Both Chairman Thompson and Rep. Cheney’s opening statements were brilliant. Tightly written, clear and direct, no equivocating. I especially admired Rep. Thompson’s connecting his Mississippi heritage with the evils of that state’s history to the actions of Lincoln and that famous unsent letter. This is where history serves its highest purpose - to connect us with our past in order to underscore both the uniqueness of the threat that Trump posed and continues to pose and to clearly delineate the through line of white supremacy and fascism that he so expertly tapped into and exploited to support his grab for power. While he may indeed someday be gone, those rivers will continue to run deep in our country. We must never let our guard down.

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The Free-Press is crucial in confronting those rivers of white supremacy and fascism that flow through our country.

'...Walter Lippmann wrote in one of the most prescient articles ever, in a 1919 edition of The Atlantic::

'Men who have lost their grip upon the relevant facts of their environment are the inevitable victims of agitation and propaganda. The quack, the charlatan, the jingo, and the terrorist, can flourish only where the audience is deprived of independent access to information. But where all news comes at second-hand, where all the testimony is uncertain, men cease to respond to truths, and respond simply to opinions. The environment in which they act is not the realities themselves, but the pseudo-environment of reports, rumors, and guesses. The whole reference of thought comes to be what somebody asserts, not what actually is.'

'But Lippmann was living in a relative informational paradise compared to today. Sure, there were those in his day who would eagerly excite the passions of the masses for nefarious purposes. But there were multiple daily newspapers in virtually every major city; dozens in New York City if you count the foreign-language press. Most important, sources of deliberate disinformation were as ants to the elephants when compared to today’s Murdoch empire, the Koch network, just about all of talk radio, pretty much every one of Facebook’s most visited sites, and all of the various sources promoting racism, sexism, antisemitism, islamophobia, and so on, in the wake of Trump’s takeover of the Republican Party. Their purpose is to undermine truth specifically for the reasons laid out in Lippmann’s prophetic piece, with predictably deleterious results for what remains of our democracy.' (Prospect)


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Yes, thanks Fern! And I got goose bumps listening to Elton John's duo with Aretha Franklin on his "Border song." Free-Press and Free-Music!


Holy Moses I have been removed

I have seen the spectre he has been here too

Distant cousin from down the line

Brand of people who ain't my kind

Holy Moses I have been removed

Holy Moses I have been deceived

Now the wind has changed direction and I'll have to leave

Won't you please excuse my frankness but it's not my cup of tea

Holy Moses I have been deceived

I'm going back to the border

Where my affairs, my affairs ain't abused

I can't take any more bad water

Been poisoned from my head down to my shoes

Holy Moses I have been deceived

Holy Moses let us live in peace

Let us strive to find a way to make all hatred cease

There's a man over there

What's his colour I don't care

He's my brother let us live in peace

He's my brother let us live in peace

He's my brother let us live in peace

Writer/s: Bernie Taupin, Elton John

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The best Taupin/John song, so poignant and prescient not only when it was first written and recorded but more so now.

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I feel that it is so cool that I share a birthday with those 2 icons, Aretha exactly 10 years older, Elton, exactly 5 years older than me!

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In regard to the death of newspapers, it occurred to me that one vital thing missing in our era is the voice of the newspaper editor, always one of our best-informed citizens in small and medium-size cities, calling out harmful political charlatans, reminding us of our common heritage and our duty. Maybe not always in our segregated South, but certainly in most of the country.

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That voice of the local press has been replaced with the wonders of technology that we want to believe in. Who is on the other end, who is hiding? Who is telling the Truth? Who is purposely Lying? We trust these letters. We’ve met Heather Cox Richardson. She’s real. All depends on Trust. For the most part we know each other, the writers, through our words. Years ago, writing in high school and college and hometown newspapers we had by-lines and responsibility. Mostly. The Internet is another world.

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Thanks for the Lippmann article. Piques my curiosity to learn exactly what was going on then, right after end of WWI, that prompted this prophetic response. Some things never change.

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How about that Fox news coverage, Eh!? Riveting candor!

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George, you're back and with a sense of humor, eh!

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Yup...We were made for each other, Eh!?

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Thank you for sharing this, Fern. Walter Lippmann was indeed prescient, chillingly so. The question for our age is - can we rise to the challenge?

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Andrea, America's identity was the basis of your comment. I often go to Madison, Jefferson -- the Founding Fathers -- Lincoln, they wrestled mightily with threats to the Republic and Democracy. Can we make some improvements to strengthen the country's institutions, the rule of law, its foundation and reckon with states' rights?

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Yes; you nailed it. Thanks.

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“Tonight, I say this to my Republican colleagues who are defending the indefensible: There will come a day when Donald Trump is gone, but your dishonor will remain.”

Perfect. Liz is right on target. Explain to those repubs. who blindly agree to anything trump wants that the stand they take now will not be forgotten. It will be in the official U.S. records. Their family, friends, and fellow Americans will see their official stand forevermore. Is that the legacy they want to live with and also leave behind after they die?

I had the same feeling when that Georgia congressman said last year that the January 6 insurrection was just "a normal tourist visit." Beyond the absurdity of his answer, I thought, "Do you really want your family, friends, neighbors, and descendants to read such ridiculous quotes from you?" I guess he just didn't/doesn't care.

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I started watching a bit late and missed Chairman Thompson's opening statement. I'm going to try to see if I can find it.

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"We took some photographs on the east side of the Capitol, and then we went for lunch. We went for tacos" – Nick Quested, Filmmaker

That statement by Quested during last night's testimony reflects just how confident the Proud Boys were that Trump would have a mob whipped into a frenzy and ready to storm the Capitol that afternoon. They knew before lunchtime that the Capitol was drastically underprotected and an easy target. They thought shutting down the electoral vote count and handing Trump the presidency would be a snap. They never imagined Officer Caroline Edwards and the other officers on duty would commit to defending the Capitol and the lawmakers inside. So they went to lunch.

Sincere gratitude to every officer who stood against the mob on January 6, 2021. They are heroes.

Here is a link to transcript with regard to Quested's statement about tacos You are going to have to scroll through to find it. This is not time stamped and lifted from CNN's broadcast. A complete transcript has not yet been released by the Committee. There are other partial transcript sources as well. C Span's uncorrected transcript from closed captioning actually says tapas.


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Yes, Daria, every officer is a hero. I found myself looking away (again) as the video went on and on. So much violence against those defending the Capitol, by a bunch of thugs urged on by a narcissistic psychopath. We can only hope that these men and women will finally see justice served when tRump is led away in cuffs and ankle shackles.

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One of the PB’s said, “he did so much for us, and only asked us for two things.” And PB membership tripled! He did so much???

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My thought was, he asked for a third thing: Your money - lots of it.

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My exact comment when I heard that! People have no idea when they’re being conned.

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So true Trump was a big $$ raiser

But the whole system has devolved into that. You should see my inbox Gimme gimme gimme

Thanks to our illustrious myopic Supremes ( what a misnomer) and their incomprehensible decision that a corporation has the same free speech rights as an individual and should be treated as such.

(Nevermind that the REASON for a person to incorporate is to get oneself off the financial hook that he/she would face as an individual PERSON.)

Money has corrupted the whole system

Maybe some of the finances behind Jan 6 will come to light as well

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I agree about our inboxes. So, I've given to about a half dozen campaigns. Heaven have mercy, there are at least a dozen requests daily, now. Some are from ad hoc causes...to someone's private wallet?

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Yes, he did. He made racism, white supremacy and “Christian” nationalism, not to mention fascism, “respectable” again.

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Exactly. Four full years of respectability for whites having power. The Trump presidency was the wet dream of all racists, sexists, antisemites, and gay haters, and a nightmare for all of us, the majority.

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Not "whites having power," Roland. For "white heterosexual males of means having power." No white women, white LGBTCQs, white immigrants, white Muslims/Hindus/Jews/Buddhists/etc, and certainly no whites who are below the poverty line, need apply. Granted, there is some advantage to "whiteness," in that some of the undesirables can "pass" if they're smart enough to keep their mouths shut and go along, but for the most part, it's all about white heterosexual men of means.

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Yes of course. Perfectly stated. Thank you for spelling it all out in detail, ML.

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Wrapped with a red bow!

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Yes, that was a jarring remark until I remembered that death star has given carte blanche to every thug in the country who has the same poison in his soul. What was interesting to me was that the Proud Boys were already at the Capitol complex by 10:30 casing it and never listened to the speech. I admire Officer Edwards both for her courage that day and her compelling testimony last night. I am very happy that the leaders of the Proud Boys and the Oath Keepers are charged with seditious conspiracy.

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The rally at the ellipse was a decoy. The evidence they showed proves that DFG, PB and OK planned it all in advance. It wasn't reconnaissance , they knew in advance from those inside the WH how poorly defended the Capital would be. They went to those entry points in advance and would lead the roiled up rallyers from the ellipse to breach the Capital. A well thought out plan. TREASON

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Yes, certainly help from the inside. The speech was to stir up a large crowd while the those already there led people in. Yes, treason.

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Spot on Doreen. Ellipse feint was a visible rally point for the most radical leaders, ie., PB's, OK's - and the White House. Planning, logistics, etc., were all a done deal far in advance - before what was noted as a December affair. More to come...

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They skipped the speech, because they were conducting reconnaissance, and were first in line to breach the largely unprotected Capitol. Once they saw that it would be an easy task, they were ready for tacos.

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Funny, when the videographer said "tacos," I thought he had said, "Tuckers!" Wish they would have eaten tucker up! That did hit my funny bone this morning!

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He did use the word tucker when referring to the lunch. I thought it was a British word.

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That was the one comment that stood out to me. WHAT did he ever do for them?

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He made them feel like they were seen, personally, by him. Topmost narcissist.

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Exactly. Which makes me wonder how much America is failing unproud boys and oath losers.

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The Confederacy lost, but they did not disappear. Unfortunately.

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Trump gave the deplorables a society where they felt comfortable. Remember what it was like, living in a Trump administration, when the racists and sexists felt comfortable to be themselves, openly?

