Why in hell wasn't Thomas impeached years ago? In the early 2000s, he and his little-lamented friend, Scalia, were speaking at Republican fund-raisers--the clearest evidence of conflict of interest one could have. And now this. What else can we call it but outright bribery? If Thomas didn't feel he could survive on his wretched pittance of $300k/year, he should have resigned and gone into the private sector. He's a disgrace to the Supreme Court, the legal profession, and the country. Every day he remains on the Court, he damages its already horrifically tarnished reputation even further. In a word, the guy's gotta go!

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And Alito can be tried for treason at the same time!

I have always opposed court-packing, ever since I read about it in my U.S. history course at Andover. It is a course of action fraught with risks. But if Alito and Thomas can't be impeached or forced to resign, court-packing may be the only way to ensure a Supreme Court a majority of whose members actually subscribe to and believe in the Constitution. This does not appear to be the case now.

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Rather impressive numbers of folks becoming insured (Affordable Care Act ((ACA))). While not a fan of John McCain (Fire/Ready/Aim) thank God he was so pissed at Trump that his vote saved the ACA.

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McCain was perhaps the last Senate Republican with any integrity at all. He would not have stood for the Insurrection, for sure.

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How about Romney?

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Ha HA!!! You were kidding, right?? This, the guy who's hedge fund has destroyed more American businesses, especially small, family-owned ones, than just about anyone else, prior to the orange turd.

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I wasn't kidding. I did forget about the businesses he bought up then destroyed. He's not a fan of Trump or of the Senate or House these days. Is a comparatively mild, sane voice in the nuttiness that is Congress. Is retiring from Congress.

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Good riddance to him, and his ilk. If he had any integrity, he would be speaking out like Cheney, who has more balls than mitt could ever dream of having. Hopefully, the people of Utah will become Americans again in November.

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Those are startling and rather appalling stats on income inequality since 1981, and how Biden is trying to reverse trickle-down policies with investments in real people. Share this economic analysis with people who lack confidence in Biden's policies. https://jimbuie.substack.com/p/startling-statistic-on-us-income

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Just look at what has happened to income tax rates since 1981; this provides a good deal of the explanation for today's appalling income inequality.

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Between rate hikes for actual taxpayers versus those for our homeland oligarchs, who somehow manage to pay virtually f-all, and Trump downsizing the to the point where there were literally no checks on the oligarchs' balances, the tax-paying middle class all but disappeared, and will do so forever if Trump wins.

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Why is today’s spoken message truncated just when it begins to elaborate on the “oversights” of Thomas not reporting enormous gifts he accepted? Itried 3 times to get it to play. Hmmm. Foul play?? Fortunately, I had already read the print version

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Vote is our only way to change what is so wrong. 🇺🇸‼️

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Because the Supreme Court deliberately misread the Constitution. According to the plain language of the Constitution, Trump is ineligible, as an insurrectionist, to run for office. If the Court had done its plain duty, we wouldn't be having this conversation now.

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