The complete remaking of a state college or university is truly horrifying. I know that it has happened that other schools have been transformed to fit a political or social system, but the chaos DeSantis is trying to create can only be compared to acts taken by Hitler himself.

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This has been coming for much longer than DeSantis, the Koch’s (when there were two) have had this agenda for decades, more quietly though. Though Charles Koch reportedly hates chump, he should give the man his due. He made hate a national goal for cretins who have not an iota of humanity. Exactly like Germany in the 30’s

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I think what is most remarkable is the speed with which DeSantis is changing the school. A true bully, a true predator attacks swiftly, before anyone has a chance to defend themselves. When they get called out, they cower back, only to search a new target. He puts immigrants on a bus and gets outrage, so he turns his focus on education. He swipes at Disney to the cheers of his fans, then secretly changes the deal to save face w Disney.

I can only hope the throw down between Trump (the mob boss) and DeSantis (the brute) could finally tear the GOP and its voters apart.

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No, he put migrants on a plane. Because there was pushback “his” legislature changed the law giving him the right to transport migrants from anywhere, to anywhere, thus sidestepping a lawsuit. He won’t touch Cubans in Florida, it would cause too much outrage within his old Cuban community voters.

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See - he can only bully those who can’t immediately push back. He is sure his actions are red meat for his followers and have no negative electoral consequences.

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Exactly, because bullies are really cowards at heart, so they only pick on those who can't defend themselves. I shudder to think what this bully could do to the country if he ever becomes President!

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What will he do to the USA if he is elected president anytime within the next few years?

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Your Mission is Stop Him Now. All of Us.

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I feel like I’m waiting for Godot to see if the Republicans tear themselves apart and people who support them by voting finally “woke“ up.

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I sure hope they wake up before it is too late. What I have seen with their current convention is very scary! Of course we see those that are really in the minority!

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“Follow the money.”

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It it NOT the money. It is a cultural war at this point.

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It’s always the money

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The Citizens United ruling by the SCOTUS, made all this bribery for power legal.

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So true!

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You will notice that the more corrupt the government, the more easily money is exchanged for political power, and vice versa.

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Directing tax dollars = always about the money.

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I would argue it’s both and additionally, being about the money is actually a culture in and of itself. But religion, racism, moral values, brains wired for authoritarianism, are all part of it. Human brains are complex.

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One thing that seems for sure, it is all based on a survivor way of thinking. Hoarding. Fear based.

I have met too many people who appear intelligent, hoard possessions, money, etc WAY beyond what they need. It is an illness as far as I can tell.

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Everything gets complicated around human interactions, but racism and an the aggressive, narcissistic (supremacist) forms of religion and "moral values" are rooted in a love of domineering power. Trump and Elon prove that money is a way of dispensing that, as can despotic forms of politics and goons with guns.

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Fear is probably the strongest emotion and authoritarians exploit that fear by providing a defense against, the basis of that fear, all those others. Just take note of who they are oppose to, 'those others' are always seen as some sort of threat.

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Money and other forms of power.

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Only if culture refers to accumulating power in one man, using it to control government, schools, and businesses, and systematically destroying anyone if doing so might increase that power.

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The culture war serves the money people. It keeps our focus away from following the money.

You and him fight, so’s I can rob the both of you while you’re occupied.

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And someone needs to follow the money behind Jan 6 and SCOTUS

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When in doubt! But who has more $$$$$$ than Disney in that swamp!

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My question; do these narcissistic ‘States Rights’ people get to supersede the Federal Law in this country . It seems there is way too much power given to De santis. How does this work?

Of course we also have the Supreme Court following the political

Wishes of their largest donators.

And the Republican Fascists sucking up to Putin and Turkish President Erdogan .

Well he was invited to be a keynote speaker at a Fascist Republican Convention , last year .

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The comparison to Hitler and Nazis is right on. The people watched as violence and hate and specific groups lost their rights and their lives. Hand ringing and ignoring the violence and loss of rights and property didn’t help. And it won’t now. DeSantis is not working alone. Today’s repubs are showing their stripes and they are dangerous.

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Agree that D is not working alone.

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My father listened to Hitler as a boy on the radio. In 2015 he said that he sounded exactly like Hitler.

And then he voted for him. Twice.

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I am so sorry, Jen. I don't know if you've seen the documentary "The Brainwashing of my Dad" (I think I saw it on Netflix)? It sure explains a lot.


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and Ally I think you know that doc was made before Trump. It' going to take many years (if we can) to undo the Fox brainwashing.

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I do. We went through this with my father in law.

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Wow, that boggles the mind! How disappointed in him you must be…a sad tale indeed.

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So very sad. I am sorry for you.

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Jen, my secondborn son said and did exactly the same. Damn near broke my heart.

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So sorry

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Did he like Hitler?

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Thought he was horrible.

But Rupert et al convinced him trump was great.

I haven’t seen him in years.

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Propaganda is sinister

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So is fear of the "other".

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Jen, it’s sad how politics and values can divide families and communities. Perspective is critical. People can witness the same incident and report different very events.

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And Very different events!

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Yes - and see also the Powell Memo. This is a long, long , campaign.

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This has its genesis right around the time of Reagan. Right-wing religionists have had a longterm goal of collapsing our republic. The faux Christian evangelicals have had as their goal to turn our constitutional democracy into a theocracy driven by oligarchs.

On another note: Who'd trust the Kochs, Russians who came here to seal their fortunes?

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Or Orban, who managed to deport to entire universities from Hungary.

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Yes, and Orban welcomed into the repub party while the world watched. And watches.

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Alex Wagner's interview of New College students on MSNBC last night is heartbreaking and horrifying, at the same time it gives me hope listening to this better generation.


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MaryPat, While I, too, was inspired by the New College student interviews, I, simultaneously, was unsettled as I contemplated views young people, down the road, conceivably could hold were DeSantis’s dystopia ever to be realized beyond Florida. Accordingly, in my view, we must press Democrats, in 23-24, to campaign on far more than the implementation of their 21-22 accomplishments. But that’s a conversation for another day.

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Right on! We can not allow radicals to go unchallenged.

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George, While I agree, I also would note, setting aside the failure to pass any federal voter protection safeguards, that part of planning their 23-24 campaign strategy should entail Democrats carefully assessing what was and what was not accomplished in 21-22.

For example, I recall supporters in early 22 applauding the Progressive House caucus, who, as pledged, refused to vote on the bipartisan physical infrastructure bill until 50 Senators publicly committed their support to the Build Back Better social and climate action plan. These progressive lawmakers rightly understood that were they to delink these bills they would risk leaving out young people, black and brown people, indigenous people, immigrants, women, and single moms, let alone disregard the severity of environmental threats.

Ultimately Biden pressed progressives to decouple the bills, promising that were they to support the bipartisan physical infrastructure bill, he would deliver the social and environmental piece. The Progressive caucus reluctantly agreed, and Biden, predictable, in my view, failed to get Manchin and Sinema to sign on to the human infrastructure piece, that later was re-packaged as the vastly edited down Inflation Reduction Act, which the Senate did pass with zero Republican support.

As a final point, I would note, when 60% of working families largely report they are living precariously from paycheck to paycheck, wherein family income, in many cases, is only sustained by more people working longer hours while still weighted down by mortgage debt, credit debt, and the like, we ought not forget that the bipartisan physical infrastructure bill was negotiated by an all-white conservative group of legislatures and was devised largely to help one set of people while leaving out so many others who were the centerpiece of the human infrastructure reconciliation bill.

I note this point, because, when Biden, in particular, announces on the campaign trail that we have more to do, I suggest he be more specific if he expects to connect with his audience.

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Barbara Jo,

I also agree with you, but how do you expect Biden to deal with a rebellious progressive left who like the crazies at the other end are willing to sabotage any bill that does not meet their objectives. The Democratic party must defund these showboats. What Biden has accomplished is rermarkable considering the marrow margin in both Houses.

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George, While you and I and many on this platform would credit Biden’s accomplishments given the narrow margins in both chambers, I understand far too many Democrats don’t sense the impact of his policies on their day-to-day lives.

As for the progressive wing of the Party, I didn’t view their actions as sabotage. They understood that moderates in both parties were invested in passing the bipartisan infrastructure bill and rightly feared, despite guarantees to the contrary, that were the physical infrastructure piece to be decoupled from the Build Back Better social and climate action plan and passed as a stand-alone bill the human infrastructure piece would not advance, which is precisely what happened. In other words, progressives, by relinquishing their leverage, allowed moderates to pass their bill and then break their word regarding passage of the other piece.

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Didn’t see the interviews. Are the students leaving and enrolling elsewhere? That’s the best solution

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@Citizen60, Considering the students interviewed love this small state liberal arts college where the faculty-student ratio is quite small, none that I can recall expressed plans to leave. Instead they’re prepared to fight. Besides, DeSantis plans to exert the same controls over all Florida state colleges and universities. In fact, my understanding is that the plan, K-post-secondary, is to create a two-tiered system— one for private education and another for the 90% who attend public schools and colleges.

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@Citizen60 and @Barbara Jo Krieger, in real time DeSantis has been working to get highly ideological individuals into school boards and then either firing Superintendents or creating a fear-based environment. Meanwhile, Corcoran who was installed at New College was a disaster as a Commissioner of Florida's Department of Education.