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Is deplorable a milder or harsher term for despicable?

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Deplorable is “Trump for President.” Despicable is “Let’s Go Brandon.“

I saw a Let’s Go Brandon flag mounted to the rear of a pick-up truck once on leaving my trucking overnighter hotel. I have also seen a Fuck Joe Biden car window sticker. I admit, they both got a reaction out of me. They did not endear me to the occupants of those vehicles, and I was having pictures of damaging those vehicles.

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You drive down a street, and some of the houses have Trump flags on them. Some of the houses have rainbow flags and wordy signs that begin with “Hate has no home here…”

The Trump support is deplorable. I wouldn’t call it despicable, unless the homeowners display images of assault weapons, or they display flags or images of proud boys or 3%ers et al. “Despicable” is active abuse of people who are not white or male or heterosexual. Active persecution.

Deplorables are still members of society. Despicables are criminals.

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Publicity which validated their existence.

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My husband and I wondered the same thing. But, I see Rebecca's post and that makes sense.

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Look at it from their point of view not yours. Jon Margolis has it right. Then add in his trashing of elites and the effect on his opponents of nicknames. In their view he gave them recognition and more.

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You are spot on! And they are not going to go away or give up.

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To a degree yes. But the leaders will spend many years in prison, a significant deterrent.

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Hard to Heart that but, it is an incredibly devastating statement about our American people. Our own people.

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I wondered the same thing. What did that monster do for anyone, even his ignorant lap dogs? Oh, wait, there was Putin. . .

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And feeding the anger of the white supremacist groups?

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He did SO MUCH Damage The guy left out "damage"

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Pam, I hope to see them tried, convicted and sentenced to the max. Hand cuffs and shackles are not optional!

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Please do not use that appellation of the former guy. The derriere was a very important development in the evolution of H. sapiens. It's what enables us to run (no other primate has one), along with achilles tendons and the nuchal ligament, which holds our heads steady when we run. As Danny Lieberman at Harvard has written, in hunter gatherer days, humans ran long distances in pursuit of prey, that lacked the stamina of human runners even though they could run far faster for short distances, and who lacked the advantage for running of hairlessness and efficient sweat glands.

The derriere is also a secondary sex characteristic, and quite an attractive one, and doesn't deserve to be associated with bad people. And finally, there is something seemingly juvenile about that version of that name, which deflates efforts to use cold hard facts to put him in the bad light he deserves.

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I still have serious questions about the command and control from a law enforcement perspective. How is it that the local agencies were so overwhelmed, without equipment necessary, and no real contingency plan. The individual heroism (and I do not use that term lightly) is what saved our congress and our country; where was the command planning and control?

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I question the fact that they were understaffed and under equipped as well. Ally, you know far better than most of us what kind of law enforcement is required during demonstrations that may become violent. The fact that there was a mere skeleton crew assigned to the Capitol on that day is more than troubling. Once that question is answered I think other truths will be revealed as well.

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You've raised a critical question that must be addressed. Trump had no control over the Capitol police. And it was hardly a secret among law enforcement and intelligence agencies that major trouble was brewing.

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Michael, I think we will be surprised by the number of people responsible and who they are.

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Surprised? Not anymore. Expected is more accurate.

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The Republicans keep blaming it on Pelosi which tells you they know something.

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No, it doesn’t. They blame her and Hillary for everything, repeatedly. Now they can add Cheney to their misogynistic mix.

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Sorry. I did not take “it” to mean the police. I thought you meant the insurrection itself. Yes, they keep insisting the Speaker of the House commands the Capitol police. I hope the hearings straighten that out as to real chain of command. It would help if DC became a voting state or district attached to a state or something less fungible .

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Ann. This time I was referencing the discussion pertaining to the Capitol Police. Many people wonder why they weren't better manned and equipped and forewarned. The Republicans (in order to deflect any blame) are blaming Pelosi.

My remark wasn't about Clinton and the misogyny (although that is always running in this Country) but focused on the blame game of the Capitol Police questions.

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Not only do they know something, they're having a serious bout of SSS — Scared Sh*tless Syndrome. Last night's hearing triggered some serious intestinal churning.

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...And it will serve the purpose of providing more, forthcoming witness testimony.

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I haven't had a chance to look at the news today. And yep. Some scared people today.

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When the Mayor of D. C. annnounced early on the morning of January 6th that they had "6,000 Capitol Police officers on standby" I screamed at the TV, "You need 60,000!! AND The National Guard!" For those of us who had friends with front row seats for the Lansing, Michigan Capitol dress rehearsal by these militant hoodlums, it was clear this was war. Even at 7 a.m. it was clear this was going to be a coup with restrictions put on The Guard and the military responses. I look forward to the findings by the January 6th Comittee on just how tRump and his merry band of traitors undermined, blocked and endangered our law enforcement that day. Benedict Arnold's punishment would be too lenient.

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everyone i spoke to ahead of time thought that there would be big trouble. then the proud boys, etc., case the joint, and still no response. i know it sounds like blaming the victims, but why weren't they ready? my best guess is that they thought right wingers would respect the police. in the minds of those attempting the coup, of course, these were not police, they were security, pretend police, like weekend warriors compared to active duty troops, not deserving of respect. the capitol police earned their stripes that day, tho.

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We may find out as these hearings continue although the tweet and other public uttering by certain people should have alerted them. I ended up with the utmost admiration for that young officer.

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Something said last night makes me think we’ll hear more about this lack. And the police etc won’t be blamed for no planning.

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I sure hope so...

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I wonder the same thing, and also hope that we'll eventually find out the truth about what happened at the Pentagon, with Flynn's brother. It would be difficult to convince me that he wasn't involved in this hideous affair.

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I believe, Ally, there will be an astounding resounding answer to that question. And that the answer will clearly name the former commander-in-chief of his most heinous of crimes, knowingly failing to protect the people he took an oath to protect. The American people.


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Thank you, Daria, for pointing out the relevant and important takeaways. I continue to think about and remain in such gratitude and awe towards the efforts of the Capitol police that day. Heroes and patriots. They saved democracy that day so that we the people have the chance to do it now.


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We still don’t know who placed bombs at the DNC and elsewhere close to the Capital, that was a tactical diversion, aimed at Capital Police’s leadership at a key moment. Distracted by an immediate lethal threat, the opportunity of awareness of what else was happening and to harden Capital defenses was lost. What if those bombs had exploded and killed people at later key moment?

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Any chance the committee already knows and that's one "bombshell" they're waiting to drop?

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Sure hope so. I think that was missing yesterday, that’s why I mention it. If the bomber was acting alone, but also a member of one of the many gangs… then it helps to add it to the narrative.

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Five more hearings to go.

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Wouldn't the FBI update the public if they had someone of interest or custody?

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That's a good point. You can't tell me that there is not video surveillance available that points to the perpetrator(s).

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They have surveillance of the bomber to and from DNC Headquarters, leaving the backpack bomb. He is wearing a hoodie, hat, shades, pandemic mask, and distinctive sneakers. They must other surveillance of him tracking him around the city to a vehicle, a parking garage, a hotel, or something. But we haven't heard of this yet. This makes me suspicious that the bomber had plan, a route, and some tradecraft to shield his identity such as his body weight and build, hair color, eye color, ethnicity, from cameras. Somewhere along his to and from route, he must have known where there were no cameras to switch identities to throw off the FBI. But that can also help track another suspect(s).


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I still think the person who planted the bomb was a female. The gait was a dead giveaway.

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Good catch! Baggie clothes to hide gender. Even wearing men's sneakers. It wouldn't surprise me. The crowd had a lot of radicalized women too. If there was an Ashley Babbitt willing to crawl through broken glass window while Capital Police told her not to or they would shoot, well....that is enough for anyone to suspect a female was/is capable of placing a bomb. For some reason, that makes me think it was a plot, not a loner. How many women know hot to make bombs? And combine that with a disguise and ability to avoid surveillance/counter insurgency playbook. This is all organized tradecraft of terrorists ( and our military teaches this as "counterinsurgency").

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Ha! I was thinking Marjorie Taylor Greene, putting some moxie into her frequent insinuations of violence.

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I've seen the comparisons... we can only hope!

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Yes. You're right. I remember that video. You're right, too, about "changing identities, I think. The bomber must have had insight and knowledge about what was where. Identifying that individual publicly could be a pivotal element against Trump and fellow insurrectionists.

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How would an out of town bomber show up in DC, leave their hotel or vehicle in a parking garage, in a disguise, to walk to DNC HQ leave a bomb and then just disappear? Right?

Its impossible without some inside knowledge of DC traffic camera's, & numerous security camera's. ( there is a series of traffic camera's everywhere in DC and every major city. Every government building has camera's and almost every business has a security camera.

The FBI should be able to track this person by putting all these camera's together and link them to a vehicle, a hotel, or a residence, or at least another person or disguise.

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The tradecraft says something to me. Either the suspect is from law enforcement and/or military with counterinsurgency training. The person has been professionally trained to hide identity, and to know where surveillance is and how to avoid it. "Blue by day, white by night" kind of a suspect.

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Beautifully written. Thank You.

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Tucker, not tacos. I think...

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I just found the bit where Quested says "...we went for lunch, we went for tuckers..." https://www.answers.com/Q/What_does_tucker_mean_in_Australia

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I don't understand.

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I think Donna is making a humorous suggestion that perhaps the PBs had tacos for lunch with a side of Tucker (Carlson). Something like that.

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Roland, if Nick Quested is part of the British Empire, then the word was likely "tucker."

"This is some great Aussie slang for food that has been in constant use since the 1850s. The original meaning is of a meal, that is, something to be tucked away (in the stomach)."


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Aah, thank you

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Here is a link to the transcript. He said tacos. "We went for tacos".


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Thanks for the transcript. What got recorded may or may not have taken into account his word pronunciation. The only real way to settle it definitively is via a digital analysis of the speech, or Quested himself saying, "Hey, hold on... you Yanks dunno what you're rattling on about..." Transcriptions pushed out as fast as this one was typically do contain small errors caused by mishearing words (whether by human ears or automatic transcribers).

