Hard to avoid this. I blame others for using stock phrases, then do it myself.
Yet, what really astounds me is how people who are both educated and well off and who would never dream of wearing even the most elegant second-hand clothing think, speak and act on ideas that are, without exception, threadbare hand-me-downs. They pronounce p…
Hard to avoid this. I blame others for using stock phrases, then do it myself.
Yet, what really astounds me is how people who are both educated and well off and who would never dream of wearing even the most elegant second-hand clothing think, speak and act on ideas that are, without exception, threadbare hand-me-downs. They pronounce parroted terms copied from slanted newspapers and media clearly, confidently, as though the views they are expressing were really their own. And yet these often wealthy people never at any time had a single idea of their own. Parrots may speak clearly. They at least are not affected by what they squawk. They just say it. In this, human beings show less intelligence than parrots—they are taken in by their own automatic pronouncements, hoist of their own petard.
Likewise, all those great economic libertarians would never dream of designing or driving a powerful car with immense acceleration, weak steering and no brakes—in this, they’re not idiots. But when it comes to economic policy, what else have they to propose but a great economic vehicle that’s unsafe at any speed…?
Hard to avoid this. I blame others for using stock phrases, then do it myself.
Yet, what really astounds me is how people who are both educated and well off and who would never dream of wearing even the most elegant second-hand clothing think, speak and act on ideas that are, without exception, threadbare hand-me-downs. They pronounce parroted terms copied from slanted newspapers and media clearly, confidently, as though the views they are expressing were really their own. And yet these often wealthy people never at any time had a single idea of their own. Parrots may speak clearly. They at least are not affected by what they squawk. They just say it. In this, human beings show less intelligence than parrots—they are taken in by their own automatic pronouncements, hoist of their own petard.
Likewise, all those great economic libertarians would never dream of designing or driving a powerful car with immense acceleration, weak steering and no brakes—in this, they’re not idiots. But when it comes to economic policy, what else have they to propose but a great economic vehicle that’s unsafe at any speed…?