the Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA) - once again taking children from their families/communities, subjecting them to cultural "reprogramming" - while international corporate interests promote oil pipelines poisoning groundwater's, ignoring treaty rights and native sovereignty - establishing "mancamps" housing a transient mostly male workforce, contributing to rape and murder of tribal women and children, more human trafficking, sex slavery and associated addictive behaviors for those who survive ... more of the same ... while the deluded base continues to indulge in one self-interested, self-serving distraction after another ... sooner or later, the illusion of stability and security will dissipate - the false floor will fall away - and the gluttonous mass will tumble into the open, hungry jaws of fated consequence as the cosmic compost turns ... the awakened will transcend into dimensions of deeper consciousness and conscience - truth will prevail - life will go on ... peace in one breath - persist and persevere, one breath at a time ...
Kathleen, you're right. It was thoughtless of me to exclude the the harrowing experiences of US First Nations people by Settlers in my comment. They understand all too well the horror of invasion.
'Here is a list of some of the countless massacres in the history of the United States'
As the list is very long this is just a partial listing.
'Most of these massacres were designed to suppress voting rights, land ownership, economic advancement, education, freedom of the press, religion, LGBTQ rights, and/or labor rights of African Americans, Latinos, Native Americans, Asians, and immigrants. While often referred to as “race riots,” they were massacres to maintain white supremacy.'
'One of the best explanations about why it is important for students to learn this history is included in the article (and related lesson) by Linda Christensen, Burning Tulsa: The Legacy of Black Dispossession.'
'A tweet thread by historian Stephen West shows how politicians fueled hate crimes during the Reconstruction era, with parallels today. Ursula Wolfe-Rocca writes about Red Summer of 1919, Remembering Red Summer — Which Textbooks Seem Eager to Forget.'
'Pequot Massacre | Zinn Education Project
May 26, 1637: Pequot Massacre
Hundreds of Pequot villagers were massacred by the Puritans in Mystic, Connecticut.'
'Apalachicola River | Zinn Education Project
July 27, 1816: Attack on Apalachicola River
A fort on the Apalachicola River in Florida was fire bombed by the U.S. Army.'
'Bloody Monday Kentucky 1855
Aug. 6, 1855: Bloody Monday
On election day, in Louisville, Kentucky, Protestant mobs attacked German and Irish Catholic neighborhoods.'
'July 13, 1863: New York City Draft Riots and Massacre
The NYC Draft Massacre ("Riots") were the largest civil insurrection in U.S. history besides the Civil War itself. White mobs attacked the African American community — committing murder and burning homes and institutions (including an orphanage.)'
'Nov. 29, 1864: Sand Creek Massacre
A Colorado Cavalry unit, on orders from Colorado's governor and ignoring a surrender flag, brutally attacked Cheyenne and Arapaho Tribes. White abolitionist Silas Soule was assassinated for reporting on the event.'
'Fort Pillow Massacre, by Katz & Allison. Source: Library of Congress via Equal Justice Initiative
April 12, 1864: Union Soldiers Massacred at Fort Pillow
Confederate troops massacred over 500 surrendering Union soldiers, majority African American, at the Civil War Battle of Fort Pillow.'
'May 1 – 3, 1866: Memphis Massacre
White civilians and police killed 46 African-Americans and injured many more while burning houses, schools, and churches in Memphis, Tennessee.'
'The New Orleans Riot at Mechanics' Institute | Zinn Education Project: Teaching People's History
July 30, 1866: New Orleans Massacre
The New Orleans Massacre occurred when white residents attacked Black marchers near the reconvened Louisiana Constitutional Convention.'
'Sept. 19, 1868: Camilla Massacre
As African Americans marched peacefully in response to their expulsion from elected office, more than a dozen were massacred near Albany, Georgia.'
'Oct. 25, 1868: St. Bernard Parish Massacre
The St. Bernard Parish (Louisiana) massacre of African Americans was carried out by white men to terrorize the recently emancipated voters. (Zinneproject) The list continues. See link below.
Fern, I appreciate your feeble efforts to school me, however, if you read my post carefully, which you did not, you would have seen that I was referring to US Americans being invaded by outside forces in our recent history. I SHOULD have used the terms Indigenous Peoples and US Settlers. Settlers, (people from elsewhere) is actually a far more appropriate way to describe non-indigenous peoples since Settlers are the ones who brought, and are still bringing, misery and horror to all American Indigenous peoples and descendants of former slaves throughout the Americas.
I have read a great deal about the massacres of Indigenous people in the Americas. I have visted many of the sites of those massacres and have wept with shame and horror at what Settlers have done in their snatch, grab, burn and murder campaigns to rule the Americas, North, Central and South.
I do not discount or deny the violence and struggle inflicted upon anyone who has stood/stands for social justice and equality in any form, past, present or future. That includes any number of us here on the Substack forum who have been involved, through the years, in standing for equality and justice.
So, to reiterate my point: the people of the United States, Indigenous and Settlers, in our lifetime, have not suffered the atrocities of an invasion, ON US SOIL, by an outside aggressor such as that which Putin is inflicting on Ukraine. We have not suffered the fate of Ukraine, Syria, any number of Middle Eastern, Asian, or African countries or that which much of Europe and Asia did during two world wars.
In the future, read my comments carefully before you respond so you are on track with what I'm saying. Your inability to comprehend my point is a stark reminder, to me, that you rather like hearing yourself yammer on, cutting and pasting materials from Google to satisfy your need to seem learned and astute. I am not impressed.
'So, to reiterate my point: the people of the United States, Indigenous and Settlers, in our lifetime, have not suffered the atrocities of an invasion, ON US SOIL, by an outside aggressor such as that which Putin is inflicting on Ukraine.' (Daria) The information in my comment was not intended solely for you, Daria. There have been attacks on towns, communities and neighborhoods, atrocities and murders within our country. The current ascendancy of white supremacy, along with its support by elected representatives warrants attention to the how dangerous living in America can be for some of us. The following two examples are not alone.
‘On Nov. 10, 1898, white supremacists murdered African Americans in Wilmington, North Carolina and deposed the elected Reconstruction era government in a coup d’etat.’
‘It was the morning of November 10, 1898, in Wilmington, North Carolina, and the fire was the beginning of an assault that took place seven blocks east of the Cape Fear River, about 10 miles inland from the Atlantic Ocean. By sundown, [Alex] Manly’s newspaper [The Daily Record] had been torched, as many as 60 people had been murdered, and the local government that was elected two days prior had been overthrown and replaced by white supremacists.’
‘For all the violent moments in United States history, the mob’s gruesome attack was unique: It was the only coup d’état ever to take place on American soil.’
‘Lost in the fire that destroyed The Daily Record were the lives of Black citizens and the spirit of a thriving Black community, and also the most promising effort in the South to build racial solidarity.’
‘One of the most violent episodes of dispossession in U.S. history began on May 31, 1921 in Greenwood, a thriving Black neighborhood in Tulsa, Oklahoma.’
‘From May 31 through June 1, deputized whites killed more than 300 African Americans. They looted and burned to the ground 40 square blocks of 1,265 African American homes, including hospitals, schools, and churches, and destroyed 150 businesses. White deputies and members of the National Guard arrested and detained 6,000 Black Tulsans who were released only upon being vouched for by a white employer or other white citizen. Nine thousand African Americans were left homeless and lived in tents well into the winter of 1921.’ (zinnedproject) See link below.
Kathleen, it is overwhelming. Settler invasion past and present, in the US and around the globe, is atrocious. I will choose my language more carefully in the future.
Always a challenge for me, Daria - the subject brings to mind the shifting of global tectonic plates - part of how the earth constantly recycles and renews ... maybe human culture and energy dynamics that compel the ongoing process of evolution reflect this phenomenon ...? Who does not love a rose - what rose has no thorns ...?
I read this story and I am horrified at the possibilities that could result. Thank you Kathleen for posting this story. The mind blowing cruelty spewing from Texas is insane.
Bless you, Kathleen. Thank you. People like you help bring us out of the invisibility that seems to almost be automatic forgetfulness. People, especially good decent people, shouldn't need to be constantly reminded, yet do. I hope the time comes when we are no longer unthinkingly omitted. Sometimes I wonder.
Blessings and thanks to you too Annie ... maybe the only true democracy where every voice is honored, heard and respected is the Universe -the very Cosmos itself - at least we can trust and give thanks for that!!
I’d go even further - recalling the idea that the trauma of war lasts three generations. So even those who haven’t experienced it personally, but their grandparents have, are still affected by it. To traumatize, war doesn’t even have to be within living memory.
Agree. The generational trauma of war is very real. I think, though, I'm not being understood by many. So I'll leave it alone. We, who have lived a white, privileged life in the United States without experiencing the ravages of war on our own doorstep, are kidding ourselves when we say we know what invasion by an aggressive nation is like.
It is this kind of horror most of us do not know. Please see photo at the top of the gifted article from the NYT.
Daria, I think you’re being misunderstood by only one person and I really appreciated your response. Been there, done that, have the scars to prove it. Unless the response is directly to me, I never read those posts, for exactly the reasons you stated.