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Mary Pat, thank you for sharing this Alex Wagner expose on yet another blatant attempt at a White Nationalist, White Supremacist State/nation. And keep listening and watching, friends, as Wagner reports on Leonard Leo and his role on stacking The Supreme Court with repubs who will carry on a white supremacy agenda. And how he made his money. We might know that, but when it’s national news, is the nation watching and listening and thinking?

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Sheldon Whitehouse has been reporting on this topic for seven years. Wagner comes to it late, but better late than never.

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It bears repeating, and repeating, and repeating..

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Yes! We cannot asume that because we have learned about an issue that we have heard about more than once before, that most of the world has that same experience. I am all in favor of original ways of expressing the information--seems immature when everyone uses the exact same descriptive phrase as if following a script.

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Yes, and even generations before. These isms are age old, historical. One difference is the Internet and the technology that controls us and spreads data and information. And how can the people know the Truth. Then and now. Written, spoken, wired words. Values and ethic, moral choices are not always clear and final words.

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I too was grateful for Wagner's reporting last night. She's doing good work on MSNBC (much preferable to Maddow whom she has replaced). But as a retired university professor I found myself disturbed about how we are not hearing from any faculty at New College or from Florida generally. Their aegis over curricular matters has been shattered, as has the principle of academic freedom. Are they terrified about job loss and even other repercussions? The Nazis went after the intellectuals early on and we're watching history repeat itself. I know that those in the AAUP (American Association of University Professors) plan to report on this; but they'll just issue long written reports that no one reads. This calls for actions by all of us, yet is feels much too late.

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Faculty who speak up will not only be silenced and fired, but dragged through the mud, perhaps physically as well as professionally. DeHitler and his Wehrmacht troops are pure evil. I actually felt concern for Wagner''s safety on the campus of New College. It's up to all of us to defend democracy in whatever way we can. (Bet it was faculty who encouraged certain students to speak for the cameras).

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Absolutely! I agree. And that's what worries me.

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SG, I’ve copied this from FL House Rep Anna Eskamani’s newsletter. She is is fearless, has no problem calling out our current admin and is “ boots on the ground” with her activism. She also takes NO corporate donations.Incidentally, one of her degrees is Women and Gender Studies.

Take Action: Bill of the Week

HB999: Conservative Takeover of Higher Education

HB999 was filed late on Thursday and is the Governor's priority higher education bill. To put it bluntly, this is a very bad bill that includes a breathtaking control of viewpoint and content throughout all academic activity in the entire Florida system. All colleges and universities are forbidden to spend any money to fund pedagogy, programming, or activities that “espouse diversity, equity, and inclusion.”

No core class can present American history contrary to a founding narrative “based on universal principles stated in the Declaration of Independence.” All state colleges and universities must remove Women’s & Gender Studies from the list of available majors and minors. No major or minor can exist if it is deemed to be “derivative” from the “belief system” of “Critical Race Theory."

All faculty hiring will be done by the university board or president—who *may not delegate* any aspect of any hiring decision or any hiring authority to any group of faculty however constituted. They are “not required to consider recommendations or opinions of faculty.” The bill also attempts to go after tenure, by creating a "post-tenure review" process led by political appointees.

This bill has not been assigned committee hearings yet, so for now I encourage you to contact your State Representative here and ask that they oppose HB999. you can also contact all members Postsecondary Education & Workforce Subcommittee. I also serve on this committee, and you can expect me to fight back along the way.

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Shared with headline:

"SIMPLY TERRIFYING. And DeSantis is running for President so Florida is only the beginning."

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Will also share with Heather's Herd advocacy group (for tomorrow's zoom meeting).

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@MaryPat Can you tell me more about the Heather's Herd advocacy group?

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I will take this email down once you let me know you have it. Thanks!

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Thanks Juliana! I just saw that you are a New College alum. You will have much to offer Heather's Herd. Thank You.

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OMG!! I am forwarding this to every Floridian I know, and posting on FB. DeHitler is beginning the cleansings.

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Thanks for sharing that Linda. Would appreciate connecting with you off the comment board. Not sure how to make that happen without posting contact info here. Do you know?

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Thank You.

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Mao also went after the intellectual class. It's a good way to silence any opposition.

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George Orwell, in 1984, warned us of folks like DeSantis, Hitler, Stalin, and Mao. YOU BETTER BELIEVE!

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How can the state support a Christian school? I must have missed something? Are they privatizing it? Isn’t a state funding a Christian education in conflict with our constitution? Apparently, I’m confused.

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Thank you for this. I did not catch it. The Supreme Court is stacked with Roman Catholic justices. I am convinced the majority of those do NOT hold to objective law, but selective law based on their religion. This is yet one more pillar of our constitutional democracy beginning to crumble. Think Roe v. Wade.

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So am l

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Religious institutions have been tax exempt for years, and generally that can be interpreted as receiving government financial assistance.

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@Christy - the voucher systems that some states try to put in place - and that some have put in place allow public school dollars to pulled out of the public eye. Once the monies go into a private school (religious or otherwise) there is no more oversight. Federal guidelines related to education or guidelines about fiduciary responsibility either outright don't apply, or they can be manipulated so little or no financial reporting is required. A lot of pockets get lined.

More info in general about the pushes to privatize here: https://dianeravitch.net/2023/03/04/stephen-j-kless-what-explains-the-movenent-to-privatize-education/

And more info here about the challenges of voucher systems:


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I deleted an article I posted after checking the author’s credentials and finding he has had disciplinary action taken by the Texas Bar.

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This is a state run college though from what I understand

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Or, the Taliban.

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My sentiments exactly! DeSantis’ Yputh came to mind.

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Not so. The US has a strong history of censorship. Let's refrain from making casual and inaccurate references to Hitler.

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Marycat There is nothing ‘casual or inaccurate’ about my references to Hitler. I was growing up during WW II (for my family, started in September, 1939). I had family fighting the Nazis and later knew a number people who had lived through Nazi occupation. Subsequently, from age 58 to 80 I was a history professor teaching, among other individuals, about Hitler, Stalin, and Mao.

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@Keith Wheelock Keith - is there a short list you'd recommend for folks interested in having the high level views to see the parallels and/or would you be interested in having a conversation or two in order to put together a laundry list of overlaps?

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Juliana I'd be delighted! E-mail at kwheelock1@comcast.net with your phone #, then let's go.


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I think the comparison is to DeSantis’s actions “taking over” an academic institution s) and book censorship or banning are like the early actions of the Nazi Party in 1930 Germany. They are almost identical.

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Not really. He's a state governor, and not a national leader. And he has introduced this latest attempt of censorship in America, not Germany. We have a Constitution that makes his actions illegal.

There is nothing that can be compared to Nazi Germany. What DeSantis is doing is not new here in America, which has a long history of censorship and right wing attempts to silence dissent.

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Adolph Hitler did not start out as a national leader, which I assume everyone knew. He simply ended up as one. He was locally elected--sorta as the German equivalent of a Congressman.

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It doesn't matter that DeSatan is only a state governor. He is succeeding in turning Florida into a Nazi haven run by him and his despicable Nazi friends. YOU are the one who is making light of this but shouldn't be. He is 10 scrillion percent a Hitler clone and you, like the rest of us who are NOT fascists, should be utterly horrified and outraged beyond description.

SCROTUS Rethugs are proving to side with fascism, so it doesn't matter that what DeSatan is doing is "illegal."

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As you state, SCOTUS will back anything deSantis does--or go even further as they did on the Dobbs decision.

Horrified? I am. But Floridians voted this man into office--this is who they wanted to govern their State--by a huge margin. Up to Floridians to get rid of him.

Up to the rest of us to prevent him winning the Republican presidential primary--which we can do only by supporting Trump. Hobson's choice. On the whole, deSantis is more dangerous because he might win the Presidential election.

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I'm one of those folks who live in Florida and have watched, truly horrorstruck, as De Santis slashes and burns every single democratic value this country is built upon. He is enormously popular and, for those of us who were outraged by Trump as president, the notion that De Santis could well be our next president is even more frightening. He has gotten away, in Florida, with anti-democratic behavior that would never have worked in our beloved Massachusetts.

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I've had this letter in my draft folder for months, and decided to edit it again:

Governor DeSantis:

I lived in Florida from 1975 to 1985. I was lucky enough to be able to transfer to Massachusetts in 1985 and continue working for the company that had employed me for eleven years. My family has been in Massachusetts since then, and there has not been a single day go by that I wished I had stayed in Florida. Most days I wake up thankful that my family and I escaped.

In 1985, the city of Boca Raton paid a starting policeman (with little training) more than it paid a high-school teacher with a Master’s degree. As my oldest child was approaching school age, and Florida’s state ranking vis-a-vis schools was dismal, it behooved me to find a better place to raise my children. An opportunity in Massachusetts became available, and I jumped at the chance.

That was the best decision I have ever made.

My children are all successful, all have Master’s degrees, and successful careers. My grandchildrens’ futures are promising.

So I write to thank you for your decisions vis-a-vis COVID-19 and masking, your actions in urging book banning, your threats against school teachers if they don’t follow your direction, the police actions you directed against voters exercising their right to vote, and your attempts at taking over institutions of higher learning.

