And that little mousy is home telling all his friends about his adventures today, but nobody believes him. Alas.

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We believe, Cassandra!

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Morning, Lynell! Yes, we believe.

SIDEBAR: I'm at my wife's aunt and uncle's house (80 and 90 years old, respectively) in Los Gatos, CA helping them pack up the home they've lived in for 50 years as they relocate to Oregon to be closer to her aunt's family; both families live in Oregon--Eugene and Ashland. They've rescued a cat they call "Miss Mouse" who is a severely traumatized little thing who loves them dearly and has finally advanced to the point where she'll come into the room I'm in if they are in there as long as I am quiet and don't move around. I'll share this story with them...

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Morning, Ally! Oh, the stories your wife's aunt and uncle could tell, I'm sure. Keep your ears open; be prepared to be entertained! "Miss Mouse" most assuredly has stories as well. Truth tellers all, as you make your way back to Oregon...safely I pray!

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Los Gatos, CA, the name makes me homesick. I spent 42 years in Los Altos (close by) and am now in Texas (Uvalde, TX being my place of birth and the state where I grew up) for our 94th family reunion. I retired to Florida but would return to the San Jose area but for the cost of living. In Jan. 2015 the buyers paid $3.6 million for our house and then bulldozed it. An ordinary 3BR,2BA home in San Jose now goes for $2.5 million. So, I'll continue working to turn Florida blue. We have a chance with Amendment 4, guaranteeing "abortion" rights, on the ballot.

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Housing prices in the South Bay are just insane. A&U have a Neigbor whose house is huge, with an outdoor living space larger than their (A&U) house. He bought it for 6 million.

It’s nuts.

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lol you two

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I believe him. Mice are actually good swimmers. Some years ago, in the middle of winter, I caught a mouse in my basement using a "liberal" trap--one that didn't harm the mouse. It was a cold January day, probably close to freezing, if not freezing. I tossed the mouse across the brook, just assuming it wouldn't be able to cross back. It swam right back--quickly, and effectively. I caught it in a jar, and transported it probably 100 yards into the woods beyond. To my knowledge it never made it back to my house.

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My guess is, 'that's what you think!" ; )

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You know the origin of your name, Cassandra!

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Yes, I sure do. It’s a screen name I had to choose here on a substack when a jerk doxed my FB and started arguing on substack with me about what I’d posted there. I chose “Cassandra Here” because, in my political activism, I’d started the day that jerk came down the escalator by writing letters to editors and shouting “he’s speaking for the rule of one man, not the rule of law.”

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Love it! I was screaming more, ahem, specific anatomical terms to anyone who would listen. I have a neighbor--and have had several students--named Cassandra and not one of them were aware of the reasons why that name might be unfortunate . . .

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It’s such a curse, but perhaps women, of many ages and in many cases, know what it is not to be believed.

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That is a curse--to people in general. I had too many important women in my life not to believe women, starting with my mother and my maternal aunt, but including many wonderful teachers in both primary and secondary school, as well as in college. Two of my long ago teachers ('60s) died around the same time last fall--my fourth grade teacher, and my high school US History teacher--both marvelous women who piqued my curiosity in the best way.

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I think that if I were female, I would now be apoplectic - the idea that a 10-year old girl impregnated by a rapist can't have the pregnancy aborted in her home state?! This is why I call the MAGA/KKK Trumpsters the American Taliban. Females have been reduced to nothing.

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Me too.

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Oh thank you, Cassandra, for the perfect sequel to this sweet story!

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I read a lot of children’s lit (3 precious granddaughters). It seemed a natural follow-up and a good way to get kids to finish the story.

(Sure, I see all the mousy metaphors for our democracy; i thought something whimsical might be in order. That man and his minions have done a lot to us, including ruining whimsy for us. And my grandgirls know no other time but trump time, and I despise him for that.)

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So Metaphor Mouse opened a window to let the evening breeze in, lit her pipe to have a think. Lots of folks say we only chew and destroy, but we also weave and mend. She pulled a long cord through the window and into her lap, reweaving the painter to make it strong again. She knew, what metaphor mice know, that skiff could not be let to drift in the storms.