That photo is gut wrenching. I read a piece on the editorial decision to use it, with which I fully agree. War isn’t a video game, real lives are at stake, decisions taken and not taken will affect all of us, forever. You’re right that we don’t know. I keep trying to imagine what I would do myself in those circumstances, and I simply cannot know, because I’ve never experienced such a thing. Am I brave enough to stay and help? Brave enough to flee?
KR, the only reason I replied to them is because it was directed specifically to me. I generally skip that person's posts as well – they are not worth my time. I don't care about blowback about my response, either, from anyone.
Gut wrenched is an appropriate description of how I felt when I saw that photo. I am at a loss to understand the sheer horror that people in that situation anywhere in the world find the resolve to carry on. And yet they do. People who stand up to that kind of aggression are warrior heroes. They have my utmost respect. Am I brave enough? I have no idea.
I 100% agree, Daria. I do not understand why so many readers think that poster is incredibly insightful. I’m much more interested in those of us who are doing things to promote change rather than someone belligerently preaching to the choir and absolutely incapable of coping when faced with even polite and mild disagreement. Get your own damn Substack. Anyway, if needed, I’ve got your back ❤️
I think they carry on because there is no choice. What astounds me is the heroism of people like Zelenskyy. He surely knows he is unlikely to survive (although I hope the chance of that grows every day he manages it) and yet, he persists. He could have evacuated, and didn’t. He is a hero, as are his countrymen and women. Heroes are in short supply these days, and I cherish him. Lately, instead of reading LFAA first thing, I check that he made it through the night.
Yes, KR! I check on Zelensky and then scroll through two Substacks to see if our Allen and Tanya and Lucky the dog have posted something as they make their way west.
Yes, KR, I check on Zelensky first and last thing as well. I do it with a little uneasiness, fearing bad news. And, as Christine says below, I scroll this another substack to check on Allen, Tanya and the intrepid Lucky, as well.
Thanks for your kind support, KR. I have avoided commenting too much on this page because I am sick of Fern's sea lioning and trolling, not just me but others. If I want to put up with that nonsense I can post on Facebook. I stay on this page as a paid subscriber to support Heather's work and see what well informed, thoughtful people have to say. You included🌷
I agree overall with your comment and observations, Daria. For white people, especially those who live insulated lives, what you say may well be true. But I do feel compelled to disagree with the claim that " there is not a single US born citizen alive today who has experienced the horror of invasion on US soil." There are such people, almost all of them brown, and some of those things have occurred within my living memory, and certainly within the living memory of my parents and grandparents. They are still happening. And these are among the things unknown by the people who cannot see past their own experience.
Annie, thank you. I did acknowledge that I misspoke with regards to initial statement and apologized. I can do no more than offer regret for misspeaking.
Yes, we have no idea what it would be like to be invaded on our own soil. I've been in infrequent communication and have given some aid to a young Ukrainian woman I met on a boat tour two years ago. I received this from her last night: "thank you for your support and contribution to our fight against the aggressor. My family and I are in the west of Ukraine, where no hostilities are taking place at the moment. We have been sheltered at home by a family we did not know before. Ukrainians are very strong nation. Owners of houses here are trying to place as much people as possible at home, at the moment we are here, everyone is restless, it is a tragedy that affected everyone, the Russian army shoots residential areas, shoots at maternity hospitals, kindergartens, it is impossible to turn a blind eye and stay apart…"
Dear Daria, Despite only knowing what one can learn from reading someone’s on-line comments, I do somehow know, borrowing from Nobel Peace Prize recipient Elie Wiesel, that any time you were aware of a person in the world who needed a brother or sister, at every turn, you responded, “I would like to be that sister.”
Dear Barbara, I'm overwhelmed! I am deeply honored and grateful for your your generosity of spirit. My response to you, "I would like to be that sister", too.
The DOJ DC Criminal Case against Enrique Tarrio aka "Henry" & 5 others including Dominic Pezzola aka "Spazzolini"; the latter is charged with all 8 counts conspiracy, carrying a gun at the Capitol etc & specifically robbery of United States property. The jury in the Reffitt case was out less than 3 hours; the jury had to consider 5 counts & eat lunch. The jury verdict was gulity on all 5 counts including threatening his son & daughter when he returned home to Texas.
I am truly amazed and proud of all the humanitarian organizations that are keeping the Ukraine people alive and free. I’ll add World Central Kitchen Chef Jose Andrés. One can’t cling to survival when one is hungry and thirsty.
First I used PayPal to send money to a Ukrainian woman a friend of mine knows who commandeered a truck to help people get across the border of Poland. For fuel. Then I sent money to World Central Kitchen. Feeding people who are fleeing is strong resistance to aggression designed to rob them of freedom and their dignity.
I first tried the SOS link Synder provided but got confused because as a Western Union transfer I had to select the currency form, US dollars or Ukrainian currency. Easy solution, I went to Pepin’s wonderful organization and saw he was headed over. We’ve also added Razom.
Thank you for the link. I’ve donated to Save the Children Ukraine and Doctors Without Borders. I think sending funds is complicated - at least 20 years ago we tried to send money to relatives in Kiev. It had to be wire transfer with minimum of $1,000. No checks at that time and the minimum still included banking fees. Now with the infrastructure almost destroyed I wonder how people can work this out privately.
Ellie - Thanks for sharing the latest recommendations from Timothy Snyder of organizations to which we can donate.
One more suggestion: The United States Association for Global Media (USAGM) in Washington, DC oversees Voice of America, Radio Free Europe, Office of Cuba Broadcasting, Radio Free Asia and Middle East Broadcasting. USAG has a non-profit association to support journalists who are at extreme risk due to their work. The USAGM Association provided much-needed help to journalists and their families during the evacuation of Afghanistan. They are now trying to support as many journalists as possible in Ukraine and Russia with grants to help with things like living expenses during relocation, equipment replacement, funeral costs and other critical needs. Every dollar donated goes directly to journalists. The Association is totally run by volunteers.
Donations can be made to the USAGM Association at this link:
There are so many needs and good ways to help Ukraine. I like this one, too, Christine, because journalists have enormous power, given their broad reach, and are essential to keeping the real news, including eyewitness reports, in front of people around the world, all while putting themselves in danger.
Thank you for asking. I assume what I post on a public forum is shareable, plus this information is for a good cause, so the more sharing, the better! 🙏
Gratitude! We need this information to help in every way we can. I’ll share. I’ve donated and will continue, but I feel I should be there, on the ground.
You can use nonprofits to defend the criminal behavior of insurrectionists?
Bill Barr’s head hasn’t physically exploded from the sheer magnitude his of cognitive dissonance?
Steven Miller is still on his parents’ cell phone plan?!
Seriously, I don't understand how nonprofits, who get tax benefits because they're supposed to somehow benefit society, get away with supporting or defending criminal activity.
Another thing I don't understand is why crooks like Eastman are allowed to "throw sand in the gears" to slow the process. Get on with it already. Justice delayed is justice denied. I know the Jan. 6 Commission has had nothing but stonewalling from nearly half the congress, but if some bigger heads don't roll soon, there will likely be no justice.
I fear that in the turmoil coming down the road with the war, and higher prices for gas and goods, the very real danger of undermining the vote will get lost. There are so many issues that deserve front page attention. Voting rights needs to stay above the fold.
Regarding use of a non-profit for criminal defense, I have a theory: there is a process (at least in Oregon) to establish a non-profit legal defense team for indigent clients. I'll include the link that I found regarding that. I'm still giggling over Steven Miller being on his parents' cell phone plan... [note: he simply shares a cell phone plan with his parents. He may be the "grown up" in this scenario...]
I am posting a State Dept. quote from Mr. Hubbell’s blog here because it jumped out at me. For years I have noted a Republican talking points phenomena: consistently, they accuse liberals of what they themselves are actually doing. This became blatant under TFG’s term. And here, the State Dept. quote attributes that same behavior to the Russian state. It literally made my skin crawl to think that this has continued in this country for so long and has put us in a dangerous situation for the future of democracy. “How could this have happened” is said only rhetorically.
“The Kremlin is intentionally spreading outright lies that the United States and Ukraine are conducting chemical and biological weapons activities in Ukraine. . . Russia is inventing false pretexts in an attempt to justify its own horrific actions in Ukraine. . . Russia has a track record of accusing the West of the very crimes that Russia itself is perpetrating.”
This was one of Goebbels favorite strategies, and Lee Atwater, and Karl Rove, and Newt Gingrich, and Frank Luntz, and, of course, every Fox blathering fool (except maybe Shep) since their first day on the air. Chump was taught by Roy Cohn, and I’m sure Putin had lessons in the crib.
As an educator, I am embarrassed daily by the cognitive dissonance of the American people. This strategy is a weak strategy and only works when its ploy is played out on a willfully ignorant audience. Great strategy when treason is the “secret” hiding behind the political strategy. Because greed finds many bedfellows.
