The assault on Dr. Fauci by Republicans was appalling and is yet another disturbing example of the war on science. Republicans appear completely ignorant of the scientific advances that have improved our health and saved lives in countless ways.

The 1918 influenza pandemic, also known as the Spanish flu, killed an estimated 50 million people worldwide, more than any other illness in recorded history. By comparison, COVID-19 killed an estimated 7 million people. While influenza and SARS-CoV-2 are distinctly different viruses with contrasting life histories, the more than one hundred years of science-based health research and vaccine advances were primarily because of dedicated scientists such as Dr. Fauci who made the difference between an out-of-control pandemic and one that we brought under control.

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Dr. Fauci is a hero on a global scale, and the way he was treated by Republicans is appalling, but we must all be vigilant and ask ourselves (or better yet a trusted friend) if we have a tendency to be reflexively dismissive of others. Bad behavior triggers and enables bad behavior. And the butterfly effect (a small occurrence can effect a much larger occurrence) applies.

Joseph Lister (1827-1912), Ignaz Semmelweis (1818-1865), John Snow (1813-1858), Robert Goddard (1882-1945), Alice Catherine Evans (1881-1975), and Claire Cameron Patterson (1922-1995) are all renown scientists who were mocked and ignored by their own scientific community. And that's just a tiny sample of the famous manifestations of the "reflexively dismissive of others" phenomenon.

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This is all because the "orange one" took a medical crisis and turned it into a political one.

The truth, had he not minimized the severity of the virus in its beginnings (when he knew it was air-borne in 1/2020, yet, kept it a secret) we would not have sustained the number of deaths we did in this country. Someone needs to inform MTG that Bozo should be the one held responsible for war crimes for avoiding, dismissing, lying about this virus until he no longer could, as bodies were being stored in freezer trucks outside of hospitals while he was suggesting the bleach cure.

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Jazz is correct about the "orange one." We must remember that when a leader in power has nature or something else upset his or her apple cart, they will indeed make it political.

We see this in Russia and other countries, including others in our own country.

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Informative and compelling post as usual by HCR. It's up to every one of us as we discuss Trump's conviction with family, friends and neighbors to be well-informed. People are cynical about politics. We need to listen to their concerns and come back with well-reasoned rebuttals. People are just beginning to pay attention. I have compiled the beginnings of an F.A.Q. with 18 rebuttals. I hope you'll share it and add any questions and answers based on what you are hearing. Pass it on. https://jimbuie.substack.com/p/18-rebuttals

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You don't have to convince me, and I agree that we need to convince anyone on the fence about supporting Biden-Harris, but your logic is irrelevant to someone who thinks you're serving an interest that excludes them. As a former Republican POTUS, Theodore Roosevelt, famously said, "No one cares what you know until they know that you care."

In other words, don't assume the other person knows your intent is to serve the greater good. Instead, establish that as the interest you both intend to serve. Either you can do that, and then logic/evidence is relevant, or you can't, and then you're not dealing with a fence sitter.

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Convincing is hard work. This needs self control, knowing what you are talking about, being unoffensive and as you say a sincere willingness to engage by both and respectfully.

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Tall order with some of the "deplorables" today who subscribe to conspiracy theories and sound like MTG .

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I would not waste my time convincing. Just shake my head say it's bullshit, state who and what you are for and where you are putting your vote.. if you engage such goners at all.

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Thanks, Jim!

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Thanks for Cowherd quote -- it's brilliant. Someone should make it into a T-shirt!

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Years ago when Cowherd first appeared on networks covering sports, I found him irritating and stopped listening to him. But I must say that his currant comment is excellent.

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I saw the Fauci hearing on CSPAN and found Marjorie Taylor Greene make a fool of herself. She refused to call Dr. Fuaci a doctor and received a point of order to call him Dr. Yes the fool continued to rant. How she ever was elected makes little sense. As for the rest of the GOP Representatives, they were in total attack mode, perhaps even worse than those WNBA players who are using aggression to guard Caitlin Clark. BTW, I think Dr. Fauci handled himself admirably.

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Fauci could easily have retired 20 years ago. He was under no obligation to take the abuse heaped on him during the Trump years. I'm amazed he didn't tell Trump to stop the abuse or else he would quit. I'm also amazed he didn't do more when Trump told people to drink Lysol and inject bleach.

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