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"but nobody believes him" reminds me of a Northern Plains Indian legend that our children grew up with, "The Story of Jumping Mouse" who jumped so high that he saw the Sacred Mountains, but when he fell back to earth landed in the river. He returned home "But he Found Disappointment. No One would Listen to him. And because he was Wet, and had no Way of explaining it because there had been no Rain, many of the other Mice were Afraid of him. They believed he had been Spat from the Mouth of Another Animal that had Tried to Eat him. And they all Knew that if he had not been Food for the One who Wanted him, then he must also be Poison for them. Jumping Mouse Lived again among his People, but he could not Forget his Vision of the Sacred Mountains."

The full story is at


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So Metaphor Mouse opened a window to let the evening breeze in, lit her pipe to have a think. Lots of folks say we only chew and destroy, but we also weave and mend. She pulled a long cord through the window and into her lap, reweaving the painter to make it strong again. She knew, what metaphor mice know, that skiff could not be let to drift in the storms.

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We gotta hang on TIGHT!!

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Got that right Ransom, whether a metaphor or reality "holding on for dear life" is actually a mature response these days. After Covid 19 & its variants killed over 1,000,000 in North America & many more World Wide, it may be difficult for some to face reality --- 'denial may be comforting'.

The Biden Team wants to wake up the Voting Public with a personal confrontation with Trump that 'Hey Voters a Campaign is on -- there is an election in November'. I certainly hope there is no retaliation against Biden & Harris for frank reminders of the truth.

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Watch the debate on Thursday!

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FT6 has a weekly Florida phone banking program Thursdays from 2-4 Below is the link. 40,000 phone numbers and they need volunteers. .


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I'm having a watch party.

OK, you need to picture this. 4 ladies in retirement mobile home part in California, we're all over 65! Do you think we are going to rock the Casbah?

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Who will be the moderator? I hope it's someone who can actually control Trump and be sure the rules of debate are followed. I'd love to see Rachael Maddow him on.

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Yeah, Rachel vrs trump. Pay per view!

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Still don’t believe there will be a “debate”. Trump will find some way to wriggle out ( and blame someone else)

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I am extremely doubtful that the orange buffoon will show. He has nothing to gain and plenty to lose.

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Maybe I'm going out on a limb here, but I actually think debates should be mandatory for all Presidential candidates. These days it is far too easy for a candidate to hang back, lie about opponents, and otherwise confine all communications to rallies or the 'silo'd' news sources. With all the accusations being flung about re: Biden's age and 'dementia', the American people need and deserve to see BOTH candidates, answering questions together. Otherwise people will just stay in their silos, and will never even hear what the other side has to say. Yep, should be mandatory for candidates to debate.

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What excuse is the Orange buffoon going to use if he cuts and runs???

Ted Nugent's long lost creativity could be of use...........

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Jun 23·edited Jun 23

Share how the Biden Team has been lowering costs while wearing your Biden/Harris t . Great new w-site !!⬇️



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Thank you, Kathy! I'm going to include the link in a LTE that I'm working on about misinformation and wilful ignorance.

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Sally, the state of California is offering a program called Mis/Disinformation: Election Edition through the public library system on how to spot fake news, fact check sources and navigate the complexities of today's media landscape. I intend to attend Tuesday evening.

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Thank you , for sharing.

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Bryan, I look forward to the debate this coming week. Will death star back out at the last minute. All he can produce is word salad. He might think Biden is Obama or someone else.

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...and yet that painter is itself frayed!

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That's the first thing I noticed, JohnM! Boats with chafed painters have a habit of drifting away from their moorings. I am sure the mouse was there to bring attention to the need for a new one.

Thank you, Heather, for taking a night off. I get tired just thinking of what you do.

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Don't know much about frayed painters. But Frayed Nerves, I'm an expert. And I agree 100% with your last two sentences. Thanks Heather, and Thanks Sally.

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My note also, steadily time wears,rodents chew, things becomes fragile…

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Which is an even better metaphor for the current state of the U.S.!