I’m calling it out daily. Multiple times. Fellow citizens complicit with the attempt will not trump my intelligence or resolve to reside in a sovereign country however flawed the democracy might be.
The PR technique of accusing the opposition of doing exactly what the authorities are doing was taught by Goebbels in Hitler's time. It is a "time honored" ploy, and should be nailed and dismissed by thoughtful people however they can do it!
The bad news is that malevolent people tell lies to gain power and that there is an ignorant mass vulnerable to the lies. It’s particularly heartbreaking to hear stories of younger people in Ukraine calling home to parents in Russia who do not believe them because “that’s not what Putin said,” “that’s not what was on the news.”
The good news is that with the Internet and cell phones, more and more people are armed to defend against lies. It was heartening yesterday to see on CNN or MSNBC the report on a 30 to 40 year old man who was inspired to start an organization for the many Ukrainians in this situation. They keep the communication open to relay truths in small bits. Wish I had a link to this report and his organization. Folks here with trumper family members could relate.
Thank you for telling about this. I'm aware that there are people who are somehow getting real info into Russia, and that within Russia is a constantly evolving network for passing info on. I do not know anyone who is actually involved in doing this. But things coming back out from Russia indicate that this indeed is happening. Russians have done this before: when I was there, 3 decades ago, I was asked many questions by people wanting to verify the truth of what they heard via this grapevine vs what the state media was saying. Always, they would nod in satisfaction when I affirmed that the information via their mysterious network of contacts was true. I think it likely Russians (and Ukrainians by extension) have been doing this for many decades, made easier by modern technology. As is true here as well, there are people who either are not trusted or who choose to believe the "official" version, and as here, it is often the younger people with a wider social network who get it first. I can readily understand why the people involved do not want a link that might out them. Putin has put increasingly stringent controls on the flow of information, and punishments on those involved.
Funny. I find myself, like those Russians, coming here to verify what i have heard elsewhere. The old Irish song, “It’s the Syme the Whole World Over” comes to mind — oddly. ☘️
it's a misleading name, for sure. Their ages were more than boyish, the majority of them. I think they thought their name was an inside, cynical, perhaps even crude, joke.
Our Supreme Court seems to be a big, blundering, coal burning, dispassionate, preposterous, willfully ignorant, morally corrupted Russian warship commandeered by a weakass robed majority shoved down our throats by mr. trump’s reign to undo Constitutional rights of the people protected by Federal law and amendment.
I'd be perfectly fine with every scumbag mentioned in tonight's post making an intimate personal relationship with the traditional punishment for treason - the one involving ropes, swords and horses.
I understand what you are saying, but when I look at what these people have done, the crimes they have committed and the damage they have created, I have a hard time thinking of them in any "civilized" manner. They have put themselves outside civilization.
'Just as we've worked hard to move humanitarian aid (tacmed, hospital med) across borders and into Ukraine, we've simultaneously developed an evacuation system for some of the most vulnerable in times of war -- children and children with disabilities. It started with children with SMA (spinal muscular atrophy) that Razom is connected through the “Dity, My Vstygnemo” - “Children, We Will Make It” project, launched in 2021 as a civic movement and advocacy campaign to improve healthcare access for Ukrainian children suffering from SMA.'
'In times of war, children with disabilities need to be evacuated early before they are in danger of missing out on special care and assistance needed to thrive and survive. Razom (in a group with 12 incredible volunteers across the US and Ukraine) have evacuated children from 9 cities and regions, including Kyiv, Kharkiv, Odessa, Zhytomyr, Dnipro, Irpin, Zaporizhzhia, Sumy, and Kryvyi Rih.'
'Our long time partners at BUR are helping to coordinate evacuations on the ground along with the help of Mykola Kuleba. We worked with the All Hands And Hearts nonprofit to help procure minivans, and have partnered with the Polish SMA Foundation to take care of these children once getting them across the border.'
Fern, I am so impressed and amazed at your grasp of reality on the ground - awareness of the facts, and the extent to which you not only are informed, but also engaged actively in ways that must make a difference ... kudos to you!!
It's very good to see you TC. Would you like to watch interview that Adam Kinzinger did with Anderson Cooper about why he favors a no-fly zone? It is not long, about 5 minutes. If so, I will post a link wherever you say. I could do it here.
I saw it. I wish things could be done the way he suggests, but I don't see how. Dealing with someone we *know* would use his nukes is vastly different from dealing with Krushchev over Cuba.
TC, Putin has stepped in it. He's erratic with an imprisoned mind. He may be crazy enough to use nukes without provocation in this situation. Do you think it will satisfy his appetite to flatten Ukraine and kill many Ukrainians? I am guessing that Xi Jinping is trying to handcuff him. There must be a way or two to loosen his control over this horror. No? Yes?
Not really Fern - from where I stand, I am humbled by your grasp of details, ability to sort fact from fiction and articulate the truth - far better informed than I could hope to be - as a certifiable blue ribbon, gold star Space Cadet ...!!
Kathleen Allen, I have been in search of you, not wanting to show up on today's forum with what I am about to share. You were an innocent victim of another's rage. I think it began early in the person's life.. The fury, attacks and desperate need for attention fell on you. There have been smaller bites of it. I've been a recipient, thinking to be a stand-in for someone or something else. In illness, many become angry. It's my belief the the trouble began much earlier and has increased over illness and time.
I think of you as a most generous and thoughtful person. May I add, please try not to take it personally, if you have. The damage is within her being. Unfortunately, such fury can be damaging to others. For the most part, however, I think greatest damage is to herself.
The more crooks are caught in their lies and follies the better, but the right wing moves are highly disconcerting and spine-chilling.
"If a state’s legislature can determine who gets to vote, a minority can control that legislature and entrench itself in power, passing laws that keep the majority subservient to those in control. It was this very concept Congress overrode in 1868 with the Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution, saying that no state could deprive a citizen of the equal protection of the laws."
Heather, you have such a knack for placing everything in perspective. Thank you!
For all that R’s claim to be “originalists” regarding the Constitution, they sure are gung-ho to ignore any part of it they dislike, such as the 14th Amendment. Also the theory of unitary executive regarding the presidency is absolute hogwash. That theory is exactly opposite of what the founders wanted in a president. But anytime states’ rights get trotted out as a defense, the intent is to discriminate.
Speaking of state's rights, that reminds me of an infamous quote by Alabama governor George Wallace in his opposition to the integration of public schools: "Segregation now, segregation tomorrow, segregation forever." Another saying is also part of the right wingers beliefs: "My way or the highway."
They treat the Constitution like a buffet, choosing only the dishes they like.
This was my quote when shared this morning. Again Heather nailed it with her clear, concise writing.
Exactly what has happened in Florida. And the Right Wing Agenda is on full display.
Yes Kelly. The vitriol from DeSantis is astounding in its bold-faced, reckless, spewing delivery on display daily on his campaign trail that replaces his duty as governor to ALL the people of this state. Including children.
Astounding and reckless, describe this irresponsible and dangerous political agenda and those delivering it to the people. These repubs and all who support them, the copycats. They’re watering down the school curriculum - so they won’t get this: “Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.”
What is very scary would be DeSantis as president and Abbot as vice-president. Imagine the sleepless nights we would have.
The scary part is DeSantis and his ilk hold enormous appeal for the vast majority of white Floridians (and white Hoosiers, white Texans, white you-name-its … in all the red states).
And the Virginia governor is working hard to keep up. This from the Washington Post, reprinted in the local Democratic Committee newsletter:
"It was hard to miss the thread running through the race-related policies Gov. Glenn Youngkin purged from the Virginia education system last week for being 'divisive': Almost all featured some version of the word 'equity.'"
"'Resource equity' — gone. 'Responsibility to advance racial, social and economic equity' — gone. 'Virginia’s Equity Audit Tool' — gone. The effort echoed Youngkin’s push to rename the state’s Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion as the Office of Diversity, Opportunity and Inclusion, which the General Assembly rejected but which the administration has enacted on the state website anyway."
I read that, too, Nancy. How can these people be stopped!
I just hope voters are seeing the error of their ways. His poll numbers are low.
Playing with rhetoric, playing with our kids’ lives.
I wish he would be recalled.
Next question-is there a FL law allowing recall. If there is, I'm sure his legislature will make sure it's repealed. If not, it will never be allowed to go forward as a bill. One has to wonder what he does if he loses the election...
DeSantis thinks he's a king. Wants his own army that answer to him.
Take that to its logical extreme and you arrive at Vladimir Putin.
Takes after his party’s king. Hoping they all pay for their hubris.
A lot of folks have moved from Indiana to avoid income tax! However, they left behind their dirty business for all of us poor folks and many don't understand or care what has happened!
That is what is happening in Indiana while the ignorant sleep!
I am sure there are plenty of people in Indiana who think this is just fine. When I was there with my cousin for a reunion, Fox was on everywhere and one of our relatives had derogatory things to say about the motel where we were and horrors, we ate at the nearby Mexican restaurant. They are fine with their ignorance because they want nothing to undermine their world view.
This is what caught my eye too. R state legislatures are doing lots of undermining and ugly work.