All these things underscore how stunningly good the decision I made in 1985 really was.

Your actions have been despicable, and deserve censure, if not criminal charges.

You are unfit for office, and remain a clear and present danger to the citizens of Florida. In fact, a clear and present danger to the United States.

The only honorable path is to resign your office. I call on you to do just that: resign. To remain will only bring more disgrace to the State of Florida. To pursue higher office will only put the country in grave danger of losing our hard-won democracy.


James A. Vander Poel


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I’d put that letter in every newspaper in the state of Florida. It needs to go public. As a matter of fact, you should send it to all major news outlets across the country. The people of the United States need to be aware of the “storm that’s coming” if DeSantis is elected!

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"The Storm", that is excellent phrasing for what appears to be a coming intellectual as well as moral darkness.

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Behavior like that of DeSantis is always for power and money.

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But if it’s published in FLA, the writer would be charged with a felony. Governor Snowflake can’t handle any criticism, remember?

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Last year, we followed you and left behind our winter friends and sold our house in Florida. We have watched a warm friendly rural Florida coastal town slowly become a place where we no longer wanted to spend time. Multi-generational Floridians have also left. We returned to Massachusetts full time and sold our Florida winter cottage. We’ve watched the MAGAs move into the Sunshine state and slowly darken it’s future magnificent sunrises and sunsets. The coastal beaches are being trashed and the springs polluted. A way of life is disappearing. It just sucks and we feel sorry for the friends whom we left behind.

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Even when I lived there the water supply was in question, due to saltwater incursion because so much was being pumped out of the aquifer. I'm sorry to hear it's gotten worse - in 1985, there was still farmland west of Boca Raton, but I hear that is all built up now. The land just can't support that many people. My neighbors have been snowbirds in North Port for many years, but stayed in MA this winter: travel woes and hurricane destruction combined to keep them here. The political climate was another factor: he's a dyed-in-the-wool Democrat, as am I.

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Your comment relative to low education police officers making significantly more than highly educated teachers isn’t unique to Florida. I live in California where in Los Angeles a rookie cop with a GED and 6 months of training makes in excess of $70k, far more than most teachers in the LA Unified School District.

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I worked in law enforcement in Florida. When I started, on 1980, I made a whopping $900 a month GROSS PAY. I took home $423 a month. Now, an officer fresh out of the academy starting salary statewide average is about $33,000 a year.

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Unfortunately, I do think your perspective is in the minority in Florida. Those folks down there (the white ones anyway) are all in for DeSantis.

Fat white people look at Fat White DeSantis and they resonate like a string on a violin.

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Mike, All “ the white ones” , including those “ fat white people “here are not “ all in for DeSantis”. There are many of us writing, calling, donating, canvassing because doing nothing is not an option.

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Thank you Kathy!

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I suggest you adjust the tuning of your violin before casting vague assumptions about us being "all in" for the man sir! All, and always are words I use carefully, especially with regard to people I do not know at all. Further, your suggestion we are all "Fat white people' further reveals ignorance equal to that of DeSantis himself. Crikey man, grow a brain before you begin painting everyone with the same brush

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The election of DeSantis didn't surprise me, as Florida had been moving red over the years. But it did disappoint me, ever more so as he slid further and further towards fascism. Now that he's reached that destination, he has to be removed from office. I hope the people in Florida do that at the next election.

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James, I was born and raised in Rhode Island and moved to Florida after graduating from URI in 1981. Many things I miss about NE!

It will be up to all of us to vote against DeSantis when he runs for President.He is term-limited ( of sorts) as Florida restricts Governors from serving more than 8 years in a 12 year period. So I guess he could come back to haunt us..😱

💙 your letter. FYI :The Orlando Sentinel prints many opinion pieces and is all about exposing all things DeSantis.

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Let's skip the body shaming, Mike! Several members of my quilting group are "fat white people" and they all vote blue. Tarring all members of a certain group never ends well.

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My dad moved our family from Maine to Florida in 1969. In 1981, I moved back to Maine, but the rest of my family is still down there. (Work, friends, etc) They are fighting the good fight, but it's hard when Democratic voters are disenfranchised, removed from voter rolls, and gerrymandered out of existence. They are close to giving up and moving away, but it's dangerous to assume that everyone in Florida is the same. Many have roots there and are suffering.

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Mike, I live in Floriduh & am white and while not fat, I am old, another group that gets grouped as monolithic. You should never imply, much less actually say that any demografic is "ALL" alike. That is prejudicial.

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Rob I agree. I am 89, male, at my high school weight, and white. Am I in an ‘all alike’ category? Would my adding college educated switch me from the red to blue category? Painting with a broad brush I find misleading and insulting.

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Not only does this White Male vote against the Repugnant party in Floriduh, but I am a minority here for having been in a loving relationship with another white male for 5 years and with a black female for 20 years. I am also English speaking so I don’t even speak the dominant language in South Florida.

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Can I claim to be Latino? My Cuban grandmother was born in Cuba in 1870.

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I have a friend who refers to him as Stubby, so now for me it is Stubby DeSatan. When I see him, I also see places like the Villages. Can't imagine living in such a place. And it is totally corrupt as well. I do note the posts below that not every white person in the swamp supports him and I support them in their determined fight against him and the ideas he represents. Btw, I am a fat white female who lives in Oregon and votes blue and has for many years, so I agree about not stereotyping.

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Mike, please stop with the body shaming.

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Kathy, you are correct about the many people who do not agree with DeSantis. But facts are facts. The state elected him. He is the governor. In 2022, Florida became more reliably Red. True confession. I lived in Florida 1986 to 1989. I lived James Lander Poel's experience. I left and never looked back. I have many wonderful friends who have retired there. But the sanity is outnumbered by the insanity. I lived it. It continues.

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“Many,” perhaps, but not a high percentage. DeSantis was elected in a landslide. I sympathize with your point but object to this use of the word “many.” It’s Trumps go-to trick: “many people are saying” this and that. Yes, it’s “many people” even if there are only ten of them, so the statement can be technically correct while also being intentionally misleading, essentially a lie. When I see “many” used in the context of public sentiment, I always want to know what percentage of the population the “many” comprise, or at least to have an estimate of what percentage of the referenced population “many” is intended to mean.

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' Have to laugh, but many of those same people, of the same description, are even MORE all in for Trump!

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James, as a native Bay Stater, I am glad you are happy here. Our record is hardly unblemished however. 🤥 Scott Brown bought a barn coat, rented a truck and pretended to be a man of the people. And Mitt, the spineless wonder who does not even defend his own insurance plan. Charlie Baker, who knew what a bum tfg-manbaby-45 was but could never bring himself to say so and came late to covid prevention. Some useless Dems also. But we do have many shining stars especially Elizabeth Warren who nevertheless persists. I totally agree with you that Florida is the epitome of an unlivable prehistoric swamp, so send your letter and I will write one too. 👏🏼🙏🏼👍🏻

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When I grew up in Michigan, my father had no use for George Romney (Mitt's father). Imagine my chagrin when, after moving to Massachusetts, I end up with Mitt as governor. He did some good here, but I'm more than happy he's found his place in Utah.

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Yes, he can do less harm in Utah because almost any other Senator the Utah electorate might put in office would be even worse. Romney is about as close to being a decent human being that any Republican can be, while not actually making the grade since “decent” and “Republican” cannot simultaneously apply to any person.

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Did he listen and take your advice. Maybe a letter to the editor somewhere in Fl.

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That is quite the letter

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James, excellent, this needs to be shared and shared, you mind?

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James, lucky escape and that move for you and your family was life changing. But even if DeSantis disappears, he isn’t working alone. His values and core beliefs are not only in Florida. The repubs must not only be stopped, white supremacy supported by government must be stopped. And it’s not only a Southern phenomena.

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Thank you, James!!

Well framed and well stated; something that I struggle to do in my anger.

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Excellent and certainly the right choice to leave that swamp. We were there to visit my cousin in lived in Stuart and we were not impressed. When I read do the honorable path, my mind, shame on it, went to ancient Rome.

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It’s no longer the “farming communities” I was raised in. It’s turned into the “concrete jungle”! Even Stuart, where we used to deliver agriculture supplies to farmers. It too is now almost all concrete.

Florida was number 1 in this country ranking right up there with California and Texas in farming, producing food fir the nation and world. Now, it’s fallen drastically because farmers are being pushed out by DeStalin and his quest to bring big business into the state. He’s turning the farmland into concrete.

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All I remember about the area around Stuart is all the empty strip malls and trailer parks except Jupiter Island, of course. Truly ugly.

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James, you and your family really are fortunate to have escaped Florida. Doesn’t that sound crazy? Escaping in our own country? So incredibly sad and frightening. Maybe leave out this one line, ...”thank you...” which may be true, but unfortunately some readers may not understand sarcasm or irony. If they did they would not vote vote R. You are indeed lucky.

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Mar 3, 2023
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What's the name of the Amherst bar?

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Mar 4, 2023Edited
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Thanks. I think people can be warned off without actually naming the owners.

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aha... at zoo mass... well, there ya go!

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Not being familiar with the school, could you elaborate ?

