Rumors that he is about to be indicted in New York in connection with the $130,000 hush-money payment to adult film star Stormy Daniels have prompted former president Donald Trump to pepper his alternative social media site with requests for money and to double down on the idea that any attack on him is an attack on the United States.
The sooner we can get that dangerous, old wanker out of circulation, the better it will be for all of us so, until He’ll freezes, vote BLUE! We can’t afford the folly of electing another Republican for at least a generation. At this point, there is no trustworthy republican to be had. It’s sad but it’s the truth. We are still too close to the edge of the abyss to take chances.
You are so right! But it's worse than that. Most Republicans are more than untrustworthy. Many of them are nuts. Seriously, deranged. Here are amusing side notes about Ali Alexander (in Heather's last paragraph) who is "retired" (at age 38). Mr. "Stop the Steal".
"Alexander supported the gubernatorial campaign of Kari Lake in Arizona, claiming on his podcast that he could will Lake's victory "into existence". Alexander claimed on the same podcast episode that he was capable of time travel, saying that "time travel is easier than you think." Alexander further claimed that "the Jews time travel".[72] Lake would later lose the election to Katie Hobbs.[73]"
Among other inanities, Alexander claimed that Kamala Harris was "not black enough".
"In February 2021, on a Trovo livestream, Alexander began soliciting donations to build a "MAGA mega-city" and another planned community in South America called the "City of Alexander".[30][31] He also stated he would organize further Stop the Steal rallies and that he was creating "tools of creation and tools of chaos".[31] He also called for the abolition of the free press, labeling them "systems that control us," and challenged law enforcement to combat if they attempted to arrest him.[31]"
They are nuts and they are thieves: "Alexander was convicted of felony property theft and credit card abuse charges in 2007 and 2008."
South America has had enough dictators.....they want to be free also. We need to work for freedom, train our younger ones about what it means to be respect one another, young and old, brilliant and those simple minded ones like myself.....each of us has a role to play in the living out the ideal of a free world where everyone has a chance.
The role of good governance, knowledge of ways we can work together throughout our country and the world should be the goal. Of course there will always be barriers to the ideal of freedom but it is worthy of the best in us to strive for this goal.
Here here ! My favorite thought borrowed - Ladies, please pardon my irreverent sense of humor as fact. > “Once you’ve seen a woman take off her bra without removing her shirt, it just makes more sense why they should be in charge of many more things.”
You’ve got that so right! It’s long past time for this “shining beacon on the hill” to finally be progressive enough, smart enough to realize that as a rule, women are just as capable and as smart as men. Of course women can be as evil too;Carrie Lake for instance.
Dear Emily Pfaff, thank you for your reminder of how we can work together for the good of all. In focusing on the bad or abnormal behavior and speech of a loud few among us, we can overlook the beauty and intelligence, uniqueness and integrity of most of the people around us. Thank you.
I was thinking the solution would be an island that was currently uninhabited, off South America or Australia, where we could deliver them without enough food but plenty of weapons. They could take care of their problem themselves.
Yes! I’ve actually dreamt of this. We can watch their cut throat skills flourish trying to survive! And Fox Not News can run it 24/7 for all their fans enjoyment. It might actually be a great lesson in community and humility. Except no tropical islands allowed. Rather they have to experience harsh winters.
They need to go to a deserted island when no one else lives...can't destroy their lives. They can just all live together and fight for 'king of the hill'.
Ahh Libor, and anyone else clicking here, beware once. And, secondly, should you happen to 'journey' into Libor's "at-the-gates-of-hell" deserogertory... "beware" I would offer as advice, for a second time. As you should take heed..before.. reading/taking that journey to the edge of that lava pit. Having stood there recently, breathing tose noxious fumes, I believe I saw images of Ted Cruz, MTG, & Gym entwined with Boburr & Mace diving in and out of that molten lake while the family-of-trump floated nearby only to disappear in a flashing splash. I must admit, I had to have help getting back on my motorcycle and getting "the hell" out of there.
Thank you Liz; good to see a Subtack Author recall an excellent example of ALI A's intent. Please resend your comment to the Content Moderation Department, if that Department actually exists. Regards, I am respectful of Your & HCR's work product.
