So in early January of this year we kill Iranian General Qasem Soleimani because he was "plotting imminent and sinister attacks" against Americans in the region." The swift strike culminated events unfolding over the course of a week or so. America's reaction was one of shock at taking such a provocative step toward war. Remember the tense reactions when the Ukrainian jetliner was brought down by a missile over Tehran a couple weeks later? (accidentally as it turned out)
Now, having intelligence indicating of similar plots of sinister attacks by a foreign adversary against American forces this is the (non) response we get? While we've long suspected Putin had kompromat on Trump, how on earth does an entire administration get roped into this mess? There is obviously much more to this story, but one thing is clear. We know exactly why Trump demands total fealty from his advisers and inner circle. What we don't know is how he obtains it.
Thank you for reminding us of that prior story...and that serves as a reminder that there is a pretty long (in today's terms) timeline here, and a lot of dots to connect. I'm looking to see how/if this story unfolds further from all corners over the next few hours/days. Sometimes it just takes a very long time for the dots to be connected, and we've seen from the Mueller work that it's darn hard.
This would be rejected by Hollywood as too preposterous. I hope every day that November 3rd is the landslide of all landslides, because there are truly no words left to describe this administration.
This is, in part, why he gets away with it. It's just so extraordinary we can't believe what we're seeing. Honestly, when I saw the NYT story I didn't believe it, even coming from the Times. It took the Wall Street Journal confirmation to convince me it was really true.
Honestly, I got in very late and watched Rachel Maddow report on this, she is such a beast on sourcing, and she was so furious she was coming out of her skin. Worth watching her timeline it. And I just laid there trying to get my mind around it. It is hard to get my mind around how I feel about Trump. Hate is not the word here. I want to see him pleading for his life --and I want it to drag on so long that he reaches the point of simply wishing to die to make it stop then it doesn't stop --and I can live with that. He will know how we feel.
I too wish for retribution that fits the crimes ... which are many and egregious. It's an awful feeling to want to punish someone so much. I am not comfortable with it ... but I still want it.
I watched the news this mmorning (GMA) and the story got about 30 seconds, with a caveat at the end that ABC had not confirmed yet. So, In a 2 hour broadcast, it got a whopping 30 seconds.
I grew up in a world where the Soviet Union (Russia) was our enemy. Right out of high school in 1963, I joined the US Air Force and was put in the Air Force Security Service where I learned rudimentary Russian and spied on the Russian Military radio comm. This is ancient history. The Russians were using Morse code over radio waves and knew we were listening. However, from stations all over the world we would send any suspect messages “near real time” to NSA to determine significance.
Who knew then that a draft dodging “Cadet Bone Spurs” would become Commander in Chief and collude with former KGB operatives against our own military. I’m getting too old for this Дерьmo.
Rob Boyle, Thank you for your service! Now for something that seems dumb, but did you ever watch the TV series "The Americans". The intelligence gathering played out in the different episodes was mind boggling. It took place during the eighties, but there were flashbacks to the sixties.
One day we will know why this American President kowtowed to the Russian President. One day we will know the price, and to quote from former Mayor Giuliani from another day nineteen years ago, that price "...will be more than any of us can bear ultimately.”
Two things are clear: Putin has a hold over Trump and can blackmail him (see old stories of videod sexual exploits in Moscow hotel rooms with prostitutes AND more importantly Trump is afraid of Putin and would dearly love to be like him.
I doubt if this has anything to do with the existence/nonexistence of ‘pee tapes’. IMHO – it has everything to do with Trump’s financial dealings with the Russians.
• Putin is a former KGB head. He plays the long game. Any opportunity to troll for and catch an ‘influential’ American he would do so with the hope of reeling them in in the future. My guess is that he caught a big one with Trump.
• Tax returns? What tax returns – Trump’s refusal to reveal his financial footing is telling.
• Deutsche Bank? – See #2
• Trump’s repeated bankruptcies and squirrely businesses (Trump U, Trump Wine, etc. etc.,)
I agree, Berman, a trump supporter and a contributor to trump’s campaign must have gotten way to close to the truth about the Putin-trump Monetary relationship.