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UMass - Amherst.

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Meant why Zoo?

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Sunday, we are leaving our beloved Massachusetts to visit family in Florida. For 10 days we will focus on celebrating a 96th birthday and reconnecting with cousins we love. For 10 days I will need to constrain myself from political discussion outside the family home. My tolerant, all embracing Democratic family is surrounded by frightening bigots. For 10 days I will be living in a world that I consider unsafe.

It wasn't always this way. For many years we were "snow birds". We operated a seasonal business in Maine that closed for the winter. That gave us the opportunity to join family and friends in Florida for up to three months. We were "pines and palms" folks. From Bean boots to flip flops. The only politics discussed were with our Canadian neighbors who rented next to us. It was a good way of life. It is over. Our nation is dividing up - emotionally and spiritually.

In Massachusetts we thrive on education, tolerance and the financial success that leads to. It is far from perfect here. But I feel really safe. I feel I can speak freely. I don't worry about the school system being attacked by bible thumping idiots. BTW, our high school is rated as one of the best in America and I am proud to pay wicked high taxes to support it. Our grandchildren are already thriving in a school system that is built on diversity. They are four and six. They already know that there are many different kinds of people - it is normal in their minds.

In MA we have taxes, tolerance and teaching excellence. In Florida, apparently the goal is to harbor and cultivate hate. If the state continues on this path, it will join other states as a pariah. Companies that want to attract bright young minds will think twice about locating in a spiritual cesspool.

And then there are the red tides and fertilizer pollution killing off all manner of wild life and making tourists think twice (it is really nasty smelling). We cancelled a Captiva visit accordingly. Of course, all that and more is being swept away as the planet responds to our mistreatment. Florida has a future as coral reef. Mother nature knows what to do.

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I agree wholeheartedly with your assessment of Massachusetts. Good schools, with generous support, were the main reason for coming here. And I continue to argue with the locals (we have about 30 percent of the electorate voting T**** here) whenever they say they don't feel the need to continue that support: public education is something you have to pay for, from cradle to grave. It's the best investment you can make.

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Rising oceans will doom large sections of Florida at some point. It is, perhaps, inaccurate to think the disappearance of the state will be attributed to the planet's revenge on the corruption of Florida's voters, but there is some comfort in imagining that to be the case.

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Would Disney ever leave Florida?

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I don't think so. The guys who run Disney are very rich Hollywood liberals who won't be intimidated by the DeSantis Fascist Mafia.

Also, I believe the new Peter Pan movie will be a "woke" swipe that will add gas to the conflict. The Disney /DeathSantis duel might end up being a proxy war over "modern open minded liberal tolerance/acceptance/love they neighbor" and the "anti-woke racist Nazi bigots."

My next question is: Will this battle be settled before Mother nature swallows all those canal homes? And once it is clear that a huge percentage of Florida housing stock is almost worthless, what will happen to Florida's economy?

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My condolences. I enjoyed visits to your beautiful state in the past. I always imagined taking my grandkids to Disney World some day. But now that DiSatan is using it as a staging ground for a future Fascist takeover, I may have to wait. What a shame.

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I pledge to not travel to or spend a dime in the State of Florida.

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Me too. Not a dime.

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Someday, I'd hoped to visit the Everglades... but it's not going to be while DeSantis (or any other authoritarian leader) is in the governor's office.

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It's fabulous... looong ago, I rode trails across the glades from Boca to Belle Glade, and back via Palm Beach. I think my friend and I clocked about a hundred miles that day. Wear good bug repellant: there are flies out there that drill holes in you, even when you're moving along at twenty miles an hour trying to escape their swarm.

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I'd hoped to go back to Hungary but won't until the Authoritarians are out of power.

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A cousin of mine live on a east coast barrier island and was always saying to me, come visit me in Florida. We have sunshine, beautiful beaches and Disney World. This was long before Desantis was even a blip on the political radar and I had no desire to visit the state even then. Besides, I live in California and we have sunshine, beautiful beaches, and Disneyland. And a state government that isn’t autocratic.

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But maybe you should visit your cousin's barrier reef, a unique environment in itself, while you can.

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She's moved to Kansas to live with her daughter. Too many evacuations due to hurricanes over a single bridge to the mainland in recent years. I'm definitely not visiting her in Kansas!

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My son and his wife take the grandchildren there every year. They'll probably continue going, even though I worry when I hear Florida may become an 'open carry' state.

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Excellent point. Massachusetts is #1 in the nation in education spending. I live in Idaho we are currently 50th. This is not a stretch.

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I was heartened to see the decision below in Idaho. Republicans did NOT open up the public school coffers to allow them to flow behind closed doors with little or no oversight regarding academics or finances. We should all be keeping and eye on our legislatures for the introduction of bills that will funnel public dollars for public school into private schools and private pockets.


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It is a constant game of wack a mole with this legislature; school funding, censuring/removing books in libraries and schools, public land protections, etc.

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Yes and nationwide the trifecta republican legislatures are exploring this model.

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Yippee, cooler heads prevailed!

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Wow!! Think NH used to be 48th or 49th... it was crazy.

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I am the only family member still in MA. My siblings have all left. 2 are in FL. I am dumbstruck the kids in FL aren't demonstrating like we did back in the day. DeSantis scares the heck out of me. Tfg not so much.

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Again I repeat the place is a swamp! What else to expect from the voting populace there! No personal offense intended!

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As a Floridian, I am shocked by the level of support Desantis has. He is a true fascist, strong-arming his will on every level. HE CAN NEVER BE PRESIDENT. NEVER. His desire for an educational system that produces ignorant racists is appalling. Our kids won’t be able to compete nationally for college acceptance because they won’t know real history. Desantis is targeting individuals who aren’t in line with policies in school boards for replacement in 2024. His white and racist devotees are rising to power and there’s no one to stop him or them. Trying to declare the Democratic Party a nonentity in this state is just the next step. While ineffectual as an organization, this is truly alarming. Every American voter must see this for what it is. Trump, McConnell, McCarthy and their ilk are paving the way. Desantis stands for everything the USA does not and there have been no limits to his atrocious behavior. There ain’t no sunshiney attitudes in the sunshine state. People here are angry, hate-filled, emotionally hyper-triggered who adore Desantis as der Fuerher. He and his wife and his administration will trample the Constitution if given the chance.

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Republicans hate reality-based education as a threat to their power. Yet education is key to the status of nations. The plutocrats don't care if the US becomes a banana republic, so long as they are the top banana.

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There’s a film on Netflix about Hitler with newly revealed footage of his speeches, tactics and strategies. It’s amazing how TFG and others like DeSantis are following Hitler’s lead.

One of Goebbels quotes from the film says it all. “Although it may be good to possess power that is based on guns, it is better and more gratifying to win the hearts of people”. They held mass rallies to give people a sense of belonging and to “switch off the thinking process” because “only then will people accept magical stories”.

Like TGF and DeSantis everything was calculated and staged including repeating the rhetoric of hate and causing chaos so people would look to a “savior”. History teaches us-DeSantis knows he’d be doomed if people learn the truth. Controlling schools and voter suppression is his only hope.

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I honestly believe this will backfire. These are not American values. God help us if the goal to turn the rest of our country into a Banana Republic, which has always been essentially the State of Florida, comes to pass.

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God will NOT help us. These evil men and women are doing their wrongs in the name of God. WE must stand up and speak out while we still can. Do not stop trying to reason with the MAGAs in your lives. Ask them to read and change the channel. This IS happening!

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Right you are sister ! Waiting for God, santa, or any divine intervention is nothing more than wishful thinking, or worse, an excuse for inaction and / or procrastination. Divine help will not happen. Tonight's letter's biggest take away is that the time to choose is now, because the darkness is already here and now; to delay is surrender.

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Yesterday I found this clip from Beau, and like his YouTube channel clips often do, it gives me a bit of hope.


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God has a habit of watching men be wolves to man without lifting a ghostly finger.

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Jeri and other freedom loving fellow citizens: God is not a dictator.....we create our problems.....we have some abilities....each of us to choose what we can do for good, for freedom, to help with solving some of our problems....NOT to make things worse. You are correct , we need to be doing! Time is passing.

As for myself, I want to be wise with my choices of action. I have a long fuse until I don't. I love this country and I do not want to dishonor our ideal of freedom and Democratic rule. I do want to act....the sooner the better.

Vote...speak out with knowledge....do not be vicious, but be steady, be factual. Use your gifts and opportunities to be heard.

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Agreed. Whatever G-d is or is not, there is no dictator there. I imagine some of you have read Professor Reza Aslan's bestseller: God: A Human History of Religion, in which he shows the timeline of how humans created G-d in their image. A Muslim, he is among the most internationally acclaimed scholars of religion.

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I can't humanize whatever G-d means to folks. I think G-d turns up in our need to humanize God. Probably we just need to imagine something bigger than ourselves.

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Nope. G-d will stand by and watch us self-destruct if we don't get to the task.

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"God will not help us".


We better help ourselves to be sure.

