I have hope because people like you are educating people like us so that we can respond creatively and intelligently to the problems in our nation and our world.

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Responding "creatively and intelligently to the problems in our nation and our world" is exactly the process supported by democracy, rather than the limitations of the politics of inevitability, as articulated by Timothy Snyder with Ezra Klein. If anyone missed it, this is a very worthwhile listen to the podcast or a read of the transcript, including on the power of words, Putin's take on history and the Ukraine, and Ukrainians' self-determination.


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Thank you.

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Thank-you for this link. How illuminating. Have passed it on.

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Thank you so much - I missed this one.

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Thanks, Ellie, for reposting this link. It’s so informative.

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But my friends who religiously watch Fox and listen to Conservative radio just repeat the lies they hear on these venues. They won't read "Letters from an American". Too Liberal. I have great fear of the midterm election. Too many people want to go back 50 years and eliminate the advances we made in our society. They fear anything "new".

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Agreed. But there are more of us than them. It is about voter turnout. Our biggest problem is apathy.

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Can't we out vote the Republican's when it comes to selection of who becomes president of the USA? I live in the Red Red State of Indiana!

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Hi Sharon, I live in the formerly deep red state of Georgia and we are beyond worried about going back! We’re focusing on voting and keeping the conversation open.

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It is scary!

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And I live in the RED Red state of Idaho, where our governor signed an anti-abortion bill last week similar to TX. GOOD GRIEF! I used to feel like a blip of blue in the red mire, yet I have carefully found a handful of people who add to my blueness and help me feel stronger. I found a FB group Idaho Women for Biden/Harris. That REALLY helped. Perhaps there is a similar group for IN.

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Yes, leserenity we have one that has gotten me through the last few years besides Heather's letters! They are wonderful!

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We can outvote Republicans but in at least 19 states (so far) the state legislatures have given themselves to power to not accept the voters' choice if the legislature decides not to accept the results, and... I think...certify the losing candidate instead[ if the legislature prefers that candidate.

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That scares me!

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As it should scare every American voter.

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I read more liberal learning news papers on line, watch one of the big 3 mainstream news channels and rely on HCR letters and ect for the real meat and potatoes to what is going on. I have been racking my brain on how do we have the the miss informed come over to the light. I wonder if it has to do with the psychology of feeling like a fool for doing something dumb? That feeling you have when you realize that you were wrong about something? Pride is a deadly sin. You feel like a fool when you realize that you were off base.

Besides these letters every morning, I also listen to HCR Facebook chats on Tuesdays. She speaks about to change the ideas we have to take up oxygen. By showing there is an other side to the argument. With out heat when we do it. Pointing what we both believe in that we have in common. Writing to our local papers, pushing the other mainstream media news outlets, to focus what Biden is doing right. If we here can all be a pebble in the water imagine the profound impact we can have.

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"I have been racking my brain on how do we have the the miss informed come over to the light." Jake, I rack my brain too. I spent a large amount of my adult life in the Seattle area. One gets a particular mindset there - it is a progressive place with progressive people and progressive ideas. It has its problems. but in general the place benefits greatly from the mindset of its citizens. Why is it that way? I don't know. It needs to be that way everywhere. But I have been living in the Memphis area for more than a decade now, in a conservative suburb. It is a different planet. Living here has been a revelation. And that revelation is that bringing the misinformed to the light is not going to happen by and large. Just like the recent e-mail exchange between Mark Meadows and Ginny Thomas reveals, their minds are made up. No amount of evidence to the contrary will change anything. And they HATE us. It's either religious fervor, outright racism, disdain for all things modern, or what you suspect - pride and unwillingness to consider something different from what they have taken as truth all their effin' lives. It's a powerful thing. The vast majority of them are not going to change. We can thank Trump for making them more politically powerful than in the past. And that is our challenge. I do believe there are more of "us" than "them". It's a war, they are not playing fair, and we have to win at the ballot box. The biggest criticism I have of our side is apathy.

