During the debate, I kept thinking boy Trump is sharing all these tidbits about how he’s all cozied up with Putin….. and you tied it all together. 🤯

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Thanks for this letter and marker regarding Ukraine, Putin, and Trump. This topic is a thread I have been pulling for almost six years, since the Helsinki meeting. I hope more is uncovered about that and all the other back channels that occurred when Trump was NOT President. I wonder whether this meddling in foreign affairs could be worse than all the other stuff Trump has already been indicted over. And, did he learn it from the “Great Communicator” Ronald Reagan, when American Hostages were finally released after his victory over Jimmy Carter?

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Did DJT learn this himself, or was this 'Suggested' by his Dark Puppet Masters.... As Don Jr, once stated, Russian Money floats the Trump Organization... Remember the Avenues opened by the Roberts Court Citizens United Decision...

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So these astute analysis make me wonder, given the corrupt Supreme Court that is in place, can any of this right wing dictator undemocratic movements be stopped?

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Really great research!!!Explains a lot!!!

Putin‘s puppet was elected head of Ukraine, with the help of Manafort and his expertise regarding election machinery.

Clinton wanted democracy to spread and supported Ukraine’s young people and their desire to be considered European.

{ But way they got rid of Putin’s guy was not very democratic.}

The Ukrainian people had believed that the election had been manipulated for Putin.

{Putin hates Hillary Clinton.}

Later, bacck in the USA, Manafort went on to tell Trump where to go next in his election ie. which states.

Apparently he was right, because vote support changed precipitously.

Trump keeps blaming the insecure election machinery for his loss to Biden.

But does not credit insecure election machinery, for his win against Hillary Clinton.

As Gore faced in 2000 and as John Kerry faced in 2004, Clinton dropped any deep inquiry regarding her loss.

Jill Stein , Green Party, raised money for an investigation and was very unhappy with Clinton’s decision not to compare Midwest counties’ results by correlating election systems and results.

John Kerry sent out a danger notice after the 2004 Ohio vote switched at the last minute causing him to lose the Electoral College.

Manafort is back.

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DJT abets Putin as DJT is a 'Loose Bull' in a China Shop... Putin does not like the U.S. dominated World-Order... He sees Russian, and personal opportunity in DJT's Chaos...

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As outrageous as these revelations are, there is unfortunately little to no chance they will "move the needle" and cause Trump supporters to abandon him if they haven't already. The focus of low-information swing voters, if they are focused at all (probably most aren't in the summer) is on Biden's poor performance in the debate on Thursday, and whether he should withdraw. https://jimbuie.substack.com/p/bidens-comeback-or-swan-song

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The debate was a bad night. Bad nights end. In this picture of trump vs biden there is no sure way to predict what will happen 4 months after one bad night, and no way to know what will or will not move the needle in November. President Biden has been through much worse in both his private and political life. Tomorrow is another day.

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That shaggy dog won't hunt. You really need a full blown case of Trump Derangement Syndrome to get any sustenance out of it. Why not just whine "Trump, Russia, Trump, Russia, Russia, Trump". Big nothing burger.

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Well...... what the shocked set of pundits agreed upon, after Biden's rough start in the debate, was that probably he should "retire".... and let some younger Democrat become their candidate.

They weren't LISTENING to what Trump had been saying for a month or more..........

Remember: he can't keep quiet about his malevolent intentions..... but time and again, he predicts the OPPOSITE of his future ACTS: like shouting that DEMS would "Steal" the 2020 election....!

Oh yeah. Right. So what HAS he been saying about the upcoming 1st. debate...?

Over & over,..... he predicted that Biden's team would be having him take DRUGS to "UP" his game.... so that Joe would seem to be younger & full of vim and vigor.... & a fine debater.

Ah, ok. Then of course the opposite is what may have happened. An adoring (INSTRUCTED ?) Trump'ophile may have PLANTED the drugs... where Biden would BE... (approved by The Boss).

I can picture a Maga being given a spray or moist cloth with the SEDATIVE.... to SPRAY or RUB onto Biden's MICROPHONE. Every time Joe breathed in, close to the Mic, for the first 45 min's or so.... he'd inhale a whiff of it. It gradually lost its potency. The President was "coming around" toward the end of the debate.... and was his normal self an hour later, in his after-debate time.

Had Biden been tested for drugs at the first BREAK.... it might well have been found, in his system.

I'm amazed that those hearing Trumps pre-debate predictions that Biden would be drugged HIGH by his team -didn't immediately SEE what that really meant: Trumpers drugging Joe DOWN.

SIGH.......... How SO like Magas & their Boss: a criminal act, right in front of over half the nation.

Putin must be gleeful about it (this potential undercover act being JUST his SORT...... ).

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