Walter Cronkite must be spinning in his grave.

It's absolutely infuriating for a parasite like Mulvaney to be rewarded in this manner, and it's an absolute insult to the intelligence of the American public to hold him up as an expert voice.

Shame, shame, shame on CBS.

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And Edward R Murrow is rolling right alongside Cronkite. Shame on CBS, shame on the Supreme Court for their Citizens United garbage decision and woe betide the rest of us. We have work to do. Lots and lots and lots of work to do.

I needed to add this edit this morning. In 2021, the Nobel Committee awarded the Peace Prize to two journalists, Dmitry Muratov and Maria Ressa. Muratov is Russian, the editor-in-chief of Novaya Gazeta, and someone who risks his life in order to give Russians accurate, truthful information. Maria Ressa, a Filipino-American, also risks her life to bring accurate information to Filipinos. And CBS hires Mulvaney? When journalists like Muratov and Ressa risk their lives to reveal the truth and protect democracy in autocratic countries?

Below. in Ellie Kona's comment you will find a list of CBS advertisers. Pick five and contact them today to tell them you will no longer buy their products. Then, call the CBS switchboard and tell them how unacceptable their choice is. The fourth estate is reeling towards autocracy in this country. We need to hold them accountable and make certain they understand how the majority of Americans voters think. No to trump and his minions.

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Bill Moyers told us

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Jeri, As reading through this thread, my mind kept turning to award winning citizen-journalist Bill Moyers, who, over his 25 years in broadcasting, worked assiduously against the grain of partisan politics by producing in-depth programs on controversial issues that took broad, non-partisan viewpoints to the public.

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Barbara Bill Moyers had a remarkable career, as a Baptist minister who was press secretary for LBJ. In his numerous TV series his integrity was unimpeachable. He ranged from provocative series on people who had decided to end their own lives, the benefits of Oriental medicine, and controversial political issues to Sweet Honey and the Rock’s Bernice Reagan Johnson and the diverse impact of Amazing Grace.

My Moyers’ favorite was Joseph Campbell’s The Power of Myth. When Campbell calmly described the resurrection of Jesus as a myth found in other ancient folklore, Baptist minister Moyer politely listened with the look of someone who had just sucked on a bitter lemon.

Edward R. Murrow would have been as proud of Moyers as was Moyers of Murrow.

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Keith, Thank you for writing. I sense this thread could serve as a catalyst for more of us to speak up and demand a more aggressive and independent media.

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Keith, I'm with you on noting Bill Moyers' remarkable career. There were multiple programs of his which caught my attention. For example, one discussion he had with fellow Southerner, novelist John Grisham, as both agreed that Southern working people constantly voted against their own interests when voting Republican. On another episode, Moyers played the White House tapes of LBJ as he called congressmen to try and get support for the buildup of war in Vietnam.

I'm also in agreement with "The Power of Myth" (Moyers interviewing Campbell) as my favorite of Bill's presentations. I further recall in the episode discussing the death and resurrection of Jesus. Campbell went on to say of it, "The real message of Easter and Jesus's death and resurrection is about you--Have YOU died to your animal nature and been reborn in the Spirit?" With Easter approaching, that is certainly a worthy consideration for anyone.

Speaking years ago with a friend of mine who is a retired professor of history, I mentioned Campbell with his in-depth understanding and clarity. My friend replied, "Yes, he is someone who can see the 'Big Picture'."

In terms of comparing Murrow and Moyers, I think of Moyers as a blend of Edward R. Murrow and Ernie Pyle.

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Heydon “Moyers as a blend of Edward R Murrow and Ernie Pyle.” Spot on, although Murrow preferred Scotch and, for quite a while, double breasted suits, while Pyle drank whatever was available and slept wherever his soldier buddies found a spot.

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Moyers did his job and he did it really well. (Former PBS employee here. I met Moyers and even provided background info to his team on occasion.) Sadly, Moyers is old news. Who can we point to today that is doing similar work in broadcast media? I don't watch the news - I read the news. Is there anyone you can point to that does a good job in your opinion?

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Sheila, Though I realize your reply was not addressed to me, I would note, where I come from, Bill Moyers is hardly “old news.” His articles repeatedly appear on course syllabi, perhaps because he raises questions about pressing media issues, including the media’s capacity for shaping what counts as fact, the influence of those who hold power and status, and, especially, the repeal of long-established regulations meant to encourage a diverse and democratic media landscape.

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Can’t argue with any of that, Barbara. My point is that for those who watch the news today, what and whom should they watch? Those who understand Moyer’s work, and I do, are looking for the next generation’s true journalists and I haven’t seen nor heard much about whom to watch, just who not to. We need someone like Moyers today, teaching to today’s audiences on the tube. Is there someone you watch that amplifies Moyers-style messaging?

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And, unfortunately, one of the "true journalists", Bob Costa left WAPO and joined CBS. What was he thinking?

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I realize he isnt a journalist - but watching "Problem with Jon Stewart" is listening to the questions & attempts at answers on his show. The segments are on UTUBE - hes covered a LOT of various subjects - many that have been discussed here. His podcasts are on Apple tv - but I dont get that. I do however get emails each week - heres a link to his site.


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A minor point: you say "what and who should they watch?" Please say "whom" here (and elsewhere) where it's called for; otherwise it makes my hair stand on end. Did you ever hear of the book, "For Who the Bell Tolls"? [I'm not criticizing your message, just the grammar.]

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Sheila, Aside from Amy Goodman’s Democracy Now, I can’t think of anyone else. That said, sometimes, an anchor hosts a brilliant guest. Hence, I tape certain programs ( e.g., All In with Chris Hayes), and when I have time, I run through the tape, pausing when I want to listen in on a conversation.

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Glad to hear people still pay attention to Moyers.

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Dan Rather, too, is probably rather unhappy (and not feeling particularly Steady) about the hiring of Mulvaney.

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I sent Mr. Rather a polite email early this morning and asked him to comment; I think Dan has a large Twitter community.

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Yes, I follow him for his words of wisdom in this insane world.

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I am looking forward to reading his next issue of Steady to find out!

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That's one of the first things that popped into my mind when I heard about the Mulvaney hiring. Dan may need to be tactful about his old employer, but given his past problems (i.e. the GW Bush story he famously got wrong and has had to live down) he might be in a position to criticise them now. We'll see...

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Yes, I totally agree. That CBS introduced Mulvaney as simply a "former director of the OMB" is telling. I am disappointed in CBS but not surprised. There has been a right wing bias to their news shows for quite some time. Just watch Nora O'Donnell in the evenings and you will see what I am talking about. I also liked the quote from Charlie Pierce that Heather included in her latest letters-"When, oh lord, when will the elite political media treat the current Republican party as the threat to the Republic that they most obviously are". That pretty much says it all in a nutshell. Once again, I am thoroughly indebted to Heather for providing us, daily, of this information that the news media really need to be broadcasting but never will.