Putin is not that good, it just his opposition is so bad. Obama had him on the ropes and he was terrified of a Hillary Clinton presidency. He could not believe his luck with this idiot.
Linda Apgar, And another group who plays the long game well is Republicans. Their wait played off and when the opportunity presented itself they went to town. Their damage will affect generations. Democrats have to get better at the long game. Democrats had several opportunities to put in a good foothold over the last sixty years and we f--ked up.
He at least is highly intelligent and works to defend and promote Russia. Where they are similar is in that they project their own personal interests onto their respective nation's objectives and values
I think they both are working for a world where a few oligarchs rule the rest of us. Putin is certainly playing Trump, but Trump is not an unwilling victim.
Linda, I think this is spot-on. Trump has a long history of spectacular financial failures, and over time has run out of banks willing to finance his follies. Enter Deutche Bank and Russian "real estate" deals. It's inconceivable that Trump will ever be in a financial position to repay so much as the capital, let alone interest, even at rock-bottom rates.
While the extent of his wealth is well hidden, Putin is widely rumored to be one of the wealthiest individuals on the planet. He can well afford to buy Trump's cooperation, and has plenty of options to insure that he will. Aside from that, because of Trump's own psychological peculiarities, Putin is the sort of wealthy strong-man autocrat that Trump would be deeply jealous of and would want very much to be like. It would be child's play for someone like Putin to flatter Trump into any arrangement, while making Trump believe that HE is the "smart one".
It would not surprise me if Trump's future post-White House, is dismal, indeed, but that may be wishful thinking on my part. I used to be such a sweet ol' thing ...
Let me add that, once he leaves office, Trump will be of about as much use to Putin or anyone else as a used tissue. Whatever deals he's made, those with whom he's made them will probably be quite averse to the chance that he might disclose their substance or terms.
I was going to make a colorful paper chain with 130 circles on it so I can tear one away each day as a visual reminder that in the end “All will be well...”and if all is not well, we aren’t at the end yet! I fear for the days between Nov. 3 and January’s inauguration: this man is capable of causing immense damage in a short period of time!
Diane, I love that idea! That said I agree God willing Biden wins we still have to deal with a lame duck Trump. However, for now just run to the craft store and get pretty colored paper and make that chain.
I've been seeing whispers that Trump may beg out of running for reelection. Given the polls and his megalomaniacal personality, I wonder if it may not be true. I could see him saying; "You elected me and sent me on a mission. My work here is done. I've done a wonderful job." rather than accept defeat. That being said - what would become of his followers? I can't imagine, having gained so much power, that they would give it up easily. And, given the lengths to which they would sacrifice the well being of the country in pursuit of their goals - what horrors will await us. There's nothing more dangerous than a wounded animal.
My dad and I have been debating which way his narcissism will pull him. My dad thinks it'll make him come up with some excuse to drop out of the race to save face if he knows he'll inevitably lose, but I think he's too in love with the idea of himself as Dictator For All Time to quit. I think he fantasizes about being Kim Jung Un. We'll see!
There's been a lot of recent speculation about the stockpiling of funds in the Treasury General Account (an unprecedented $1.5T, when it's usually $200-400B), and how the deployment of those funds into commercial bank accounts would juice the financial markets much as an injection of Fed dollars into the loan repurchase (repo) market does. One might envision a double (or more) whammy in Sept/Oct in which Trump steps aside, another candidate steps in, and the White House deploys the TGA funds to make it look like there's a huge wave of support and optimism behind the new candidate. Nothing is out of the question at this point.
You are right - nothing is out of the question. I remember saying to a friend just after the 2016 election that NOTHING that happens now will surprise me and I feel that way now more than ever.
I don't see his MO looking that far ahead. He would make a terrible business man with his megalomania and inability to see the long game. Oh wait, he IS a terrible business man.