They are-here in NH, we have an ultra RW Libertarian group whose goal is to destroy all laws that protect people like support networks, food stamps, Social Security, Public Education, gun control laws etc. (but of course they believe domestic violence and sex w/underage children are OK and women shouldn't have bodily autonomy. Grrr! Sad to say, there are 17 members (and others who don't declare it) in the State legislature & caucus w/ the Republicans. They went so far as to put forth a Constitutional Amendment to secede from the U.S. The result was a 323 against -13 for the bill this week.
Bravo on your comment about State's rights: and overriding the 14th Amendment. We must END THE FILIBUSTER to protect everyone's right to vote. USING the filibuster to impede the right to vote is equivalent to Russia's chilling the rights of its citizens by forbidding them from speaking out. If our vote is our voice, everyone should have the same access to that vote for electing federal candidates. Why should my zip code determine how I vote for the President of members of the US House or Senate?
I hope your readers will ask all their friends and themselves ask their US Senators to pass The Freedom to Vote Act/John R Lewis Voting Rights Act (SB5647). We must convince at least 2 US Senators who supported the Filibuster in the Senate to reconsider his/her vote on SB5647 and end the filibuster to pass SB5647. .
I have begun to reach out: I met with Senator Manchin's staff after his vote not to end the filibuster. Senator Manchin is proud of his efforts in WV to pass the early voting, same day registration for coal-miners and other working folks. When I challenged his staff why he wouldn't fight for coal-miners in Pennsylvania, Ohio or Kentucky to have the same privilege through federal early voting laws, etc enjoyed under state law in W VA, his staff said Manchin believes the filibuster is more important to protect. A SUPER MAJORITY to stop citizens from unfettered access to the ballot box isn't much different from silencing protestors in Russian IMHO.
Manchin is a Trojan horse all dressed up in patriotic garb. He is not a democrat
He's a snake.
That comparison is unfair to snakes.
Nevertheless, he is the only straw standing between McConnell and control of the Senate legislative agenda. And WV is more likely to elect someone even worse than Manchin than someone better.
Actually he was part of the fossil fuel folks, having OWNED a coal company then gave it to his son and still gets dividends. Here's a WaPO article about this:
So, to accomplish this you must elect the people that will vote against the filibuster! The Republicans are very clever!
Kill Switch: The Rise of the Modern Senate and the Crippling of Democracy by Adam Jentleson lays out the history of the filibuster throughout the Senate’s history. Fascinating read that includes many historical figures HCR has highlighted.
Thank you again M Rauth. After reading the WP article about Manchin, posted by Barbara D Reed, thank you Barbara, I ordered "Kill Switch". I am reminded of my years at UK in Lexington and of many state locals getting reamed regularly by their own elected officials and subsequently voting, in the end, for their favorite reamer. From the fables of " Happy" Chandler, a couple decades before me, to now Mitch & company I still wonder how in the hell
they continue to be elected? Not only do we need voting rights protection, could we possibly implement some kind of concurrent voter education? The voters pamphlet alone doesn't seem to be up to the task. Most use the publication for kindling and\or are not able to render a comprehensive decision from it. Now is the time to stress education as well.
“Not only do we need voting rights protection, could we possibly implement some kind of concurrent voter education?” Spot on, Bill! And how about mandatory basic requirements for elected officials, upon filing, such as experience and education? Teachers and many other professionals need years of both plus continuing education. And references with documentation. Money and connections are prized and feed success in our elections. Thinking of TFG.
I also wish a lot more effort were going into voter education. Too many people are not plugged in, unlike this wonderful community.
Giving a briefing on Voting Rights Act Thursday night for local AcLU. Want zoom link?
Thank you. I wasn't aware of this book and I will look for it at my library.
Dear Mr. and Mrs. Cox, thank you for bringing Heather into this world.
Whatever magic was in your sweet, sweet early mid-century nookie that night created a heroine for our times... Nay, a g*ddamn MARVEL SuperHero of American Historical analysis, thinking & wisdom. Mr. & Mrs. Cox... in the weirdest but most earnest compliment ever - we salute you. :)
Great report tonight.
I wish I didn't feel like we are doomed.
Trying to stay positive.
Long ago, in my work as an environmental activist, I took a training session about finding joy when everything seemed to be dark and bleak. Its a simple exercise but profoundly important as it turns out for me, at least.
Every morning I make a list of ten things I’m grateful for in my life. Just ten. If I focus on how blessed I am/we are, I can then find the energy to do something towards protecting our democracy.
I read the UN’s newest climate report a week ago- and wept. Literally sobbed. I’ve spent a lifetime trying to make things better- and they aren’t. They are worse, dangerously so.
Afterwards, I restarted the gratitude list. On it was Letters from an American, along with many other things including the barred owl that keeps me awake some nights- spring is coming and I love the wildlife I see and hear in my back yard!
I know how hard it is to stay positive - I think most of us here share great angst. Find a little joy where you can. I’m making dinner for my daughters today. There are hugs in my near future and That will carry me for now. Sending a hug your way too.
Thank you for writing this, I will try this list and see if I can get through the day. Your love for your daughters gives me great joy. I should go hug my mom asap.
Thank you, Sheila. Just … thank you.
Hugs back at you! You are not alone!
Thank you for suggesting a list of gratitude. Starting mine immediately, as I need something upbeat. Hugs are great for refueling our hearts.
Steve, I echo your sentiments--great report and, as I read it through for a second time, a real sense of panic and doom nearly overwhelmed me. Every subpoena, every indictment, every conviction, every favorable ruling--the very things that should bring me hope--somehow aren't adding up against the walls of defense. Too many fronts have opened up in this war. It feels like the Trump playbook--chaos and confusion. And then, of course, there's Russia. Where on earth have we gotten ourself to? Sorry, my own attempts to stay positive are obviously not succeeding this morning.
You are not alone.
Important. Fake it ‘til you make it. Stay positive in the face of it all.
Salud, Steve. United.
Did you see HCR's video on Tuesday? In the last 3.5 minutes, she made an innovative suggestion. She asked us to consciously counter the dominant rightwing presence on fb--which is determined by algorithms--by liking and interacting with each other's posts and comments there. It may sound inconsequential, but if we proactively interact with each other on fb, we can positively affect the algorithms, and strengthen a democracy supporting presence there. I like the way her idea can help us become a force for good on social media. Here's the link:
Heather's Herd: Feel free to friend me on fb so we can try to move the needle a bit.
I heard what she said, too, but thought she was talking about other "friends'" comments on FB not related to her videos or posts. No?
Yes. I understood her to say that we (her followers) should like each other and comment on each other's political posts.
Ironically, Facebook algorithms give most power to the “angry” emoji over the “like.”
I'm readin "Stolen Focus" by Johan Hari. His discussions with the former Google employee & other Silicon Valley companies is disheartening. However, to fix a problem, first you must know about it.
Do the "Love". Also respond to the posts you like, even if only a few words. Repost Heather (and other positive responses to your own page (might drive your friends nuts, but # of reposts help drive the algorithm too.
Can you respond to a post you like over a series of posts? That would jack the numbers up each time you do it.
I don't understand what you mean by "over a series of posts." If you'd give me an example, that be helpful. Thanks!
I was just wondering if when you replied to a positive post, instead of just liking it, or reposting it to your feed with “a” comment, you, for example, reposted it with a first comment like: Loved this post! (Send), then followed it with another comment like “This post really made me think. (send) then you repost another comment perhaps with points the post brings up for you (send) . My thought wa then instead of algorithmically just being a single “like” against the sea of negative comments, you are three or more “Likes”. I’m not saying this will work, but I wonder if it will.
Good to know. Thanks!
I thought it was just me that felt this way. I can’t help feeling tRump et al is going skate on this. He appears to have slithered out of the New York mess. All he has to do is hold out until the Midterms…because now it seems the pundits are leaning towards a repugnant republican take back! What has happened in America!!!
I am reading Orwell's "Animal Farm". Very interesting. If you haven't read it, give in a read!
Yes, yes, Sharon, both “Animal Farm”and “1984” are books of the century imho. I have been re-reading them since 1/6. But they’re timeless. 0rwell was/is brilliant and (unfortunately) the books are timeless.
A Collection of Essays by Orwell is also an excellent read. Mostly commentary about English society and the evils of empire, but a great essay, "Politics and the English Language", that is the basis of much of "1984" (this one is available online). In my opinion (humble, of course), Orwell was a great writer and moralist; likewise Camus. Some of their writing is dated of course, but that's OK. Our writing today will be dated in a hundred years, if anyone is around to read it.
Thank you J. I too think both Orwell and Camus have contributed much to society. A favorite Camus quote: “I should like to be able to love my country and still love justice.” I think of this often. ☮️
"1984" is also a timely Orwell read.
Bob, I think that is in the thoughts of so, so, so many citizens. Millions? TFG has slithered away from multiple transgressions, lawsuits and bankruptcies. And that was before his election. That’s a serious concern for our country and the power of the vote for unqualified candidates.
