
Trump & Vance should be BOTH be IMPEACHED for TREASON (aiding and abetting the enemy - Russia). They are both Russian assets, it’s obvious

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(202) 225-3121

First, Trump had been in contact with Putin, negotiating Ukraine, BEFORE and WITHOUT Zelensky, our ally. Very insulting and not how you negotiate peace.

Second, Trump called Zelensky, the respected, President of a DEMOCRACY with 75% of the votes, a “dictator!” Saying he wasn’t having free elections! He also said Ukraine can’t join NATO. Sounds like Putin’s demands. Another insult.

Third, Trump (I won’t call him president because of the illegally purged black votes & hacked tabulators Harris is the true president!) announced Ukraine “started the war.” Either Trump has severe dementia or he is stupid; both a possibility. It was Russia who invaded Ukraine, REPEATEDLY. THEY are the AGGRESSORS!

Fourth, just arriving at the White House from a ravaged warn torn country, dignified President Zelensky is immediately criticized by Trump for what he was wearing! Musk, the richest man in the world, wears t-shirts & baseball caps & emphasizes his disrespect by bringing his 3 year old son to the oval office who then proceeds to pick the buggars out of his nose, putting them on the Lincoln desk.

With Trump’s prior insulting comments (lies) made about him, insulting him by not meeting with Zelensky FIRST, but meeting with the war criminal dictator & aggressor Putin, that’s enough to make anyone upset. Trump & Vance had NO excuse.

Fourth, THINK of what Zelensky went through to just to get to the White House from a ravaged country of 3 years. No airports. Helicopters, long train rides, etc. It probably took an entire day. He didn’t even get lunch after struggling to get there from a war zone. (He probably arrived hungry thinking they would provide lunch after he came that great distance. Is that any way to treat a guest?).

Fifth, we SIGNED a commitment in 1994 - the “Budapest Memorandum” y along with the UK, Northern Ireland and Russia! Why isn’t anyone talking about this??

In 1994 Ukraine ONLY agreed to hand over their HUGE STASH of nuclear weapons to Russia 'in exchange for a guarantee never to be threatened or invaded.' And to be protected if such an invasion occurred.

***If Ukrainian had KEPT those nuclear warheads, and they should have, Russia would never have dared to invade, EVER!•••

Ukraine was the ONLY country that honored this agreement.

Obviously, Russia, the invader, did NOT keep the commitment, but the United States MUST.

Perhaps Trump, being the non reader, poor student he was, doesn’t know about this commitment. But no wonder Zelensky doesn’t trust Russia to keep another agreement! Who should? Like Trump, Putin LIES and CHEATS and has repeatedly shown HIS WORD IS NOT GOOD!

Russia broke the agreement so they have NO bargaining power. This is what should happen:

1. Russia should return ALL of Ukraine’s land.

2. Russia should return ALL of the stockpile of nuclear warheads Ukraine gave Russia since they broke the agreement or better replace with new.

3. Russia should pay to rebuild Ukraine.

4. No other country is asking to be reimbursed. The United States did NOT give Ukraine $350 billion. That is another Trump LIE. We gave them ILD war equipment & we bough new to replace them.

5. The United States should not get anything from Ukraine - NO MINERALS. The United States did nothing when Russia took Crimea & Georgia. If they had, this total devastation & loss of lives would not have occurred. The United States, UK , N. Ireland did not come to Ukraine’s rescue when Russia invaded. All four countries broke the agreement.

6. Since neither the U.S., UK, N.Ireland nor Russia held to the agreement, Ukraine SHOULD be allowed to join NATO. They earned it. That will assure no future invasions of their county.

By agreeing to these terms along with staying out of our elections, Putin is getting off lightly because Putin is now a war criminal and should really be sentenced to death. He did irreparable harm to babies, raping women, kidnapping children, bombing hospitals, etc. Not to mention the devastation of people’s homes, the infrastructure, loss of lives, the emotional and physical trauma, etc.