Please remember and rewatch her love note to Reagan at the beginning of her Jan6 final speech. I was rooting for her up till then. Plus her father ! Never forget what he put us through.
When Mitt became governor, he said and did some good things but it was all for show. Republican’ts can’t change their spots 🐆👿🤮🤢💩
Lil bush, like mitt co-opted the Democratically legislature controlled in respective states by signing into law top priority legislation, in Mass it was healthcare bill, in Texas school reform. Unfortunately, lil bush used phony education stats from the Houston school district to ‘infect ‘ the No Child left behind act! Recall his Sec of Ed was the Superintendent of Schools from Houston!
Did not know that about Houston. Mitt was done after a couple years and spent the last 2 traveling the country to run for president. A man with no backbone. How can he even walk. Jimmy Carter gave us the Dept. Of Education. The media really did a job on him especially wapo. Reagan took his solar cells off the White House roof. Reagan-Bushes-donthecon. What a different world it would be if they never got to the White House. Whoops, almost forgot trickydick.
Keep in mind that 'Lil Bush' grandfather Sen Prescott Bush was the organizer of the attempted "White House Putsch" (aka "Business Coup") of 1933.
Sen Bush was the organizer of the wishes of the 1933 version of the Billionaire Class' desire to oust FDR almost before he was inaugurated in April 1933 by a semi-military organized putsch.
They liked Italy's Benito Mussolini and a newly emerged Austrian named Adolph better....
The Bush crime family has a long history including the Walker branch. But death star and his family take criminality to a new high. Both loved and love dictators.
Romney was a decent governor, though not as good as Charlie Baker, and he did vote for impeachment.
As for Liz Cheney, I think I missed the love note to Reagan, and the damage inflicted on our country by Reagan was huge. Things are almost never black and white, and Liz Cheney played a critical role on the Jan 6 committee, almost certainly knowingly sacrificing her political career in the process.
MAGAts are black, but outside of them, it's extremely rare for anything not to be black and white.
I suspect Liz Cheney made a strategic bet that the MAGA trend would self destruct, leaving her, Kinzinger and a few others in a position to pick up the pieces of the Republican Party. She is incredibly smart, tough and a die-hard conservative. We’ll see if her bet pays off.
The only payoff for Liz Cheney, well two payoffs, are that A-She can do her best to salvage constitutional democracy and B-Sh can look at herself in the mirror. The third payoff that she wasn’t even aiming for was ...Ar-Ee-es-pee-Ee-cee-tee. (Just a little bit).
I wonder how long it will take to pay off. If this last very long, the Republican Party might go the lay of the old Libertarians, or dim of the early parties that tried to crank up, in the name of democracy, of course.
Did they stand up for democracy? Where were they before Trump was elected? Where was Mitt before Trump was elected? Their sense of decorum was offended, yes, but where were they when their party was building the network of voting restrictions and gerrymandered seats that made electing Trump possible? Why isn't Mitt, a US Senator, calling for investigations into Russia's continuing tampering with US elections? Are the Bushes and Romneys powerless to whip the remaining GOP moderates, or have GOP moderates ceased to exist?
Not one Republican, other than Cheney and Kissinger who were on the January 6 committee, stood up for democracy. Not one of them. As far as I’m concerned, every Republican in Congress right now can go straight to hell and get out of office.
My point exactly, lock step all the way until he wanted to become the dictator in chief, and that they just couldn't do ...they helped create the insurrection.
The Republican narrative is corrupt and dishonest at its core. At its bedrock. It is aptly described in Barry Goldwater's book "Conscience of a Conservative" (ghost written actually by another). It questions the validity of an actual democracy, in favor of what we today call an "illiberal democracy". Which is no democracy at all. It has as its authority the conservative interpretation of God's will for an independent people, in constrast to scientifically informed governance. There is really no hiding it anymore - Republicans, at least the MAGA types, no longer mince words as much, instead broadcasting their views for all to see. Anyone who puts themselves under the Republican brand is someone to avoid. To not vote for. That includes Liz, and Adam, and Mitt. That is until they disavow themselves of the Republican Party - which they might. Am not holding my breath.
In case you haven't noticed, while both of them a Very Good on the issue of keeping the constitution, on just about everything else they are... Republicans.