When I read that 4 right wing Supreme Court Justices are providing legal backing that would allow states to lay the groundwork for Republicans to return to or to attain power whether or not they win enough votes, I am confounded by the deafening silence. For those who take heart in the deluge of citizen activists who work valiantly getting people registered and turbo-charging turnout, make no mistake: no amount of organizing is going to get us around sanctioned changes to state election rules that would change who could be in charge, how votes are counted, how they’re certified, and the like.
Since the Senate’s failure, this past January, to advance the Freedom to Vote Act, the sole piece of legislation whose provisions would supersede past, present, and future state law in conflict with any of its stipulations, this critically important piece of legislation seems to have gone missing.
I sense what’s left is to hope that the 8-point spike in the President’s approval rating since the State of the Union grants him just enough leverage to call out Manchin’s and Sinema’s mere support for voting rights as hollow and performative, absent their willingness, last January, to support the exceedingly modest Senate filibuster rule change that would have been enacted only this one time to advance the newly combined Freedom to Vote: John R. Lewis Act.
No time like the present to start drafting that letter to the President.
Republicans believe in stacking the deck to make sure that no amount of voting action will overcome their “voter integrity” laws. Another Big Lie, just like Frank Luntz’ decades old advice to name things the opposite of what they are. The result being that the idiots won’t know the difference, and the ones that do know, will just wink and sign on to the evil. Worked like a charm in Tx in 1994, and all through W/Dickie’s nightmare. Still a go to strategy and who calls it out???
Jeri, Though you raise valid points, my objective remains focused on getting impactful federal legislation passed that would supersede state laws slated increasingly to restrict voting and to nullify votes. Were Dems to lose control of either the House or the Senate, that window of opportunity would close.
That'll be a tough row to hoe, but getting federal voting rights bills passed MUST be done, or so will we be.
Unfortunately, this RW SCOTUS majority apparently doesn't believe the Supremacy Clause in the Constitution or the 14th Amendment. (Well bought by the Federalist Society IMHO.)
It sure seems like Dem focus on federal has obscured state moves that
Leverage key point in your comment. Thank you.
I still remember gasping at the “stand back and stand by” declaration by the Grand Wizard himself.
As did I, In fact, my gast was flabbered about every day of chump’s recruitment of the slime from under the rocks.
Since that fateful day, or maybe the day TFG was nominated, the Proud Boys and other Racist groups have been emboldened in every state. And in my Northern California small town. Law enforcement is aware, but the PB are not afraid to make themselves visible. I admit I’m afraid. I’m hoping the 1/6 arrests will wake up some of the white supremacists and copycats in the USA. And the citizens who believe they’re harmless.
It helped a small VT town shut down a "training camp" they'd been fighting for a couple years. Order includes the guy running it having to dismantle all the non-permitted "improvements" he made, and restore the integrety of the pasture alongside his right of way that passed through said pasture belonging to a neighbor. This was covered well locally and even made the national news. I've heard through the grapevine that similar sites have been shut down or curtailed in other states post Jan 6 insurrection. Taking time on some because there were sources of info in place during investigation. Maybe still are.
I naively thought that would be to final curtain for him, one which revealed the rotten core. Sigh. I did not realize that, instead, the cockroaches were emboldened out of the woodwork.
And they sure heard him, didn’t they?
It's inconceivable to me that there are millions of US Americans who continue to support the view that Democrats and the spread of Democracy must be stopped "at all costs" when we are watching Russia's "at all costs" aggressive and violent attempt to halt the spread of Democracy in Ukraine in real time.
I have said these things in this forum before and I stand by them - it goes back to the very simple fact that in our lifetime, US Americans have not had to face a full scale invasion on US soil. We have never had our homes, schools, hospitals and places of worship bombed by an invader. We have never had to pack up and flee our homes for another country because we fear for our lives. (And who would take us in?) We haven't been slaughtered by the enemy whilst trying to move our children from harm's way. We don't know what it's like to be achingly cold/hot, hungry, dirty and exhausted. Simply put, there is not a single US born citizen alive today who has experienced the horror of invasion on US soil. We have no idea, NONE, as a people, the suffering of others struggling to live a life free from violence and persecution. Reality is this: the very wealthy people trying to shut down Democracy in the United States are safe because if and when shit hits the fan they'll be safely tucked away somewhere in comfort. After all, they have their stupid, deluded base to do their dirty work for them.
I’ll say this Daria. There are two moments that seered my brain with image and this was before the days of social media and daily inundation of global images available.
One was Walter Cronkite, choked up and dismayed telling the American audience that our president had been assasinated and was dead. Another was the image of the first, then the second plane taking the Towers down while I was in charge of my elementary school assignment. With President Bush down the road in Sarasota reading to a classroom of 1st graders and looking up as an aide whispered the news in his ear.
There have been others, of course, but these two visual memories affected the homeostasis of my feeling of being a free citizen in a sovereign country. I recall the dread and sweat on my brow. I recall the realization, even as a very young girl, that we are not as “safe” as I thought one moment before. It is but a small shock to one’s being compared to what millions of world citizens have experienced fleeing from greed dressed up as a monstrous leader.
But that is what I have asked people lately that shrug and dismiss Ukraine and complain about gas prices.
Have you ever felt completely afraid for your safety or completely afraid of losing your freedom to live and eat and talk and play and pray as you want? Consider it and quit being entitled and a scared snot nose. Either one is a citizen of this world of humans or we are nothing.
Love, Daria, love. 💜☮️🌍🌎🌏
Daria, everything you have said here (and before) is right on. I easily admit I cannot begin to understand what it must feel/be like to have to leave my home in search of a "safer" place. No place is safe anymore, and Americans are deluding themselves to think they are safe here. (And you are right..."who would take us in?") Why would another country take in a selfish group who whine about the price of gas if it means there might be an outcome that helps so many.
Pam, spot on! To condense one's well being to the price of gas is mind boggling, not to mention selfish.
Yet what do the news channels, local and national, focus on? Gas prices. They don't need to tell us what we see daily on huge signs. News reports should focus on the daily profits the gas companies are reaping, and how much they do NOT pay in tax on their profit.
Agree wholeheartedly. The many US Americans who fail to recognize the influence of US American oligarchs and kleptocrats in the US are in for a huge awakening.
I can't click the heart, but I agree, Daria.
In the past decade, I have seen from my white perspective, that other white people I know seem much more accepting of persons of color if they hold higher paying/more prestigious occupations AND also don't speak out about anything. (aka know their place) My husband and I would talk about this and agreed we thought it would be more likely that the US would see a "class war" rather than a "race war". It seems that the GQP has managed to brainwash the poorer segments of the population, but I ponder now if the sea changes that came from the pandemic might change that--perhaps those millennials might just get fed up with the status quo that existed before? Weighed down by student loans, low wages, inflation and a sense that they have no control?
I know I am rambling a bit here, but I wonder what the ultra rich would do if the working class just refused to work for them? By that, I mean the personal assistants, housekeeping, dog walkers, makeup and hair stylists that are kept on retainer by these billionaires? Would they walk their own dogs and pick up the shit? Clean their own toilets? Prepare their own food? Do without their personal trainers? Do without their bodyguards?!
The wealth gap is getting so wide, one just wonders when the have nots will have had it and come out with the pitchforks?
Totally agree!
Pam, this is why the anti-maskers drive me crazy. Like it's such a sacrifice and impingement on their freedom to follow a state mandate to wear a mask. These selfish people have NO idea what "tyranny" really looks like.
Christine, the two events you cite shook me to the core as well. They are still vivid in my minds eye. The latter brought home the realization that we walk the thin line between freedom and chaos every single day. Your last sentence says it all.
With love and kind thoughts, Christine.🌷💙🌅🌏🌎🌍
... and so, we are tested ...
I'm afraid we have yet to be truly tested.
As deep as it goes ... take it one breath at a time - with clear intentions and true heart ... I hear this phase is to last 500 years ... so, we do what we can, and carry on ....
Christine, imagine how Native Americans and people of color experience their safety everyday. They are still begging to be considered humans with rights to vote.
Thank you, Pensa. From the bottom of my heart, which is breaking in many different ways right now.
Yes, I feel the same, Annie. It is a lot to take in, but I keep holding fast that we were built for these times. We are tired, exhausted from the trumplican regime, the pandemic, the cults of propaganda and now we have to deal with another megalomaniac. But we are seeing a global effort to deal with tyrants that might allow this very tight ratchet backwards to move doubly-fast forward. I am in the southern part of VT. Are you in the north? It is nice to know there are LFAA substack members in our state!! If you are even in the Putney/Brattlboro area, let me know!
Good description of what this feels like, Pensa. I'm in northern Rutland County, just off Rt 7, the other side of the mtns. But I enjoy Brattleboro, used to visit friends there and take in the galleries (they've since moved). Would love to visit sometime. I've reduced my driving because of the pandemic and now the gas prices. Unfortunately I drive a tank of a Volvo. In the market for a used Prius or Corolla so I can afford to do something other than grocery shopping!
Yes, Pensa. Think of it every day having worked in Title I schools with primarily children and families that live in poverty.
