Thank you for defending democracy, Heather. Brave historians like you speak truth to power against fascists. We must not let them rewrite history.

I wrote a poem for you because you inspired me to start a Substack: https://democracydefender2025.substack.com/p/heather-cox-richardson-letters-history-democracy

In the halls of history where echoes tell our truth,

There stands a scholar with a fervor for our youth,

Heather Cox Richardson, a beacon in the night,

A historian whose words forge the path for right...

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I should add - my wallet is my weapon. I’m spending less. If Trump’s economy tanks we all get hurt but we get rid of him faster. I’ll take the short term pain if it breaks the spell.

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Where’s the why? It’s so clear that Trump serves at the pleasure of Putin. But why? I have yet to see any fact based deep dive on this. And then? What can we do?

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It's obvious that Trump's neck is in at least two nooses. One rope is held by Vlad and the other rope is held by Elon. Donald's fear of Putin is palpable. His attack on Zelensky was to serve his master in Moscow. He's more worried about Putin's feelings "We've been through so much together" than he is about 340 million American citizens. Musk? Musk now controls the Treasury and Trump and the Cabinet and the GOP side of Congress. Control over the judges is next. Musk dreams of turning America into a bigger stronger version of Russia. With him in charge.

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Does it matter? He's probably compromised, or a voluntary asset. His collusion with the Kremlin gains him global leverage, that's why. Treasonous.

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Hey Jeanne. Please check out this substack for some background on trump/putin.

Craig Unger



Craig is the NYT bestselling author of six books on the GOP's assault on democracy including House of Trump, House of Putin and, most recently, Den of Spies. He has written for Vanity Fair, New York, Esquire, the New Yorker, etc.

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I think he serves him because he wants to learn from him and be like him. Trump does not know or care what the Constitution of our wonderful country says. And many have tried to teach him the Constitution that worked with him. They have reported that they only got as far as the fourth paragraph because Trump does not read much.

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Because g’s in debt to him.

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At this point the bottom line "why?" may not be clear.

But rest assured, it benefits Trump in some way.

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Extremly Scarey and conerning !

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Is it possible for the Trump presidency to be recalled if enough American citizens call for it?

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Legally I don't know. However, as an asset to a foreign nation, a nation traditionally at odds with US interests, he should be impeached along with his VP asap.

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As I said in my response above -impeachment doesn't mean anything without a conviction to go with it.

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There is no provision for a recall petition or similar in the Constitution. The only constitutional provision for that is in the 25th Amendment, which allows for removal of the President if he/she is no longer able to carry out the duties of the office.

Though it is my opinion that we are way past that being the case with this President (he is demonstrably mentally incompetent), it is also far from it happening with this Congress. Articles of Impeachment could be drawn up (Trump has been impeached, what? twice?) that means nothing if he isn't convicted of the crimes set out in the Articles. Again, fat chance of that, too, especially since he rigged it with the SCOTUS to be exempted from any otherwise illegal activities undertaken as part of the duties of his office. Obviously, throwing a tantrum and berating the democratically elected President of a sovereign nation falls within the scope of his duties.

At least Nixon, with some encouragement, saw which way the wind was blowing and resigned rather than face the high probability that he would have been convicted. It was claimed that he did that to "spare the nation" from a long drawn out impeachment and conviction process. That is BS. If he care about sparing the nation from anything he would have taken us out of Vietnam his first week in office. Nixon cared about Nixon, and Trump cares about Trump.

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Thank you! Thank you. I read your letter every morning and greatly appreciate your hard work. It arms me with the facts I need to face the world each day.

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Ronald Reagan?? Schiff needs to do more homework. He paved the way for this with his vision of meritocracy.

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They plan to take over Greenland and control all natural resources that will become accessible as the polar ice cap melts. Essentially they have a pact to control the civilized world.

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Putin bailed him out from his two bankruptcies and now he is calling in his chips!

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Man has lost the capacity to foresee and to forestall. He will end by destroying the earth.

Albert Schweitzer

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Clearly we are being run by Russia my question is how do we get rid of Trump, Vance and Musk! The worst part is even with all the books written about Trump, Russia yet people still voted for him

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books? anyone can have a book written about themselves. just watch that man (or any of his minions) for even 30 seconds. if you didn't gag, you probably voted for him.

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The orange monster is destroying this country.

He has made it his mission the day he entered US politics

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AS always the Best.

To get up and Do it again everyday is the only way to deal with this.

The weariness that settles in is only bearable because of the severity and immediacy of the attack.

I imagine what it must be like in Ukraine for all the People including President Zelensky. The Civilians in Gaza.

I know that no amount of imagining can summon the degree weariness felt in these "Theaters" .

Sadly I hope we all realize these Fascists have set the stage for just that kind of reality. Do not

succumb to the weariness. See the World as it is. Be grateful there is a chance to seriously impede

their progress with peaceful means.

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This is scary but not surprising we can't depend on the GOP to jion us all Americans must unute to conquer evil

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I am so thankful and impressed with your knowledge, writing, and courage. Thank you for your accurate description of the Putin-Trump "partnership." I was discussing this with my husband this morning, and we are really worried about Trump's alliance with Putin. We even thought Putin prepped Trump for his meeting with Zelensky. And now all aid to Ukraine from the US is gone--so sad. I look forward to your sub stack as often as possible.

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Thank you, Heather!

I have a few lingering thoughts from early fall.

Did you get answers to questions around the first shooting attempt of TJT?

Did you find the answer to why the Trump campaign wasn’t following their expected plan? Making us all wonder why the change.

During the past years following TJT, he often says things about his opponent that describes what he is doing. As he was accusing the dems of cheating at the polls, it gave me a chill imagining him somehow being the one cheating with the help of his friend Elon Musk.

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