It seems his narcissism has complete control of his psyche. He is incapable of making a coherent decision to save his life. How the GOP can take advantage of such a situation is completely horrible.
Hi Heather. New subscriber here. A couple years ago (in the dog years of this presidency it's hard for me to remember exactly when) I thought Trump's supporters were laying the groundwork for him to resign for health reasons. I remember in particular an Alex Jones urgent video post along with something from Roger Stone and possibly Rush Limbaugh. Does this ring a bell? I wonder if that's what's happening now with his fixation on his performance at West Point and not just his bruised ego talking? Makes it easier to resign or bow out of reelection campaign citing health concerns and playing the martyr card of all the sacrifices, including his health, he's made for his country.
Heather: I have always thought that Trump might resign, but only under the "Nixon scenario." If, as appears likely, he loses the election, he could pardon all his criminal confederates and then resign, making Mike Pence the new Gerald Ford, who would then pardon Trump for all his crimes. No other resignation scenario makes any sense. If Trump just resigns without obtaining a pardon, he risks spending the rest of his life in court and/or jail. Trump could of course resign before the election on the promise of a full pardon, or pardon himself, but those scenarios seem less safe. Under the first scenario, President Pence and Vice President Pompeo (gasp) would be free to reveal their true feelings about Trump, and might not pardon him unless advised to do so by their benefactors (Koch family, etc.). The self-pardon would also be problematic, and would likely not survive a legal challenge.
I think so too. He'll hang in there, hoping for re-election. If he loses, he will claim the election was stolen, try to instigate a rebellion by his supporters, pardon all his partners in crime, and resign so Pence can pardon him.
On multiple occasions in his business enterprises, when things weren't going his way, he cut and run (declared bankruptcy and abandoned the business), and left everyone else holding the bag.
His followers in Congress and the administration need to protect themselves, don't you think? To what lengths might they, what might put at risk to save themselves?
Thank you to everyone who followed this and made sense of it, despite my poor tying skills. What I meant in the second line is: to what lengths are they willing to go and what parts of our democracy and constitution are they willing to risk or sacrifice to save themselves?
There has been a good deal of speculation about Trump resigning prior to the election so he can secure a pardon from Pence. Who else would grant him one? I also think, even before a pardon is granted, Trump will be long gone to a place where there is no extradition treaty in place with the United States so he can escape state prosecution for his pre-presidential crimes. Would Trump & family go to Russia? Somehow I can't imagine Putin hosting Trump for the long haul; Trump's mouth is too big and he does way too much to draw attention to his "greatness". Polonium might just find its way into his Diet Coke. This, of course, is all speculation. But given Putin's past, I think Trump is a loose end he wouldn't be inclined to leave hanging.
I’ve been waiting for the convenient, “oh woe is me” health problem that makes him drop out “reluctantly”. He can’t use bone spurs again. He can’t use irregular heartbeat since he doesn’t have a heart. I’m sure he’ll come up with something good so that he saves face with his supporters and they erect his statue.
Perhaps the silver lining is that this particular betrayal of American troops may have helped push Milley to quickly distance himself from Trump's outrageous acts during the recent protests -- both the unprovoked use of violence on protesters for the St. John's photo op, and the suggestion that military personnel should be deployed to crush the protests across the country. Military leaders came out forcefully and unambiguously against any such suggestion, and it (along with calls to eliminate Confederate symbols) potentially may not have played out that way, if Trump had responded differently to the news of bounties on American troops.
Yes. That likely played into it, although the fact Milley went along with his unofficial "deployment" in the city in his battle fatigues was hugely problematic.
Through sleepless nights while my son was deployed to Afghanistan in 2019-2020, I had no idea of the true level of risk he and fellow military personnel faced from forces inside and outside that country. What horrifying news about Russia's actions and about Trump's inaction in response
I too am a military mom. My heart breaks that our sons and daughters must serve under this 🤡 He places their lives on the line daily while playing these shady back room deals. To Trump we are ALL disposable at his pleasure 🤬
Thank you for the service of your children. One question - is there still overwhelming support for Trump in the military? I would hope America's fighting sons and daughters (at least the ones that aren't white supremacists) would get tired of the administration's appalling lack of concern for them, other than as props - or is that a false hope?
