Jun 27·edited Jun 28

The Supreme Court decision on acceptance of gifts vs. bribery is yet another example of how the Court twists the plain meaning and intent of legislation to defend the indefensible--in this case, to justify the clearly immoral conduct of two of its most infamous members. How can anyone expect any American to have any respect for the rule of law or the courts when the Supreme Court refuses to do anything to rein in behaviour that should have led to the impeachment of both Thomas and Alito at least a decade ago. This horrendous ruling makes the argument for separation of the sane parts of the country from the insane ones that much more compelling. The moral standard shown in the ruling would embarrass most banana republics. No one who believes in the rule of law should have to live in a country where the chief arbiters of the law include men like Thomas, Alito, Kavanaugh, and Gorsuch, none of whom is fit to sit on any bench, let alone the nation's highest.

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One can sign up to get her letters via email. Free or a paid subscription. She also posts them on Facebook first.

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Suddenly I am only getting an audio version of the article. I prefer to read it. Was there a change? Can I get the content in written form, please? How?

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Wisconsin may not see any economic value in the GOP convention! Ya, that is some good news. You have to be on the take to get the blessing of the ' Paid Off! ' supporting individual by the right wing with your participation in their economic money policies. As by your loyalty of groveling, bowing, and kissing the ring of Trumpian Power... And then by you giving the money all back to them...

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Should help us carry WI in November!

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Thank you for introducing the term "Gish Gallop" in reference to the debate. I don't think Trump was actually advised to use that technique, I think it comes naturally to him. Biden needed a fire extinguisher prop for the "pants on fire". Maybe an entire fire brigade. It's hard for me to believe that con-man occupied the White House for any length of time. [Locusts! ... I was the person handing you that cartoon and the picture of my Dad with JFK at Cape Canaveral in Missoula.]

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I would like to read the Letters instead of listening. And, I like having text to save things sometimes. What do I need to do to receive the Letters in a readable text form?

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Heather I am a paid subscriber, but it shows up as free. I’m not sure how to change that. I keep running into dead ends. If you could help that, I would appreciate it thanks.

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Are there transcriptions available for these podcasts? I really prefer to read these letters.

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Click on the link at the top of the page; it will take you to https://heathercoxrichardson.substack.com/, where you can read the article, and the others prior to it.

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