DON’T GIVE IN! The ball is in your court. Russia is sweating.


A very SHOCKED, ASHAMED and HORRIFIED American citizen. I apologize, respect and support you. We all agree, we would prefer it if you were our President!

“This Memorandum will become applicable upon signature. Signed in four copies having an equal validity in the Ukrainian, English, and Russian languages.”


A Harvard Professor of law, Timothy Snyder made some astute comments. You might like to interview him as he is an expert on Ukraine.

On the PBS Hour:


Professor Timothy Snyder on his Substack video (provided links for donating to Ukrainian organizations):


“If America is going to abandon Ukraine (and what being offered now is not a peace deal but a bid for minerals), then it has no place in any peace talks. And if Putin will not talk peace with Ukraine, then he must be defeated.“

~ Sue Nethercott’s Substack

I called Johnson, Peter’s & Jeffries today. Russia needs to be defeated without concessions. Putin ILLEGALLY invaded a sovereign country after Russia had signed an agreement never to do so (Budapest Memorandum). Ukraine should be allowed to join NATO for future protection as Russia cannot be trusted (nor can we apparently). No other country is asking to be repaid. We made our bed by not stopping Russia (Crimea, Georgia, Trump’s delay of the weapons resulting in his first impeachment), now we have to lie in it.

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I completely agree, BUT congress is stacked in his favor. Look at the clowns they confirmed on his cabinet.

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I just spent the last couple of minutes writing up an email to my House Representative (R) and one of our Virginia Senators (D) to voice my disgust with this latest Trump action and the terrifying thought of what he could do if somebody doesn't stand up to him. Everything we have stood for since WWI is being nullified. This is not what America should represent.

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Dear Heather: You are a heroic, inspirational historian. Thank you for interviewing Secretary Blinken, who was one of our finest public servants.

I wrote a poem for you called "Letters from a Democracy Defender" - Hope you enjoy it! https://democracydefender2025.substack.com/p/heather-cox-richardson-letters-history-democracy


In the halls of history where echoes tell our truth,

There stands a scholar with a fervor for our youth,

Heather Cox Richardson, a beacon in the night,

A historian whose words forge the path for right.

She walks beside the troubled roads of time,

Unraveling the tapestry of power and crime,

Yet in her narrative of us, bold and free,

Lies the steadfast pulse of our democracy.

Her pen—a sword that defends what's just,

Challenging the giants of greed and lust,

With every page turned, every lesson learned,

A torch is passed, our future earned.

Across the pages of the past's deep lore,

She guides us to understand what we fight for,

Not just in facts, but in hope and belief,

Lies the rhythm of freedom, beyond doubt or grief.

In debates and discourse where the stakes are high,

Her scholarship lifts our weary eye,

To see democracy not as a relic of old,

But a living promise, burning bright and bold.

Oaring through eras of conflict and strife,

Heather writes of balance in the ledger of life,

A historian, a guardian with piercing sight,

Who defends democracy—our collective birthright.

So let her words resound like a clarion call,

Echoing softly in every heart, big or small,

For in her voice is the strength to stand,

And the dream of freedom in a just, united land.

War is NOT peace!

Freedom is NOT slavery!

Ignorance is NOT strength!

Diversity is our greatest strength!

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Thank you for writing that poem. I feel the same way about Heather. It’s getting me through this time in our shared history that is dark. She’s a beacon of light and home.

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Damn, that is really good!

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Excellent and Accurate.

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Hello—have just listened to your amazing interview with Anthony Blinken—I am hoping you will consider reaching out to him for a follow-up interview to see what progress he is making as a citizen to deal with our current state of affairs—thanks for your work and for your communication with everyone—Dee

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Brilliant idea.

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Trump is a bully, and when he can't push someone to see things his way, he has a childish temper tantrum. That's what we saw in the White House on Friday. Trump has always kissed Putin's ring and has become his voice in all discussions regarding Ukraine (and other matters).