Look up Liz Cheney’s thoughts on climate change. Liz voted with Trump 90% of the time, until his agenda, to seize power and rule as a dictator, started to infer with her long term plans, which has something to do with maximizing oil company profits as long as there are any to be had, I suppose, but that is one area where she is not quite so vocal and transparent. Adam Kinzinger I don’t know about.
Being that is the case, and I say this respectfully, Liz does not belong in in a leadership position where she denies half the citizens she serves basic human rights. It was a good thing a prolife zealot was ousted from a position of power, albeit replaced by a less experienced, less competent, more obnoxious politician. Stefanik doesn’t have the Cheney money, education or name recognition. Thank you for your service Liz, truly. But, above all, no one wants to go 70 years backward. It’s pretty much settled.
Susan, all you have to do is look at their voting record. They're both truthful, saying that they are conservative and they're opposed to abortion and other liberal social program goals, and Liz voted with Trump 93% of the time. The fact that they favored democracy above TFG doesn't mean that we'd be happy with their vision of America.
Liz Cheney is on video calling out Democrats for "murdering babies" by supporting legal abortion. I didn't find that link just now, but did find links to her consistent stands against legal abortion. Just because a person opposes violent overthrow of the government, does not tell you what they believe about anything else.
It is a powerful image , that of about a thousand , stop the steal rioters , in jail or headed there, with the fearless leader playing golf as he attempts to improve his thinning combover. But the fact is a large number of MAGA folks will never realize that they have been had. The fantasy they live in is too satisfying to give up , no matter how many facts disprove the false narratives of the liar -in -chief.
Here is the sentence from Professor Richardson in today’s Letter that stopped me right in my tracks…..
“But here’s what I wonder: What happens when people who have embraced a virtual world begin to figure out it’s fake? And then another question as she talked about the Russian people’s shaken faith in their leader and what result? “Will they rally around their leader, slide away, or turn against him? “
It is the question I ask every day as the truth tide reveals more and more about these white men….Trump, DeSantis, Carlson, Jordan, all of them. Cheap suits sucking on the teat of white Christian nationalism. No real belief in it. Just to play on fear of white being a minority and boots of women and anyone not white or straight or privileged being firmly on their necks. A caste system that must survive the way they want it ordered for them to breathe.
What do the believers do when they know it’s a fake bullsh*t patriarchal bargain basement facade?
I like the way you think! What so many of these crazy MAGA women don’t seem to understand is that there is only room for white MEN ONLY in their tight and white little club.
The only way to insure he's history is for Koch and Mercer to want him destroyed and Gon. But, they're not done using him yet to destroy the Federal Government, American Democracy and our Constitution.
Spot on Ben.... The wallet is the primary support - "Always, esp. democracies, 'Follow the money' and restrain or reveal. That would have been issue 1 or 2 had I run for Ohio's US senate seat vacated by Portman; tough call as to ranking - I believe they would have been co-planks as number one.
I'll ascribe to that philosophy as the better choice as of now (vote blue). Yet I would add vote blue with care. There exist many 'pretenders'. Eyes and intents wide open is what I caution. Educated cautions is the best we can do.
Ok, so maybe Trump is going down. Not enough. His cohort of toxic masculinity, indifferent oligarchs, and fellow political technologists have got to go
The thing about Unreality is that though I don't think it's penetrable by what we call facts, I do think it has a tendency to collapse from its own weight--or maybe better, to shred in a stiff breeze! The Unreal doesn't have as many pixels as the Real. It looks a bit stylized. Plus his fans got energy from our constant denouncements, or clicking on stories about him in order to go "Tsk, tsk!" A non-presidential, visibly weakened Trump, no longer drawing massive ire, will have less magnetic force. (What a 5-bean stew of metaphors I've made here!)
Nice metaphors--each one could be the basis for an essay! The Acultamuricans believe their facts are reality and that ours are the "Unreality." As Jonathan Swift may or may not have actually said, "You can't reason people out of something they weren't reasoned into." When this mess-iah implodes, they'll just find another one.
It's a depressingly long story, but Steven Pinker and others have argued that overall historically compassion has been on the rise. That said, there is always an element that wants to keep the goodies science enabled, yet pull society back to feudalism and the "Dark Ages".