Either way, the bottom line is that Quested thought it extremely odd that the group did some periphery site surveillance, and then headed off to lunch.

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The transcript is inaccurate. I just listened to what he said, on the C-Span video of the hearing. Quested says "...we went for lunch, we went for tuckers..." Go to 1:31:57 where he says first "we went for lunch, we went for tuckers".

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Ah! Thanks, Roland. Sometimes I'm too serious for my own good😏

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Actually, he was using an Aussie term for a meal. Just found his testimony of last night and he said "then we went for lunch, we went for tuckers". https://www.answers.com/Q/What_does_tucker_mean_in_Australia

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Thank you for this. Well, we shall see if the American people actually translate this into action. My suspicion and fear is they will not (inflation's high, after all. Gas too! What in all the universe could be more important or alarming than that?)...and we will sleepwalk ourselves further down this road--because for all of our idiotic vitriol, we're still Sleepwalk Nation when it comes to big things. My other fear, based on some headline surfing, is that Meadows is already being cast as the "high enough person to scapegoat." Well no, Meadows is no scapegoat--he's guilty and frankly, should be hanged--and no, I won't apologize for saying that. But honestly, the outcome of this hearing, aside from prosecuting every person who took part, should be to make sure Donald Trump can never run for president again. If that man is running again as the GOP nominee in two years, we're headed toward a civil war, or worse, the utter destruction of our nation. That more average Americans cannot see this...well, maybe then we DO deserve what we get. I am deeply bothered, worried and upset at how much we--the American people--STILL don't seem to get it. The Army-McCarthy hearings were the beginning of the end for McCarthy. Somehow, I'm doubtful this will come close to achieving the same result.

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I share your anger. And I often despair of a spoiled nation that doesn't participate in it's democracy due to a lack of interest. However...

Wishing death upon anyone is not good karma. Anyone. But accountability is another matter. I prefer to see last nights Hearing as a tipping point. The statements by Barr and Ivanka are wooden stakes in heart of the ridiculous conspiracy of a stolen election. Last night painted an irrefutable picture of an attempted coup. Any alternate talk by radical TV bobble heads is just a side show. Two white supremacist groups led an attack on Congress and the Vice President at the behest of TFG. Facts were displayed by witnesses and members of the groups.

History was made last night. But it is just the beginning of what is essentially a public trial. I was surprised by the degree to which the Chair and Co-chair masterfully wove the events of January 6th with a consistent focus on the central and leading role played by TFG. It was damning beyond refutation.

TFG said that his Vice President "deserved" to be hanged. Let's not lower ourselves to that level of vitriol and vengeance. Whether TFG is jailed or not, his legacy will be that of the worst possible President in our history. His name will be spoken with disgust. In terms of treason and betrayal he has supplanted Benedict Arnold.

The end game of this whole episode is still unknowable. After all, how many would have bet that TFG could have actually been elected? Not even he expected to win. There is a surprise around every corner. I predict a slowly building snowball effect of GOP figures stepping away from the cult. It might even lead to a new political party now that "Republican" means treason.

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Well said Bill. Liz Cheney laid it out like opening statement for the prosecution. I predict many surprises and as you say a snowball effect. We have seen the opening scene. Much more to come.

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Liz Cheney was a fantastic spokesperson for the J6 committee and the case to be made against the former president.

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Hi Ellie.

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Bill Alstrom: I salute your words. “ TFG said that his Vice President "deserved" to be hanged. Let's not lower ourselves to that level of vitriol and vengeance.” We are all guilty of “self-talk” that weakens us. I hope it will end before it defeats us.

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Bill, I am feeling confident that you are correct in Republicans stepping away from the cult. God help us if they don’t. We need 2 parties which both care about our democracy. Clearly many in the current Republican party only care for power.

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How about we hear the January 6 Committee out before deciding outcomes. I, for one, am taking a much needed victory lap for Democracy post last night's hearing. At the end of the day I repeat the Lincoln Project's statement.

There are more of us than them. We will win.

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Last night was awesome. Why are so many comments projecting defeat? You are doing the work of the traitors for them.

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1000% agree. The defeatist attitude is their goal. It means they have won.

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As noted above, the rational inability to assign a probability to Trump being punished for his crime of sedition is not defeatism.

It is simply taking into account Trump's history, American history, and not assigning a high probability to a low probability event.

In my post I said 10% chance of Trump being charged and arrested. That is not zero.

There is hope.

But, there is history too.

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Mike, looks like these hearings could isolate Trump so much that even his family members will stay away from him. I mean, look at Jared and Ivanka’s testimonies (so far). Perhaps these hearings will also bring his supposed tv station down, as well. You know who is running things there? Devin Nunes! There’s a name from the past, right? Praying that he too, is brought into the figures of sedition, along with senators. Like children playing with blocks, may they all tumble and fall.

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This isn't just about trump being prosecuted. There are a whole bunch of Republicans who were and continue to be hostile to the United States of America. How can we assign any real valid probability to a historical event that never occurred before in this Country?

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Trump was the leader of the effort to overthrow the gov.

So. I am interested to see if our system can punish the leader who openly planned and executed sedition. Trump.

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Loree, assessing a low probability of the perpetrator (Trump) paying any price is not defeatism.

It is the historical precedent.

Trump has been a hardened criminal all of his adult life and has only once, very shortly, been charged with a crime (he beat his first wife when she made fun of his new, fake hairdoo and she called the cops). Trump spent almost no time with the cops before being released.

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We voted in the first bi-racial president (black mother and white father) president two presidencies ago. It is okay to believe in miracles and manifest them. We did it well!

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Pensa, I am never one to correct you but perhaps biracial would be a better term to use. Yes, we did pull off a miracle and I hope we damn well so it again!

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Thank you. Good call. Will correct--thanks!

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Obama's mother was white, his father was black.

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Can’t ❤️ this but hey, I didn’t know about that tidbit of information!

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I agree, Barbara. I think there is still a lot yet to explore in this whole affair. Last night was kind of a "hurling down the gauntlet", so to speak, merely to show what happened, give a timeline of events, and through footage, relive the events. I think now the delving into details begins and the committee will systematically dive into how this was planned, who was in on it, and how it was executed. Last night was a direct indictment of T***p, and I expect that to continue. We're just scraping the surface so far and think there's still a LOT more to be revealed. I'm going to be patient and see what shows up.

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I was impressed with how Liz Cheney also laid out in precise but succinct terms the aspects of the investigation that will be addressed in each of the next 5 hearings.

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Optimism is appropriate when there is a reasonable probability of occurrence around a desired outcome.

Here, I am unable to assign a probability to the event: "Trump is arrested, cuffed and escorted to jail, then, convicted, and, spends time in prison".

However, I will go with optimism for now.


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Why the focus on trump? This attempted coup d'etat was broad and deep.

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Barbara. Trump was the leader. Yes. He had help.

But. No Trump? No insurrection.

That is why.

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He had a lot of help including but not limited to the Republican Party.

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Ok. I understand your perspective. Thanks for the extra explanation!

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Barbara: What is your perspective?

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Because Trump is thought to have planned it! Jeesh! Try to keep up!

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My response was for Mike and my perception that TFG was the only important to this. There was quite a web of politicians who were involved in this attempted coup d'etat. It is important they be identified and rooted out or we stand at great risk of another attempted coup in the near future. Our Government is riddled with Russian owned politicians and seditionists. We need to expose them.

Hence my remark.

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Hopefully, they will be but, I think, the big objective is to send Trump to the cooler and keep him out of politics for the rest of his criminal life. Now there’s an argument that he is a symptom and someone like him or worse could take his place. I live in Fl where the worse seem to come from by which I mean DiSantis, who just signed a law to create his own election police force, and where General Flynn lives pretty close to Del Rio the head of either the Proud Boys or the OathKeepers ( I can’t keep them straight), and where 87 of arrested insurrectionists live, not to fail to mention his majesty and his knave Roger Stone. I come from Michigan where most of the Republican legislators are under arrest and the Republican candidate for governor was just arrested for being one of the insurrectionists and where the PBs and Oks plotted to kidnap and kill the governor. They got off on the charges not because they didn’t conspire but because the FBI entrapped them.

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"he's guilty and frankly, should be hanged"

I would offer that not only Meadows falls in this category but Trump falls well within this category.

It is about time people started talking about how to treat real traitors and stop shying away from talking like Republicans talk all day every day about innocent people.

Hanging is historically appropriate punishment for treason and there is precedent for hanging as punishment.

Having said all that, Trump was probably golfing yesterday at Mara Lago with exactly zero fear of being arrested or offered any other type of punishment for his active organization of a coup against the American government.

And, his fearless golfing? Is likely justified. I still give the probability of a Trump arrest as less than 10%.

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Treason only applies if we are at war. The correct term is sedition.

"Under Article III, Section 3, of the Constitution, any person who levies war against the United States or adheres to its enemies by giving them Aid and Comfort has committed treason within the meaning of the Constitution. The term aid and comfort refers to any act that manifests a betrayal of allegiance to the United States, such as furnishing enemies with arms, troops, transportation, shelter, or classified information. If a subversive act has any tendency to weaken the power of the United States to attack or resist its enemies, aid and comfort has been given.

The Treason Clause applies only to disloyal acts committed during times of war. Acts of dis-loyalty during peacetime are not considered treasonous under the Constitution."

And Sedition definition

"Sedition is the crime of revolting or inciting revolt against government. However, because of the broad protection of free speech under the First Amendment, prosecutions for sedition are rare. Nevertheless, sedition remains a crime in the United States under 18 U.S.C.A. § 2384 (2000), a federal statute that punishes seditious conspiracy, and 18 U.S.C.A. § 2385 (2000), which outlaws advocating the overthrow of the federal government by force. Generally, a person may be punished for sedition only when he or she makes statements that create a Clear and Present Danger to rights that the government may lawfully protect (schenck v. united states, 249 U.S. 47, 39 S. Ct. 247, 63 L. Ed. 470 [1919]).