With all that Ukraine and President Zalinsky have dealt with over the last three (3) years, it's a shame that the US President doesn't have his back. Trump sees an opportunity to turn the situation into a mineral deal, but under his terms, without supporting Ukraine while still quoting Putin / Russia talking points.

Unfortunately, the guard rails in our country are coming down. Congress (Republicans) has forgotten that they hold the purse strings and lost their backbone to stand up to Trump. Key Republicans in the past have supported Ukraine, and now, they are turning their backs (Graham & Rubio).

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Thank you, Heather, for sharing your January interview with Antony Blinken. What a tragic and sad contrast this illustrates: an intelligent, reasoned and ethical approach to both foreign affairs and civic engagement, having been succeeded by, well, what we currently have.

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We won’t hear a defense of our government like that for the next 4 years. It will be sorely missed.

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What a wonderful interview and what a thoughtful, capable and caring man Anthony Blinken is. Thank you for bringing this interview to our attention.

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Excellent interview! Just excellent! Love listening to you both and it makes me grieve losing all the great people who were part of the Biden Administration.

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Dear Heather,

Thank you for the fine work that you are doing for this country. This interview is so revealing of your capacity for scholarship and understanding of the social political issues of our times. I am so grateful for this interview with Secretary Blinken and for his outstanding service to this country. I am more hopeful than ever about its and our future.

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YES - IMPEACHED AND CONVICTED after the 2026 midterms with the new Democratic Speaker elevated to President.

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With tears in my eyes I listened …what a different U.S we have now

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Such a drastic contrast to the current corrupt regime.

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Isn't hiring of Musk illegal? He was not elected. He went through no vetting, as far as I know. He has multiple conflicts of interest and I don't think he has had to complete any kind of ethics form. He has no job title. Yet he has access to our records and the ability to take a wrecking ball to our government. When is someone going to stop him legally?

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When I was quite a bit younger, I worked with an influential "take no prisoners" lawyer, the largest plaintiffs' law firm west of the Mississippi, who often said, "When you got 'em by the balls, their hearts and minds will follow." We litigated massive cases against the insurance industry, the mighty environmental polluters, medical malpractitioners, civil bad guys taking advantage of their graft and grift. But, he and the law firm followed the rules...punctiliously and ethically in all ways. "You gotta wake up n the morning," he cautioned, "and when you do, you have to be able to look in the mirror." I always felt neat and tidy and proud of what we and I were doing. Pumpkinhead and his sycophant charlatans ignore the rules and pride themselves on their lawlessness. America is going down a sewer. My heart is broken. I love America. I have been watching The Sopranos. I also grew up across the Delaware River from Trenton in Levittown, PA. We watched how The Mob did business...and how much Trumpiana behave like the Mob. Today, with Mr. Zelensky, a man of honor and dignity, a mensch of a man, was one of the worst days in the history of our nation. Pumpkinhead's (and Vance's) behavior was unthinkable; despicable. America should apologize to the World for the calumny and mendaciousness. I want to take a moral shower and scrub with bleach to get the stain away. This is the Shabbat. G-d, if you are listening, for all of us, Help! More on my substack: substack.com/@eb0novelist

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how this man can be so incredibly reasonable and sane and even wise on subjects such as Ukraine and the rest of this discussion -- while championing zionist war criminals and being an active player in the blowing up tens of thousands of innocent children, is completely beyond me. A statesman and a monster. What in his psyche allows him to be both?!?

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I guess maybe it was the function of PBS in the past, & the History & Discovery channels come to mind, but how great it would be for this kind of information to be more widely everywhere, especially for young people. Civics may not be discussed at home & I remember it being a rather removed, abstract subject in school. But, young people are very much interested, I believe, open to something other than a world of cynicism. Maybe that's something we can do as citizens, now with social media, share great sources of information, before they're silenced & forgotten. I think the huge popularity of these Letters indicates a very big desire for that more meaningful than reality TV!

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