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Nora O'Donnell leans right in her coverage. Margaret Brennan stands firmly in the camp, as evidenced by how to treats her guests on Face the Nation. I do miss John Dickerson. He was a suitable replacement for Bob Schieffer, who I very much enjoyed. Brennan challenges my ability to watch and listen.

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I have no objection to CBS hiring Mulvaney, provided that during his appearances, he is hooked up to a lie detector with its readings displayed on the screen while he speaks.

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I wish there was a HaHa emoji next to the heart! Thanks for providing a LOL moment in the midst of this challenging and somewhat distressing story.

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Adam Yamaguchi’s CBS Reports are worth viewing - but hiring Mullany is beyond the pale, the sort of thing one would expect from Fox News.

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I have watched MSM follow Rupert with the spin and lies. The “both sides” that chump espoused has metastasized and is lethal to our democracy

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Journalism Lite for hire. There needs to be a line of demarkation to separate Clicks and Likes hacks from honest Journalists, with a bust of Nora ODonnell awarded as the trophy for sell outs

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Yes. The great CBS Reports!!. Also CBS's White Paper reports

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I think this might be why CBS decided to hire Mulvaney. This could be a clever, although seriously shameless, ploy to draw viewers who ordinarily tune into Fox Entertainment Network ( does anyone besides me find "FEN" an ironic although appropriate acronymic? ) to CBS.

CBS is, like all media conglomerates, all about boosting their ratings. Saner viewers who have active memory cells might tune in for the gawk factor ("Really? Mick "It happens all the time -- get over it" Mulvaney?") before tuning out.

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Apart from an excellent forum such as HCR provides here, how are we to assume the American public at large is capable of critical thinking anymore? I live in a rural area in upstate New York and it is Trumpland and evangelical. Their sole information sources are: "Newsmax," a Christian TV network, and right-wing social media. Yes, I agree that CBS has sunk low and I add another "shame" on them.

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We cannot assume any sort of critical thinking from a majority of our population. I had a friend who used to call it "windsock thinking"; which ever way the windsock blows is how they think; no purpose or direction, no critical thought or assessment, just how the wind is blowing that day.

I think that, as a nation, we have been "carefully taught" not to think for ourselves.

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The idea of "the public good" has been systematically denigrated by the Republican party for decades. That includes (especially) quality public education. The public has been dumbed down. We are reaping the results.

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Actually, I think you could say with truth that the GQP is JOYFULLY reaping the results of their decades-old efforts at dumbing down U.S. citizens.

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Love the windsock thinking comment. Gonna have to use that myself one of these days.

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Very good question Lee Anne. When picking a jury you get to ask prospective jurors questions approved by the Judge. I looked for jurors whose profession or life skills required deductive reasoning (could be a caregiver), who understood association is not causation, who can evaluate data that we call admissible evidence in Court. A number of "Founders" were remarkable, Ben Franklin ( young printer) ; Abigail Adams (her letters to Jefferson) & crtical support of John; Alexander Hamilton ( dealt with mercantile ship captains as a Teen). Leaders are out there, could be a briliant Historian from Maine.

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It's tricky, the freedom of speech and press. There must be a way that can let the public know what is factually true, and what is simply opinion. Zero guardrails are dangerous! And yet, here we are...

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Hook up a lie detector to every news anchor/reporter. Seriously though -- couldn't they be required to cite their sources and have it displayed on the TV at least,

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I've wondered about that. If the internet and social media were available at the time of the amendments, I wonder if Freedom of Speech and the Press would have come with some caveats about truth and facts. But how would that be determined?

"'What is truth,' retorted Pilate (to Jesus)." But he didn't wait for an answer. John 18:38.

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Larry Tisch control CBS. File complaints with LTR, CNA, Bulova Watch, and with Jimmy Tisch’s non addicted smokers at Lorillard, cc. Billy Tisch.

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Who else knows this stuff? That's why you must write a book.

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Jack... want to be my agent? What’s your iPhone number? Sandy

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Would love to but I'm retired in Fla. now, 90 next month, and really not up to the job.

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Swell. Sandy

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Yes. I’m 83. Agent is 87 and terrific. Let’s talk...

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Want my home or iPhone? Sandy

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Yes, Jack, I second!!

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Sandy’s been around the block or two.

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Thank you once again, Sandy. Keep ‘em coming.

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Larry Tisch did not offer me $50,000 in cash to get his son Danny off tobacco.

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I hardly can imagine how a returned Madison or Jefferson, surveying the American experiment, would regard what in their day was known as “the press,” which, in their view, would be more essential than the other branches of government, as its principal mission would be to present a wide range of informed views and nurture the fundamental ability of citizens to think critically about the pressing issues of the day.

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There’s the rub. We now have cultivated a citizenry that does not know how to think critically or even recognize what that is! They just regurgitate sound bites from wherever. Corporate controlled education anyone?

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The "Don't Say Gay" bill isn't really about protecting children. It's about letting parents sue school districts who then have to spend THE DISTRICT'S OWN MONEY to defend the lawsuit, in addition to making the teaching profession that much more unpleasant. An additional way to dismantle public education.

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True. And then they'll bitch about the taxes to pay those lawyers and lawsuits. This is the latest perversion of our government, to work outside the legislative process, similar to the Texas abortion law. This is the population that also complains about frivolous lawsuits.

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We’ll said.

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And an additional "sound bite" guaranteed to rile up that portion of the hoi polloi who have been persuaded that God is against being gay.

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Which is the intent—government support of private schools is the target

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Correction: Well said.

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I would agree. Piece by piece. Steady .

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I don't think you can blame all the failure to think critically on education that is influenced by business. there are many more actors on the stage.

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I agree . Perhaps too general. I guess I was not thinking critically enough. Just one prong of a deeper problem.

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Don’t forget Texas and the textbook review process. Flattening the curve of critical thinking has been going on for decades.

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Gary, not only is Cronkite spinning, but Eric Sevareid, Harry Reasoner, Roger Mudd, Edward R. Murrow, and my father too. I sat down with my father every night to watch the CBS Evening News, after which we watched NBC and ABC—cannot believe this. Also, the American people must realize the 11-point plan will not rescue them. How could the average American support this?

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I'd like to add Gwen Ifill, Cokie Roberts and Dorothy Kilgallen to that esteemed list.

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Agreed, especially Cokie.

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I'd purely love to see Rick Scott's scrawny amoral a** pinned to a wall by a reporter who asked him to explain how his plan "rescued" average U.S. citizens.

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Along with Edward R. Murrow & Fred Friendly.

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Another reason not to watch CBS.