I hear you Daria - and I am sure you are not forgetting, neglecting or denying the US born citizens of First Nations who have been - and continue to be subjected to such horrors ... and now, the supreme court is likely to roll back the Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA) - once again taking children from their families/communities, subjecting them to cultural "reprogramming" - while international corporate interests promote oil pipelines poisoning groundwater's, ignoring treaty rights and native sovereignty - establishing "mancamps" housing a transient mostly male workforce, contributing to rape and murder of tribal women and children, more human trafficking, sex slavery and associated addictive behaviors for those who survive ... more of the same ... while the deluded base continues to indulge in one self-interested, self-serving distraction after another ... sooner or later, the illusion of stability and security will dissipate - the false floor will fall away - and the gluttonous mass will tumble into the open, hungry jaws of fated consequence as the cosmic compost turns ... the awakened will transcend into dimensions of deeper consciousness and conscience - truth will prevail - life will go on ... peace in one breath - persist and persevere, one breath at a time ...
Read this blog - sign the petition:
Kathleen, you're right. It was thoughtless of me to exclude the the harrowing experiences of US First Nations people by Settlers in my comment. They understand all too well the horror of invasion.
'Here is a list of some of the countless massacres in the history of the United States'
As the list is very long this is just a partial listing.
'Most of these massacres were designed to suppress voting rights, land ownership, economic advancement, education, freedom of the press, religion, LGBTQ rights, and/or labor rights of African Americans, Latinos, Native Americans, Asians, and immigrants. While often referred to as “race riots,” they were massacres to maintain white supremacy.'
'One of the best explanations about why it is important for students to learn this history is included in the article (and related lesson) by Linda Christensen, Burning Tulsa: The Legacy of Black Dispossession.'
'A tweet thread by historian Stephen West shows how politicians fueled hate crimes during the Reconstruction era, with parallels today. Ursula Wolfe-Rocca writes about Red Summer of 1919, Remembering Red Summer — Which Textbooks Seem Eager to Forget.'
'Pequot Massacre | Zinn Education Project
May 26, 1637: Pequot Massacre
Hundreds of Pequot villagers were massacred by the Puritans in Mystic, Connecticut.'
'Apalachicola River | Zinn Education Project
July 27, 1816: Attack on Apalachicola River
A fort on the Apalachicola River in Florida was fire bombed by the U.S. Army.'
'Bloody Monday Kentucky 1855
Aug. 6, 1855: Bloody Monday
On election day, in Louisville, Kentucky, Protestant mobs attacked German and Irish Catholic neighborhoods.'
'July 13, 1863: New York City Draft Riots and Massacre
The NYC Draft Massacre ("Riots") were the largest civil insurrection in U.S. history besides the Civil War itself. White mobs attacked the African American community — committing murder and burning homes and institutions (including an orphanage.)'
'Nov. 29, 1864: Sand Creek Massacre
A Colorado Cavalry unit, on orders from Colorado's governor and ignoring a surrender flag, brutally attacked Cheyenne and Arapaho Tribes. White abolitionist Silas Soule was assassinated for reporting on the event.'
'Fort Pillow Massacre, by Katz & Allison. Source: Library of Congress via Equal Justice Initiative
April 12, 1864: Union Soldiers Massacred at Fort Pillow
Confederate troops massacred over 500 surrendering Union soldiers, majority African American, at the Civil War Battle of Fort Pillow.'
'May 1 – 3, 1866: Memphis Massacre
White civilians and police killed 46 African-Americans and injured many more while burning houses, schools, and churches in Memphis, Tennessee.'
'The New Orleans Riot at Mechanics' Institute | Zinn Education Project: Teaching People's History
July 30, 1866: New Orleans Massacre
The New Orleans Massacre occurred when white residents attacked Black marchers near the reconvened Louisiana Constitutional Convention.'
'Sept. 19, 1868: Camilla Massacre
As African Americans marched peacefully in response to their expulsion from elected office, more than a dozen were massacred near Albany, Georgia.'
'Oct. 25, 1868: St. Bernard Parish Massacre
The St. Bernard Parish (Louisiana) massacre of African Americans was carried out by white men to terrorize the recently emancipated voters. (Zinneproject) The list continues. See link below.
Fern, I appreciate your feeble efforts to school me, however, if you read my post carefully, which you did not, you would have seen that I was referring to US Americans being invaded by outside forces in our recent history. I SHOULD have used the terms Indigenous Peoples and US Settlers. Settlers, (people from elsewhere) is actually a far more appropriate way to describe non-indigenous peoples since Settlers are the ones who brought, and are still bringing, misery and horror to all American Indigenous peoples and descendants of former slaves throughout the Americas.
I have read a great deal about the massacres of Indigenous people in the Americas. I have visted many of the sites of those massacres and have wept with shame and horror at what Settlers have done in their snatch, grab, burn and murder campaigns to rule the Americas, North, Central and South.
I do not discount or deny the violence and struggle inflicted upon anyone who has stood/stands for social justice and equality in any form, past, present or future. That includes any number of us here on the Substack forum who have been involved, through the years, in standing for equality and justice.
So, to reiterate my point: the people of the United States, Indigenous and Settlers, in our lifetime, have not suffered the atrocities of an invasion, ON US SOIL, by an outside aggressor such as that which Putin is inflicting on Ukraine. We have not suffered the fate of Ukraine, Syria, any number of Middle Eastern, Asian, or African countries or that which much of Europe and Asia did during two world wars.
In the future, read my comments carefully before you respond so you are on track with what I'm saying. Your inability to comprehend my point is a stark reminder, to me, that you rather like hearing yourself yammer on, cutting and pasting materials from Google to satisfy your need to seem learned and astute. I am not impressed.
Oh, fine, Daria. Split your hairs.
Annie, I'm not the one splitting hairs. But if it makes you happy to think so I'm happy for you.
'So, to reiterate my point: the people of the United States, Indigenous and Settlers, in our lifetime, have not suffered the atrocities of an invasion, ON US SOIL, by an outside aggressor such as that which Putin is inflicting on Ukraine.' (Daria) The information in my comment was not intended solely for you, Daria. There have been attacks on towns, communities and neighborhoods, atrocities and murders within our country. The current ascendancy of white supremacy, along with its support by elected representatives warrants attention to the how dangerous living in America can be for some of us. The following two examples are not alone.
‘On Nov. 10, 1898, white supremacists murdered African Americans in Wilmington, North Carolina and deposed the elected Reconstruction era government in a coup d’etat.’
‘It was the morning of November 10, 1898, in Wilmington, North Carolina, and the fire was the beginning of an assault that took place seven blocks east of the Cape Fear River, about 10 miles inland from the Atlantic Ocean. By sundown, [Alex] Manly’s newspaper [The Daily Record] had been torched, as many as 60 people had been murdered, and the local government that was elected two days prior had been overthrown and replaced by white supremacists.’
‘For all the violent moments in United States history, the mob’s gruesome attack was unique: It was the only coup d’état ever to take place on American soil.’
‘Lost in the fire that destroyed The Daily Record were the lives of Black citizens and the spirit of a thriving Black community, and also the most promising effort in the South to build racial solidarity.’
‘One of the most violent episodes of dispossession in U.S. history began on May 31, 1921 in Greenwood, a thriving Black neighborhood in Tulsa, Oklahoma.’
‘From May 31 through June 1, deputized whites killed more than 300 African Americans. They looted and burned to the ground 40 square blocks of 1,265 African American homes, including hospitals, schools, and churches, and destroyed 150 businesses. White deputies and members of the National Guard arrested and detained 6,000 Black Tulsans who were released only upon being vouched for by a white employer or other white citizen. Nine thousand African Americans were left homeless and lived in tents well into the winter of 1921.’ (zinnedproject) See link below.
Fern, you are willfully misunderstanding Daria, and lecturing about something that has nothing to do with her premise. Better to stop.
Oh for God's sake Fern. Grow up.
No harm or offense intended, I am sure Daria - the scope is beyond overwhelming!!
Kathleen, it is overwhelming. Settler invasion past and present, in the US and around the globe, is atrocious. I will choose my language more carefully in the future.
Always a challenge for me, Daria - the subject brings to mind the shifting of global tectonic plates - part of how the earth constantly recycles and renews ... maybe human culture and energy dynamics that compel the ongoing process of evolution reflect this phenomenon ...? Who does not love a rose - what rose has no thorns ...?
I read this story and I am horrified at the possibilities that could result. Thank you Kathleen for posting this story. The mind blowing cruelty spewing from Texas is insane.
Bless you, Kathleen. Thank you. People like you help bring us out of the invisibility that seems to almost be automatic forgetfulness. People, especially good decent people, shouldn't need to be constantly reminded, yet do. I hope the time comes when we are no longer unthinkingly omitted. Sometimes I wonder.
Blessings and thanks to you too Annie ... maybe the only true democracy where every voice is honored, heard and respected is the Universe -the very Cosmos itself - at least we can trust and give thanks for that!!
Yes, sign the petition!