The crime of seditious conspiracy is committed when two or more persons in any state or U.S. territory conspire to levy war against the U.S. government. A person commits the crime of advocating the violent overthrow of the federal government when she willfully advocates or teaches the overthrow of the government by force, publishes material that advocates the overthrow of the government by force, or organizes persons to overthrow the government by force. A person found guilty of seditious conspiracy or advocating the overthrow of the government may be fined and sentenced to up to 20 years in prison. States also maintain laws that punish similar advocacy and conspiracy against the state government."

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I personally still favor the possibility of RICO charges. The asset forfeiture, 20 years per charge, and treble damages on the fines.

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As always, your posts are benchmark. Thank you.

I have used the word "sedition" in the past, but, recently I hear Republicans (on media and even in private conversation) referring to a fair number of people as "treasonous" or "treason". "Treason" is more visceral and more visual impact reading and higher vocal impact than sedition (to me). Plus, more than half of America has no idea what sedition is (not including me now thanks to your post).

So, I just decided to use their (Republican) word. But, correct use of the English language I am a fan of, and, appreciate your clarification and information.

"A person found guilty of seditious conspiracy or advocating the overthrow of the government may be fined and sentenced to up to 20 years in prison. "

We can only trust that our legal system will do its proper work and that justice will be served to anyone who has participated in sedition against Americans and America.

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Mike Treason is discussed in the Constitution. ‘’Seditious conspiracy,” which the DOJ used in recent indictments, was not. As a non-lawyer they look like kissing cousins. Whether one uses a meat cleaver or a rapier, both seem appropriate in indicting and convicting Trump and his Mafiosos.

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Keith, I’ll take either one, as long as they do the job!

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Marlene Either a meat cleaver or a rapier will work well, since Republicans are carnivorous. . .

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I learned the difference from someone else. The always overdramatic and lying Republicans want to use the scarier sounding term to whip up the Mindless MAGA bunch. I would not believe a Republican if they said my name.

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Barbara, this is all correct, but might need to be updated. We now have cyberwars where any hostile foreign entity can be working hard to destroy our democracy via campaign donations and backing a potential autocrat, then there is the collection of personal information on our people via social media mining providing the basis for mind control via propaganda machines like fox and oan. There is a new warefare out there that we have to catch up with. The former guy was closer to and admired dictators and we have no idea what their communications have been. And I hope that is all revealed in the J6 Hearings. But it is time to update what "a time of war" actually means in this day and age. At least, that is my one or two cents. A lot of our governance laws are in great need of upgrading and closing all loopholes for many things that allowed this travesty to happen. But, there is light in that all (or most) of our shadows have been revealed and we know what is broken and needs to be strengthened. So in the most morbidist sense, I do thank trump and his fellow seditionists for showing us exactly how to kill a democracy in modern times.

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Really neat perspective Pensa! We have been under attack from Russia via social media for years! And then there is FOX, Newsmax etc.

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Barbara, excellent post and I want to thank you! Sedition is the term we should all adopt now and throw that right in the Pro-Rape Party’s face time and time again. We must be relentless in our pursuit of justice and the regaining of our democracy. Our motto should be “All for one. One for all”.

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Well, of course. I stated in comments on Heather's letter from yesterday, that I want maximum punishment for all involved. And that speaks to my point anyway--that I'm worried Meadows will be settled on as some sort of "high enough" official peace offering/compromise, so that Republicans will reluctantly agree to SOME sort of "reckoning." That said, I applaud the committee (and no, I don't think it was a given) for going for the jugular on Day One. Bravo. But no, no one's going to die for this--I have no delusions--though I'd personally fly back to the U.S. just so I could attend and throw rotten apples at the event. But it's only violent common criminals that we execute with reckless abandon--actual traitors to our nation get to be recast as Valiant Heroes of the Lost Cause and have statues all over our country. Hell, I'd be surprised if any DC-level official convicted even goes to a real jail.

I wouldn't call it "fearless" golfing. He golfed while he was fuming and downtrodden after losing the election too. It's his "activity" version of wolfing down a plate of cheeseburgers after a bad day.

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If your fears are true than we are a lawless country. Your pessimism and helplessness feeds right into the hopeless narrative. Get a grip and learn from Thompson and Cheney who are the hero’s in this narrative. Can you not get on board and stop this helpless hopeless negative take on everything. Your words have power and are as destructive or more so than the insurrectionist. We should be rejoicing that the truth has been told in a clear succinct way. Get some help for your PTSD and Depression. Recognize the power of your words which feeds the possibility of a negative outcome of the spectacular work this committee has produced. Giving voice to your worries from your position supports the destruction of Democracy. You comment about you would be surprised if any convicted DC level official goes to jail is such a contrast to Liz Cheney ‘s powerful statement of unveiling the truth

It is clear to me just how powerful the word is.

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I do find it hard to read these defeatist comments. We need to undergird and stay strong. It is easy to understand the fatalist attitude, and that is exactly what they want. Makes me more stubbornly determined to fight hard for truth and justice.

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I think the defeatist attitude plays right into the hands of a fascist playbook of wearing people down, overwhelming people with lies and chaos. I am with you Pensa. Despite moments of fatigue I stand tall and firm. The following phrase was in Handmaid's Tale and other sources.

Never let the bastards grind you down.

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💝Hearts are slow to work today! Definitely out of the playbook to grind us down. We have to stand stronger for those for whom the playbook and reality shows like fox have succeeded with their goals of chaos and destruction.

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Defeatism does no one good and always seems to me to be a way out of saying “I told you so.” So what? Whoever thought McCarthy would be taken down with mere truth, especially after the lost souls he left in his wake.

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I hear this constantly from my neighbor who, when he says it, borders on mansplaining. I told him the other afternoon that i refuse to speculate about what will or will not happen.

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Amen Sister!

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We ARE a lawless country! But I think you are too harsh in your criticism. I see doubt and worry, but not resignation and helplessness in his comment.

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Thank you for that! I agree that defeatism plays right into their hands. I was buoyed last night by the sight of this courageous committee and their presentation. It’s the day we’ve been waiting for but I always trusted would come, because we are a nation of laws. The witnesses were honest and compelling and deserve to be applauded as heroes. The truth is coming to light and light shall lead the way.

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I agree, and because humans have such a short attention span, it's important to act immediately on that 'truth will set you free' feeling inspired by the truly courageous accounts we heard last night, and will continue to hear during these hearings. Forward segments of the hearing to friends, use your ripple effect to disseminate knowledge, hope and the will to reclaim our democracy.

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Yes, I concur, a fatalistic, defeatist attitude will be self- fulfilling and is but a hedge against future disappointments. But I say we still have human agency even if our odds for success appear long, for without hope we are truly lost.

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David Frum 6/9/22:

"The single decisive person is: you.

Through the Trump years, weary and defeated observers shrugged that nothing mattered, nothing ever moves the needle. America is two tribes, antagonistic; nothing can budge either one any distance.

This fatalism passed as cleverness, even as wisdom. This fatalism also functioned as an excuse. If nothing can be done, then no one can be blamed for not doing it. If nothing can be done, then we’re all off the hook.

The fatalism was always wrong. The important thing to remember about Donald Trump’s presidency is that he was beaten again, and again, and again. His protective congressional majority was stripped away in 2018. He was twice tainted by impeachment. He was defeated for reelection. His conspiracy to overturn that election defeat was thwarted."


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Exactly. BTW, one of the doubting commenters on this thread, Barbara, is probably a troll.

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Love this, Tom. Many thanks for posting!

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"It is clear to me just how powerful the word is."

True, but only if you hear it. Realistically (and not pessimistically), a major problem we face is that, as Tom Nichols has said - the truth may never make it to those citizens who get their news exclusively from Fox, et al. (I'm paraphrasing him - I don't have the exact quote in front of me.) Fox did not cover the hearing, and even presented Tucker Carlson's show without commercial breaks lest bored viewers channel surf and stumble on the truth.

I echo your call to refrain from excessive pessimism, but we also have to be clear-eyed about the battle we face. The truth alone will not win it. To quote the Grateful Dead, "you ain't gonna learn what you don't want to know."

But I'll end on an optimistic note: despite their failure to carry the hearing, it seems to have made some impact among the commenters to other Fox news articles. (I troll them to gather information.) There seemed to be far fewer of the lunatics defending Trump's every mis-deed. We'll carry on.

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I've noticed Fox's retreat from total negativity lately, but I'd also like to comment about whether the hearings will move anyone from TFG's camp. I believe that his core supporters will be unwilling to listen, but there are more moderate Republicans who are growing weary of the hate and antagonism, and the more information that is presented just might at least shake them out of the tree. Last night's hearing was amazingly presented, and I think the rest will be of equal quality. Anyone with an ounce of intelligence will have to pay attention. None of us live in a vacuum, and at some point these hearings will make it through the filter.

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Ah, fellow troll on fox! There were so many positive, non-brainwashed people in the fox youtube channels I visited this morning. It was incredibly refreshing. Not sure why, but maybe because they had Truth to report.

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Cheeseburgers! Where is heart disease when you need it!

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I've openly prayed for it. It brought me back to religion.

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Comin t' Jesus!

Let's see if it helps. :-)

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Mike S and Robert, you've both made my day. I've done the same thing, with the exception that it hasn't yet brought me back to religion.

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Well, I hope for it daily but it hasn't brought me back to religion. Yet.

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Agree, Daria and it will take a lot to get me back there.

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Is that a reference to fox saying this is all a nothingburger? Steven Colbert had a very funny response to the J6 Hearing of a "nothing burger."

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Plus a great image! For those like me who are usually in bed and asleep by the time the Late Show comes on, here's last night's Colbert commentary on the hearing. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eQ8_X3FFxRU

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Maximum security prison in an undisclosed location might work, although exile might be better. What country would take him and keep him? Does Elbe have a secure prison?

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Guantanamo Bay.

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I have always had a vision of duck l'orange and his comrades at GITMO! No golfing or burgers. Just fish...and no chips! or internet to bother the world. Dreamy...