ClairBlue and Laurean, thank your sons for their service. A friend's grandson who is like a nephew to me was in Afghanistan last year too. I am beside myself on this news.
This is the same man who is actively sacrificing his followers to the coronavirus on behalf of his re-election, the same man who made a public show of denigrating a Gold Star family and John McCain's war record. He cares for no one at all but himself and his idol Putin.
wow this is as close to home as it gets. I shudder to think that the administration is okay with sacrificing a few pawns for their backroom deals. Quite of few of his hard core base are in the armed forces or have familial ties to the same. I wonder whether this piece of information will shake them out of their fealty to Trump and rethink their choice in November...?
"...under the Constitution of the United States the power of punishing the crime of treason against the United States is exclusive in Congress; and the trial of the offence belongs exclusively to the Federal tribunals." (NYT, Jan 25, 1861)
The House impeaches, the Senate tries the case and the remedy is removal from office. Yes, the DOJ would be the entity that would prosecute the criminal charge of treason upon removal from office.
Each day's news brings more disgusting examples of corruption and treason in the Trump administration. Just when you think the guy is inept, somewhat worthy of pity, you realize he’s compromised and intentionally bringing our country down.
Immediate, and most important, thoughts are with the families of soldiers lost to this ignored bounty scheme. Secondarily, and politically, looking forward to The Lincoln Project’s next ad featuring this info.
I really don't think he's 'intentionally bringing our country down'. He's allowing his puppet-masters to pull the strings because he likes what they offer him in return. Praise, adulation, and looking the other way when he tweets.
Nancy Pelosi said it best about trump. "...All roads lead to Putin". His Republican enablers are just as guilty for looking the other way.
So in early January of this year we kill Iranian General Qasem Soleimani because he was "plotting imminent and sinister attacks" against Americans in the region." The swift strike culminated events unfolding over the course of a week or so. America's reaction was one of shock at taking such a provocative step toward war. Remember the tense reactions when the Ukrainian jetliner was brought down by a missile over Tehran a couple weeks later? (accidentally as it turned out)
Now, having intelligence indicating of similar plots of sinister attacks by a foreign adversary against American forces this is the (non) response we get? While we've long suspected Putin had kompromat on Trump, how on earth does an entire administration get roped into this mess? There is obviously much more to this story, but one thing is clear. We know exactly why Trump demands total fealty from his advisers and inner circle. What we don't know is how he obtains it.
** I should have said "Americans and many of our allies' reaction..." regarding the killing of Soleimani.
Thank you for reminding us of that prior story...and that serves as a reminder that there is a pretty long (in today's terms) timeline here, and a lot of dots to connect. I'm looking to see how/if this story unfolds further from all corners over the next few hours/days. Sometimes it just takes a very long time for the dots to be connected, and we've seen from the Mueller work that it's darn hard.
Very well stated. I think about your last statement too. Often. "What we don't know is how he obtains it."
This would be rejected by Hollywood as too preposterous. I hope every day that November 3rd is the landslide of all landslides, because there are truly no words left to describe this administration.
This is, in part, why he gets away with it. It's just so extraordinary we can't believe what we're seeing. Honestly, when I saw the NYT story I didn't believe it, even coming from the Times. It took the Wall Street Journal confirmation to convince me it was really true.
Honestly, I got in very late and watched Rachel Maddow report on this, she is such a beast on sourcing, and she was so furious she was coming out of her skin. Worth watching her timeline it. And I just laid there trying to get my mind around it. It is hard to get my mind around how I feel about Trump. Hate is not the word here. I want to see him pleading for his life --and I want it to drag on so long that he reaches the point of simply wishing to die to make it stop then it doesn't stop --and I can live with that. He will know how we feel.