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In 2016, CBS President is quoted, “Yes, Tru$$ is bad for the country, but he is great for ratings!”

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Media Execs are short sided and face a serious dilemma. They can only think about 2022 and 2024 for their ratings ( ratings determine how much revenue they can get from advertisers) but not further out than that.

That is a bad model for any business. Short term profit or long term growth. But their is twist. Once an authoritarian regime gains power, or all three branches of Government, what freedom is attacked first? Freedom of the Press. Then the power of the states will be eroded. Voting will become a "ceremony" rather than a real thing. Media wont be independently controlled, it will be state controlled. So these execs that think they are so smart now, will be unemployed under another former guy regime. If history is our guide, many will land in prison from Kangaroo courts and false charges from "Tax evasion", "false embezzlement" or "crimes against freedom"; or they will wind up mysteriously & suddenly dead. Corporate profits don't matter to an authoritarian regime.

ALL the networks become FOX, OAN, just extension of Sean Fascist Spicer and Katie Mac the digwit. If the Network exes are not smart enough to realize this, they need to read some books or at least some of these letters. The Advertisers will suffer too. DO they buy ads from a FG 2nd term regime? Do what they pay for advertising reflect market forces? Or political forces? Advertising money becomes political donations and corruption festers and becomes systemic throughout the American economy. Expertise and innovation evaporate off shore and economic malaise seeps in and drags down all of what makes America great. Education funding, the rule of law, basic social safety net dwindle. The military capable generals are replaced with political appointees. Flynn is made Sec Def, Pentagon budgets are skimmed and morale drops. Enemies take over places like Taiwan, South Korea, Ukraine and western Europe fall. Prices spike. NO one at the fed knows what do to. DOJ lets political donor/ friends get away with White collar crimes. Inequality sky rockets.

Is this is how empires fall? Is this how democracy fails?

Complete deregulation of business is not good for sustaining democracy. Complete deregulation of Mass Media is not sustainable to Democracies. Unbridled Capitalism is not a guarantee of Democracy.

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I thought that was CNN’s President. All I could think of: televising the bread and circuses…

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I haven’t read any comments yet other than the one I’m replying to. So what I’m saying may be duplicated below.

I have written a substantial email to CBS morning news to express my pure outrage over this news. (I even invoked Walter Cronkite in it.)

I did much searching for the appropriate contact. In the end I sent it to audsvcs@cbs.com.

It’s an odd address. So if anybody has a correction of where to send it, please reply.

And if you’re interested I can post the contents of my email in another comment.

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I’ve already got feedback that I sent it to a wrong - possibly non-existent -address.

Please help if you can.

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I sent my letter to the interviewer of Mulvaney - Anne-Marie Green.


I urge you to do the same.

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"Normally, former officials in a president’s administration can count on securing cushy contributor jobs with one of the many broadcast and cable news organizations. These roles, which can pay 6-figures annually to make occasional appearances on programming, have long been a staple of the revolving door between politics and media.

The Trump administration, however, has mostly bucked that trend. With the exception of Fox News Channel, which has hired a flurry of former Trump administration officials (former press secretary Kayleigh McEnany, economic adviser Larry Kudlow, among others), most former Trump officials have been left off the list of network contributors elsewhere.

That is until this month, when CBS News made two notable hires. On March 29, it hired former congressman, Office of Management and Budget (OMB) director and Trump chief of staff Mick Mulvaney as a political contributor. And on March 14 it hired former Trump National Security Adviser H.R. McMaster as a foreign policy and national security contributor.

A CBS News employee tells The Hollywood Reporter that outrage inside the network has not matched that from outside observers. While they said they thought Mulvaney’s first appearance should have made clearer his roles in the Trump administration, ultimately what matters is that Mulvaney and McMaster are giving their unvarnished thoughts and opinions, while acknowledging their political histories and leanings. Don’t be surprised if future appearances make the Trump connection more obvious.

Midterm years are often seen as an opportunity by TV news outlets to restock their contributor roster in advance of a presidential election year. Meanwhile, Trump is strongly considering another presidential run, and even if he doesn’t, he is expected to have a powerful role in any primary process.

That means that networks will want people on staff well ahead of any primary with some insight into Trump’s thinking and mindset. And with many former Trump officials likely to be completely toxic to mainstream news organizations for supporting Jan. 6 (think former trade adviser Peter Navarro, chief of staff Mark Meadows, or campaign chief Steve Bannon), the list of former Trump administration officials who can provide that insight without being totally off-limits is a small one."


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But what if Navarro, Bannon, and Meadows are in jail ... for refusing to comply with the law?

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And why is not Mick Mulvaney headed to jail for the things that he did that was determined to be illegal?

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Mar 31, 2022
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I respectfully disagree, Chris, and I stand by my original post.

Hiring a Mulvaney does NOT reflect the American public’s values, character, or intelligence – it reflects the aspirations of those faceless entities Mulvaney and the Trumpists represent, and letting him speak is simply subsidized publicity and a free podium for their views. If we don’t warm to such a concept it’s because it’s unearned and undeserved!

Trump got elected with just such assistance. He received of millions of dollars worth of free advertising from Fox, remember? We’d be foolish to encourage more of the same.

You say further that CBS is hedging its bets to be assured of political access later? Bah! The Republicans desperately want exposure! As ‘political sources’ they’d wither and die without the public’s positive attention. Following the best capitalistic tradition though, they should pay the going rate. Of all people they shouldn’t be the ones being granted free advertising for their toxic views.

We’re in a war, and the days of not being held to account for one’s actions or inflammatory words need to end. Is that “clear-eyed” enough? My “more superior-than-thou attitude” was developed after hearing the Hannitys and Carlsons, and after watching the effects of today’s Republican policies in action. The Trumpists moan nonstop over the “liberal bias” inherent in fact based news, but I’m not fooled. They’re just trying to avoid accountability.

Honest reporting and unbiased news presented on our public media shouldn’t be too much to ask for, Chris.

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I imagine CBS knows its audience. Certainly it knows what its sponsors want. I tend to agree with Chris about how America puts money first, but as an old person, I seem to remember it was not always as it is now. Gary, what you said, about the Republicans desperately wanting exposure is spot on. They have so far been able to get much more attention than their numbers would justify, let alone the quality of what they have to offer. Protect the already wealthy! Pull up the ladder! The lifeboat is full. Next time, make a reservation.

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This might be a "both and" moment. I see truth in both statements. Protesting the hiring makes sense. And at the same time, we've got to get better at reaching the "Undecided, or mushy middle" with powerful messages that get to the heart of what moves people to vote for their own best interests rather than for sound bites that stir their prejudices. I'm working on what that might look like.

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👏🏼👏🏼 Truth and the rule of law are required for democracy. Propaganda is very effective.