Thanks for the link to the petition, Kathleen. I signed it and shared it.
Thank you too Mim ...
I’d go even further - recalling the idea that the trauma of war lasts three generations. So even those who haven’t experienced it personally, but their grandparents have, are still affected by it. To traumatize, war doesn’t even have to be within living memory.
Agree. The generational trauma of war is very real. I think, though, I'm not being understood by many. So I'll leave it alone. We, who have lived a white, privileged life in the United States without experiencing the ravages of war on our own doorstep, are kidding ourselves when we say we know what invasion by an aggressive nation is like.
It is this kind of horror most of us do not know. Please see photo at the top of the gifted article from the NYT.
It's kind of like the American view of poverty. Must be something wrong with those people. Their fault. Nothing to do with me.
Daria, I think you’re being misunderstood by only one person and I really appreciated your response. Been there, done that, have the scars to prove it. Unless the response is directly to me, I never read those posts, for exactly the reasons you stated.
That photo is gut wrenching. I read a piece on the editorial decision to use it, with which I fully agree. War isn’t a video game, real lives are at stake, decisions taken and not taken will affect all of us, forever. You’re right that we don’t know. I keep trying to imagine what I would do myself in those circumstances, and I simply cannot know, because I’ve never experienced such a thing. Am I brave enough to stay and help? Brave enough to flee?
KR, the only reason I replied to them is because it was directed specifically to me. I generally skip that person's posts as well – they are not worth my time. I don't care about blowback about my response, either, from anyone.
Gut wrenched is an appropriate description of how I felt when I saw that photo. I am at a loss to understand the sheer horror that people in that situation anywhere in the world find the resolve to carry on. And yet they do. People who stand up to that kind of aggression are warrior heroes. They have my utmost respect. Am I brave enough? I have no idea.
I 100% agree, Daria. I do not understand why so many readers think that poster is incredibly insightful. I’m much more interested in those of us who are doing things to promote change rather than someone belligerently preaching to the choir and absolutely incapable of coping when faced with even polite and mild disagreement. Get your own damn Substack. Anyway, if needed, I’ve got your back ❤️
I think they carry on because there is no choice. What astounds me is the heroism of people like Zelenskyy. He surely knows he is unlikely to survive (although I hope the chance of that grows every day he manages it) and yet, he persists. He could have evacuated, and didn’t. He is a hero, as are his countrymen and women. Heroes are in short supply these days, and I cherish him. Lately, instead of reading LFAA first thing, I check that he made it through the night.
Yes, KR! I check on Zelensky and then scroll through two Substacks to see if our Allen and Tanya and Lucky the dog have posted something as they make their way west.
Yes, KR, I check on Zelensky first and last thing as well. I do it with a little uneasiness, fearing bad news. And, as Christine says below, I scroll this another substack to check on Allen, Tanya and the intrepid Lucky, as well.
Thanks for your kind support, KR. I have avoided commenting too much on this page because I am sick of Fern's sea lioning and trolling, not just me but others. If I want to put up with that nonsense I can post on Facebook. I stay on this page as a paid subscriber to support Heather's work and see what well informed, thoughtful people have to say. You included🌷
I agree overall with your comment and observations, Daria. For white people, especially those who live insulated lives, what you say may well be true. But I do feel compelled to disagree with the claim that " there is not a single US born citizen alive today who has experienced the horror of invasion on US soil." There are such people, almost all of them brown, and some of those things have occurred within my living memory, and certainly within the living memory of my parents and grandparents. They are still happening. And these are among the things unknown by the people who cannot see past their own experience.
Annie, thank you. I did acknowledge that I misspoke with regards to initial statement and apologized. I can do no more than offer regret for misspeaking.
Yes, we have no idea what it would be like to be invaded on our own soil. I've been in infrequent communication and have given some aid to a young Ukrainian woman I met on a boat tour two years ago. I received this from her last night: "thank you for your support and contribution to our fight against the aggressor. My family and I are in the west of Ukraine, where no hostilities are taking place at the moment. We have been sheltered at home by a family we did not know before. Ukrainians are very strong nation. Owners of houses here are trying to place as much people as possible at home, at the moment we are here, everyone is restless, it is a tragedy that affected everyone, the Russian army shoots residential areas, shoots at maternity hospitals, kindergartens, it is impossible to turn a blind eye and stay apart…"
Dear Daria, Despite only knowing what one can learn from reading someone’s on-line comments, I do somehow know, borrowing from Nobel Peace Prize recipient Elie Wiesel, that any time you were aware of a person in the world who needed a brother or sister, at every turn, you responded, “I would like to be that sister.”
With highest regard,
Dear Barbara, I'm overwhelmed! I am deeply honored and grateful for your your generosity of spirit. My response to you, "I would like to be that sister", too.
With deepest gratitude,
Narcissism v. Empathy
A metaphor for our time. I think that’s the fundamental difference between the right and the left.
The DOJ DC Criminal Case against Enrique Tarrio aka "Henry" & 5 others including Dominic Pezzola aka "Spazzolini"; the latter is charged with all 8 counts conspiracy, carrying a gun at the Capitol etc & specifically robbery of United States property. The jury in the Reffitt case was out less than 3 hours; the jury had to consider 5 counts & eat lunch. The jury verdict was gulity on all 5 counts including threatening his son & daughter when he returned home to Texas.
Old Reffitt made it easy, other vipers are more slippery
Ukraine and Timothy Snyder's update on new ways to help:
Ukrainian journalists:
Canada's well organized Ukrainian diaspora through the Red Cross:
Russian reporters working out of Riga, Latvia:
Protective gear and equipment for Ukrainian soldiers:
and more regarding Polish NGO, booking Airbnb homes in Ukraine, medical equipment, etc:
Thanking and thinking of you daily, Ellie.
I am truly amazed and proud of all the humanitarian organizations that are keeping the Ukraine people alive and free. I’ll add World Central Kitchen Chef Jose Andrés. One can’t cling to survival when one is hungry and thirsty.!/donation/checkout
✊🏻✊🏼✊🏽✊🏾✊🏿🙋🏻🙋🏼🙋🏽🙋🏾🙋🏿☮️ United!
First donation I made for the Ukrainian refugees was to his organization.
First I used PayPal to send money to a Ukrainian woman a friend of mine knows who commandeered a truck to help people get across the border of Poland. For fuel. Then I sent money to World Central Kitchen. Feeding people who are fleeing is strong resistance to aggression designed to rob them of freedom and their dignity.
Salud, Vivian!
I first tried the SOS link Synder provided but got confused because as a Western Union transfer I had to select the currency form, US dollars or Ukrainian currency. Easy solution, I went to Pepin’s wonderful organization and saw he was headed over. We’ve also added Razom.
Thank you for the link. I’ve donated to Save the Children Ukraine and Doctors Without Borders. I think sending funds is complicated - at least 20 years ago we tried to send money to relatives in Kiev. It had to be wire transfer with minimum of $1,000. No checks at that time and the minimum still included banking fees. Now with the infrastructure almost destroyed I wonder how people can work this out privately.
I love WCK serves cultural foods !
Ellie I am reposting on facebook! As always, Thank You for the best resources!!!
Ellie - Thanks for sharing the latest recommendations from Timothy Snyder of organizations to which we can donate.
One more suggestion: The United States Association for Global Media (USAGM) in Washington, DC oversees Voice of America, Radio Free Europe, Office of Cuba Broadcasting, Radio Free Asia and Middle East Broadcasting. USAG has a non-profit association to support journalists who are at extreme risk due to their work. The USAGM Association provided much-needed help to journalists and their families during the evacuation of Afghanistan. They are now trying to support as many journalists as possible in Ukraine and Russia with grants to help with things like living expenses during relocation, equipment replacement, funeral costs and other critical needs. Every dollar donated goes directly to journalists. The Association is totally run by volunteers.
Donations can be made to the USAGM Association at this link:
Ooooo. I like this. Thank you, MaryAnne.
There are so many needs and good ways to help Ukraine. I like this one, too, Christine, because journalists have enormous power, given their broad reach, and are essential to keeping the real news, including eyewitness reports, in front of people around the world, all while putting themselves in danger.
Is there a way to make this comment shareable?
There is a share option with sub stack that allows you to copy the link or to post directly to both Twitter and Facebook.
Thank you for asking. I assume what I post on a public forum is shareable, plus this information is for a good cause, so the more sharing, the better! 🙏
Gratitude! We need this information to help in every way we can. I’ll share. I’ve donated and will continue, but I feel I should be there, on the ground.
Wait, what?
You can use nonprofits to defend the criminal behavior of insurrectionists?
Bill Barr’s head hasn’t physically exploded from the sheer magnitude his of cognitive dissonance?
Steven Miller is still on his parents’ cell phone plan?!
Seriously, I don't understand how nonprofits, who get tax benefits because they're supposed to somehow benefit society, get away with supporting or defending criminal activity.
Another thing I don't understand is why crooks like Eastman are allowed to "throw sand in the gears" to slow the process. Get on with it already. Justice delayed is justice denied. I know the Jan. 6 Commission has had nothing but stonewalling from nearly half the congress, but if some bigger heads don't roll soon, there will likely be no justice.
