That TV series "The Handmaid's Tale"...... it's been giving them ideas

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I wish the "Left" were as strong as Vought thinks it is.

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As a new subscriber, I love the substance of "Letters from an American".; I read the posts and listen to the audio versions. I compliment you on the quality of the audio versions of the posts. The audio quality is superb. Vought, in my view, is delusional.

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It's scary what Vought and the reactionary Christian nationalists are planning. Imagine rolling back the progressive income tax and repressing the entire progressive era through minority rule. If Trump losing the popular vote but wins through the antiquated electoral college, this nightmare is quite possible. https://jimbuie.substack.com/p/could-progressive-era-1890s-1920s

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Another POV vis Wilson.

Wilson whether already physically inept or so enamored with his "Fourteen Points" was sound asleep at the crucial moment the foul seeds were set for WW2. Wilson stood by and allowed Loyd George and Clemenceau to set in place the financial burden to fully destroy the post WW1 German economy with reparations which were impossible to ever pay. That action IMO created Hitler and brought him to power and thus ultimately unleashed WW2. Further reading: "Paris 1919" Margret McMillian.

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Something needs to be done about this guy Vought!

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I love the audio version and am glad you've started sending it to me. I couldn't take the time to figure out those confusing directions to find it myself. Honestly, I mean that. There is only so much time in every day to learn new techie things

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Wow...! There is so much History and perspective done by Heather in a concise but POWERFUL 11 minute letter to the audience... If only those who need to hear this perspective are the ones who would listen.. but it truly seems they will not listen even to such a wonderful speaker, writer, and historian

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