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Mar 31, 2022
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Something from George Monbiot in the Guardian:

Nearly everyone who appears in the media, across almost the entire political spectrum, seems to accept that economic growth can and should continue indefinitely on a finite planet. Almost all believe that we should take action to protect life on Earth only when it is cost-effective. Even then, we should avoid compromising the profits of legacy industries. They appear to believe that something they call “the economy” takes priority over our life support systems.

. . . They believe that permitting a handful of offshore billionaires to own the media, set the political agenda and tell us where our best interests lie is fine.

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Republicans are crooks, liars and manipulators of facts. Lessons I have learned over and over and over for decades. The both parties 💩 is 💩. Period. I’ll listen when they can start being real.

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They have horse and the cart reversed. They are not "gaining access" to Republicans. The Republicans are gaining access to the American people, through them. Remember how much, and how deeply, the Republicans lie. Remember how little vetting the news agencies do on these lies.

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Bestowing undeserved credibility, that's what it is. It proves that Fox-iti$ is contagiou$.

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Fundamental business values, calculative intelligence, yes. I will add our expectation of immediate gratification. What’s in it for me, I want it now. Chris, I agree that looking down on the “deplorables” keeps them from listening to us, and it isn’t a strategy to waste time high-five-ing each other instead of doing something productive. But finding like-minded people who have reasoned views and information to share, not just feelings, is blessed relief.

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Sir...please don't tar all U.S. citizens with your broad brush, claiming all US citizens as characteristically lacking ideals. If ALL citizens lacked ideals we wouldn't have had a country in the first place; nor would we have a social safety net or laws (however precarious) protecting civil rights. There are many, many millions of us who cherish this country's ideals and want desperately to see them protected...enhanced and enlarged, as well, I might add.

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That’s it. Boycott CBS.

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Boycott CBS to protest hiring Mick Mulvaney, and let CBS know about it!

You can leave a message for CBS News at this number: 1 (212) 975-3247

Tweet them:



Vote with your money, boycott CBS advertisers, and let THEM know about it!

Update: Thank you, Susan-RI, Jennifer Morris, and Christy who dove deeper and found that the Mad As Hell guy is actually far right boycotting against “liberal bias” for the past 3 years. His disclaimer is valid for any of us:

“Disclaimer: It is just as important to voice your disappointment in the company than to actually boycott their products.”

This Mad As Hell link has a link to a link/email to a weekly updated list of CBS advertisers. Someone more clever than I would have to figure out how to go down that rabbit hole effectively. In the meantime, we can contact CBS directly!


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Thank you for your insightful post.. A large scale boycott of the companies that advertise on CBS is probably the only thing that will get their attention in a meaningful way. The demise of the fairness doctrine and the Supreme Court's assertion that money is "voice" are the primary sources of the polarization that plagues our society today. The CBS action is fundamentally about money, and only a serious threat of financial damage is likely to get the company to reassess their decision.

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Be careful this link provides the new sight link:


The former link list of advertisers is 3 years old!

“CBS ADVERTISERS LIST:   03/02/19 – 03/15/19”

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This stopmainstreammedia bias link is a conservative and awful ‘make the people scared link’! I have to wonder how much of this anti democracy tactic Putin and his Koch, Trump, Devos buddies are orchestrating.

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I knew I could count on one of my fellow commenters to have this info. Who needs Fox when dupes like Neeraj Khemlani are in control of CBS. ‘Putinism’ wins at CBS!

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Spot on Ellie.

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Thank you Ellie Kona! I was just about to dig those up but it's 3 a.m. and my deadline all-nighter is eing in spite ome.

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Update: Thank you, Susan-RI and Jennifer Morris, who dove deeper and found that the Mad As Hell guy is actually far right boycotting against “liberal bias” for the past 3 years. work?

His disclaimer is valid for any of us:

“Disclaimer: It is just as important to voice your disappointment in the company than to actually boycott their products. Make sure these manufacturers understand that you are considering using other products that do not support ABC, NBC, and CBS. If you are taking or using any of the products on the boycott lists for health reasons or to improve the value of your life, please do not boycott those products. Always consult your Doctor before making a decision on Health issues.”

He links to a different site for StopMediaBiasNow which has current lists of CBS advertisers. Someone could create a dummy email to get his current list. (I’ll edit my original comment.)

However. As much as money talks, those advertisers are not going to notice scattered losses of $10 purchases. It’s back to what Mad As Hell guy wrote: “It is just as important to voice your disappointment in the company than to actually boycott their products.”

So raise our voices directly to CBS!

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Called, left strong message of dismay, demanded Mulvaney be removed before I watch CBS news again, (I don't even own a TV). Felt good.

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Good plan, call CBS directly

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Thank you Ellie, for researching and sharing this information with the community in this space. With great appreciation for your tireless dedication to information sharing, I’m off to write loads of letters and draft my phone call script. Do you ever sleep? :)

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Ellie, this link goes right to a conservative media control the news site.

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It is up to US, as active citizens to use our voice and our vote to preserve self-governance. I hope people are paying attention. If not, we will soon be expected to live as loyal subjects!

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Susan Zirinsky no longer is CBS News President.

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Thank you and will edit her out. Then edit in the name of the current president of CBS, whoever finds it.

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Done! "Did you think we wouldn't notice?"

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Thank You Ellie!!

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Thank you, Ellie!

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That site is actually for conservatives.

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The following quote is on the Home page of the link provided in Ellie’s post. The sponsors listed are from 2019. Encouraging folks to be aware! “LIBERAL BIAS IN THE NEWS:

Only Reports Negatives about Trump

Controls and Manipulates public Opinion!

Only holds Republicans/Conservatives accountable

Ignored Hillary’s lies.

Got Obama elected and re-elected!

Suppressed the Benghazi Scandal!

Downplayed scandals like IRS, VA Hospital, etc!”

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Thank you. Updated.

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Thank you, Ellie, for researching this for us.

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I can’t boycott CBS; I haven’t paid attention to them, or NBC, or ABC, for news or anything else, in, oh, thirty years anyway.

PBS’s Newshour is the only tv news I trust at all.

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The point is not only to boycott, but more importantly to complain to CBS executives and their sponsors' executives about hiring Mulvaney.

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I only trust Heather Cox Richardson, Lucian Truscott IV, TCinLA, and Greg Olear. Even PBS needs to please rich sponsors.

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I remember a time (before republicans destroyed public television) when no ads and quality shows. No begging. It was heaven.

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MaryPat - Good point. I would also add Dan Rather to the list.

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I don’t watch CBS either but I'm damn sure going to write and call.

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Me neither.

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Me neither.

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And write to them telling them why you’re doing so.

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That's the most important part!

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You're still watching CBS?

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Love 60 Minutes, Sunday Morning, and Colbert.

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The three good things still on CBS.

