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MadRussian12A, First, my apologies for the delayed response. That said, if I understand you correctly, you are asserting that commercially, profit-driven media enterprises can’t make the sort of money they do and still engage in public service and deliver in-depth investigative journalism. Though your point is valid, I take heart in the increasing number of public interest groups (Common Cause among the earliest) that relentlessly press for media coverage governed by democratic principles aimed at shaping the ability of citizens to think critically about important issues.

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Barbara.., thank you very much for your response.It appears you rank among a higher echelon of people where 'ethics' prevail. And I recognize the changes you see. However (hahahha here's the good ole "however"..).., at the Big Rountable you have a seat along with a handful & a half of some "others". I would like to be one of them, or at least be offered a seat in the room. The focus of this group is to 'ensure' President Biden WINS the election. Some of the things decided upon might rub you raw, being "ethical". But right now we need to take hold of THIS situation like never before. Again, and I've said this before: "this ain't no puss game". With your altruistic thoughts, your input is invaluable, but I ask that you refer to my previous sentence.

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MadRussian12A, I appreciate your reply and would add that because politics largely is perception I’m not beyond doing what’s necessary to achieve certain ends.

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thank you for your understanding. There appears so much more Obama might have done. the demo's allowed that to muddle their thinking and lost. All the stuff KingDUB rode in on!! The DEM'S could have grabbed that material and yanked the mat right out from under the DUBS, but they failed to be clever enough to "front page" the shallowminded repubDUBs to show how they got in the way of progress. The good ole Dem's took the high road..., and paid dearly for doing so. This past election, Biden's ability to stand in the face of pure tyranny carried the day which the Dem's would have lost. This coming election, there is so much to to work with... if we are clever.

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MadRussian12A, I agree with your last point, but with one caveat: the absence, presently, of any impactful federal legislation that would supersede state laws slated increasingly to restrict voting and to nullify votes.

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