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"duck l'orange" has made my day. Thanks, Pensa

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It is such a classy way to describe a sh—head, no?

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The country with lots of room in Siberia?

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Elba is a major tourist destination just 10 km. off the coast of Tuscany. Too good for Trump, and the Italians usually only put geriatric criminals under house arrest. St. Helena is still a better choice.

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Just one more reason why it's a shame that Parchman Farm is a State Prison...

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Mar-a-Lago's closed for the summer. He's living, and doing his golfing, at the Bedminster Club, in Jersey.

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Consideraby less

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Yes. I wouldn't call it zero, but I'd simply call it "highly improbable." Unless the Right Establishment totally turns on him somehow. That might be possible, but it's unforecastable at this moment.

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Curious, I checked out Fox and Fox Business this morning. Crickets.

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That's how you know that the hearing was successful.

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Very hard to "heart" this but as optimistic as I try to be...I feel compelled to agree with your conclusion.

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Robert, as to your statement about Americans “sleepwalking”, I was with a group of women yesterday and decided to inquire if any would be watching the J-6 Hearing that evening. The answers I got included “What’s that”, “I don’t like to follow politics”, “No, it will all be lies”. It was clear that I was the only one there who planned to watch and the conversation moved on to more pleasant and neutral topics. I thought to myself, this is how Democracy dies, and was sick at heart.

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I got to watch the hearings until my departure for rehearsal. Almost all of the ensemble had to tear themselves away from the hearings, and almost everyone was recording it. Two got text updates from their spouses. The "almost" included our director (whose husband was watching and recording for her) and one of our musicians who can only be described as a "sleepwalking" person, whose only interests outside music are her grandkids (and great grandkids) athletic/music participation and the "Daisy Ducks" which is a group of former women U of O athletes who support all manner of athletic endeavors at the U of O. I plan to watch as soon as I'm done with my usual coffee and LFAA "social" "hour". 😉

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SO AWESOME! What are you rehearsing?

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The tuba ensemble is playing for the Symphony Guild Garden Walk; it is a fund raiser for the Eugene Symphony, and chamber groups are invited to perform at various gardens. This year, all the gardens are in Springfield in the Historic Washburn District section of town. It is a fun event!

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Ah...LOVE tuba ensembles! Way back when I was at Indiana U, still one of the premier music schools in the country, the faculty member who taught tuba was the legendary Harvey Philips. He probably did as much as anyone to promote the tuba as more than something in a band that just plays the bass line. Way back, he started the tradition of "Tuba Santas" at Christmas and it took off all over the country. He was a real character, gregarious, out-going, and nice as hell. Tubas and double-basses (contra-basses) don't get much time in the spotlight, but their function in an ensemble or orchestra/band is vital! GO ON, GURL!!

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Indiana U stole one of the best conductors I’ve ever sat for; he was offered full professor and tenure there (Black man who couldn’t get tenure at U of O) and away he went. Tuba Christmas (TM by the Harvey Phillips foundation) is still a very popular Christmas event.

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Good for you, Ally! Nice diversion from all of these events.

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If there is a video, I would love to see it. How wondrous. Tubas are center stage.

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I'll see what I can do. It is hard to video from the back row, and I cannot convince my wife to come (she's got a major project she's working on...)

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And there it is. Exactly.

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I certainly understand your doubt; I have plenty of doubt too. But the confluence of the overturning of Roe, the Repub refusal to act on gun violence, and this may just arouse enough from their sleep to pull us through.

I intend to do all I can to get the corrupt Senators and Congresspeple voted out so we can make needed changes.

And we need to closely monitor our state offices and Boards of election too.

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Yes. All three things you mention are the perfect storm for Dems to grab the narrative in the midterms. Time for us to stop the whining about who isn’t listening to the hearings and what isn’t going to be done and get busy electing Democrats.

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And don't forget taking our voting rights away by making it very difficult to vote!!

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Even more concerning are those states which have enacted laws that allow the state legislature to overturn results and choose the results they prefer.

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Pensa, Marlene and Judith, yes to all of these issues. Still, with Georgia's recent primaries, we had a 212% increase in early voting over the 2020 presidential primary and 168% over the 2018 midterm primary. At first, I was concerned because more Republican votes were cast, but it has recently been revealed that there were apparently many Democrats who voted on the Republican ballots, a slick trick that the Rethuglicans have used for years. They choose the least likely candidate for the opposition party, thus weakening the most likely winner! Right wing radio hosts have been touting this trick for years. Naturally, now that some Democrats have adopted that trickery, the Reps are furious, and want the law changed so that it won't be legal. Funny how turnabout is fair unless the opposition adopts your dirty tricks. Time will tell the result.

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This fooling around with our elections is, or should be against the law and stopped immediately. I hope that is also address in the J6 hearings. Lawlessness needs to end. It is very interesting what you say about a 212% increase-- I am not sure I understand how this "slick trick" works to get dems to vote on repub ballots, though. ??

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And women’s rights too!!

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Cheryl, I agree with you. While any majority's midterms are dangerous, and Biden is taking a beating on the WORLD's economy and inflation, I still feel that the Republicans are handling Roe, guns, and murdered children so badly that we have a fighting chance.

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Might this report help make a case for the return of the Fairness Doctrine? I am haunted by “show” instead of “news.” It matters. We need Cronkite the day Kennedy was shot. His breaking voice said everything while his words were direct. And the shooting was news, not a “show.” As we lose language, we lose distinctions and clarity.

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I am hoping that in the next five J6 Hearings, the fox propaganda machine will be displayed for all to see...and somehow shut down as a seditious tool against our democracy. Freedom of speech comes with responsibility. They are responsible. just as much as trump and all the other co-conspirators.

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I just signed this petition – will you?

Television channels covered the deadly January 6th, 2021 riot for hours that day, scrapping most of their planned programming. These networks knew that the public needed and had a right to witness the horrific attack with their own eyes.

Now, the House Select Committee that has spent nearly a year investigating the insurrection is planning to hold a series of high-profile public hearings about its findings in June.

I just signed a petition urging networks like ABC, CBS, and NBC to once again prioritize our right to be informed by broadcasting these hearings in full – and I hope you'll join me: https://act.commoncause.org/petitions/sign-the-petition-televise-the-january-6th-house-select-committee-hearings/?source=email&fbclid=IwAR3W4ctrTYplNB94CT7npt0X1hVCU7VHhi_A5vifgtxvhCMhE4gl07ZPa1A

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The classic example of the exception to the right of free speech is yelling “fire” in a crowded theater. I note that every time I’ve heard this example, it has not been modified by “falsely”. It seems to me that falsely claiming election fraud that has stolen an election should be added to that in the future. The carnage that has resulted is far worse than a stampede out of a theater could ever be.

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It seems to me that yelling "fire" in a crowded theater, even if there's an actual fire, can be equally dangerous as people panic and rush over one another to get out of the theater. Though not directly analogous, think of those trampled or otherwise injured in a crowd pushing to get closer to the stage when their "idol" is performing.

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That is part of the authoritarian playbook. Turn language and meaning upside down. Project your weakness onto others. Destroy important words so they have no meaning and you become bereft of what is sane. The fact that these criminals have never experienced consequences is because America is not used to such bizarre behaviors from an entire party. America depends on people to be truthful so democracy can work. We waited, (sometimes we marched), for our laws to kick in. But They controlled everything and we did seem powerless for almost 6 years. One must not forget how many people have gone to jail, and are going to jail. And that the criminals are in our government right now, as I write, wreaking havoc on our laws and Constitution, paid by US!!

It is wake up time, and time to fight against autocracy. Not about party. About Autocracy vs Democracy. This is not about dems and repubs. We still have time and we have a justice system that is showing some strength again. I beg you all to have faith and try to trust, this one last time, that Merrick Garland is crossing all the T's (for trump's) and dotting all the I's (idiocy).

What else have we actually got unless we are forced into a civil war. I envision Justice any day over war.

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You are so right about the authoritarian playbook. George Orwell's famous dictum is demonstrated every day. As the language goes, so goes the culture. When language is used to obscure rather than illuminate truth and when we begin to lose language (vocabulary) altogether, it's a dark time. We have been losing words for a long time now with at least one full generation who don't communicate in words (LOL, OMG) and who don't read. Trouble. But there is no trouble we cannot find out way through with enough determination and enough clarity and enough just plain guts. And, I think above all, the willingness to hang together and operate in community.

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No. The Fairness Doctrine applied only to broadcast news and only a small percentage of Americans get their news that way any more. It breaks down by age who gets what news where but even the renewal of the doctrine would have little effect since Fox is cable.

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The Fairness Doctrine did not apply to cable programming!

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Like everything, it will need to be tweaked!

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Do you mean reinstated to include cable? Cable is privately owned. Free speech issues are involved. Plus, that was before the internet. There are so many outlets for real news, fake news, etc that I don’t think a fairness type doctrine can even be established let alone enforced.

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I am thinking that any statements that condone overthrowing the government should be subject to the Fairness Doctrine, especially when an entire network is devote to propaganda that is intended to brainwash with lies and hatred and harm a country intentionally.

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What a memory. I have thought very often of that, and I believe the difference has something to do with having a soul.

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While I would love to see all the coup plotters including their leader properly punished, pushing them off the political stage is not enough. Their movement for autocracy must be disabled, so that the crew competing for worst state governor is also pushed to the margins.

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The outcome of this hearing should be Trump in JAIL.

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I am sure the DOJ is on this.

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I'm afraid you're right, Mr. McTague. We’ve seen this movie before. Remember this? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/First_impeachment_of_Donald_Trump Per this reference:

“ Donald Trump, the 45th president of the United States, was impeached for the first time by the House of Representatives of the 116th United States Congress on December 18, 2019. The House adopted two articles of impeachment against Trump: abuse of power and obstruction of Congress. The Senate acquitted Trump of these charges on February 5, 2020.[2]

Trump's impeachment came after a formal House inquiry found that he had solicited foreign interference in the 2020 U.S. presidential election to help his re-election bid, and then obstructed the inquiry itself by telling his administration officials to ignore subpoenas for documents and testimony. “

Since then, Trump’s enablers in congress and their Republican minions have only hardened their position. They seem intent on “shooting the messengers”, not on the cold, hard facts being presented to them.