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I cut the cord. Haven't watched CBS for 20 years since Cronkite died and all their great journalists died. CBS had a stable of great journalists who were writers. Not graduates from performing arts majors

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Well Dan Rather didn’t die! They fired him for telling an inconvenient truth.

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The more I read about the GOP's plans, the more incensed I become!

"[T]he Republican Party is working to get rid of the New Deal government. While Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell wanted to face the midterms without a platform, Senator Rick Scott (R-FL), who chairs the committee responsible for electing Republican senators, has produced an “11-point plan to rescue America.” It dramatically raises taxes on people who earn less than $100,000, and ends Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, and the Affordable Care Act."

How do they expect the middle class to survive -- much less the elderly or single parent families? It blows my mind that any party which represents human beings can be so callous and unmoved by people's struggles! Their motto is: let the rich get richer and let the poor perish!

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I didn't think I would see this attack on Social Security and Medicare in my lifetime. I hope this "platform" wakes some people up.

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Judy, the Republicans have been trying to emasculate Social Security since it’s inception. This is nothing new. And, since Medicare is part and parcel of Social Security, by ridding the government of the “entitlement” of Social Security the Republicans believe they are keeping people off the dole! (Entitlement? We have SS taxes taken out of our paychecks that are matched by our employers. The benefits payed to an individual are entirely dependent upon what was payed by that person into his/her account.) The people who need to be wakened by Scott’s over-the-top, way-beyond elitist proposals are the supporters of TFG and the GOP ilk who support and defend him.

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We are in serious danger of quietly losing Medicare with this giant push for Medicare Advantage. Medicare Advantage is PRIVATE, not government run- care/ procedures can be denied, they seriously 'upcode' to increase payments etc, etc.

A couple of links:



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Several people commented below that they are happy with their Medicare Advantage plans. The food at Chick-fil-A is tasty, having tried it prior to learning about their right wing funding, but I will not go back. Same thing with Medicare Advantage, though it's not so simple to give up a health care plan you're happy with . It may 'taste' good but it's not so long term effect will destroy our democracy. Period. It's a scam to further privatize healthcare by weakening Medicare. Take heart to Heather's message today and please reconsider.

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Wendy, my Kaiser Permanente original and then senior advantage plans have kept me alive since 1995, despite serious medical conditions. For all the services they perform, and there are many, and for access by all my doctors to everything they need to know medically about me, and for easy access by me to all my test results and by Kaiser-mail to my doctors, and for many more reasons, I would or could never reconsider and leave KP.

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Understood. Since Kaiser is a non profit, I do see it in a different category than corporate based Advantage programs. I wonder, though, if/how they may affect the 'health' of Medicare. Thanks for the clarification.

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I've been with Kaiser Permanente's Senior Advantage for many years, and I could not be more happy with the quality of care and service I've gotten. I've never been denied treatment, procedures or anything.

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I think you have been lucky to be with an ethical group ... my sister's retirement plan is strongly pushing for Medicare Advantage so I have been doing a lot of reading about it. Medicare Advantage rewards the heads of the plans who push for it and it costs the government more than regular Medicare does (see 'up-coding' and denial of care)

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I do know how lucky I am, Joan. I am getting excellent care from my PCP and my specialists. Nothing is perfect, of course, and I have some gripes with KP, but the benefits far outweigh my complaints.

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I couldn't get the "heart" to work so I will just say that I agree, this has been my experience for the past 11 years.

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Chaplain Terry, When the heart button doesn’t turn red, refresh your page and it should then show it’s red. If not, just click on it again, and it should turn red.

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I too have KP Advantage and it’s a model program; but it’s not at all convenient for me and many others who have to drive 45 miles to the hospital or specialists. But compared to Blue Cross etc. I’ll keep it.

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That's logistics which varies for everyone. But how Medicare Advantage manipulates the program is the issue. A good deal of it is hidden until it becomes a big problem for the beneficiaries. Buyer beware ... and do your research!!!!

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Where I live in metro Atlanta, the two facilities I go to most often are about 12 or 20 minutes, respectively, from my house.

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There are no more entitled people than wealthy white men. They think they are owed.

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And cults don’t deprogram themselves

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Should have “woke” them years ago. But remember how “woke” was vilified by repubs so that their cult would still “baa.”

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This is funny!

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Rowshan, since Reagan the Republicans have prosecuted a war on uneducated, middle class white people and now there are almost no uneducated, middle class, white people. They are all on welfare in small towns all over America.

But, for some reason those same people keep coming back to the poisoned water trough.....I think because racisim is more important to them than employment.

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Mike, I think you've distilled the methodology for the last 40+ years. I think that Nixon implemented much of this; look at the Uniform Controlled Substances Act's history and who it targeted. LBJ articulated it when he said "all you have to do is convince the lowest white man that he is better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him someone to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you".

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More true than not, when racism has been emboldened by “leaders.”

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Other one issue voters go for the candidate that stands for restricting abortion, the toughest sounding law and order/immigration party or the one promoting less taxes/ regulation. For so long many have as the saying goes, cut off their nose to spite their face.

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McConnell knows that Republicans don’t need a platform to run on. They can simply rely on Democrats to lose the election based on Inflation, gas prices, culture wars, crime, apathy, etc.

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Propaganda is effective period. The corruption of truth matters.

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McTurtleneck's platform....NO!

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Attacking a Supreme Court justice.....

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Apathy being the biggest cause.

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Rowshan Nemazee, I observe that the gop platform is made especially for the ones they feel are important. The others who survive or are greatly helped by Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid and the ACA, are considered not individually tough enough to deserve any help. In their view, everyone here had an equal chance in the USA. If you are in need, you are by definition, “unworthy”. “A Taker”. What happens to you does not impact them, nor should concern them. Tough Love. If you’re not “tough” you get no love. And, of course they push this while proclaiming the crown of Christianity, and cloaked in white privilege. Women using birth control or getting abortions, Paid Family Leave, Free and Reduced Lunches, WIC, teachers talking about critical race theory, the loving gay couple down the street, and green energy are the REAL problems. We just need to be numbed to real life to see that.

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So well said, Michele L-R.

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Social security is not going away. Old people vote in mass. Both parties know that.

Anyone that messes with SS is political history.

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That used to be true. Old folks in my retirement home love repubs. One old crone screamed in the dining room. “Democrats will take away America’s freedom.” Fox rules the fools, old ones too.

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With the voting restrictions put in place by how many states now?, the exaggerated gerrymandering favoring the Repubs,along with the conservatively-weighted Supreme Court, we may vote en masse against their efforts to cancel the New Deal but our vote is neutered by these chilling efforts. As for CBS. The station's true colors are being revealed. Where were we when we learned about the new voting restrictions ? In the street protesting? Or on our computer chair commenting?

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In my chair, donating, writing letters. My protesting days are over.