I just want him to be out of office. After that, I want to see him prosecuted, along with his kids if necessary.
Thank you! You eloquently put into words what I have been feeling since January 21, 2017.
Doing my best to articulate the way I feel.
I too wish for retribution that fits the crimes ... which are many and egregious. It's an awful feeling to want to punish someone so much. I am not comfortable with it ... but I still want it.
I watched the news this mmorning (GMA) and the story got about 30 seconds, with a caveat at the end that ABC had not confirmed yet. So, In a 2 hour broadcast, it got a whopping 30 seconds.
Morning Joy spent a lot of time on it, but that's MSNBC
House of Card could never have reached this level of absurdity!
I grew up in a world where the Soviet Union (Russia) was our enemy. Right out of high school in 1963, I joined the US Air Force and was put in the Air Force Security Service where I learned rudimentary Russian and spied on the Russian Military radio comm. This is ancient history. The Russians were using Morse code over radio waves and knew we were listening. However, from stations all over the world we would send any suspect messages “near real time” to NSA to determine significance.
Who knew then that a draft dodging “Cadet Bone Spurs” would become Commander in Chief and collude with former KGB operatives against our own military. I’m getting too old for this Дерьmo.
Rob Boyle, Thank you for your service! Now for something that seems dumb, but did you ever watch the TV series "The Americans". The intelligence gathering played out in the different episodes was mind boggling. It took place during the eighties, but there were flashbacks to the sixties.
No, I never watched that. I was a Radio Intercept Analyst and only worked in an office; last duty station was in NSA at Ft. Meade MD.
That must have been interesting.
I always said the cold war never ended.
One day we will know why this American President kowtowed to the Russian President. One day we will know the price, and to quote from former Mayor Giuliani from another day nineteen years ago, that price "...will be more than any of us can bear ultimately.”
Two things are clear: Putin has a hold over Trump and can blackmail him (see old stories of videod sexual exploits in Moscow hotel rooms with prostitutes AND more importantly Trump is afraid of Putin and would dearly love to be like him.
I doubt if this has anything to do with the existence/nonexistence of ‘pee tapes’. IMHO – it has everything to do with Trump’s financial dealings with the Russians.
• Putin is a former KGB head. He plays the long game. Any opportunity to troll for and catch an ‘influential’ American he would do so with the hope of reeling them in in the future. My guess is that he caught a big one with Trump.
• Tax returns? What tax returns – Trump’s refusal to reveal his financial footing is telling.
• Deutsche Bank? – See #2
• Trump’s repeated bankruptcies and squirrely businesses (Trump U, Trump Wine, etc. etc.,)
• Trump’s documented dealings with Russia going back, at least, to 2008 -
I think you've nailed it here, Linda. There is probably personal stuff, sure, but the biggie is the financial trail.
Yup. Sex, drugs, and rock & roll will never trump money. Oh dear, pun not intended.
Money...lots of dirty money!
I agree with you. I think Trump is wholly owned by Russia.
I agree, Berman, a trump supporter and a contributor to trump’s campaign must have gotten way to close to the truth about the Putin-trump Monetary relationship.
Not only that, Putin is a chess player and a good one. They see many moves ahead.
Putin is not that good, it just his opposition is so bad. Obama had him on the ropes and he was terrified of a Hillary Clinton presidency. He could not believe his luck with this idiot.
Yup - he plays the long game and, in this case, it's paid off.
Linda Apgar, And another group who plays the long game well is Republicans. Their wait played off and when the opportunity presented itself they went to town. Their damage will affect generations. Democrats have to get better at the long game. Democrats had several opportunities to put in a good foothold over the last sixty years and we f--ked up.
Sad, but all too true.
He at least is highly intelligent and works to defend and promote Russia. Where they are similar is in that they project their own personal interests onto their respective nation's objectives and values
I think they both are working for a world where a few oligarchs rule the rest of us. Putin is certainly playing Trump, but Trump is not an unwilling victim.
