All good points. I've been wondering the same...what was going through her mind while witnessing the antics of the Trump administration during her time in the office of the chief-of-staff. Not sure when exactly she moved to that particular position. Trump burned through 3 previous chiefs-of-staff before Meadows. If she was in that jo…
All good points. I've been wondering the same...what was going through her mind while witnessing the antics of the Trump administration during her time in the office of the chief-of-staff. Not sure when exactly she moved to that particular position. Trump burned through 3 previous chiefs-of-staff before Meadows. If she was in that job before Meadows, she had ample exposure to questionable events long before January that would/should have caused her some measure of a crisis of conscience. Did she love the job that much? Did she begin to think that, given her unique access to what was going on, she had an obligation to witness and record?? We will learn all this eventually.
Hate to say but I do not think she was as high minded as you and maybe others, give her credit for.
Opportunistic yes. A JOB! I Maybe a first job. In the WHITE HOUSE! What an" opportunity! "
The things Cassidy saw...just the olde "throw the spaghetti at the wall when you are having a little fit" for example. Did she think that's the way people who are in charge of the nuclear suitcase... they all behave that way? That's just the way powerful men are? They throw their food and have a hissy fit IN FRONT OF WHOMEVER when things get tough or things don't go their way. Did she just go into some kind of denial or what?
She is so young.
But how can I understand the others. AND
The 40 million people who think he is the messiah. so dismaying disheartening Frightening.
Was a comfort to me that Pelosi, even though she knew it was coming, was stunned at the overturn of Roe. That's how I felt.
All good points. I've been wondering the same...what was going through her mind while witnessing the antics of the Trump administration during her time in the office of the chief-of-staff. Not sure when exactly she moved to that particular position. Trump burned through 3 previous chiefs-of-staff before Meadows. If she was in that job before Meadows, she had ample exposure to questionable events long before January that would/should have caused her some measure of a crisis of conscience. Did she love the job that much? Did she begin to think that, given her unique access to what was going on, she had an obligation to witness and record?? We will learn all this eventually.
Hate to say but I do not think she was as high minded as you and maybe others, give her credit for.
Opportunistic yes. A JOB! I Maybe a first job. In the WHITE HOUSE! What an" opportunity! "
The things Cassidy saw...just the olde "throw the spaghetti at the wall when you are having a little fit" for example. Did she think that's the way people who are in charge of the nuclear suitcase... they all behave that way? That's just the way powerful men are? They throw their food and have a hissy fit IN FRONT OF WHOMEVER when things get tough or things don't go their way. Did she just go into some kind of denial or what?
She is so young.
But how can I understand the others. AND
The 40 million people who think he is the messiah. so dismaying disheartening Frightening.
Was a comfort to me that Pelosi, even though she knew it was coming, was stunned at the overturn of Roe. That's how I felt.