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Me too! I live in DC and at 76 I have my own permission to support rallies and protests virtually and in print!!

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10, maybe 15 years ago you would have been right. Today’s rallying call is the ability to administer your own retirement account. SS is no longer a rallying cry for younger generations. They think they’re the next Warren Buffet.

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Deluded is the word, but I have to say, when private billionaires have money for their own space program, the government programs will shrink accordingly. Love Joe’s billionaire tax.

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From my conversations with younger folk, they don’t believe in either SS or their 401K or IRAs. They just look at Boomers F***ing up their future and feel exasperated.

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This is exactly right. Personally (as a late stage unconnected to the culture Boomer) I am not at all sure Social Security is going to survive; it is why I started collecting it at age 62 instead of waiting 5 more years. My nephew is not planning in any way on either SS or Medicare; he (at age 32) is pretty sure he will have neither.

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Hmmm..."Administer your own retirement account". Let's see....being laid off at age 64, too old for other companies to consider hiring you even though you have two masters degrees, having to use the retirement funds accumulated at said company to live on and pay for new medical insurance (at 64 not eligible for Medicare yet), thus having to start SS before the "full retirement age".....is that how they recommend we administer our own accounts? Not quibbling with you, Gail, just stating some facts here.

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Fill the pockets of the private retirement funds? And then when they go belly up, where’s our money? In California when I was teaching I wasn’t allowed to contribute to SS except for Medicare. So those with a preexisting SS account or who contributed after, could only collect a partial amount of SS with their full teachers retirement. We should be very wary of dismantling safety nets. The big winners don’t need them. They manage them.

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This is true but they all have grandparents.

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I used to believe that in my bones but now I am not so sure. I don't know if that platform will keep people from voting for Repulicans

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They don’t represent human beings, remember greed is good. Also remember how Dan Patrick, the Texas Lieutenant asswipe, suggested that old folks should get Covid and die so that they wouldn’t use up resources for the young. Old folks in Texas still love him. The 1 million Covid deaths is just what republicans ordered. We all watched it in real time.

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The R’s don’t care about ordinary people. They only care about big money robber barons like Charles Koch, Rupert Murdock, etc. The R’s operate on the premise of what’s mine is mine, and what’s yours is mine also. They seeing the sharing of wealth and resources as less for them. Their ultra libertarian views are so dangerously extreme. We have not been mindful of their quiet stealth in stealing the country and killing the climate for the rest of us.

I am regularly incensed by their down is up shenanigans. Argh!😖😖😖

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How do the Republicans expect the middle class to survive Scott’s 11-point Platform for the 2022 election cycle? As Marie Antoinette is reputed to have said: Let them eat cake!

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Maybe that really is the cure. Like the 1920's. Let the Pubs destory all things economic until only 10 people in the country have all the wealth. The Great Depression sponsored by 10 years of Republican nonsense in the 1920's led to FDR and 70 years or so of reasonable economic gains for people.

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Here we go again. Learning doesn’t pass on, it seems. But we read about it. Just doesn’t stick like going hungry

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First, I bet you very few Republicons will actually talk about Scott's plan in their campaign speeches. Remember when GWB wanted to privatize SS, and how he tanked, never to recover? The other question is how will Republicon candidates survive if they actually endorse the 11 point scam? I truly hope they defend Scott endlessly and trust in their God to get them elected to save the country from anyone who doesn't agree with them!

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While having no platform is a cop-out on the part of the Repubs, McConnells choice seems wise by comparison with Scott's platform. This is Vaudeville at it's finest.

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@Rowshan, the Rick Scott Republican platform is horrifying. We need a bunch of Facebook memes to inform senior voters, especially all those who are Repub/ Dump supporters, that the Republicans want to take away every program they depend on. All voters need succinct information on the Repub plan to raise taxes on the poor, working, and middle classes *while* taking away their health care. These despicable Republican platform planks need to feature prominently in all our GOTV efforts this year.

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I highly recommend a look at this piece by Thom Hartmann who writes The Hartmann Report. It is a frightening look at just what you are describing- undermining the middle class. And I think he is quite right! Please take a look!


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Thank you!

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Thank you!

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Scott seeks to abolish the very programs which the majority of American resoundingly support. What happened to representative government?

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It’s become the home of the criminally minded like Scott, Mr. Medicare Fraud.

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Direct Contracting….This is their plan to privatize.


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During this period in our history, I have been seeking the Edward R. Murrow of our times. The journalist who brought down Senator McCarthy. The journalist that organized and held an integrated dinner in a downtown Atlanta in the 1930s without incident. The voice for America on the Blitz in England before America got into WWII. Read his biography "Edward R. Murrow -- His Life and Times" by A.M. Sperber. One of my favorite books ever. Murrow set the standards for TV journalism for the last half of the 20th century. I am getting more and more disgusted with 21st century "journalism" if you can still call it that. I'm writing my concerns to the media as much as to my elected representatives now.

Here's one quote from Mr. Murrow:

"When the politicians complain that TV turns the proceedings into a circus, it should be made clear that the circus was already there, and that TV has merely demonstrated that not all the performers are well trained."

Right now even the so-called liberal media is making the same huge gift of air time to the sensational, the negative, the celebrity -- the stuff that got the Former Guy elected. It is all about the bottom line, the ratings and not about integrity and "doing the right thing".

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Cathy, I completely agree.

However, I would add that one reason to add far right nuts to the staff is to find people who resonate with an American population that:

can barely read and almost never does,

is addicted to 140 character insults,

thinks being tough is being rude to people who can't fight back,

and generally have little social skill,

almost no sense of justice in the sense of standing with those less fortunate.

are dumb enough to die from a airborne virus that is easily avoided with a low cost, effective mask while going about one's normal day.

It is for the above reasons that Trump was elected.

It is not that Trump was born without a mother.

He had one: The American People.

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I continually wonder why my brothers were so pissed off about everything. They both died before the Trump era, but they had that argumentative, sense-of-entitlement personality. And I, the oldest of the three of us, do not. They hated school; I loved it. Why, when we grew up in the same family, did we have such different attitudes? I think if I can understand this, I might understand better what has happened to our country. It is as if they were so pissed off at themselves that they just wanted to pull everyone down. Where does that come from?!

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That is a really good question. I have read of some studies (and of course can no longer find the citations) that those who self-identify as "liberal" or "conservative" activate different areas of the brain when making a decision. The bellwether one that I read talked about a financial decision of choosing a high risk/reward outcome vs. low risk/reward outcome, and how different parts of the brain (frontal lobes vs. midbrain) were activated. The actual decision made wasn't relevant; both groups made both decisions, what was relevant was the areas of the brain used for making those decisions. It seems that, to a degree, hard-wiring is a factor in this whole mess.