I fear for our future as a nation in a way I would never have imagined possible in 2016. I can only hope that our Republican neighbors will wake up in time to put an end to this insanity, starting with the upcoming midterm elections.

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The difference from impeachment, however, is that we don't need Repub Senators to convictvor acquit. It will be fir the DOJ to prosecute, and a jury of ordinary citizens to decide. Big difference!

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Slow clap. Exactly.

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But...I would argue that that Republican immovability is a combination of the Right cleverly, purposefully weaponizing/owning media and things like gerrymandering since 2008...but even more possible because Middle America CONTINUES to either 1) not get involved or 2) allow themselves to be pulled toward one of our political extreme poles. For all of the furor we live in now, we still only managed to get ~68% of our eligible populace to VOTE in 2020. Not nearly good enough, and frankly, disturbingly pathetic in the face of what has been going on for the past 6+ years and where we are now as a nation.

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Yes. And as you so aptly stated: "That more average Americans cannot see this...well, maybe then we DO deserve what we get."

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Some of us don’t. I always thought we were the majority. Makes me wonder if we aren’t Germany 2.0

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Please, banish that thought, Jeri!! Stay strong everyone!

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Republicans only need one dog whistle to continue to get 60% of white vote: “woke.” Every time some Republican says “woke” in a public forum it reminds the 60% that Republicans will do everything they can to preserve systemic advantages for white Americans and Democrats won’t. It would certainly help if more people voted because with a high turnout there are (just barely) enough votes to defeat the 60% of white voters who are the crux of the problem, but the goal of continued white rule, not the lack of interest in politics, is the driving issue that enables Republican political success.

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It is the Republican Party as a whole and not Trump alone that need to be pushed back by the press and all that have any skin in the game of democracy.

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I’m not afraid, LeMoine, that both you and Mr. McTague are both wrong on this day.

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In many ways, yes we are and have been a nation of sleep walkers for a long time. Up to the present, despite flaws and other fraught times, the country has worked. Compared to other nations, the average citizen seemed to live well enough. A middle class existed and could be politically uninterested, and still be well off. Of course, this was not the America of people of color, but the evidence of this is the consistently low voter turn out. I grant that voting has never been so accessible in the US as we make it out to be. Voting on only one weekday, not a holiday, requirements for registration to be eligible have always worked to limit turn out and access to the ballot. To this day, too few believe their vote matters. Now the efforts to further suppress voting to establish oligarchy do not alarm enough people because they have never been engaged enough to understand the stakes.

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And if you noticed in the videos...most of the terrorists were filming with their phones. And they posted them on their social media. This need for attention is so damned adolescent. Can America grow into a more mature country after all of this and put down the goddamned social media and become humans again, face to face?

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Your last sentence rings. Thank you.

As a teacher (once a teacher, always a teacher) I would add:

And all the while our once excellent and heralded education system was declining. No more civics and American history requirements, teachers underpaid, education department standards not rigorous. If science classes had been required, would we have so many anti-vaxxers? If public education had not been undermined by corporate America, would Big Pharma have had such sway?

Yes, voting on Tuesdays is a problem, but there is a host of other anti-democratic factors as well. And killing unions and the middle class is part of our current disaster.

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Virginia, part of the problem in re: anti-vaccination is that, every year, we’re losing more people who remember polio.

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That’s why I had to survive Covid. I was part of a small group who got our Salk sugar cubes on a hot Sunday afternoon in 1962 on a tennis court in San Antonio, TX. The American Public Health System was still functioning well. Now when I look at a Covid at-home test with instructions to “contact your physician if….” I think how many Americans don’t have physicians. And fewer and fewer take Medicare patients.

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Yes, I'm an educator (retired) and agree with all you say. My state has been chronically underfunding education, causing many problems at all levels of public education. The governor keeps trying to get a voucher system passed - she calls it a scholarship system - in what seems a concerted effort to end public schools. The voters are only too susceptible to what amounts to racist, white supremacist messages. It is discouraging!

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I completely agree with everything you’ve said. What worries me is that people REFUSE to believe the truth and the republicans turn their backs on the law and say, “So what?”

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It’s their refusal to recognize climate change that scares me as much as anything. Republicans will abolish the EPA and all nature protection, so we will be (except for the top 10%) without affordable potable water and edible food very quickly.

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Since we rarely hang people anymore he like iDJiT should be barred from any connection with power. There are around 150 members of Congress in both chambers who should be barred from their seats and thrown publicly down the Capitol steps.

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I don't know. That might be too quick. Maybe they should be removed and then pilloried. I'd go with cheeseburgers - and you?

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Public pillories would be great, but their crimes deserve higher consequences. They have no shame. They all need to be jailed and to participate in Social Reparations of many kinds.

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Gawwwd…wish the ❤️ Button worked! Anyway, this is one time I wish I was the jailor.

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Marlene-- let's apply for the jailer reparation jobs! We might need whips, but they would probably like that... Did I just say that? What has 6 ½ years of the vile, corrupt, trump regime done to me? Pretend like you did not see that.

I might be feeling a bit giddy after seeing how IT is all being laid out so beautifully, in documentary style. Indefensible proof. There are others who are sane beyond HCE's community!! ....Or maybe they are here and we don't know it!. Oh, hi! We love the work you are doing J6! Thank you from all wannabe Golden Rule Americans!! See you on Monday!

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Hahahahaha…how about whips AND chains for shits and giggles??!!🤩 I’m giddy too. Must be the 104° weather we are having tight now. 🥵

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I totally agree with everything you have said, the most important, to me anyway, is making it such that Trump can never, ever again run for public office. If we choose to Sleepwalk, let us at least do this thing. I also thought while watching this historic documentary of what happened that awful day is that our mainstream media should have been broadcasting what actually happened right from the get-go. This was NEVER a touristy thing and should never have been portrayed as such. Even today, there is a partisan bias to January 6th. The facts

of that day should have been on the news as the truth.

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It would certainly be a good thing if Trump were prevented from running again, but there are plenty of Trumpists to replace him, some of whom are even worse. The problem isn’t Trump. It’s the 60% of white Americans (and almost nobody else) who seek to preserve white rule by any means necessary, including the establishment of a kleptocratic autocracy.

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Ron DiSantis of Florida for one. He’s trying to out-trump Trump by turning on businesses like Disney. I cheer him on as the only anti-business president I know of who lived to tell about it was FDR. Even HST and Ike waited until the ends of their terms to warn us about corporate power.

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Surely someone is sewing a properly fitting orange (International Orange) jumpsuit for you know who. For the outsiders - this is quite an eye opener.

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Hell, Hugh, Donald's suits fit him like crap. Why bother tailoring his orange jumpsuit?

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He always looks like a hobo in a corset. Fox has done a masterful job of editing him into a skeleton of a human for the MAGAts, with added halo for the deranged MAGAts. Of course, the R pols know exactly what he is, the most useful tool to ever come down the pike. “Your dishonor will remain.”

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Jeri. Hahahahahaha hahahaha. “A hobo in a corset”. Hahahahahaha

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Yes, if you see him from the side he does have this weird way of standing. He sort of pooches his butt out and then puts his upper body weight forward on the front part of his feet. As befits the person, it is rather bizarre.

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I think his stance is due to the lifts in his shoes. 6'3", my ass! Hobo in a corset--Bahahahahahaha!

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It’s because he wears two inch shoe lifts to fake + his height. He also wears a girdle and make up and has the nerve to call everybody else fake. His fans are such idiots that they can’t see what a fake he is! It’s compensatory for a short mushroom I’ve been advised.

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That’s why his face is all puffy and red! Thanks, Jeri, for big “reveal” about his corset! 🤣🤣

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They have to let out the seams.

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I was telling my husband yesterday this exact same thing...we are too shallow and distracted to see the real potential for our country's failure. I don't want this to just blow over. I want people to stop worrying about abortion and start worrying about the future we are leaving our children and grandchildren to live in. Look at all the erosion of rights women and people of color are already facing in the wake of Trump's administration, and to let this go and not do anything to hold these people responsible for the horrors they inflicted is the same as agreeing with it. Wake up, people! This is not a game...we are ignoring the rise of another dictator if we don't tamp it down now. We have the evidence; use it! Can you tell I'm a bit fired up this morning? :)

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Although I'm with you and feel your contempt for the blindness/ignorance of a significant number of Americans, I don't share your pessimism. I can see how it has been fueled by a nasty person who's been impeached twice, yet without accountability continues to be revered, but this time I see something different unfolding. What was absolutely brilliant was that the damning evidence came directly from trump defenders, presented from the lips of a Republican. trump's Teflon actions may have cast a pall of doom on you and others, but I am here to tell you that, and mark my words, his evading accountability is going to hit a wall. How can anyone think that he will run again when he'll be spending the rest of his life in prison? Merrick Garland would have to be in a coma not to have him arrested. And last night is only the beginning....

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Agree. Surrounded by naysayers have Democrats been seduced into the naysaying habit? Why is it that Republicans always stand shoulder to shoulder no matter what and Democrats don't?

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Actually, the good news is that Republicans are not standing shoulder to shoulder as evidenced by the reasonable ones. When I found out that Trump had won the election the morning after, I asked God for the GOP to self-implode and I'm seeing that my prayer are being answered. However, to your point, they do seem to stick together on message regardless what they believe and say privately. The Democrats need to unrelentingly and vociferously call them out on their bs....

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" they do seem to stick together on message regardless what they believe and say privately." Even McConnell stays with the jackal pack. And he hates TFG.

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Actually, McConnell says one thing and then another. He says what he personally thinks and voice throws the party line…which is tonsay, he’s not the dummy. But words are turds to the GOP. It’s what McConnell does that matters and so far he has completely ignored the Constitution and moved the country inexorably toward a kleptocracy.