He is in awe of Putin
He's definitely willing. But he doesn't realize he's a victim. He thinks he's a co-conspirator and a mastermind to boot. Ha!
And our dotard can't even make a coherent sentence.
Absolutely ....all of that and without doubt more to come
Linda, I think this is spot-on. Trump has a long history of spectacular financial failures, and over time has run out of banks willing to finance his follies. Enter Deutche Bank and Russian "real estate" deals. It's inconceivable that Trump will ever be in a financial position to repay so much as the capital, let alone interest, even at rock-bottom rates.
While the extent of his wealth is well hidden, Putin is widely rumored to be one of the wealthiest individuals on the planet. He can well afford to buy Trump's cooperation, and has plenty of options to insure that he will. Aside from that, because of Trump's own psychological peculiarities, Putin is the sort of wealthy strong-man autocrat that Trump would be deeply jealous of and would want very much to be like. It would be child's play for someone like Putin to flatter Trump into any arrangement, while making Trump believe that HE is the "smart one".
It would not surprise me if Trump's future post-White House, is dismal, indeed, but that may be wishful thinking on my part. I used to be such a sweet ol' thing ...
Let me add that, once he leaves office, Trump will be of about as much use to Putin or anyone else as a used tissue. Whatever deals he's made, those with whom he's made them will probably be quite averse to the chance that he might disclose their substance or terms.
Agree that Russia's hold on trump relates to money and it will take a very long time to get to the bottom of it, if we ever do.
Trump will not step down until Putin tells him to step down.
And that ain't gonna happen.
You are right - why would Putin get rid of such a useful pawn?
Each day is another layer of treasonous behavior. 130 more days until Nov. 3rd. Thank you, Heather. You are a bright light of truth in this world.
I was going to make a colorful paper chain with 130 circles on it so I can tear one away each day as a visual reminder that in the end “All will be well...”and if all is not well, we aren’t at the end yet! I fear for the days between Nov. 3 and January’s inauguration: this man is capable of causing immense damage in a short period of time!
One could reasonably say, "He already has." But, no doubt, he can do a lot more.
Diane, I love that idea! That said I agree God willing Biden wins we still have to deal with a lame duck Trump. However, for now just run to the craft store and get pretty colored paper and make that chain.
I am totally doing this today! Great idea.
I've been seeing whispers that Trump may beg out of running for reelection. Given the polls and his megalomaniacal personality, I wonder if it may not be true. I could see him saying; "You elected me and sent me on a mission. My work here is done. I've done a wonderful job." rather than accept defeat. That being said - what would become of his followers? I can't imagine, having gained so much power, that they would give it up easily. And, given the lengths to which they would sacrifice the well being of the country in pursuit of their goals - what horrors will await us. There's nothing more dangerous than a wounded animal.
I have always thought he would resign. It fits his MO to a T.
My dad and I have been debating which way his narcissism will pull him. My dad thinks it'll make him come up with some excuse to drop out of the race to save face if he knows he'll inevitably lose, but I think he's too in love with the idea of himself as Dictator For All Time to quit. I think he fantasizes about being Kim Jung Un. We'll see!
I doubt it Heather... he is too delusional to think that he is not entitled to the presidency again
There's been a lot of recent speculation about the stockpiling of funds in the Treasury General Account (an unprecedented $1.5T, when it's usually $200-400B), and how the deployment of those funds into commercial bank accounts would juice the financial markets much as an injection of Fed dollars into the loan repurchase (repo) market does. One might envision a double (or more) whammy in Sept/Oct in which Trump steps aside, another candidate steps in, and the White House deploys the TGA funds to make it look like there's a huge wave of support and optimism behind the new candidate. Nothing is out of the question at this point.
You are right - nothing is out of the question. I remember saying to a friend just after the 2016 election that NOTHING that happens now will surprise me and I feel that way now more than ever.
I don't see his MO looking that far ahead. He would make a terrible business man with his megalomania and inability to see the long game. Oh wait, he IS a terrible business man.