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Your 'like' button isn't working, but what you say is fact. I have a similar family, and I try to be gracious by reminding myself that "they have different brains". Also explains why 30% of any population prefers autocracy.

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So, nature over nurture. There may be something in both, but not much can be done about the first, and I do believe that people change. I think my brothers had been emotionally injured in some way, or maybe they, being males, assumed my father's sense of injury (he was somewhat similar), whereas I patterned my behavior on my mother's, which was upbeat and outward looking. I think about this a lot. We did not know how to intervene.

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This observation in no way discounts the impact abuse and mood disorders have on one's interpretation of their world.

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Interesting observation, Becky.

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Read anything and everything written by Bob (Robert) Altemeyer: Enemies of Freedom, and other books. He's studied the right-wing followers carefully for years and has answers to why they are so closed and so perverse.

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Not me, his celebrity crap made me heave. The American people succumbed to propaganda as many others have done, and lived to regret it. We will too…

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Mike, this supports my wild hypothesis that a significant portion of our population has been poisoned by lead and/or forever chemicals. They have lost their cognitive skills - whatever they may have had. And that deficiency is reinforced by their family and peers as well as a money grubbing media. And...research in epigenetics suggests that maybe some of this damage from poisons is passed on. Are we doomed like the ancient Romans?

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Mike, let's not include all the American People in this. It really is about 20% of the electorate since the Republican Party is only about a quarter of the electorate. The banning of teaching history through the Critical Race Theory laws and defunding education is really about keeping the electorate ignorant and pliable to the autocrats, the ruling minority.

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Mike, Jim Wright wrote a blog post recently about the addiction to outrage. It is a good read, and is a good assessment of the American population that you're describing here:


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So, if the “so-called liberal media is making the same huge gift of air time to the sensational, the negative, the celebrity”, with TV merely showing the circus that is already there, how do you propose to inform the public - the constituents - about the clown show which is the reality that the journalists are only reporting not creating?

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I believe they create their own sensational stories.

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The 24/7 news cycle has to be fed.

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Agreed Cathy Learoyd. But for the lowly reporters and editors, the grunts who make the whole media machine operate? You can’t pay the rent and buy groceries on integrity and “doing the right thing.” We need government intervention to level the (monetized) playing field. Something like, oh, I don’t know, a Fairness Doctrine!?!!

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Yes, this is another instance of follow the money. However, if a Fairness doctrine gives air time to conspiracy theories that is not a solution.

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"Something like, oh, I don’t know, a Fairness Doctrine!?!!" LOL Where have I heard that expression before?

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Murrow spinning with Walter

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CBS thinks it’s paying for access to GOP politicians by hiring Mulvaney, a trashing of journalistic ethics. Why pay? Politicians crave attention.

This development encapsulates the sharp decline of some (former) bulwarks of news.

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Not just "some."

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Really, they know how to capture the news cycle. Me thinks GREED. May they lose big bucks on this

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CBS might lose money. But the respect lost is priceless. Cronkite, Murrow, and other greats that built the network's news would never ever stand for the hiring of someone as despicable as Mulvaney.

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Michael, I agree. However, seems CBS long ago joined those who sold their once-respected souls.

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Yes, to a point. But this latest soul-selling is gobsmacking.

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Point well-taken.

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Every morning I tense before reading your post. Will it be hope? Will it be despair? This morning I despair that too many Americans just don't care enough to learn all the backstories of all skullduggery throughout our history that has led us to this moment in time. When Houston lost The Houston Post and the city, like so many across the country, became a one paper city, I saw this day coming. Too few are well read. Too many are content with their reality television programs. The nation has become a Confederacy of Dunces.

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Americans protest in these forums and not on the streets. Who protested on the streets when the states' 22 new laws restricting voting access were set in place? (Jurist.org )- "Democrats and civil rights activists express concern over the new laws, explaining that the laws aim to disenfranchise voters, specifically minority voters. The Brennan Center’s report asserted that “Americans’ access to the vote is in unprecedented peril.'"Or who is protesting the on going travesty of justice of Assange? Or Steven Donziger? As for CBS, choosing Mulvaney to "comment" is tantamount to a gay person coming out of the closet. All the major networks skew "news" through a corporate favorable lens. When was the last time you saw Chris Hedges, Paul Street, or Matt Taibi, Bill Moyers, Noam Chomsky, Richard Wolf interviewed on a major TV network or NPR? Who do you think the major funders are /have been for the Jan 6 debacle or for eliminating the New Deal programs or eviscerating voting rights or banking the light-weight Barrett, the probable sex abuser Kavenaugh and Gorsuch onto the Supreme Court? If you are curious about the shadow aspect (hidden) of the Ukraine horror, take a look at Michael Hudson: "US Dollar Hegemony Ended Abruptly Last Wednesday" (Popular Resistance.org) Information and a theory corporations and billionaires do not want you to consider.

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Oh, spot-on reference, Gailee. Nicely done.

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Let’s see, you started with a crescendo first and didn’t stop there! Obviously, CBS felt they weren’t reporting enough “balanced” journalism so who do they hire but one of tfg’s monsters. Maybe their CEO felt sorry for OAN’s fall from grace. It will be very interesting which anchors at CBS will jump ship. I think it could be plenty.

In the meantime, Biden is releasing oil reserves to American citizens to bring the prices down at the pump. In CA where prices are $6+ a gallon, that is welcomed news.

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CBS was not caring a hoot for the quality of its information news. Advertisers pay more for engagement, not accuracy. Mulvaney reflects their broadcast ethics.

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Always wondered why some Fox employee didn’t turn human. Then a few did. But not for the lies and propaganda. So happy John Robert had a truth-telling moment. Not near enough.. may the time come when Rupert’s propaganda machine evil hits critical mass, and all who follow the path of greed and power crater with him.

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"And yet, CBS News hired Mulvaney and simply introduced him as a former director of the OMB, saying he was the guy to explain Biden’s budget."

Dr. Richardson, all of the mainstream news organizations are trying to get members of the far right on their staff because they can see the probability of a future far right government shutting them down is growing every day.

The NY Times has no less than FOUR far right opinion writers now who routinely right nutty stuff. It is not as nutty as Sean Hannity and Tucker Carlson, but, nutty nonetheless.

All of the mainstream outlets are hoping to survive by currying favor with the far right.

However, currying favor with a rabid dog never works out. It is always a bad idea to try to pet one.

The mainstream media would be better off getting in the game and playing on the side of Democracy.

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So we have a 7-hour gap in presidential phone records. Who else remembers when an 18-minute gap in a presidential conversation was big news?

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I do, and thought republicans had learned their lesson. How stupid was I?

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As you say, Conservative members of the Supreme Court want to roll back some hard won civil rights like interracial marriage. Just where do we think our Clarence will come down on that one?