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The overview has been delivered. While riot footage was as dramatic as we remembered, the narrative was delivered in calm, almost monotone voices, talking perhaps 2/3 the rate that you and I normally hold a conversation. It was hardly political theater; wasn't intended to be. It was delivered in a style that bespeaks the gravity of the situation, but not the entertainment value. Two persons present at the riot scene testified in person, shared video and verified by their eyewitness accounts the nature of the insurrection. I was most impacted by 3 short videos, however; Barr, Ivanka and Jerod. Without any fanfare, they called pft on the big lie in testimony before Congress. Can you imagine their experience with him; one from earliest childhood, the next who married into the family and finally, one of his closest advisors in the government. They all have lived in the shadow of pathologic, narcissistic and pervasive lying as the status quo from the chief executive, arguably once the most powerful individual on the planet. So, while they live just a few skips from Mara Lago, I wonder how often they and the grandkids eat dinner with their grandfather these days... He may be far too enamored of himself to admit consciously that his only relationship with others, including wife, children and grandchildren is based on the constant potential that he might turn his cannons on them. If he COULD experience anything but self aggrandizement, I suspect deep down he'd be profoundly lonely. He may actually do it already in private, but what about in public? Why do they stick by him? Is it really just the money and proximity to a kind of fame? His daughter knows he looks at her like a sexual object. His wife knows why she qualified to become his spouse. Her attitude towards him is a prickly tolerance, made manageable by lots of time in separate places.

With an overwhelming amount of evidence, bits of which have been curated for public consumption, he will be indicted in the court of public opinion. It won't be unanimous by any means, but adequate to assure that the academic texts don't whitewash it. Those close to him will be tarred with the same brush, as they colluded, tolerated or stood passively by as his behavior accelerated and amplified into the endgame we are hearing again for the umpteenth time. Frankly, essentially all of them will be relatively soon forgotten. If all parties follow the evidence where it leads and Garland indicts tfg in spite of all the historic resistance to the concept of prosecuting a former president, that will be the crowning mark on his legacy; the one, true, convicted crook in the hall of presidents. It will be a pyrrhic victory for the rule of law, not really something to celebrate, rather something on which to close the books as soon as humanly possible so we can all stop being constantly reminded of what a sordid chapter it was in the history of our republic.

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One small pushback: We NEED to be reminded of this. Always.

Just as we need to be reminded of slavery and the genocide of Native Americans. Not to hang our heads in shame, but to see what we have done and choose to do better.

We cannot afford to forget how many ofvus have been so easily lured into supporting a would-be dictator.

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emphasis on "constantly"; I won't forget. Ever. I'm sure. It's my "where were you when Kennedy was assassinated", or "where were you on the morning of 9/11" moment.

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I was reminded of how I felt sitting there in front of the TV listening to John Dean tell the inside story of Watergate 50 years ago.

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It is as though America has lost something vital since then. Almost half don't care anymore. Or refuse to believe a Truth different from what they swallow now.

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The media is a different animal

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Do we still have a way of knowing how many TV’s were tuned in last night? We bet that all those Republican Senators and Representatives were secretly holed up in their rooms watching with dread. Cheney’s opening statement was powerful. Hopefully, it put fear in some hearts; not expecting guilt.

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It's soul?

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I believe so.

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My BIL supported Nixon…and Reagan …to his grave. Some people can never admit their mistakes.

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I have a friend who insists that “assholebrotherinlaw” is all one word. Anyway, good riddance to the SOB.

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My thoughts exactly. And to his equally rotten wife, my sister. Blood poisoning, I bet.

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It’s not that they don’t care. It’s what they care about, which is the preservation of systemic advantages for white Americans. In the Watergate days (and even more so before that), there was no threat of a decline in systemic white advantage. Now there is, and those who want to preserve systemic white advantage care passionately about that issue.

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Me too, with Mo Dean in the frame. Dean was low key but explosive in his truth telling. He was a lone truth teller at the time. Stone went to work in that moment to make sure than no other R president would have to face such scrutiny. He’s still on the job…

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Yes, let’s give Mo credit for egging her husband on to testify the truth. Have you see “Gaslit” starring Julia Roberts and Sean Penn? Mo had a miscarriage the same day he testified and yet, she was there, right behind him, at the hearing!

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Gaslit is really excellent. Finale this Sunday!

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Well, Roger Stone didn’t succeed this time.

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TC, that’s how I felt - glued to the TV while the curtain is pulled back. But, this time is so much worse. Those long hours of bloody fighting and death at the Capital while Trump fiddled, watching TV. Last night the orange monster was visible again. ❤️🤍💙

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It was helpful to me to see the time overlaid on the shocking video, giving a good view of the sequence of events. They presented it so calmly, without Hollywood theatrics.

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I was thinking the same, TC. My staunchly Democrat, wonderful mother in law and I sat by the TV together in those days. She wept in disappointment at what she was seeing happen to her beloved country then. I can only imagine what she would think now...

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My mom and I, too.

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Etched in my memory too, TC.

It's still morning here and I've just begun to watch last night's hearing.

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Exactly so.

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Cancer on the presidency.... and he went to jail.

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Me too!

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Today was really an encouraging story, also on the part of the committee. Key issues well presented and to the point. Remains to be seen what comes out of it, but there is one promising feature of fascists: they tend to go with the winner. The more people that are convicted and punished for these major crimes, the fewer followers. Also encouraging that Swedish television is giving full and good covering of the hearings. Sometimes SVT has tended to do "balanced" reporting of truths and lies.

When I had one year of studies at Montana State University I was sometimes asked why Sweden had not joined in against Nazi Germany in WWII. I was born 1945 and at 19 was not prepared for an answer, but found one: the only ones that wanted Sweden to go to war were the ones wanting to join the Germans, and I still think it was part of the reason. After the war Sweden was "Americanized" to an extent further than many European nations; talking of 'going with the winners'. I don't feel responsible for Sweden's policy during the war, but I believe fascism is about surviving at the cost of others, and as such belonging to most of us if we look generations back. In the course of human history I think legitimate surviving at the cost of others belongs only to women who can give birth.

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"Fascism is about surviving at the cost of others" - That is the most succinct summation of fascism I have ever seen. Thank-you Olof.

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I have it from Bert Hellinger. That about the a legitimate fascism for some women, I have worded myself, from seeing that fascism tends not to be attributed to women at all.

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Could you clarify? Are you saying that fascism appeals to women because it’s going with the winner? I’m just wanting to understand exactly what you mean.

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No, I used the word 'legitimate', not 'appeals to'. At the German occupation of Norway and Denmark some women had children with German soldiers, and not all were outcomes of rape. An archetypal pattern made them feel uninhibited, for the sake of new life. The Germans were successful and Scandinavians were considered "Aryans". Had the luck of war not turned, it might have worked out. Instead these poor children were abandoned by their fathers, and they and their mothers were scorned and mistreated by their fellow citizens in revenge until death. There is no promise that hope for the future will overcome the revenge for the past, but it could be worth a try.

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"...but there is one promising feature of fascists: they tend to go with the winner. The more people that are convicted and punished for these major crimes, the fewer followers." I sincerely hope so, Olof.

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I am so glad that some in Sweden, and hopefully other countries, are watching! This is our attempt to pull ourselves back from the brink of fascism and do a much needed cleansing of corruption that is choking our democracy. Thank you for watching!

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Cheryl, we are watching, and are behind you in the hope that the U.S survives as the democracy we know it to be. We need you.

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Wow, had no idea. Thought I knew WW2 well.

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Thanks for this insight.

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What a marvelously true observation re right to survive! However, that was only recently endosed by the Roman Catholic Church and barely endorsed by some in the GOP.

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That is very interesting. My great grandfather came here from Sweden in 1846.

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So,we the people of the United States of America, were attacked by our own President.

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With his own rabble rousing mob.

Meanwhile, DeSantis is assembling his own, paid for by public dollars, trained, equipped and organized militia.

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He thinks he’s a better version of chump, I think he’s a worse version. The clown worshippers won’t like him

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Nope, they love him. Trump /DeSantis flags are flying although I question whether TFG will run again.

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I don’t know, he seems like a b-movie thug to me, without the personal charisma or intelligence needed to lead. Brown -shirted militiamen may not be enough to carry him.

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They don’t realize he’s of Cuban descent yet.

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They are Proud Boys. The DOJ will be going through their trash for years. Listening to their calls, tracking their movements.

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What, exactly, do these boys have to be proud about? Racism? Sexism? Terrorism? They need to crawl back under their rocks and back under their hoods. Yeah, chump was an "abberation". And we need these tough conversations. It's not only about the high cost of gad. It's about the high cost of FREEDOM, and yeah, they don't get to claim that's what they're fighting for.

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But then, many of us have known this for quite some time. We knew he was trying to destroy us even before the 2020 election, and we did manage to vote him out. What remains is to hold him accountable for his crimes -- against all of us.

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Hearing Kevin McCarthy ask the press where are the hearings on inflation, on gas prices, and a few other talking points as though they are the equivalent of a coordinated insurrection was insulting and infuriating. Hopefully enough Americans will begin to understand the gravity of the threat the TFG posed and still poses to our democracy. The careful reconstruction of the timeline of events was compelling. Will it reach enough of the American people to forever disqualify TFG as a leader? We'll see as the rest of the story unfolds over the course of the next hearings.

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McCarthy is as big a disgrace to America as Trump, McConnell and Thomas and spouse. All are guilty of abuse of power in my judgment.

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Above all, I want the evidence the Committee uncovered to be compelling to the DOJ!

Rousing the spirits of the public is another thing altogether. Remember, the whole buildup and exercise of the trumpist years required us to be gaslit and browbeaten to the point where we all felt confused and helpless. Overcoming that "malaise" takes a concentrated effort.

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But inflation, gas prices, etc. are the things they REALLY care about: it's me, me, me. Coup? What is a coup? Sigh.

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He’s an abomination and the fact that he’s from CA makes me ill!

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Jun 10, 2022
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The propaganda is Goebbels at his best…

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"There will come a day when Donald Trump is gone, but your dishonor will remain." Carve that on Mitch McConnell's tombstone, and the tombstone of every other summbitch senator and representative who supported, coddled, encouraged, and rode the coattails of that traitor & would-be dictator.