It seems his narcissism has complete control of his psyche. He is incapable of making a coherent decision to save his life. How the GOP can take advantage of such a situation is completely horrible.
Hi Heather. New subscriber here. A couple years ago (in the dog years of this presidency it's hard for me to remember exactly when) I thought Trump's supporters were laying the groundwork for him to resign for health reasons. I remember in particular an Alex Jones urgent video post along with something from Roger Stone and possibly Rush Limbaugh. Does this ring a bell? I wonder if that's what's happening now with his fixation on his performance at West Point and not just his bruised ego talking? Makes it easier to resign or bow out of reelection campaign citing health concerns and playing the martyr card of all the sacrifices, including his health, he's made for his country.
Heather: I have always thought that Trump might resign, but only under the "Nixon scenario." If, as appears likely, he loses the election, he could pardon all his criminal confederates and then resign, making Mike Pence the new Gerald Ford, who would then pardon Trump for all his crimes. No other resignation scenario makes any sense. If Trump just resigns without obtaining a pardon, he risks spending the rest of his life in court and/or jail. Trump could of course resign before the election on the promise of a full pardon, or pardon himself, but those scenarios seem less safe. Under the first scenario, President Pence and Vice President Pompeo (gasp) would be free to reveal their true feelings about Trump, and might not pardon him unless advised to do so by their benefactors (Koch family, etc.). The self-pardon would also be problematic, and would likely not survive a legal challenge.
I think so too. He'll hang in there, hoping for re-election. If he loses, he will claim the election was stolen, try to instigate a rebellion by his supporters, pardon all his partners in crime, and resign so Pence can pardon him.
Really? How does it fit his MO? I thought "winning"--a word he uses to the extreme--was everything to him.
On multiple occasions in his business enterprises, when things weren't going his way, he cut and run (declared bankruptcy and abandoned the business), and left everyone else holding the bag.
His followers in Congress and the administration need to protect themselves, don't you think? To what lengths might they, what might put at risk to save themselves?
Thank you to everyone who followed this and made sense of it, despite my poor tying skills. What I meant in the second line is: to what lengths are they willing to go and what parts of our democracy and constitution are they willing to risk or sacrifice to save themselves?
It's to the point we have to protect ourselves!
There has been a good deal of speculation about Trump resigning prior to the election so he can secure a pardon from Pence. Who else would grant him one? I also think, even before a pardon is granted, Trump will be long gone to a place where there is no extradition treaty in place with the United States so he can escape state prosecution for his pre-presidential crimes. Would Trump & family go to Russia? Somehow I can't imagine Putin hosting Trump for the long haul; Trump's mouth is too big and he does way too much to draw attention to his "greatness". Polonium might just find its way into his Diet Coke. This, of course, is all speculation. But given Putin's past, I think Trump is a loose end he wouldn't be inclined to leave hanging.
The pardon component was something I missed - and is a good point (IMHO).
Not just pre-presidential crimes, PRESIDENTIAL crimes (and misdemeanors).
LOL - reading my own post (don't know why) 24 hours later - reminds me not to post anything before I've had my coffee. Can't 'see' whispers. SMH!
IDK about that. In 1970 I could taste colors. (Psychedelics may have had something to do with it.) I saw nothing unusual about seeing whispers.
HA! You have no idea how that resonated with me! "Seeing whispers" seemed perfectly legitimate to me, as well! ;)
I’ve been waiting for the convenient, “oh woe is me” health problem that makes him drop out “reluctantly”. He can’t use bone spurs again. He can’t use irregular heartbeat since he doesn’t have a heart. I’m sure he’ll come up with something good so that he saves face with his supporters and they erect his statue.
Hardening of the arteries. Every last one.
Perhaps the silver lining is that this particular betrayal of American troops may have helped push Milley to quickly distance himself from Trump's outrageous acts during the recent protests -- both the unprovoked use of violence on protesters for the St. John's photo op, and the suggestion that military personnel should be deployed to crush the protests across the country. Military leaders came out forcefully and unambiguously against any such suggestion, and it (along with calls to eliminate Confederate symbols) potentially may not have played out that way, if Trump had responded differently to the news of bounties on American troops.
