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In CASSIDY HUTCHINSON, 25, Mark Meadows and the DISHONEST Republican TRUMP male political establishment, top down and bottom up, are now learning what it means when an honest female underling has a conscience and the courage to act on it. They hired an honest well brought up refreshingly frank and respectful young woman schooled in the best of the Catholic Church tradition ... of let your conscience be your guide. She will not lie... she will not spin... she surely knows that lies are the currency of today’s GOP. As her face today reveals, she is sad, but she is loyal to the constitution, to her tradition, to herself - and she is an American with old fashioned values. CASSIDY HUTCHINSON was inside the Trump administration in the White House... and she experienced Mark Meadows and the White House Counsel... daily. She came to understand them - on a first name basis... and it is clear that none of them messed with her, personally.

She presented as a well balanced 25 year old with a sharp wit, clear eye, a smile and an honest heart. She may be unique in the Trump White House and in Washington, DC these days .. and her behaviour may inspire an avalanche of similar testimony before this is over.

HONESTY CAN BE CONTAGIOUS... CASSIDY HUTCHINSON will be tested.. but she just may be the fulcrum upon which the rest of her party forms up.

CASSIDY HUTCHINSON is unique today: she is an honest Republican in the White House of Trump - and her presence and performance challenge another Catholic, the conflicted presently troubled White House Counsel Pat Cipollone, who is behaving like a coward... destroying his reputation.

Let’a hope the party of Abraham Lincoln can find leadership in a 25 year old woman with courage... and class.

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Sandy, thank you for this and especially the part about Cassidy being schooled in the best of the Catholic tradition. I sincerely hope you are right about that as, in my very Catholic experience, the primacy of conscience teaching is often downplayed in favor of non-critical ( as in thinking) acceptance. So, it fills me with hope to imagine that this young person " got it" and exercised her conscience as so many Catholic women have done in response toHumane Vitae, Pope Paul VI's encyclical banning contraception.! Thank you for seeing this young person`s courage and growing clarity in her life.

I so appreciate your words today. Carol

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Carol Stanton, thanks, please, let’s talk, Sandy .. 973.379.4446 iPhone WhatsApp or SIGNAL or direct

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Sandy. Bless you for describing Cassidy Hutchinson in the way that is probably the closest any of us can come to who she is.

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Thank you, Annie. Sandy

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Remember that this is a hearing, not a trial. I see several statements of belief here, but testimony needs to stand up to cross examination and corroborating witnesses. Yes, one swears to tell the truth, and yes, we're tempted to take the testimony at face value... AND, none of the other players in the room at the time have testified, other than the DOJ witnesses, and her testimony was not used to corroborate their testimony or vice versa. The committee has elicited a very compelling story, but it doesn't rise to the level of a criminal trial and conviction, with corroborating witnesses, cross examination, more compelling power of subpoena, etc.

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Do you think that no one here realizes this? Suggest spending more time before making assumptions. Especially where Sandy is concerned. This is not a discussion about procedures- at least not solely. It is a place for us to try to understand all the factors at work, including our own thoughts. We have thoughts all over the map, and sometimes we disagree, some of us are just getting to where other folks have come from... but we are just trying to work our way through things. Please don't patronize us.

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who's patronizing? I'm interested not just in what people do and say, but what are the motivations, influences and constraints associated with what they do and say. The interpersonal dynamics amongst people in pressure-cooker environments is very important to understand how and why they behave the way they do. There are always elements to this kind of story that go unstated, at least initially.

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Um. Exactly.

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Good words.

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