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Many years ago a man I know and respect was in DC with a group of lobbyists. Even back then this man knew he did not want his picture taken with McConnell.

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Jan. 6 Committee’s hearing on June 6

Cheney has Trump in her sights for good reason.

U.S. Representative Liz Cheney:

"President Trump believed his supporters at the Capitol, and I quote, were doing what they should be doing. This is what he told his staff as they pleaded with him to call off the mob."

"On this point, there is no room for debate. Those who invaded our Capitol and battled law enforcement for hours were motivated by what President Trump had told them: That the election was stolen, and that he was the rightful president. President Trump summoned the mob, assembled the mob and lit the flame of this attack

"All Americans should keep … in mind this fact, on the morning of Jan. 6, President Donald Trump's intention was to remain president of the United States."

"As you will see in our hearings, the White House received specific reports in the days leading up to Jan. 6, including during President Trump's Ellipse rally (near the White House), indicating that elements in the crowd were preparing for violence at the Capitol," Cheney said.

"The White House staff knew the President Trump was willing to entertain and use conspiracy theories to achieve his ends. They knew the president needed to be cut off from all of those who had encouraged him. They knew that President Donald Trump was too dangerous to be left alone, at least until he left office on Jan. 20."

"Tonight, I say this to my Republican colleagues who are defending the indefensible: There will come a day when Donald Trump is gone but your dishonor will remain."


Nothing can replace Officer Edwards’ narrative on June 6th about the hours she was forced to engage in combat with the mob, unlike anything the police are trained to do, but her words about the violence that occurred at the Capitol on January 6th need to be remembered.

Caroline Edwards, U.S. Capitol Police officer injured in attack:

"I was called (House Speaker) Nancy Pelosi's dog, called incompetent, called a hero and a villain."

"They dared to question my honor. They dared to question my loyalty and they dared to question my duty."

"When I fell behind that line and I saw - I can just remember my breath catching in my throat because what I saw was just a war scene. It was like something I had seen in the Middle East. There were officers on the ground. They were bleeding. They were throwing up. I was slipping in people's blood. … It was hours of hand-to-hand combat."


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Just another group of tourists... The hearing proved to be a master class at taking a difficult, complex subject and showing (not just telling) in a succinct, on-message, non-dramatic way the true events of 1/6/21. And that was just the opener. I WILL stay tuned.

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Attention was summoned and rewarded. Top of a happy morning to you, Steve 🟥⬜🟦

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Great point, Fern! Officer Edwards' narrative and all of the presentation last night provides a powerful narrative that we need to support in order to replace the false narratives that TFG, his MAGAts, and the media have spread. One slight correction: I believe Officer Edwards was saying that she had never personally experienced anything like the chaos and carnage she saw that day, and what she experienced was like a scene in a movie--not the Middle East. (I find closed captioning, which isn't always accurate, to be helpful. :-)

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Thank you, Imogene. Your addition filled out Officer Edwards' description of her warlike experience at the Capitol. Close captioning would have helped in some spots during the footage of assaults on the Capitol as well.

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I agree, Fern. I just called the Committee to Investigate J6,(202) 225-7800, thanked them for their phenomenal job and suggested they put closed captioning on all the video clips, and if possible witnesses speaking live. Closed captioning, like they did with Gen. Milley's comments, would be great!!

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We saw, and were repulsed. Even those who later signed on to the big lie.

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Thank You Fern.

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Top of a HAPPY morning to you, MaryPat! 🟥⬜🟦

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To you, too Fern! Where did you get (or make) the red, white & blue?!

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My Emoji has squares of color. See this! 🟥⬜🟦 🌻🟦🟨 🌿

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🟥⬜🟦 !!!

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Now also an artist, in addition to being an excellent reporter, keen commenter and humorist. ⭐⭐⭐⭐🌠

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Thank you for this eloquent and powerful summary of these incredibly important hearings. Unlike the Mueller report which Bill Barr preempted by releasing a biased, inaccurate summary long before anyone could read the complete report, we are getting an unfiltered presentation of the horrors of J6. Embarrassing as a US citizen for the world to hear but I hope that this makes an impression on at least a few of tfg’s supporters.

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Jeff, I see that you're trying to signal agreement with some posters in this community. Just a heads up that TFG and his followers, especially in white supremacy extremist groups, use that sign as code for "white power." I saw it in two of the clips last night--one was a group selfie of either the PB or OK. It gives me chills, not in a good way, to see that symbol here. I don't use that emoji anymore and prefer a thumbs up, heart, or fire symbols. The white power symbol has the fingers straight up, but I have seen this symbol used by MAGATs and TFG himself as code so it can be used in public to covertly connect with supporters. TFG even used it during his speech on the Mall on January 6th. Just FYI.

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I’ve noticed that before, Imogene, and am glad you bring it up on this day. I remain rueful how some innocent and popular symbols have been changed in the name of treason and oppression. I have also have great distaste for many new disrespectful versions of the American flag.


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Wow; another case of cultural misappropriation…!

Thanks for the heads-up.

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Exactly! 💯 You're welcome!!

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That is a chilling concern about white supremacists’ use of the emoji. That raises the question of appropriation. Do we let them take it over, or do we reclaim it? Same issue of the term “patriot” and using the American flag.


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I agree, Ellie. Having become aware this, I can now spot when the symbol is used as code for white power and when it's used by people unaware of its misappropriation. What are your thoughts about how to deal with this--besides raising people's awareness?

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I raised the question but don't have strong feelings one way or the other. I prefer a principled action, and feel it more strongly about the flag and term "patriot."

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❤️ Wow! And here I thought I knew a lot…thanks, Imogene!

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I had no idea. I use that symbol a lot! Oy!

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Yes, this was highly compelling story telling! Confirming for me was the proof that this wasn't a spontaneous riot but one well planned by the Proud Boys who were moving on the Capitol even before the former president gave his speech. Also enjoy the analogy with the Senator McCarthy hearings on un-American activities with Roy Cohn, later DT's lawyer, sitting next to McCarthy.

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I was glad that the photojournalist was there to tape the meeting of Tarrio and Rhodes, even if there was no audio-it's proof they were coordinating..

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Roy’s evil legacy lives on.

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Unfortunately, Cathy, we have our own McCarthy…Qevin! Different animal but the stripes of denial are the same.

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The committee was formed to investigate the insurrection, and come up with recommendations to prevent it from happening again. I guess we will eventually get to that. But what I think I saw last night was an argument for criminal intent - that seditious conspiracy was committed by Trump. It looks to me that they are going to systematically show that all the legal elements are there - to pave the way for DOJ. It needs to happen. That alone would do wonders in helping prevent it from happening again. And BTW - I do hope the committee fully exposes Biggs and Perry and the other members of the House who are complicit. Seditious conspiracy charges should await them too. You just cannot do what they did without consequences.

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Same here.

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NYTimes 6/9/22 story about FOX News program without advertising breaks, with a short silent video of the hearing, in place of January 6th Committee hearings FOX aired their two leading propagandists last night: "Mr. Carlson and Sean Hannity, who took over the broadcast at 9 p.m., both boasted about Fox News’s decision not to air the hearing live. Mr. Carlson said his show was “the only hour on American television that is not broadcasting unfiltered propaganda into the homes of unsuspecting viewers.”

Mr. Hannity declared in his opening monologue: “Unlike this committee and their cheerleaders in the media mob, we will actually be telling you the truth.” "

This might as well be Putin's Russian state controlled media. We should demand sedition charges against against FOX.

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Orwellian - Fox’s Sean Hannity. Rupert Murdoch, financed by my erstwhile breakfast companion, Herbert Allen Jr., of Allen & Company at Eberlin’s Restaurant, 5 New Street, 6:15 a.m., daily, served by Steve, a Greek. Herbert took his lunch there daily. Same server.

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What a memory. I enjoy these snippets of your history Sandy.

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Starting years ago, three agents have asked for a memoir. The one with a heart is 87... mother of a famous actress. I love her. The Year They Sold Wall Street by Tim Carrington is her book. About me. I have not read it. Love the author. He’s asking, too.

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It would be a gift to leave the world. The wisdom learned from your so many experiences. Told from your POV.

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I looked it up, it’s on my list. I’d previously read articles about you but would love to see that era from your viewpoint. I was struggling to keep my head above water in the S&Ls those days.

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Thank you very much.

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Yes, thank you, Heather, for this precise and compelling overview of tonight’s presentation.

“Calmly, carefully, convincingly, and in plain, easy to understand language, committee leaders Bennie Thompson (D-MS) and Cheney placed former president Donald Trump at the center of an attempt to overturn our democracy. They were very clear that what happened on January 6 was an attempted coup, an ‘attempt to undermine the will of the people.’ All Americans should remember, they reminded us, that on the morning of January 6, Donald Trump intended to remain president, despite his loss in the 2020 election and his constitutional obligation to step down in favor of President-elect Joseph R. Biden, as every president before him had done.”

As always, your words capture this historic event to perfection!

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I agree, Peggy. I prefer to simply thank Professor Richardson for her summary instead of joining in the pessimism by some already on this forum today, after only one hearing and less than 12 hours out, that nothing will change and that still the convo centers on the former in such a way that he will prevail.

Can we not fully support the masterful presentation last night and a relentless pursuit by a Republican for justice for the entire nation to witness? Liz Cheney was relentless and compelling.

UNITA. We must be.

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Neither Thompson nor Cheney minced their words and the videos and testimonies were the icing on the cake. The brilliance of last night was worthy of an Academy Award and I look forward to the other hearings.

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Hear, hear!

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Excellent and accurate synopsis of tonight's 2 hr presentation. Thank you, Dr. Heather. Let's hope that the truth shall set us free from TFG, and preserve our democracy. I must say that it's felt like we've been trapped living in a horror movie since November 2016, or in some alternative dystopian timeline. But maybe America will wake up in time. I cannot fathom the cult of TFG.

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Propaganda is powerful

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