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And helping by our actions to push for a kinder, more sustainable, more empathetic world, is “God’s Work”. We have a Garden. And we have all the knowledge needed to make it work peacefully. We just need to decide every day, in every action, that it is worth it. And that we will do what is in our power, in our sphere of influence, what is within our means to do. It doesn’t happen without effort. Nor does it happen quickly. But most importantly, it never stops being something that will work if ignored. This is what we sign up for to keep a Republic. I never REALLY knew this until 2015.

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I repeat the post I put up above:


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We need to help it to backfire. Vile and dishonest behavior can be seen as a liability. As in the J6th hearings, as in the recent State of the Union speech, we have seen some Republican perfidy hoisted on its own petard. This need to keep "catching on".

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Is it possible that Rupert can be shut down, or get fined into growing a conscience…hahahaha. Propaganda has the edge, sad to say. But miracles happen,???

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The Fox News documentary struggles to be seen. Could some genius producer like Spielberg make a drama filled blockbuster that has room for Murdoch’s (et al) recent testimony of intentionally lying to their viewers? How does it feel to find you’ve been lied to? I’m guessing that it feels normal to many MAGAS as they have been lied to by the most powerful people in their lives since they arrived on earth. So the truth does not actually set them free, in fact it’s such an existential cut to their being that they avoid the truth at all costs.

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Didn’t there used to be rules about dispensing lies in media?

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Apparently, there are defamation laws.

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Apparently you can get sued if you tell big, utter lies that damage a big company. You would think ostensible attorneys Sydney and Rudy would know that.

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'Ostensible' being the key word. Yes, damaging a 'company' is not cool. Apparently, these cases are usually very hard to prove. And then you have the evidence fall right in your lap. FNC texts and even Rupert acknowledging right up front what they did and said... and why. Silly wabbits.

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There was the "Fairness Doctrine", there was prohibition of over-concentrated media ownership, and there was "Truth in Advertising". Republicans argued that was the "Nanny State". Former Fed chief Alan Greenspan reportedly believed fraud should be legal. Law violates the liberty of crooks.

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God help us typically means it’s up to us. Divine intervention certainly isn’t going to happen. Vote, organize, tell the truth, donate and volunteer. Our voters sitting home in despair solves nothing.

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Solidarity. Ironically it is at the core of Christian philosophy in the story of the "Good Samaritan, as Samaritans were regarded as an enemy. The idea that there are universal rights is baked into the Declaration and Constitution even though hypocritically applied. We have built on that idea over many decades to pare away the racial and sexual prejudices that Republicans seem eager to restore.

Functional voting is not just a narcissistic choice; I get what I want or I won't play. It's our do-our-bit contribution to a wise and just society that comprehensively, as best we can manage, provides "Liberty and Justice for All.

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Don't think she's literally saying 'God' will help us. It's an expression...

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Christofascist DeSantis is beta-testing in Florida what he'd like to do when he's president. What makes him far more dangerous than Trump is that he has hard-core principles that go beyond ego needs and greed, he's well-educated and he knows how government works.

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And how despotism works.

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DeSantis is much smarter than tfg. Yale and Harvard educated with admissions most likely not bought by his Daddy. That's why I'm shaking in my boots. That and the fact that he just won an election in a landslide which, I'm afraid, might be repeated in states like Arizona and Texas to name two important electoral states among many.

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If he becomes President, he will deliver a death blow to democracy. I hate to say it, but the people who like him will like him even more after reading this article.

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Chilling. I only read half, Need a break.

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That happened to me too! I had to read the article in several phases - way to much awfullnes to subject oneself to all at once.

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He’s really despicable.

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Thanks for sharing this article. The details are enlightening.

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Graduating from Harvard and Yale doesn’t necessarily mean you’re well

educated. People with closed minds and deranged ideologies don’t learn the same way as others.

As for landslide votes-Putin got landslide votes too. Passing voter suppression laws, employing an “election police force” and other measures is a tried and true way to control elections.

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We need to be asking more questions about what education is for. The trend since the '70s has been to turn universities into trade schools, to focus exclusively on providing interchangeable, disposable human parts for the corporate machine. Bush II's Education secretary wanted to get rid of Liberal Arts studies entirely. If we could see the forest that is the trees, you’d never have a Republican elected in this country again.

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Then let us put Florida under a microscope and REALLY highlight “living under christofascism”. Focus on the VISION of America we want. Do we really want it to be “gawd, ‘gators, and gullible, greedy, old white people”? As long as we go down there to seek out sun and warmth, though, he has control.

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Hopefully some good investigative journalism will expose TheSatans, having learned from the Santos fiasco.

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"good investigative journalism"

Essential. The first thing despots want to kill.

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Don't forget the guns.

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"Focus on the VISION of America we want."

Amen. And on what it would take to get us there. Nearly all human innovation combines an idea with an evidence-based plan to bring it about. I suppose some useful discoveries are a matter of sheer luck, and although (as in the observant discovery of the healing properties of penicillin) random fortune plays some role in many, yet fortune favors the prepared mind, and only hoping for the best is very risky game plan.

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( " beta-testing"---yes!!)

Agree with all, but... while his hard core principles may indeed go beyond ego needs and greed, they do not go beyond his ambition ( or that of his wife ). In fact his " principles" are indentured servants to his puffed up ambition.

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I think that narcissism to the point of indifference or even deliberate cruelty to others (WWII Nazis or the 9/11 attackers) is the mechanism of evil (Occam's Razor pares away the need for devils). This is what despots cultivate because it turns people into passionate, compliant Orcs.

"As I would not be a slave, so I would not be a master. This expresses my idea of democracy. Whatever differs from this, to the extent of the difference, is no democracy." - Lincoln

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Damn, I thought he was all educated ego

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Oh, how I wish that was all.

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I don't know if I give DeSantis that much credit. He's dangerous but not that smart. Smarter than Trump? Sure.

I guess we'll have to see for ourselves what say you Meatball DeSantis.

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To each his own. He's a goof but he's no George Bush. He got into Yale on his own merit. Same for Harvard Law. He's a decorated vet whose duty stations included Guantanamo and Iraq. He served in Congress. Though it shouldn't count for anything, he has a very photogenic family. He even played on the Dunedin, Florida Little League team that went to the World Series in 1991. That kind of biography is the stuff of Hollywood scripts.

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His lack of charisma will hurt him in this era when the country is addicted to it

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One hopes.

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I wonder what they'll teach about how Florida was founded, because the true story is that Andrew Jackson was sent in to commit genocide against the Seminoles for their crime of giving aid and comfort to runaway slaves from the nearby enslaver states of the US, then it was bought from Spain so the US could stop it being a haven for runaway slaves.

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Or even that the Spanish were in FL long before 1776. American creationism seems as untethered as American exceptionalism and maybe as dangerous.

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I think we can be fairly certain that WON’T be the lesson.

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TCinLA: Completely true regarding Andrew Jackson....not our first and obviously not our last mentally deranged "leader."

In spite of living through hell again and again, black and brown men and women have given their lives, gifts and talents to make our country better. I say thank you!!! And thank God for each of you!!! who have survived us whities and contributed with your amazing gifts and talents and your very lives.

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I never knew that before. Thank you TCinLA

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neither did i ... wow

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Thank you Heather - for putting US straight.

Are Floridians truly okay with DeSantis’s maneuverings and the rise of the Florida Reich? It appears that the will of the people may well serve to marginalize the will of the people.

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No! Floridians are NOT o.k. with it. DeSantis won by around 20% of the votes because his democratic opponent was horrible and didn't even campaign. Charlie Crist was not someone who really fought this guy. He was Houdini. People in Florida are mortified but he has taken over the legislative and judicial branches of Florida's state government. Nate Monroe, a writer for the Florida Times Union newspaper is a great investigative reporter who really hits Florida with great comments - both locally and nationally. Seek our his columns.

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It sounds like Charlie Crist was handpicked by the FL GOP. How was it that there wasn’t any better Democratic competition?

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We had Nikki Fried. She lost the primary. Crist didn’t have a chance. Fried is now the head of the Florida Democratic Party. Hope she has a plan, and support from the National Party.

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This is second hand, but I read that Nikki Fried refused to endorse one Democratic candidate because the Republican opponent was a friend of hers. The FL Democratic Party has been fairly ineffective, and we can only hope that changes somehow. We need a Stacey Abrams.

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Yes, there is a vast amount of gossip and shade cast on Nikki Fried, everything from sex and drugs, to not being a savvy enough politician to do something that stupid so openly. Do you know which person she supposedly didn’t support? Do you know the name of the Republican? It is probably all malarkey created by the DeSantis misinformation squad, because we do know he hates her.

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See Florida Politics 2/23/23. The Democratic candidate that Fried first refused to endorse or support in a key state Senatorial race was Patricia Sigman running against Republican Jason Brodeur. The county Democratic Party chair was said to have been quite frustrated as it was a relatively narrow loss and Fried carried the county. In 2022, Fried endorsed every Democratic candidate except Brodeur’s opponent Joy Goff-Marcil. She may have endorsed her in late September. Goff-Marcel lost. I contributed frequently to Nikki Fried’s gubernatorial campaign. I hope she does very well as head of FL’s Democratic Party which I’m totally behind. My point was that we have had disappointments and could do better. Yet I remain a cheerleader.

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Do you have a primary that is divided by party, or can Republicans vote in the Democratic primary and vice versa?