I have the knee-jerk response here of a medievalist. Having spent my life studying and teaching late classical and medieval literature and history, especially the history of everyday life, I'm pretty sure Pinker, not a historian, is wrong. (He's certainly dead wrong about how we're less violent now--I'm astonished he got away with that fairy tale!) One thing that would good for folks in Texas and Wyoming etc if we went back to the Middle Ages in Europe is that abortion was legal through about the 5th month....
The sooner we can get that dangerous, old wanker out of circulation, the better it will be for all of us so, until He’ll freezes, vote BLUE! We can’t afford the folly of electing another Republican for at least a generation. At this point, there is no trustworthy republican to be had. It’s sad but it’s the truth. We are still too close to the edge of the abyss to take chances.
You are so right! But it's worse than that. Most Republicans are more than untrustworthy. Many of them are nuts. Seriously, deranged. Here are amusing side notes about Ali Alexander (in Heather's last paragraph) who is "retired" (at age 38). Mr. "Stop the Steal".
From Wiki:
"Alexander supported the gubernatorial campaign of Kari Lake in Arizona, claiming on his podcast that he could will Lake's victory "into existence". Alexander claimed on the same podcast episode that he was capable of time travel, saying that "time travel is easier than you think." Alexander further claimed that "the Jews time travel".[72] Lake would later lose the election to Katie Hobbs.[73]"
Among other inanities, Alexander claimed that Kamala Harris was "not black enough".
"In February 2021, on a Trovo livestream, Alexander began soliciting donations to build a "MAGA mega-city" and another planned community in South America called the "City of Alexander".[30][31] He also stated he would organize further Stop the Steal rallies and that he was creating "tools of creation and tools of chaos".[31] He also called for the abolition of the free press, labeling them "systems that control us," and challenged law enforcement to combat if they attempted to arrest him.[31]"
They are nuts and they are thieves: "Alexander was convicted of felony property theft and credit card abuse charges in 2007 and 2008."
Please, please let them form their own city in South America and all go there.
South America has had enough dictators.....they want to be free also. We need to work for freedom, train our younger ones about what it means to be respect one another, young and old, brilliant and those simple minded ones like myself.....each of us has a role to play in the living out the ideal of a free world where everyone has a chance.
The role of good governance, knowledge of ways we can work together throughout our country and the world should be the goal. Of course there will always be barriers to the ideal of freedom but it is worthy of the best in us to strive for this goal.
When women are in power, perhaps? Men have had thousands of years to make it work; it's time for women to lead the way.
Here here ! My favorite thought borrowed - Ladies, please pardon my irreverent sense of humor as fact. > “Once you’ve seen a woman take off her bra without removing her shirt, it just makes more sense why they should be in charge of many more things.”
It’s a trick but oh so satisfying.
You’ve got that so right! It’s long past time for this “shining beacon on the hill” to finally be progressive enough, smart enough to realize that as a rule, women are just as capable and as smart as men. Of course women can be as evil too;Carrie Lake for instance.
Dear Emily Pfaff, thank you for your reminder of how we can work together for the good of all. In focusing on the bad or abnormal behavior and speech of a loud few among us, we can overlook the beauty and intelligence, uniqueness and integrity of most of the people around us. Thank you.
You call it “simple-mindedness,” I call it wisdom.
I was thinking the solution would be an island that was currently uninhabited, off South America or Australia, where we could deliver them without enough food but plenty of weapons. They could take care of their problem themselves.
We can make it into a survival experience made for television !! All the traitors on one island !! Who wants to watch !!
Yes! I’ve actually dreamt of this. We can watch their cut throat skills flourish trying to survive! And Fox Not News can run it 24/7 for all their fans enjoyment. It might actually be a great lesson in community and humility. Except no tropical islands allowed. Rather they have to experience harsh winters.
Antarctica, in summer, so they can anticipate the coming winter.
Second exile of Napoleon, but without cell phones, might be a good place.
The Philippines have over 900 islands, many of them at sea level.
An island in the Philippines would be awesome! Then they could experience Global Warming for themselves!