I fear that in the turmoil coming down the road with the war, and higher prices for gas and goods, the very real danger of undermining the vote will get lost. There are so many issues that deserve front page attention. Voting rights needs to stay above the fold.
Regarding use of a non-profit for criminal defense, I have a theory: there is a process (at least in Oregon) to establish a non-profit legal defense team for indigent clients. I'll include the link that I found regarding that. I'm still giggling over Steven Miller being on his parents' cell phone plan... [note: he simply shares a cell phone plan with his parents. He may be the "grown up" in this scenario...]
I am posting a State Dept. quote from Mr. Hubbell’s blog here because it jumped out at me. For years I have noted a Republican talking points phenomena: consistently, they accuse liberals of what they themselves are actually doing. This became blatant under TFG’s term. And here, the State Dept. quote attributes that same behavior to the Russian state. It literally made my skin crawl to think that this has continued in this country for so long and has put us in a dangerous situation for the future of democracy. “How could this have happened” is said only rhetorically.
“The Kremlin is intentionally spreading outright lies that the United States and Ukraine are conducting chemical and biological weapons activities in Ukraine. . . Russia is inventing false pretexts in an attempt to justify its own horrific actions in Ukraine. . . Russia has a track record of accusing the West of the very crimes that Russia itself is perpetrating.”
This was one of Goebbels favorite strategies, and Lee Atwater, and Karl Rove, and Newt Gingrich, and Frank Luntz, and, of course, every Fox blathering fool (except maybe Shep) since their first day on the air. Chump was taught by Roy Cohn, and I’m sure Putin had lessons in the crib.
As an educator, I am embarrassed daily by the cognitive dissonance of the American people. This strategy is a weak strategy and only works when its ploy is played out on a willfully ignorant audience. Great strategy when treason is the “secret” hiding behind the political strategy. Because greed finds many bedfellows.
I’m calling it out daily. Multiple times. Fellow citizens complicit with the attempt will not trump my intelligence or resolve to reside in a sovereign country however flawed the democracy might be.
The PR technique of accusing the opposition of doing exactly what the authorities are doing was taught by Goebbels in Hitler's time. It is a "time honored" ploy, and should be nailed and dismissed by thoughtful people however they can do it!
Yes! My only question is: since this can be known by anyone touched by WWII — how soon we forget what we said we’d remember.
The bad news is that malevolent people tell lies to gain power and that there is an ignorant mass vulnerable to the lies. It’s particularly heartbreaking to hear stories of younger people in Ukraine calling home to parents in Russia who do not believe them because “that’s not what Putin said,” “that’s not what was on the news.”
The good news is that with the Internet and cell phones, more and more people are armed to defend against lies. It was heartening yesterday to see on CNN or MSNBC the report on a 30 to 40 year old man who was inspired to start an organization for the many Ukrainians in this situation. They keep the communication open to relay truths in small bits. Wish I had a link to this report and his organization. Folks here with trumper family members could relate.
Thank you for telling about this. I'm aware that there are people who are somehow getting real info into Russia, and that within Russia is a constantly evolving network for passing info on. I do not know anyone who is actually involved in doing this. But things coming back out from Russia indicate that this indeed is happening. Russians have done this before: when I was there, 3 decades ago, I was asked many questions by people wanting to verify the truth of what they heard via this grapevine vs what the state media was saying. Always, they would nod in satisfaction when I affirmed that the information via their mysterious network of contacts was true. I think it likely Russians (and Ukrainians by extension) have been doing this for many decades, made easier by modern technology. As is true here as well, there are people who either are not trusted or who choose to believe the "official" version, and as here, it is often the younger people with a wider social network who get it first. I can readily understand why the people involved do not want a link that might out them. Putin has put increasingly stringent controls on the flow of information, and punishments on those involved.
Funny. I find myself, like those Russians, coming here to verify what i have heard elsewhere. The old Irish song, “It’s the Syme the Whole World Over” comes to mind — oddly. ☘️
Found it! Misha Katsurin founded a website to help people talk about truth in Ukrainia to family in Russia under the spell of Putin's propaganda:
I’ve often wondered; why “boys”? Why not Proud Men, or Proud Patriots, or Proud Citizens? Why Proud Irresponsible Children?
In the end, it is indeed “boys” that seems most appropriate.
Sigmund Freud would have said, “See? I told you!”
Exactly. Cowardly, inflated ego pipsqueaks.
it's a misleading name, for sure. Their ages were more than boyish, the majority of them. I think they thought their name was an inside, cynical, perhaps even crude, joke.
An extension of the saying about "good old boys" that used to run everything (and in some cases, still do)?
Our Supreme Court seems to be a big, blundering, coal burning, dispassionate, preposterous, willfully ignorant, morally corrupted Russian warship commandeered by a weakass robed majority shoved down our throats by mr. trump’s reign to undo Constitutional rights of the people protected by Federal law and amendment.
Russian warship…..go f*ck yourself.
Thanks Leonard Leo! (S/) IMHO, he bought the RW SCOTUS members w/ the dark money provided by the Federalist Society.
This is a great response to level at the R's trying to defend their positions: "Russion warship.....go f*ck youself".
I love your analogy, and the “Russian warship” should do just what you recommend.
I'd be perfectly fine with every scumbag mentioned in tonight's post making an intimate personal relationship with the traditional punishment for treason - the one involving ropes, swords and horses.
Yes, TC.
No, TC. Let's leave that in the past and not drag it into our present lives.
I understand what you are saying, but when I look at what these people have done, the crimes they have committed and the damage they have created, I have a hard time thinking of them in any "civilized" manner. They have put themselves outside civilization.
And you chose to join them with your comment, TC. Think about it. Please.
Read this and tell me they aren't the Enemy.
Right now, the Supreme Court scares me more than Putin.
'Just as we've worked hard to move humanitarian aid (tacmed, hospital med) across borders and into Ukraine, we've simultaneously developed an evacuation system for some of the most vulnerable in times of war -- children and children with disabilities. It started with children with SMA (spinal muscular atrophy) that Razom is connected through the “Dity, My Vstygnemo” - “Children, We Will Make It” project, launched in 2021 as a civic movement and advocacy campaign to improve healthcare access for Ukrainian children suffering from SMA.'
'In times of war, children with disabilities need to be evacuated early before they are in danger of missing out on special care and assistance needed to thrive and survive. Razom (in a group with 12 incredible volunteers across the US and Ukraine) have evacuated children from 9 cities and regions, including Kyiv, Kharkiv, Odessa, Zhytomyr, Dnipro, Irpin, Zaporizhzhia, Sumy, and Kryvyi Rih.'
'Our long time partners at BUR are helping to coordinate evacuations on the ground along with the help of Mykola Kuleba. We worked with the All Hands And Hearts nonprofit to help procure minivans, and have partnered with the Polish SMA Foundation to take care of these children once getting them across the border.'
'Please consider donating to Razom's Emergency Response project and/or BUR for us to continue to scale this operation.'
Fern, I am so impressed and amazed at your grasp of reality on the ground - awareness of the facts, and the extent to which you not only are informed, but also engaged actively in ways that must make a difference ... kudos to you!!
This is the first time that I noted exaggeration in your communication.
You are doing a really good job, Fern.
It's very good to see you TC. Would you like to watch interview that Adam Kinzinger did with Anderson Cooper about why he favors a no-fly zone? It is not long, about 5 minutes. If so, I will post a link wherever you say. I could do it here.
I saw it. I wish things could be done the way he suggests, but I don't see how. Dealing with someone we *know* would use his nukes is vastly different from dealing with Krushchev over Cuba.
TC, Putin has stepped in it. He's erratic with an imprisoned mind. He may be crazy enough to use nukes without provocation in this situation. Do you think it will satisfy his appetite to flatten Ukraine and kill many Ukrainians? I am guessing that Xi Jinping is trying to handcuff him. There must be a way or two to loosen his control over this horror. No? Yes?
Not really Fern - from where I stand, I am humbled by your grasp of details, ability to sort fact from fiction and articulate the truth - far better informed than I could hope to be - as a certifiable blue ribbon, gold star Space Cadet ...!!
Kathleen, would you like to see Kinzinger interview? I could post it here.
Absolutely Fern - thank you!!
Kathleen Allen, I have been in search of you, not wanting to show up on today's forum with what I am about to share. You were an innocent victim of another's rage. I think it began early in the person's life.. The fury, attacks and desperate need for attention fell on you. There have been smaller bites of it. I've been a recipient, thinking to be a stand-in for someone or something else. In illness, many become angry. It's my belief the the trouble began much earlier and has increased over illness and time.
I think of you as a most generous and thoughtful person. May I add, please try not to take it personally, if you have. The damage is within her being. Unfortunately, such fury can be damaging to others. For the most part, however, I think greatest damage is to herself.
I'll be looking you. Peace.
Here it is, Kathleen.
Yes on RAZOM, Fern. Thank you.