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Nikki Fried was female, an elected official, and liberal. I saw stories about her and wild drug parties, her and her dysfunctional management style, and her poor taste in clothes. I read her platform, which she posted all over, and seemed reasonable to me, but for some reason she got very little coverage in media, and Christ got a lot of “good old Charlie, the known quantity” type spots.

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Do you feel that the younger (ie, non senior) voters in FL are buying this DeSantis crap?

I am thinking that these elderly have a limited number of elections left in which to cast ballots. Wondering how that might impact future elections. I think that younger people have a more positive outlook on diversity.

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According to the US Census, the youngest segment of voters is the least likely to vote while the elderly are the most likely. I think that the Democratic Party could do a whole lot more to engage and recruit younger voters, and that, from what I have seen, has tended to overlook younger voters for decades. Geezers like me may well coast to a soft landing, but we are leaving a hell of of mess for the young, who are potentially strong allies.

I think though that the young are wary of fake, so the outreach must be authentic. Over time, I think we tend to become more inured to being played, and that's a minus.

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Kouchia...unfortunately Nate's reporting is behind the Florida Times Union paywall. If more people are to hear about his investigative reporting, then it has to be out there. Sorry, I know... he needs to get paid. Does he post in another place?

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Probably like in Texas, they made all their machinations legal

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The national democratic party abandoned us at the midterms.

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They allowed DeSatan and the Republican legislature of Florida to remap the state to their liking. That turned Florida ‘Deep Red’ in more ways than one. It’s headed for communism as fast as DeSatan csn get it there. Maybe I’ll rename him to DeStalin!

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It’s Fascism, not Communism, down here in DeSantistan.

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Curiously the icon behind the word "fascism" is the binding of a bundle of sticks to make them strong, which holds, so far as that goes, for any group effort. But political fascism or the leading examples I know of of Communism, also bind them to a "Dear Leader" who calls the shots. Even American presidents are granted powers that are a bit too imperial for my taste, but theoretically even a president is a PUBLIC servant who serves with the consent of the governed, and we still seem to be trying to figure out if even presidents or former presidents must obey the law.

Government of the people, by the people, for the people? Why not? E Pluribus Unum.

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Yes. But I don't see collectivism yet under the policies put forward.

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It's an anathema to authoritarians of any sort.

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Communism is resources for the people,no?

He is a pure dictator, nazi in my mind.

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Hitler wanna be. With lots of nazi enablers.

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Yes, Lynn, and we look at history and ask, WHY did such intelligent and strong people in Germany fall for Hitler? Look at DeSantos! Floridians have lost their minds! They are willing to give up personal freedoms for themselves and others rather than think for themselves.

How can I and my fellow Americans look up to someone like this?

Are we just going to complain or do something LEGALLY about this? Floridians who want another choice should stand up to him. Surely there is a strong Democratic candidate brave enough to oppose him!

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Surely, so far, no one.

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Exactly, and he wants to do away with democracy and the Democratic Party completely. DeStalin is turning Florida into a communist state. He has to be stopped.

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Communism is state ownership. Ultra right wing is private. profit-making ownership of everything, including, schools, roads and military. Both get carried away in my opinion. Hitler and Stalin were both corrupt and horrible. A just democracy is always complicated and always "under construction".

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What happened to all those New York City and Northeastern liberals who retired to Florida?

What kind of lie did DeSantis tell to get elected governor?

Are there any Floridians shouting, “Hell no!”?

For sure, DeSantis is presenting a realistic example of what the Republican Party would like to accomplish throughout the nation.

Hell no!

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Ralph, Trump normalized their most base, ugly attitudes and Desantis capitalized on them. Racism, misogyny, a constant rebranding of truth, misinformation, and white, wealthy supremacy are the constant drumbeat in this state. Where I live in swfl, it’s white Midwesterners who drive I-75 south who populate this area for the most part. As a northeastern gal from Philly, I’m def a fish out of water. The gerrymandering is contemptible and they are seeking to abolish the Democratic Party here. I’m stuck here bc of family commitments, but I’d leave in a heartbeat if I could-and honestly, I may not have a choice but to leave down the road. (I’ve been asked to leave the state repeatedly by ferocious locals when I posted a Biden/Harris sign in my window in 2020 and have been repeatedly harassed the past couple of years for wearing a mask in the grocery store even though Covid numbers are HIGH and folks here are woefully under vaxxed.). Yeah-not so sunshiney here.

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We've been thinking of retiring in Florida ---- and then I'll read a letter like yours. Thank goodness there are actually quite a few Floridians who feel as you do. But maybe we won't move there....

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Or Texas

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Having lived there (albeit in better times) I cannot recommend it as a retirement destination. Long ago, a writer (I think it was D. Keith Mano) in Esquire gave the advice "Don't give up! Fight the winter!" I will spend my days continuing to fight New England winters (getting easier - I only had to shovel the driveway once this year).

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Our first accumulation requiring any shoveling was this week. While I like it. I'm curious whether it is an abnormality or a harbinger of the new normal. Our trees and bushes are used to a slowly melting snow-pack. Not sure they'll thrive without it.

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Ha! Counting your chickens before they’ve hatched!

“Massive winter storm to unload snow from Illinois to Maine.

Heavy snowfall with accumulations of 6-12 inches will spread across a 1,100-mile-long corridor of the nation, leading to widespread travel disruptions.”

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6 to 12? Hah! I'm a Michigander, living in Massachusetts. It'll be the second time I've had the big boots on this winter. And the first time there might be enough snow to go tubing down the front lawn. My grandkids in CT had barely enough to build snowmen on Tuesday, their first snow day this year.

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Winter Morning Poem by Ogden Nash

Winter is the king of showmen,

Turning tree stumps into snow men

And houses into birthday cakes

And spreading sugar over lakes.

Smooth and clean and frosty white,

The world looks good enough to bite.

That’s the season to be young,

Catching snowflakes on your tongue!

Snow is snowy when it’s snowing.

I’m sorry it’s slushy when it’s going.


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Pick another state. Florida has gone to hell in a hand basket!

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If you do, please be in contact. We need to mobilize and fight better together. Peace be yours-and good luck with your choices!

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Jen, just be sure to get out before a rising sea level covers 3/4 of Florida.

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Promise! That may be a blessing in disguise!

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Lordy, I used to think that the majority weren’t that stupid. Texas and Florida have proved otherwise.

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Germany was and is a very well educated nation. We underestimate the power of lies at our peril.

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Thankfully I’ve found some that are like minded down here in the Keys but they’re few and far between. Other than one protest march on A1A, where the sheriff had to chase away a black pickup circling us belching diesel clouds, I’ve not felt threatened even sporting various bumper stickers. I can’t imagine having your neighbors threaten you. We did have some Trumper neighbors move to Naples, and hub has now defriended me. No loss but truly he hated being told the truth. He lived for Fox.

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I’m just deeply sighing here. The local refrain around here is that if you don’t like tfg/Desantis, then just leave. The incivility and ignorance are astounding. Two daughters and their families live near me in Sarasota County, and my other daughter and family live in key west. I seriously consider leaving the state and returning to visit family once I retire. Conflicted.

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😢 I’m in Key Colony Beach/ Marathon. I can’t imagine leaving your kids but I also can’t imagine living with such hostility. It’s helped me connecting with like minded people here, there are more than I’d thought. We all keep our heads down for the most part. I do enjoy trolling the trolls at the Miami Herald and really enjoy most of their journalism. It helps. I think DeSantis will get major pushback when he goes national. Hang in there.

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Gail, with a hubby like that you don’t need him, or his headache. Trump, DeStalin, divided my family to the point where I was the bad guy. I was the lone wolf. My wife quit having anything to do with me including talking to me, other than when she needed money. The children the same. Now, since she passed last March 8th, I rarely speak to any of the children or grandchildren. Hell, one of my grandsons just got married and I wasn’t even told about it, and I learned today that one of my granddaughters had a second child and I wasn’t even told about that either.

Good luck, but if I were you and had the opportunity to leave Florida, I’d haul myself out of there. I did!

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Oh Daniel, how awful! I cannot imagine how that must pain you. Thankfully MY hub wasn’t who I was referring to, it was the moved away neighbor’s husband. Mine and I are like- minded though I’m more active. I hope you have non idiots around you now, and hope your family gets their minds back. ❤️

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Gail, I deeply apologize for insulting your hubby. I was definitely misunderstanding to what you wrote.

As for what I have around me now, hopefully when I get moved I will. I won’t have to worry about having anyone that I live with, because I’ll be alone. But, it is what it is, and in some ways, I prefer it like that. Then I can live the way I want to instead of how somebody else wants me to.

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No worries! 😉 I admit to being a wee bit jealous of your freedom. Enjoy your new digs! We’ll be returning to Virginia in May, where I’ll be plopped right back into deep red territory, though with an idea of getting the heck out of there!

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Yes and Yes, Jen....and where he treats voters like mindless cult members....he could care less about the citizens he has captured....only the power he acquires through their votes.

Let the education of their children "go to HELL" as long as he gets their vote. The KINGDOM of DESANTIS grows. WAKE UP FLORIDA....PUT ON YOUR THINKING CAPS AMERICA!!!!