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Apathy is a big issue as well as taking the defense to the rights offense. We need to drive the conversation, not respond to misinformation. If we say these books are worth reading because of X,Y,Z. Or do you really want to live in a state that says you can't buy condoms or other forms of birth control? I also feel it's time we show up at school board meetings regardless of whether we have kids in school or not. Someone else needs to stand up and say no I don't see it that way.

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We are neighbors, Jay. Living inside the city, however, our blue shines a bit brighter. The burbs of many cities across the US remain red (often white, privileged populations), as you’re probably well aware. Even we white, privileged folk can do our part to call out others with our actions to recruit votes. 💙

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We proved that when Biden was elected. Now the Repubs are trying to do everything possible to discredit him!

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❤️ Sharon, Your bright spirit and kindness have blessed the forum. It is time now for me to follow other worthwhile pursuits. With appreciation and warm wishes to you and your family, always.

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Fern, your comments will be missed!

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Can you tell me when are HCR facebook chats?

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Tuesday at 4pm eastern time for politics and history and Thursday at 1pm eastern time for history. HRC is doing the whole history of the United States. It's very much in the beginning. If you look at her Facebook page you can find her live chats. And view at your leisure.

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I am with you on Tuesdays, Jake and I also watch and listen to Thursday and most podcasts!

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Anthony, Some of the far right want to go back to 1790, not just 50 years.

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Ours has been for too long a dynamic political landscape to believe we can't and won't influence change by our own continuing education, sharing ideas wherever and whenever possible, VOTING, and INVOLVING OURSELVES WITH VOTER REGISTRATION AS WELL AS GET-OUT-THE-VOTE PROGRAMS WHERE WE LIVE. I grew up in Washington State, spent 15 years in Southern California, and have now been in Virginia for 31 years. Virginia was a reliably red state when we arrived. We have become a purple swing state. Our governor is a conservative Republican, while the legislature is still controlled by a slim democratic majority. We have two U.S. senators who are Democrats, and we have U.S. congressional from both parties. I'm so grateful for Heather's work to show us today's news through the lens of our history. I don't necessarily see that as either 'too liberal' or even liberal leaning, although she admits being a liberal at heart. She also admits agreement with some conservative ideas. But Heather's approach is to show us the political ideologies and partisans at work, then and now, ever reminding us of the trail of consequences and historic fact as a measure against what is happening today. She leaves me to decide for myself how I'd like that course corrected--or not. I share her column and links to FB talks often, and friends have picked up on this and are following suit. Repeating the truth of our history is a proactive approach to making change happen. 😊

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All true, but we can each only control our own actions.

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It is not 50 years. States Rights reaches back to the times of perpetuating slavery.

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And honestly.

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Just do not give up! Those who are brainwashed by the propaganda are unable think for themselves, so it's vital that we step up and that each one of us does what we can to keep our democracy.

We. Can. Do. This.

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Gorgeous picture!!

Thank you, Heather, for ALL you do, and thank you to this amazing, supportive community ❤️

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We are so grateful for your dedication to keeping people engaged and informed, from a source that isn’t “fake news” and is straight to the facts vs slanted in one direction. Your energy and truthful renditions of discouraging facts still somehow express hope in tomorrow. I don’t know how you can be so prolific all these months and now years since you started this feed. You amaze us. And we so appreciate you. Both here in our little town of RP Maine and all across the world. Thank you from the bottom of our collective hearts.

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^ this above is exactly how many of us feel. Well said

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Oh I needed to see this image and read your loving words this evening. Sleep well.

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I needed this wonderful image and loving words this evening, too.

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Thank you for your letters and the hope you share with us. What a beautiful photograph you give your friend in Ukraine and us tonight. You are a blessing to all of us.

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Brilliant, appropriate tribute by Peter - the maker - and you, our Town Crier!

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Town crier, perfect!

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Ah ha! there is a new dawn breaking and it is a better day for Ukaine!

