Have these people "NO SENSE OF DECENCY"???(tRump, Jackson, Perry et all)

Please, where is the Democrat that will call them all out on the carpet? Nothing seems to be happening there.

Thank you Heather. Is this just some kind of McCarthy era, type of craziness 🤪 gone wild? Please talk about that, if you haven't already.

Thank you.

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I sometimes wonder if all my Chinese clients could be right.

They all say.... quite confidently.... that we are living through the end of democracy.

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At least with Nixon, he famously/foolishly stated "I am not a crook" which was part of my winning argument to my Midwest born parents to stop voting Republican for the remainder of their lives. They finally understood, "Me thinks thou doth protest too much."

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Nixon ultimately owned his part & apologized to the American people during an interview with David Frost.

The "orange one" with a diagnosis of Malignant Narcissist Axis ll Cluster B-4, will unfortunately NEVER take any responsibility for the mistakes he made. In fact, he believes his own lies. Again, characteristic of his psychopathology. He told us all on national TV he need not ask for forgiveness, as he has never sinned. Sounds like a Messiah Complex to me. Then again, the one that was here 2000 + yrs. ago had no problem admitting when he was wrong.

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I prefer reading text in email account, but my comcast email account does not allow me to access daily letter.

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If you go to your Substack Inbox, you can find the text newsletter in your feed

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Cheesebros (n, pl) - Fake electors for Trump from Wisconsin.

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I"m sensing the tide is changing.... and wow, scientists just discovered a birth control pill what works for men!!

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Would cut down on the emails we get if you sent this recording with your text copy like Robert Hubbell does. Just a friendly suggestion but I get 200 emails a day (after filtering) so that would add value to your supporters of which I am proud to say.

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That would really slow down getting the “Letter” email. I usually get the email at night and the recording the next day. And not early the next day.

Another option could be going onto Professor Richardson’s FB page for both, at your convenience.

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One wonders what has now happened to the rubber price on Wall Street.

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