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And the insurance rates for property are already going up. Probably a good idea to see and get it before the sea rises and more...

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Jen, I pulled up roots 5 years ago. Sure glad I did.

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I think if you check the numbers of the “election” you will find that DeSatan ‘probably’ had help in achieving those numbers. It’s like the numbers Trump turned out in the election he ‘won’ to become president , although he lost the popularity vote he won the electoral college vote. Go figure!

DeSatan managed to change the strong Democratic districts in Florida. He remapped the districts making them all strong Republican districts. This was the beginning of the end of democracy in the state of Florida. And it’s still going one ring if the latter at a time. Now, he is to the step of outlawing the Democratic Party! Are you kidding me!!!

How much more of this is going to be put up with? This character, his legislature, and his senators, like Rick Scott, have got to be stopped.

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They are a drop in the bucket, nationally. The tide of weaponized imbeciles is sweeping across the land. Make Rupert tell the truth or we all are screwed. Of course, as Rupert knew on Nov 9, 2020, if they didn’t lie the fools would go where they did. Wonder why Walter didn’t seek out the fools??? Ye hear that CBS, you used to tell it like it was. Is it like Rupert said, it’s all for the green…

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Jeri--You are certainly right to lament the general degradation of "analysis" in broad swaths of contemporary news reporting. And the shaping of stories, in whatever medium, to be enhanced click-bait. Yes, "it's about the money" has long been true, but has come to dominate publishing decisions.

But when I read Murdoch's testimony what came to mind (along with the fact that green has always been his guiding light) is that he could also have been floating a potential defense for the Fox Corporation. I am no expert on libel law, but I have read that plaintiffs need to prove "actual malice" by publishers to succeed in their suits. What I got a whiff of was Rupert being willing to throw any number of Fox personalities under the bus in order to protect his larger corporation. Other documentary evidence such as Scott's and Ryan's messages seem to me to make this potential defense a reach, but I have no doubt that Rupert would try most anything to insulate his kingdom from an expensive judgment. I of course may be wrong about this, but in recent times my s/w paranoid wonderings have too often proved to be understatements. "Fox News: It's even worse than you think."

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They are like many of us in Texas, perhaps. Donating, writing, and trying their best, to see cheating win over our effort. Like Hitler, they have made their shenanigans “legal.”

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From Dick Batchelor, former FL State Rep and active Democrat. His letter to DeSantis was just published.

My Op/Ed letter to the Governor which ran in the Tampa Bay Times on 3/2/23:


Governor, we know who you really are

Dick Batchelor

Dear Gov. DeSantis,

Let’s talk about principles. Since you studied at Yale and Harvard Law, it’s probably a safe bet that you’re well acquainted with the teachings of some of the world’s greatest thinkers and scholars on the subject.

So tell me, Gov. DeSantis, which principles of freedom and government are guiding you as Florida’s chief executive? I can’t tell.

In your wisdom, you have blocked an African American studies course, bashed free speech and taken aim at a longstanding legal protection for journalists. These steps alone would be enough to rattle the Founding Fathers.

But in another assault, you stepped in to dictate how private corporations and universities handle the topic of diversity, inclusion and equity. Now, following your lead, a Republican legislator has filed a bill that would dramatically gut the teaching of race and gender in higher education.

There is an old saying about politics that you may know. It goes like this: “In politics, there are times to rise above principles.” I was reminded of that tongue-in-cheek expression when I started to tally your unprincipled attacks.

As one who has long been involved in politics and public policy, I have a good understanding of your very shrewd political gamesmanship. Take your gubernatorial primary run against Adam Putnam. Being a darling of Fox News, you sought and secured the endorsement of Donald Trump. You went “Make America Great Again” on the issues to shamelessly appeal to those very right of center.

It worked.

After winning the primary and then the general election, you inched toward the middle on more moderate issues like the environment. In fact, after your first few months in office, making both Democrats and Republicans nervous, I publicly said you earned praise for your agenda on the environment, the opioid crisis and better funding for public school teachers, foster care and neglected and abused children.

Unfortunately, those days are long gone, and there’s little reason to believe they’ll return. As the iconic poet and writer Maya Angelou once said, “When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time.”

Well, governor, we know who you really are. From your primary to your recent rather radical diatribe against individual rights, you’ve shown your hand.

Many people have publicly opposed your attacks, calling you out for cold, calculated political moves. Still, you haven’t budged. I propose a different approach, one that may remind you of your school days in New Haven, Connecticut, and Cambridge, Massachusetts.

I ask you to view these assaults — your assaults — on personal freedom from a principled viewpoint. Consider some of the thinkers you no doubt encountered in your studies and beyond.

Surely, you examined the teachings of 19th-century writer Henry David Thoreau, who famously put forth in “Civil Disobedience” the motto, “That government is best which governs least.”

Or how about Thomas Jefferson, who favored a wise and frugal government. Would Jefferson, a staunch believer in free speech, be OK with what amounts to government censorship?

Looking at more contemporary figures, there’s the late Zbigniew Brzezinski, a former national security adviser, author and academician. In fact, you two share a Harvard connection.

Brzezinski’s personal story as the son of a World War II-era Polish diplomat gave him a front-row seat to the dangers and abuse of governmental power. As recently as the George W. Bush administration, Brzezinski warned of the risks of creating a culture of fear.

“Fear,” he wrote, “obscures reason, intensifies emotions and makes it easier for demagogic politicians to mobilize the public on behalf of the policies they want to pursue.”

You, Gov. DeSantis, have stoked the fears of your legislative colleagues. With your unremitting attacks on the constitutionally guaranteed personal rights of the governed, you are leading the way to dangerous territory.

Many now implore you to focus on the basic roles of government — to govern the least, to use your bully pulpit for the good of the citizenry, to not invoke the police powers of the state to casually take away our rights.

We further implore you to go back and study those who led the way for such freedoms and cast aside those who would diminish them.

Remember, you are the governor. Not a despot. Not a king. Not the leader of a cabal. Real power, Gov. DeSantis, rests with the people.

Dick Batchelor is an Orlando business consultant and former Florida legislator. He is a Democrat.

Dick Batchelor Management Group | 618 E South Street , Suite 500, Orlando, FL 32801

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The most frightening element in DeSantis’ bid for POTUS is his zealotry for dominionism and the large and growing momentum of support for the same.

“Religious transformations run deep. They don’t happen for shallow reasons. This is important to bear in mind as we attempt to understand the sources of the current transformation and look for ways to counter its potentially devastating effect on American democracy.”


““I think DeSantis has really stood out as someone who has effectively used this type of God talk and used these types of Christian nationalist talking points to curry favor,” said Allyson Shortle, a political science professor at the University of Oklahoma who has studied the Christian nationalist movement and co-written the book “The Everyday Crusade: Christian Nationalism in American Politics.””


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There’s a significant population of vets in FL and much talk about “Spiritual warriors”

Florida has the third largest veteran population in the nation.

The military has Fox playing 24/7 and:


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You saw in the last election in Florida the amount of ‘sheep’ DeStalin corralled into voting for him. The national polls will show the same thing. Just keep watching them. People in this country are extremely gullible.

If we all remember 2016, we had another Putin lover that had the exact same affect on people. Hell, he still does!

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This is the kind of letter I would want to see in print. However, for the reading public, it should be edited and distilled--made more succinct.

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Looks like it's "Heil, yes!"

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“Hell no!” We all left Florida!!!

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My husband and I have been watching a fictional but frightening series on Amazon called "The Man in the High Castle". It is based on a premise of what would/could happen if Germany and Japan had won WWII. It is a strange show, for sure. But, what isn't so strange is it shows how schools, media, people's minds and life have been taken over by Nazis. In the show, history is being changed to fit their narrative and how people have followed a horrible path.

I see some similarities with what is going on in America with these authoritarian figures and white people's fear that living in a country where equality is respected and encouraged some how means that they are in danger or going to lose something. They see life like it is a pie where if one person has a piece of it, there is less for everyone else.

Thanks to you Dr. Richardson we are enlightened. We see what is going on in Florida and other states too. Wherever we live, we must all be aware and fight with our votes so we don't lose our most precious thing: our democracy!

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I like watching “For All Mankind” on Apple+. Its plot is Russia landed on the moon first. In some ways, I like this premise, because the United State stayed in the race. There were bases on the moon and the “stakeholders” went to Mars before the end of the 20th century. Another perk in this scenario was Russia did not invade Afghanistan, because they need resources for the “space race”

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What could beat the plot of real history. Must be the best, it repeats more than the Kardashians

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I got to watch the first part of the series, and have sorely missed it. I need to spring for Apple TV and watch it.

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Ally House Apple+ is worth the money there are a lot of great shows

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The last thing I want is for Maryland to become like Florida. There was a time when I thought retiring to a place like St. Augustine might be nice. No more. Between the crazy weather and the crazier Governor I'll stay away. At least DeSantis is being very open and clear about his beliefs. The kids on that college campus need some 1960's spirit and rise up.

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They are, but it needs to go statewide.

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God save us from DeSantis. We are fairly new to Florida and are appalled by his actions. There doesn’t seem to be any way to stop him. What can be done? We Democrats are ineffectual. He gets what he wants. So horrible.

