The Supreme Court cannot continue as it is. Either there needs to be a forced removal of Thomas and Alito, both guilty of conflict of interest and more 100 times over, or else Biden will have to resort to packing the court. In its present incarnation, the Court is nothing more than the judicial wing of the Republican Party. Its rulings on constitutional issues (such as Trump's eligibility to run) show less understanding of the letter and spirit of the U.S. Constitution than one would have a right to expect of a high school history student.

I have opposed court-packing all my adult life--ever since I took U.S. history way back when at Andover. And it is a desperate, desperate remedy, definitely not something to be contemplated lightly. But if Alito and Thomas can't be driven, hounded, coerced, or cajoled, or even bribed off the Court, there may be no alternative to court-packing, desperate though it is. The Court has become so awful that one is now surprised when it comes up with a ruling that makes sense, like the recent one on gun control and domestic violence, rather than one that doesn't.

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Yes, let the chips fall.

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Women power definitely Amen.

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True enough. But bear in mind that this awful Supreme Court actually includes four women!

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Seven of the nine justices (77%) are Catholic. Six of them were hand selected by conservative Leonard Leo (also a Catholic). I have nothing against Catholics (who account for 23% of the U.S. population) unless they have a conspiratorial agenda to inflict their religious beliefs and values on the rest of the population.

Of all the times in our history when balancing the Supreme Court through enlargement was contemplated, this might be the best time. Who better to do it than Joe Biden, a Catholic President?

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But Thomas is the worst of them all. . .and definitely the stupidest. There is never a good time to enlarge the Court, because that means the fascists would do it in return when they put their President in. But this may be the most essential time. The Court is on the verge of collapse at present.

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Thank you Heather on your crucial letter tonight. We’ve got to win both houses in November. I’m including a link on today’s airing of Five Minute News put out in conjunction with Meidas Touch whereby Dr. John Gartner, psychoanalyst, explains the former president’s encroaching dementia and how much more disturbed he is becoming. And I’m wondering if 45 can even make it to November. He seems to be imploding on himself. Many thanks for the hard facts which we all need to take to heart in our quest for resolve this November to save our democracy 🇺🇸🗽🗳️🕯️🥁💙

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A deranged criminal, guilty on 34 counts even before the most serious charges against him have been considered. What could possibly go wrong?

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It would be better, so much better, if he didn't make it through to November. With any luck he will be in a prison cell on Election Day, preparing to clean latrines as election results come in.

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Women should be home with the family Schlafly said. Well okay give women a wage or stipend; give families a guaranteed income if we care about the family. Pay women and men enough to support a family with one working parent in a marriage. Extend education access through college. These are all liberal positions or ideas.

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There are quite a few women now working who would rather be home with their kids--but who feel they need to work to pay the rent or mortgage and put food on the table.

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This is already a multi generational problem. Kids whose parents worked to make ends meet or for a lot more than that, had to raise their kids somehow and I would say we see the results.

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Normal Republicans like Schlafly, are not conservative. They are reactionary. The Dobbs decision apparently, according this letter, has divided the Republicans, especially the MAGA's. So this is definitely the way for Democrats to go big in the time that is left, making clear that women are going to lose even further with Republicans in Congress, both houses, and the WH. Trump would be illegitimate in the WH anyway according to an originalist reading of the Constitution Amendment 14 section 3. But there is so much other material to work with as well. Thank you for focussing on this HCR.

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If the Supreme Court had read the plain language of the Constitution and interpreted it as intended, we would not be having this conversation now. It makes no more sense that Trump can run, as an insurrectionist (and convicted felon) than it would have for Jefferson Davis to have run. Fortunately for everyone (except Canadians), Davis fled to Canada after the Civil War instead of running for office back home.

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If......... the "originalist" philosophy of SCOTUS has been exposed as a sham. I start with the Second Amendment and go from there.

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I wouldn't call Schlafly a normal Republican. She's on the fringes of the radical right--almost certainly a supporter of the John Birch Society, if not an actual member. Liz Cheney is, for these times, a normal Republican.

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This could not be Hitler’s invention. It’s a common belief.

Liz Cheney represents an old dying or dead Republican. They are fewer and living in hope that Trumpism, the disease, will end somehow, in a fantasy, and cannot vote for a Democrat though Liz says she will.

About Schlafly, she was an activist Conservative anti.feminist. Died in 2016. This according to Wikipedia.

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Not his invention--just the colorful phraseology!

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Anti-feminism is as old as man.

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Hers is simply the Americanization of Hitler's old line about the proper role

for women: Kuche, Kirche, und Kinder.

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