No tropical vacations for them! I would suggest Hershel Island except it’s too special of a place for such vermin.
! What a fine idea.
I agree with the “Build their own city”, however I wouldn’t wish that on South America. I say an uninhabited island somewhere FAR AWAY!
Or they can follow Elon to Mars.
What an excellent idea
Next damn place for all of them. Mars! By very slow spaceship!
Don't Look Up!
Ha ha
I'll supply the Kool-aid.
I think they should move in with Putin. He's looking for as many functioning bodies as he can find - to send to fight and die in Ukraine
Right, and I hear there's room in Siberia for the lot of them.
I think we are stuck “them”. Why foist them on some unsuspecting country?
They need to go to a deserted island when no one else lives...can't destroy their lives. They can just all live together and fight for 'king of the hill'.
Ahh Libor, and anyone else clicking here, beware once. And, secondly, should you happen to 'journey' into Libor's "at-the-gates-of-hell" deserogertory... "beware" I would offer as advice, for a second time. As you should take heed..before.. reading/taking that journey to the edge of that lava pit. Having stood there recently, breathing tose noxious fumes, I believe I saw images of Ted Cruz, MTG, & Gym entwined with Boburr & Mace diving in and out of that molten lake while the family-of-trump floated nearby only to disappear in a flashing splash. I must admit, I had to have help getting back on my motorcycle and getting "the hell" out of there.
Not Iceland. It has good government, is very ecologically aware. In short, we shouldn’t wish autocratic climate change deniers on Iceland.
Oh god no! Not Madagascar! It’s way to dear an ecosystem for the likes of what we want to send into a preferred oblivion.
I’m a non-practicing Jew. Is that why I never received any time travel lessons?
?Libor.., you need to get a new bicycle :))
Thank you Liz; good to see a Subtack Author recall an excellent example of ALI A's intent. Please resend your comment to the Content Moderation Department, if that Department actually exists. Regards, I am respectful of Your & HCR's work product.
Thank you. Love your 'Wild West Diversity'.
What about Liz?
Please remember and rewatch her love note to Reagan at the beginning of her Jan6 final speech. I was rooting for her up till then. Plus her father ! Never forget what he put us through.
When Mitt became governor, he said and did some good things but it was all for show. Republican’ts can’t change their spots 🐆👿🤮🤢💩
Lil bush, like mitt co-opted the Democratically legislature controlled in respective states by signing into law top priority legislation, in Mass it was healthcare bill, in Texas school reform. Unfortunately, lil bush used phony education stats from the Houston school district to ‘infect ‘ the No Child left behind act! Recall his Sec of Ed was the Superintendent of Schools from Houston!
Did not know that about Houston. Mitt was done after a couple years and spent the last 2 traveling the country to run for president. A man with no backbone. How can he even walk. Jimmy Carter gave us the Dept. Of Education. The media really did a job on him especially wapo. Reagan took his solar cells off the White House roof. Reagan-Bushes-donthecon. What a different world it would be if they never got to the White House. Whoops, almost forgot trickydick.
Keep in mind that 'Lil Bush' grandfather Sen Prescott Bush was the organizer of the attempted "White House Putsch" (aka "Business Coup") of 1933.
Sen Bush was the organizer of the wishes of the 1933 version of the Billionaire Class' desire to oust FDR almost before he was inaugurated in April 1933 by a semi-military organized putsch.
They liked Italy's Benito Mussolini and a newly emerged Austrian named Adolph better....
The Bush crime family has a long history including the Walker branch. But death star and his family take criminality to a new high. Both loved and love dictators.
Check out _Family of Secrets: The Bush Dynasty, America's Invisible Government, and the Hidden History of the Last Fifty Years_, by Russ Baker.
The family has been hip deep in self-dealing and dirty deeds for generations.
That does sound well worth reading. Thank you.
I prefer "Bush lite" to Lil Bush. But I'm not going to be dogmatic about it.
Romney was a decent governor, though not as good as Charlie Baker, and he did vote for impeachment.
As for Liz Cheney, I think I missed the love note to Reagan, and the damage inflicted on our country by Reagan was huge. Things are almost never black and white, and Liz Cheney played a critical role on the Jan 6 committee, almost certainly knowingly sacrificing her political career in the process.