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Yes.For sure! We gotta hang on tight like the little mousie!

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I’ll say!!!

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From Robert Burns To a Mouse (1785):

But little Mouse, you are not alone,

In proving foresight may be vain:

The best laid schemes of mice and men

Go often askew,

And leave us nothing but grief and pain,

For promised joy!

Still you are blessed, compared with me!

The present only touches you:

But oh! I backward cast my eye,

On prospects dreary!

And forward, though I cannot see,

I guess and fear!

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Susan, those are most appropriate words for Heather's story today and for our tenuous hold on democracy.

May we all arrive safely!

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Somewhere along the way he wrote To A Louse, which we should all take a look at. At least “O would some power with vision teach us, to see ourselves as others see us.” Burch translation.

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Yes, a little introspection on a personal level and as a country would do us good.

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I think of that often, not the louse, but how others see us, individually and collectively...

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W's comment that "they hate us for our freedom", a little introspection and study of authentic history would reveal otherwise.

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I doubt that W ever engaged in much introspection or the study of authentic history.

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I thought it was, “O wad some power the Giftie gie us….”

I always liked the Giftie part.

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Thought most would relate better to translation. But maybe not. He nailed it either way

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My Scottish grandfather's favorite poet. He kept his Robbie Burns poetry in a well-worn cardboard box, which I've kept close by all these years. Scots dialect.

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Straight from the horse's mouth, a treasure

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Didn't he say "wee sleekit"? Omg, ould I have invented those Scottish slang words?

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Yes, he did. This is obviously an American translation, in witness whereof,

“The best laid schemes o’ Mice an’ Men

Gang aft agley,

An’ lea’e us nought but grief an’ pain,

For promis’d joy!”

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Thank you. Now I can’t remember where or why I saw the poem. And who changes a well-known poem?

That reminds me of yesterday— I was in a lyft, and the driver was playin the radio— there was— hard to believe, a crazy song— I say crazy, I mean it was very modern to the ears of an oldtimer like me— screaming “If at first you don’t succeed you try again!” over and over. And I thought how far those words had traveled from the cave where Bonnie Prince Charlie watched the spider struggle. You really have to have heard the music to get my point, but it isn’t really important! Just funny.

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Got it. Thanks Camilla B.

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Yes! This is Amurrikanized—would prefer the original, which is half its charm…

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Perfect metaphor Heather. I see the fear along with the hope in that little mouse’s eyes. Thank you for sharing your incredible insight.

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Can I just tell you how much I love this?

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Ah, we had a mouse that was living under our air conditioning unit. My beloved caught him and carried him a half mile away to a better home. I have to tell you, my man is so concerned for wildlife, but I wish he’d show more concern for women losing their rights.

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who's he apt to vote for, Katie?

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He will vote for Biden, thankfully. As far as I know, he’s always voted for democrats.

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Yes, many ways to view this. We keep finding unwanted and uninvited politicians perched in our lives. Think of your vote as an effort to push an unwanted politician overboard; the moor the merrier.

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lots of puns and apt metaphors this morning, Bonnie

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I hope that little mouse got a chunk of cheese from the Harbor Welcome Wagon! Change can be good, and I'm glad the little fellow didn't have a heart attack weathering the seismic changes coming its way. May American citizens be as bold and brave come November, to hang on to our democracy.

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And thereby hangs a tail. 🐀

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Incredible story ! Intuition on the part of the mouse? Human compassion and drive to save life ? Beautiful! Thanks 🙏…In France, the left and the fight for freedom is this little mouse putting everything and everyone possible on her side to win!

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We feel you little dude. Hanging on for dear democracy!

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Such a delightful gift was just dropped in my inbox!!!!

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Stuart Little’s excellent adventure.

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I was going to say rides again😉.

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I was going to say "Goes to Sea"

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What a wonderful story. Thank you for sharing

both the story and the picture are amazing.

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We’re glad everyone made it back safely.

Metaphor indeed. Better still if we make it back safely.

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Love life. Cherish survival from adversity!

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