Yes. That likely played into it, although the fact Milley went along with his unofficial "deployment" in the city in his battle fatigues was hugely problematic.
I thought WTF when I saw Milley in his fatigues although he said he wears them everyday. Who knows.
Through sleepless nights while my son was deployed to Afghanistan in 2019-2020, I had no idea of the true level of risk he and fellow military personnel faced from forces inside and outside that country. What horrifying news about Russia's actions and about Trump's inaction in response
I too am a military mom. My heart breaks that our sons and daughters must serve under this 🤡 He places their lives on the line daily while playing these shady back room deals. To Trump we are ALL disposable at his pleasure 🤬
Thank you for the service of your children. One question - is there still overwhelming support for Trump in the military? I would hope America's fighting sons and daughters (at least the ones that aren't white supremacists) would get tired of the administration's appalling lack of concern for them, other than as props - or is that a false hope?
Times change.... On 12-17-2019, Military Times published an article on a survey they conducted that noted "Half of active-duty military personnel contacted in the poll held an unfavorable view of President Trump, showing a continued decline in his approval rating since he was elected in 2016."
My son holds his cards close to his chest. He never comments in favor or against any president he has served under.
My son served 4 tours in Afghanistan. I didn't worry about him as much then as I do now.
ClairBlue and Laurean, thank your sons for their service. A friend's grandson who is like a nephew to me was in Afghanistan last year too. I am beside myself on this news.
This is the same man who is actively sacrificing his followers to the coronavirus on behalf of his re-election, the same man who made a public show of denigrating a Gold Star family and John McCain's war record. He cares for no one at all but himself and his idol Putin.
wow this is as close to home as it gets. I shudder to think that the administration is okay with sacrificing a few pawns for their backroom deals. Quite of few of his hard core base are in the armed forces or have familial ties to the same. I wonder whether this piece of information will shake them out of their fealty to Trump and rethink their choice in November...?
Q: Does the US need be in an officially declared war for this to considered an act of Treason on the part of the so-called Commander-in-Chief?
But who can accuse him and indict him? The Senate? It would have to be someone else and certainly not Barr at the DOJ!
"...under the Constitution of the United States the power of punishing the crime of treason against the United States is exclusive in Congress; and the trial of the offence belongs exclusively to the Federal tribunals." (NYT, Jan 25, 1861)
I assume a "tribunal" to mean the SCOTUS.
The House impeaches, the Senate tries the case and the remedy is removal from office. Yes, the DOJ would be the entity that would prosecute the criminal charge of treason upon removal from office.
Yes. To be convicted of treason a person must aid an "enemy" which is defined as someone with whom we are at war.
Wait, Russia gave us ventilators and then we gave Russia ventilators? What kind of diversion is that shuffle all about? We're surely being played.
It sounds like we gave them more ventilators
Time we let a little "air" into the Story or even a little light!
Almost like a cleaning, one might say.
Stuart Attewell, love the "air" pun
Gobsmacked! Holy $#@&...nope, got nothing else, just "holy $#@&"!
Thank you HCR, you're my rock.
Each day's news brings more disgusting examples of corruption and treason in the Trump administration. Just when you think the guy is inept, somewhat worthy of pity, you realize he’s compromised and intentionally bringing our country down.
Immediate, and most important, thoughts are with the families of soldiers lost to this ignored bounty scheme. Secondarily, and politically, looking forward to The Lincoln Project’s next ad featuring this info.
I really don't think he's 'intentionally bringing our country down'. He's allowing his puppet-masters to pull the strings because he likes what they offer him in return. Praise, adulation, and looking the other way when he tweets.
I saw this on The Rachel Maddow Show last night, and then read the stories in the New York Times and Wall Street Journal. Unbelievable!
I continue to wonder what information Putin has on Trump that allows him to control Trump like a marionette doll.
Guessing money laundering and the 2016 election.