Hoisted on his own petard….

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Thomas deserves to be blown to smithereens by that particular petard. May he and his wife, Ginny, suffer mightily as a result of their duplicity.

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As a wise man said: Yea verily. They have their reward.

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One does have to wonder where Thomas will land in interracial marriage. Methinks when he votes to retain that right, we'll see how biased he REALLY is.

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They will be exempt, remember rank has it’s privileges

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Probably right, Jeri. They'll be "grandfathered" in.

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Loved this!

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I thank Dr. Richardson for pointing this out. I do not watch American television news and would never have known this without her. Right away I complained to CBS. Here is the link if you would like to do so too. https://www.cbs.com/showfeedback/ You need to choose news as the category and select a program as well. I just chose "evening news," not knowing better. If you do, suggest it please. I said I was going to boycott the station's programming and their advertisers. Here is a list. https://stopmediabiasnow.com/cbs-advertisers/

While I read an article that says boycotts do not work, I know they have in some instances. For example, the sanctions on Russia are a boycott. They are working, it is just not quick. Americans tend to be used to immediate gratification, and what is happening in Ukraine, Syria, and elsewhere that Russia has military and is supporting war is terrible, and it cannot be over soon enough. However, over time one is going to more fully bring down their economy to not so easily be retrieved. That is important. It is also important for other authoritarian countries to see what can happen when democracies band together. Of course, thanks to stations like CBS and Fox, we are not likely to remain a democracy without an extreme amount of vigilance.

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My email to CBS: Mick Mulvaney is a co-conspirator to an impeached president who actively and systematically dismantled essential government agencies and severely damaged our relationships abroad. Hiring Mulvaney is condoning his anti- democracy, anti-American actions, all in plain sight of your viewers. I will forgo watching my favorite CBS shows, and let sponsors like Proctor and Gamble know I will not use their products until Mulvaney is removed.

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To the point, can I copy?

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Here's my P&G letter: I am writing to express my deep concern about CBS hiring of Mick Mulvaney as a news commentator. Mulvaney was fully complicit in undermining American democracy by dismantling Federal agencies and damaging foreign relations with his policies and appointments. It is likely when the January 6 committee completes their investigation, the full extent of Mulvaney’s crimes will be disclosed. What America already knows is sufficient to conclude he is unfit to represent out country in any way, especially in the unbiased reporting of news.

As a sponsor of CBS, Proctor and Gamble must stand up for integrity in news reporting. I will not be purchasing your products until I am assured your firm has confronted CBS about hiring a man who actively undermined the principles that make our country strong, inclusive and a leader of democracies worldwide.

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Sure. Change a few words to add your own spice. Just wrote P&G, too.

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Here's my version directed to CBS evening news -- is that right?

"Your promotion of Mick Mulvaney is appalling and insulting. That man has conspired to dismantle essential government agencies. He's worked to damage our society and undermine democracy here and abroad. He worked to undermine our relationships with allies abroad. You obviously condone the dismantling of democracy at home and abroad. This is shocking and more than disheartening, it's infuriating. You are cynical manipulators, not purveyors of truth. I will shun your news shows but also other favorite CBS shows until Mulvaney is removed. I will also join the growing legions of Americans who are outraged at what you've done by promoting this traitorous dissembler by contacting your advertisers and actively boycotting their products. Your actions are reprehensible. Rethink what you've done and get Mulvaney off your programs. It's the least you can do."

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Great link you provided for letting CBS know how you feel. I'll repeat it here as it worked for me. https://www.cbs.com/showfeedback/success/ -saw-

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Thanks for the link. Not that I think it will matter. All media is moving to imitate Fox News in order to survive the next administration.

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It may not. However, if even half the people on this list spend 3 minutes to complain to them, the feedback will register. If you spend another 15 minutes to select some of the companies on the boycott list to complain to, that will register. I picked Pfizer, and 2 insurance companies. It is pretty easy. They have a link to contact the company and suggestions on what to say. People did not believe in the Ukrainian military either, yet that is not stopping them from the fight for their lives. I believe we have an easier battle, because it is with words. We need to vigilantly let people know how we feel. That is how the right has gotten so far so fast. They have been a very vocal minority. We need to become the very, very vocal majority for democracy.

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Thank you. Linda.

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Thanks, Linda. That was easy!

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It worked in South Africa.

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Yes. That is because pension funds were removing their investments, and there was pressure for other big funds to do the same. When students rallied around it, it was effective. Also, the grape boycotts were effective at the time for improving rights for farm workers. There has not been enough, and there has been backsliding, but it helped.

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CBS would not let my comments post to their site. Error message about alphanumeric characters

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I guess Mulvaney must have given up

his gig with PC Matic, or whatever the computer security firm is named. Had a blue polo shirt for that one. Certainly a wardrobe upgrade. CBS is pandering. Uncle Walter, Mike Wallace and Eric Sevareid would not have stood by and let this happen.

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Or Andy Rooney.

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Christine, could you imagine what he would say. I loved that guy for calling a spade, a spade. .

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Absolutely. My fave part of 60 Minutes.

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Always was for me as well. I can see that typewriter of his right now.

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Maybe Dan Rather will have something to say about this over on Steady?

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I’m sure, since he was on Rupert’s radar from the git go

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Well, Walter or Eric, anyway. Mike was the the instructor of his son, Chris, so I’d say the jury is still out on that question.

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I'm f**king speechless. But YES to what Rosemary says: "That's it. Boycott CBS."

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You might like to tweet this to anyone and any organization who claims to support Ukraine. Of course CBS might be your first tweet.

"Mick Mulvaney, Trump's hit man withheld defense money from Ukraine, letting Putin know Republicans don't care about Ukraine, giving Putin a green light to attack. CBS hires Mulvaney instead of sanctioning persons giving aid & comfort to Putin. Mulvaney must go."

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Not a single Republican I know is interested in reading anything from the world of reality anymore. All of the Republicans I know are firmly encamped in "Belief Space".

In "Belief Space" what FEELS true is what IS true. No need for independent validation, no need to check to see if it is a lie.

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I love "Belief Space". It is where they live, because facts do not matter, it is their "sincerely held beliefs" that sustain them. You know, hatred, racism, homophobia, sexism.

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Research reported again yesterday that Ivermectin doesn't work against COVID, and yet they really felt that it would - bet their lives on it!

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This is too painful to write about tonite. Prayers for all the women& children & senior folk trapped in Putin’s war on Ukraine. Gnite dear HCR and all of her readers, my new family .

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I’m old enough to remember Edward R. Murrow. Walter Cronkite was an evening fixture growing up. CBS was the pinnacle of credibility. No more. CBS’s hiring of Mulvaney and trying to pass him off as a budget expert is beyond the Pale(y). And that’s the way it is.

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