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The same god who slept through the Holocaust? Better hope not. Thankfully de Satan is not as popular outside of Florida. Democrats in Florida, much like the rest of the country only have themselves to blame - in 2022 Florida general election, only 54% of registered voters showed up, which was an improvement.... Republicans can't win if Democrats can just use the energy it takes to whine to get off their ***** and vote. Thankfully, Gubernatorial races are not affected by gerrymandering, though it seems the DNC would like to blame most of their problems on that, instead of some well-placed introspection.

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This is a prime example of what we have to look forward to if we don’t vote. If we don’t push others to vote. Our country is headed toward communism, which is what China and Russia want. They will take over without firing a shot. DeSatan is nothing more than an extension of Putin. Exactly like Trump. Do we really want our schools shut down line Florida? Do we really want our Democratic Party abolished?

Right now, DeSatan is showing us exactly how he will govern this country. His Florida is the future United States. People better wake up and smell the coffee. This pot in Florida is fixing to burn!

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And go national. The cancelling of the Dem party has been a goal since Rush and the libtard crap. Traitor Ronnie loved that and used his “silver tongue” to lure and scare. And used his power to smooth the path for Rupert to spread the word; saw it happen up close

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John, while I agree with 90 percent of what you say here, I don't completely agree with one notion - "Gubernatorial races are not affected by gerrymandering, ". I'll add my thoughts to that disagreement another time; perhaps tomorrow. It's quite late - I don't want to be misunderstood. Cheers John

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Governor’s races are affected by all kinds of cheating. Ask Texas. Voter suppression laws matter. In Fl as well. Ga close third, Kemp a master. As is, they can’t be beat…

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Mar 3, 2023Edited
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Suz-an, So sorry you wasted so much time and effort for naught. Choose wisely whom you will attempt to communicate with - even here. You can't reasonably or rationally share with some folks, especially know it all wise asses. Their goals aren't even close to yours. Peace sistuh ~

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Awww... thanks, D4N. Actually, he's right. Probably someone whose Texasplaining (GREAT word!!) would enlighten me!! Not a waste or even the wrong person. Always an opportunity to learn and grow. And obviously, his push back was called for! I appreciate him taking time to write his well-crafted response. Feel bad for being so offensive. All this stuff is overwhelming for me right now. Gratitude for the wake up from him. Time to shift gears. :-)

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Thank you for Texasplaining to me, a Texan, LOL. I found it highly unenlightening, and actually, wrong. And I grew up in the Deep South, so God Bless Your Heart while I take a hard pass on your judging me as Mr. NorCal. I think I've had quite enough condescension for one day. Enjoy the view from your lofty perch.

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Fair enough. Not sure how it was when you were here. It's pretty terrible now. There are tools thanks to technology that didn't exist until recently that allow the effects to be amplified. My own limited and confused (Yankee) interpretation could very well be wrong. Always open for wiser explanations from people who know.

Truly sorry for being condescending. Not right. Obviously did not grow up here. Took a long time to even start sorting it out because it is all still so foreign and bizarro. And most of all deeply infuriating.

None of that, Sir, is your fault. Very sorry. Time for me to move away from it. (Already began earlier this week.) Clearly beyond stressed when I completely lose it and so unkindly offend someone I don't even know. Not my normal self at all. Thank you for being so straight forward! Yet, polite... so Southern. A skill we Yankees don't necessarily grow up learning, either. Deep Bow to you, Sir.

Does seem like deleting the whole thing would be best. So that's next.

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If you read the Hebrew scriptures - for that matter - any of the scriptures, you'll find that the stories and fables show us a god that is pretty much indifferent to what the human critters are contriving. Jesus's last words to his god were supposed to be, "eli eli, lama sabachtani?" or in english, "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?"

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I think his last words were “It is finished”.

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Does that matter? We weren't there. I was referring to what is written about his last words to his god...

As a theologian, I take everything with a grain of salt. The mark gospel is the oldest and quotes the question, which itself is a quote from Psalm 22 and appears in the Matthew gospel as well.

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Maybe it's time for humans to realize that this challenge is all our own doing and ours to contend with...was our choice to "rebel" and go on a teenage rebellion. Our free will puts the responsibility all in our "hands." And, the utterance of "...why hast Thou forsaken..." is from a psalm. ...a poignant and universal experience.

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Yes. Indifferent. When asked if I belong to any church, I usually say "To the First Church of God The Utterly Indifferent". If memory serves, that's from the writings of Kurt Vonnegut, one of my favorite authors. I'll have to research the citation.

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I think it's from "The Sirens of Titan"

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Move out of state now, is the best advice.

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Terri, you are NOT ineffectual....VOTE. Speak out with reason and knowledge and yes, especially FACTS! with quiet steadfast confidence.....a cup of coffee/tea and something sweet would not hurt.

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It will only be us saving us from DeSantis. Do we have the will?

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And I wonder what Disney will do about DeSantis taking over Disneyland. Australia wants a Disneyland, so maybe they can pack it up in crates and ship it there. That would probably be cheaper than building it from scratch. Leaving DeSantis in the lurch would be very satisfying.

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Oh??? Which bit of Australia??

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I’ve seen various comments by Australians wishing they had a Disneyland in Australia but they never mention where. It’s been raining so much that some places aren’t safe so Disney would have to research it carefully before they decided.

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Recruiting ''mission-aligned'' students - that's a blood-chilling piece of language.

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Yes-gotta get the youth. DeSantis accuses others of indoctrination, but that’s really what he’s trying to do.

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indeed it certainly is. must they wear brown shirts, too, i wonder?

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Sad, sick, and horrifying. But thank you Heather, for the enlightening lesson from our wild and wooly history. The struggle is still real....

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Be sad, sick, horrified for 5 minutes. Then be angry. It mobilizes. This is your government. What are you going to do?

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Got word last night on Facebook from a group connected with OC Dems, which I’m part of, that DeSantis is coming here this coming Sunday to test the water, I’m assuming (& I don’t mean visiting one of our local beaches.) Ironically, he has chosen a secret Anaheim location, quite close to Disneyland. You can only have the address of location if you RSVP. It is a fundraiser. The group informing us has been able to get other “secret” locations in the past and is planning a protest outside. I can’t take part, but I am certain hoping it is well and loudly attended. We’re in the midst of identifying and planning recalls on school board members who have slipped in and caused chaos that is not acceptable. One on OC School Board lied and omitted essential financial info and is being investigated and hopefully removed. It’s getting interesting, but we are not Floridians!

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Desantis did the same here in Fl with his book launch-emailed invites to his Republican cronies, then disclosed location when they rsvp’d. My guess is that he hopes to limit protesters, so he can claim to media how beloved he is. When he appeared in Lakeland, Fl, he used law enforcement to remove folks bearing tfg’s signs from outside. My hope is that they devour each other. Freedom of speech has disappeared in Florida. There is a move to have bloggers who write on political topics (and perhaps criticize Desantis???)to register with the state and they will be fined if they don’t comply-all to create a false narrative of support for this fascist.

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Beyond awful, un-American... not to mention unconstitutional... right?

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Nicely done, OC Dems! Buena suerte

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Yes, and it has been reported that DeStalin’s rallies are fundraisers, where to attend you have to fork out either $500,000 , or $1,000,000, depending on the seating and ‘treatment’ you receive at the rally. Such as a special visit with DeStalin, etc.

I think for $500,000 you get the back rows of the arena. What is it they call those seats, “the nose-bleed section”. And for $1,000,000 you get on the ground floor and can arrive early for coffee and doughnuts!

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Lincoln advised that the struggle would be eternal. However, collectively, we can certainly swing balance. Cynicism is surrender. There are still enough unutilized votes out there to throw the rascals out. Perhaps pledge drives for voters?

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Sadly, my money is not equal to my outrage

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I know what you mean!

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Me, either, Jeri. But I find other ways to give support. I write a lot of letters, and (sometimes to my astonishment) they do have an effect.

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150 years later and and the motivations and arguments are just the same. It is sickening.

We cannot learn from our history if we never are taught the true story. Heather makes it abundantly clear how much damage continues to be done by the white supremacist mythology.

Republicans feel they have the right to censor and restrict everyone else's speech and actions But then you get the Comer bill to protect Tucker Carlson and Fox and Company. Always one rule for US and a different one for you all lesser beings.

I never understood how guys like Comer 's brains must work given the degree of cognitive dissonance.

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They experience no cognitive dissonance, in my opinion. They are evil to their core. Problem solved. Chump proved that it could work for a few and then spread to most of the disaffected and all of the greedy bastards…

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I agree, Jeri; cognitive dissonance requires that there be some solid foundational material grounded in reality. I have seen this in my former law enforcement cohort; they are embracing all DeStalin is doing in Florida. They don't seem to have a single independent thought in their heads.

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can't even imagine how bizarro and downright terrifying that is for you, Ally

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It really is. These folks have gone off the deep end.

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Trump was bad enough - but he really couldn't think through a logical argument. (poor attention span!) If DeSantis were president I shudder to think how he'd squash freedoms: of speech, of the press, of religion! Don't tell me Republicans give a darn about our "rights" under the constitution - only the "right" to "bear arms in a militia" - ie AK15s!

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