MAGAts are black, but outside of them, it's extremely rare for anything not to be black and white.
I suspect Liz Cheney made a strategic bet that the MAGA trend would self destruct, leaving her, Kinzinger and a few others in a position to pick up the pieces of the Republican Party. She is incredibly smart, tough and a die-hard conservative. We’ll see if her bet pays off.
The only payoff for Liz Cheney, well two payoffs, are that A-She can do her best to salvage constitutional democracy and B-Sh can look at herself in the mirror. The third payoff that she wasn’t even aiming for was ...Ar-Ee-es-pee-Ee-cee-tee. (Just a little bit).
That goes for Kinzinger too.
I wonder how long it will take to pay off. If this last very long, the Republican Party might go the lay of the old Libertarians, or dim of the early parties that tried to crank up, in the name of democracy, of course.
Mitt’s factories in Asia (with barbed wire) seem to be forgotten along with the 47% speech.
I do remember that speech, but is his 47% worse than Hillary Clinton's "deplorables"?
I'm unaware of the fctories in Asia, though. If you have a link, please post it.
They supported Trump until they didn't. But at least they stood up for democracy and that will be their legacy.
Did they stand up for democracy? Where were they before Trump was elected? Where was Mitt before Trump was elected? Their sense of decorum was offended, yes, but where were they when their party was building the network of voting restrictions and gerrymandered seats that made electing Trump possible? Why isn't Mitt, a US Senator, calling for investigations into Russia's continuing tampering with US elections? Are the Bushes and Romneys powerless to whip the remaining GOP moderates, or have GOP moderates ceased to exist?
Not one Republican, other than Cheney and Kissinger who were on the January 6 committee, stood up for democracy. Not one of them. As far as I’m concerned, every Republican in Congress right now can go straight to hell and get out of office.
My point exactly, lock step all the way until he wanted to become the dictator in chief, and that they just couldn't do ...they helped create the insurrection.
The Republican narrative is corrupt and dishonest at its core. At its bedrock. It is aptly described in Barry Goldwater's book "Conscience of a Conservative" (ghost written actually by another). It questions the validity of an actual democracy, in favor of what we today call an "illiberal democracy". Which is no democracy at all. It has as its authority the conservative interpretation of God's will for an independent people, in constrast to scientifically informed governance. There is really no hiding it anymore - Republicans, at least the MAGA types, no longer mince words as much, instead broadcasting their views for all to see. Anyone who puts themselves under the Republican brand is someone to avoid. To not vote for. That includes Liz, and Adam, and Mitt. That is until they disavow themselves of the Republican Party - which they might. Am not holding my breath.
...and Adam?
In case you haven't noticed, while both of them a Very Good on the issue of keeping the constitution, on just about everything else they are... Republicans.
True, and yet not near pure enough for the RNC.
That’s a clue folks…
I heard that said. So hard to believe either would be anti abortion. They seem so sensible.
Look up Liz Cheney’s thoughts on climate change. Liz voted with Trump 90% of the time, until his agenda, to seize power and rule as a dictator, started to infer with her long term plans, which has something to do with maximizing oil company profits as long as there are any to be had, I suppose, but that is one area where she is not quite so vocal and transparent. Adam Kinzinger I don’t know about.
Kinzinger and Cheney are both republicans. Don't ever forget that. They voted the republican line on everything important.
Cheney is virulently anti-abortion
Being that is the case, and I say this respectfully, Liz does not belong in in a leadership position where she denies half the citizens she serves basic human rights. It was a good thing a prolife zealot was ousted from a position of power, albeit replaced by a less experienced, less competent, more obnoxious politician. Stefanik doesn’t have the Cheney money, education or name recognition. Thank you for your service Liz, truly. But, above all, no one wants to go 70 years backward. It’s pretty much settled.
Wyoming bans access to abortion medication.
She useful to be anti-gay. She isn't anymore.
This is Liz Cheney. Yes, she stood firm on democracy. There is literally nothing else to admire. Nothing.
Yup. Agreed.
Susan, all you have to do is look at their voting record. They're both truthful, saying that they are conservative and they're opposed to abortion and other liberal social program goals, and Liz voted with Trump 93% of the time. The fact that they favored democracy above TFG doesn't mean that we'd be happy with their vision of America.
