YES! Think of it… she was 23 and put in a place of power. Power has corrupted the strongest individuals. This young woman needs to be applauded for coming out with the truth not picked over and dissected. Grown OLD men are hiding behind pardons and pleading the fifth and have millions of PAC money to hire lawyers for them. Let her w…
YES! Think of it… she was 23 and put in a place of power. Power has corrupted the strongest individuals. This young woman needs to be applauded for coming out with the truth not picked over and dissected. Grown OLD men are hiding behind pardons and pleading the fifth and have millions of PAC money to hire lawyers for them. Let her write any book she wants. She was TWENTY THREE and most likely will need to go into the witness protection program. Life as she knew it, life as she planned it is very likely over for her.
YES! Think of it… she was 23 and put in a place of power. Power has corrupted the strongest individuals. This young woman needs to be applauded for coming out with the truth not picked over and dissected. Grown OLD men are hiding behind pardons and pleading the fifth and have millions of PAC money to hire lawyers for them. Let her write any book she wants. She was TWENTY THREE and most likely will need to go into the witness protection program. Life as she knew it, life as she planned it is very likely over for her.
Thanks, Sharon.
I am already queued-up to purchase an Advanced Copy of her book for a lot of my community and family!!!!