Dr. Richardson, I am amazed at the amount of information you research, collect, parse, and assemble into something that is so brief (considering what you must start with and sift through) and understandable that even I can 'get it.' I reach this conclusion partially by looking at -- and sometimes following -- your MANY cites and source…
Dr. Richardson, I am amazed at the amount of information you research, collect, parse, and assemble into something that is so brief (considering what you must start with and sift through) and understandable that even I can 'get it.' I reach this conclusion partially by looking at -- and sometimes following -- your MANY cites and sources. Several times I have imagined scores of student assistants or full-time staff devoted to your topic(s) of the day, maybe like a news staff working for a media journalist; else, how do you do it?
I won't pry any further into professional professorial trade secrets. It is enough for me to know that you do what you do, and why you do it -- to our great edification. And through us the truth travels far....
Heather often says, "I read A LOT." She also has said, "I read fast." So it's quite possible that she pores through the daily news outlets and other sources on her own, but, yes, I can believe she may have students and staff assisting her.
Reading a lot is the only way to keep up, and outlining on the fly, and staying up half the night, and yes, assistants (volunteer or otherwise) to help with that would be my guess!
Dr. Richardson, I am amazed at the amount of information you research, collect, parse, and assemble into something that is so brief (considering what you must start with and sift through) and understandable that even I can 'get it.' I reach this conclusion partially by looking at -- and sometimes following -- your MANY cites and sources. Several times I have imagined scores of student assistants or full-time staff devoted to your topic(s) of the day, maybe like a news staff working for a media journalist; else, how do you do it?
I won't pry any further into professional professorial trade secrets. It is enough for me to know that you do what you do, and why you do it -- to our great edification. And through us the truth travels far....
With my greatest admiration and thanks!
“It is enough for me to know that you do what you do, and why you do it -- to our great edification. And through us the truth travels far....” Yup.
I feel as if I am auditing an upper division history class here on this Letter. How she does it is a miracle to me, and I am ever so appreciative.
I've found no other source that provides both the clarity and context of HCR's morning letters. Thank you .
We are extraordinarily lucky to reap the benefits of Heather's knowledge, expertise and perspective. She is a treasured gift to us.
A national TREASURE, indeed. 👍
Yes! Yes! Yes!
I am in complete agreement.
Well said, Gus. Thank you, I wonder about this every day and couldn't have said it better! She is a gift!
Heather often says, "I read A LOT." She also has said, "I read fast." So it's quite possible that she pores through the daily news outlets and other sources on her own, but, yes, I can believe she may have students and staff assisting her.
Reading a lot is the only way to keep up, and outlining on the fly, and staying up half the night, and yes, assistants (volunteer or otherwise) to help with that would be my guess!