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Well said.

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Wow. This photo brings tears to my eyes. Thank you Heather, and Thank you Ukraine.

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It brought tears to my eyes, too.

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Enjoy a restful night, Heather. Thank you for the beautiful, peaceful, "Ukrainian" picture.

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Beautiful photo. Although the water isn't still, it brought to mind one of my favorite poems, so apropos for these times, by Wendell Berry:


When despair for the world grows in me

and I wake in the night at the least sound

in fear of what my life and my children’s lives may be,

I go and lie down where the wood drake

rests in his beauty on the water, and the great heron feeds.

I come into the peace of wild things

who do not tax their lives with forethought

of grief. I come into the presence of still water.

And I feel above me the day-blind stars

waiting with their light. For a time

I rest in the grace of the world, and am free.

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Big fan of Mr. Berry. Reading ''The World-Ending Fire" right now.

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MaryB, thanks for sharing💙!

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Thank you Heather. You give me hope

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Thank you, Heather, for helping to keep us grounded and hopeful.

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There is hope. I am proof. The first 50 years of my life, I was a mindless supporter of heartless, soulless capitalistic values. At the age of 50 in 2020, I woke up. I went from being a Trump supporter to a thoughtful, compassionate Progressive who reads Letters from an American every day and who is actively making amends for 50 years of selfish behavior. I know we can save our country and our world because people like all of you saved me.

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I applaud all those people who can change their position when confronted with new information. It is truly a miracle, you are proof. As are so many of us.

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Me too. From to the right of Genghis Khan to left of Karl Marx

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Oh Goodness, Marx is a lightweight. To the left of Malcolm X, that’s where I’ve been heading. 😘😉

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Got to learn about him. To me Bernie is a moderate

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I love you more and more Allen with each successive comment

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Don't know how popular I would be if I responder to TC and Fern's bosom clutching and smelling salt sniffing reaction to the best speech Biden ever made.

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Hey, everybody has a right to their opinion. We don’t all agree 100% of the time.

He was speaking as a human, not as President, not as figurehead and policy maker. How hard is that for others to understand? Besides, well over a dozen people here, including people who never speak of violence, have said the same thing, in so many words.

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Good morning Allen. So glad to “know” you along this journey. Hugs to you all.

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Hug back atcha 🤗

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Morning, Allen. Covid free yet?

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Yes. Fly tomorrow

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Hello, Allen! Still getting decent night’s sleep?

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Yes thanks

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Allen💙🇺🇦💙! Are you and Tanya out of Warsaw?

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RUF I love you ❤️❤️❤️❤️

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What happened that “woke you up”?

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Left home, went to university, saw some the world and its inequalities, read lots of books, met many different people

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For me, it was the way Trump responded to the Pandemic and seeing no one doing anything to stop the murder of George Floyd. I am ashamed to admit that I had been intellectually lazy up until then. I never researched anything in depth. I just took what I heard on Fox News and talk radio as the truth. I grew up with a dad who was very conservative Republican and my Mom knew engaging with him regarding politics was useless so she never challenged him. She wasn't afraid of him. She was just above it all. I didn't realize that at the time so I always assumed she was conservative Republican too. After he passed away, I found out she was a big time pro-Union, pro-New Deal Democrat. But I was 24 so the damage had been done. I was brain washed and already a big Rush Limbaugh fan. Had I been paying attention and thinking for myself, I never would have supported Trump. I'm appalled at myself for supporting such a monster. When I woke up, I realized that everything I valued at my very core aligned with the Progressives. I was miserable my entire life to the point I frequently thought about suicide until I woke up. Now, I am truly at peace and I love life. I never imagined that life could be joyful like it now is. I am so grateful and everyday, I try to make amends for my 50 year long nap.

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Well, here you are now. Get to work electing Dems!

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Indeed, we are all in this together.

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What a gorgeous, meaning-filled photo.

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Beautiful! Thank you. ❤️

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