Liz Cheney is on video calling out Democrats for "murdering babies" by supporting legal abortion. I didn't find that link just now, but did find links to her consistent stands against legal abortion. Just because a person opposes violent overthrow of the government, does not tell you what they believe about anything else.
Amen, Joan!
Also in their favor TC is that the two ARE Republicans. Not frothing at the mouth cult followers.
But, yeah, I stand corrected.
And I’m going to look into who she is.
Apt label ‘old wanker’!
It is a powerful image , that of about a thousand , stop the steal rioters , in jail or headed there, with the fearless leader playing golf as he attempts to improve his thinning combover. But the fact is a large number of MAGA folks will never realize that they have been had. The fantasy they live in is too satisfying to give up , no matter how many facts disprove the false narratives of the liar -in -chief.
Here is the sentence from Professor Richardson in today’s Letter that stopped me right in my tracks…..
“But here’s what I wonder: What happens when people who have embraced a virtual world begin to figure out it’s fake? And then another question as she talked about the Russian people’s shaken faith in their leader and what result? “Will they rally around their leader, slide away, or turn against him? “
It is the question I ask every day as the truth tide reveals more and more about these white men….Trump, DeSantis, Carlson, Jordan, all of them. Cheap suits sucking on the teat of white Christian nationalism. No real belief in it. Just to play on fear of white being a minority and boots of women and anyone not white or straight or privileged being firmly on their necks. A caste system that must survive the way they want it ordered for them to breathe.
What do the believers do when they know it’s a fake bullsh*t patriarchal bargain basement facade?
I think about it every day. A lot.
I like the way you think! What so many of these crazy MAGA women don’t seem to understand is that there is only room for white MEN ONLY in their tight and white little club.
The only way to insure he's history is for Koch and Mercer to want him destroyed and Gon. But, they're not done using him yet to destroy the Federal Government, American Democracy and our Constitution.
Spot on Ben.... The wallet is the primary support - "Always, esp. democracies, 'Follow the money' and restrain or reveal. That would have been issue 1 or 2 had I run for Ohio's US senate seat vacated by Portman; tough call as to ranking - I believe they would have been co-planks as number one.
I really fear you’re right. That variety of Libertarian cancer metastases throughout the body in all sorts of nasty ways.
I'll ascribe to that philosophy as the better choice as of now (vote blue). Yet I would add vote blue with care. There exist many 'pretenders'. Eyes and intents wide open is what I caution. Educated cautions is the best we can do.
Agreed. With all people, keep one eye open at all times.
Ok, so maybe Trump is going down. Not enough. His cohort of toxic masculinity, indifferent oligarchs, and fellow political technologists have got to go
True. What to do about the millions of people who made it all possible by voting for him?
The thing about Unreality is that though I don't think it's penetrable by what we call facts, I do think it has a tendency to collapse from its own weight--or maybe better, to shred in a stiff breeze! The Unreal doesn't have as many pixels as the Real. It looks a bit stylized. Plus his fans got energy from our constant denouncements, or clicking on stories about him in order to go "Tsk, tsk!" A non-presidential, visibly weakened Trump, no longer drawing massive ire, will have less magnetic force. (What a 5-bean stew of metaphors I've made here!)
Nice metaphors--each one could be the basis for an essay! The Acultamuricans believe their facts are reality and that ours are the "Unreality." As Jonathan Swift may or may not have actually said, "You can't reason people out of something they weren't reasoned into." When this mess-iah implodes, they'll just find another one.
It's a depressingly long story, but Steven Pinker and others have argued that overall historically compassion has been on the rise. That said, there is always an element that wants to keep the goodies science enabled, yet pull society back to feudalism and the "Dark Ages".
I have the knee-jerk response here of a medievalist. Having spent my life studying and teaching late classical and medieval literature and history, especially the history of everyday life, I'm pretty sure Pinker, not a historian, is wrong. (He's certainly dead wrong about how we're less violent now--I'm astonished he got away with that fairy tale!) One thing that would good for folks in Texas and Wyoming etc if we went back to the Middle Ages in Europe is that abortion was legal through about the 5th month....