“Ask not what your country can do for you – ask what you can do for your country.” - JFK 1/20/1961

In defining who we are, let’s start with gumption, with initiative, as in do your part, do something to get the outcome you want. The outcome we want. Do something now. The Senate takes up S1 For The People Act on Tuesday, June 22!

The message is clear and simple:

Support filibuster reform to support For The People Act.

We The People, All of Us This Time!

Write, call, and/or text:

5 Calls


Common Cause


Deadline for Democracy


Fair Fight Action


For West Virginia's Future


League of Women Voters


Progress Arizona






Which is your favorite?

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Thank you for these profound words: “In 2021, once again, Congress will be voting on a measure that will define who we are.”

My wife and I toured the aircraft carrier USS Midway on a recent trip to San Diego. The tour commenced with a brief history of the battle of midway and the pilots who “gave their last full measure of devotion” that you and I might live free.

We are once again at the crossroads described by Lincoln: “The fiery trial through which we pass, will light us down, in honor or dishonor, to the latest generation.”

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I can’t stand Abbott! My daughter said he passed legislation that would prevent someone injured, as he was, from suing for damages in the amount he received that made him so rich. Kind of an I got mine but I don’t want anybody else to have it move. He’s all about hiding the truth and being a jerk! Ercot, wow! A group of people receiving enormous amounts of money to ruin us!

At the Juneteenth celebration, Opal Lee gave an inspiring speech on the steps at the Tarrant Co Courthouse here in Ft Worth. It was at the end of her annual 2.5 mile march . At 94, with many friends and family and the crowd is growing. It was peaceful and happy. The celebration went on all day. So glad a friend in my Democrat women’s group called me up to go! We hand a banner for our group and spread the word there are organized Democrats in Tarrant Co. Biggest message was get involved, vote, march, be seen, be heard. In short, take up oxygen! Definitely a historic moment.

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I wish I could be optimistic, but looking at the last several years of the Republicans behavior that does not come easy. They know they are in the minority and the only way they can win is by choosing their voters instead of voters choosing them. They do not have a platform, or ideas and solutions to run on. They have become the party of Trump and conspiracy theories. I believe there are some that would come around and may still have some integrity and would uphold the constitution. But they have to choose between what’s right, and a fear not just for their re election but for the lives of themselves and their families. According to Liz Cheney, many won’t speak the truth as they have been threatened by Trump supporters or other right wing crazies. And for some big money has taken them to a comfortable place where oligarchy and autocracy is much more to their liking than democracy.

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I do not understand Senator McConnell's strategy. As ever, he is playing a long game, but to what end? If he succeeds in replacing our democracy with a Trumpian oligarchy, will he be part of it? Probably, but not for long. The tools he is used to using/abusing to maintain his position will be gone. What good are conservative judges if the Judiciary is no longer a co-equal branch of government? What good is being Senate Majority leader if the legislative branch is simply a rubber stamp for the executive branch? To me, McConnell's vision is long, but exceedingly narrow. All things carry in them the seeds of their own destruction, I pray the current madness gripping this country is the crucible for forging a stronger, broader democracy, not the end of it.

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When we find out who were are, I sincerely hope we can like ourselves.

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Not sure how to bring this up for Heather to weigh in on if she likes, but here is a different take on Juneteenth https://forward.com/opinion/471597/juneteenth-what-really-happened/

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Thank you HCR. Stan Stahl just said it well: "Profound words". The Republic is under full attack and the attackers are from within not without. One can hope that at some point, honest and moral Republican politicians (are there any left?? Perhaps a handful.) will provide swing votes. The Republican party continues to show itself a group of liars, grifters, racists, and other varieties of low-life that Trump embodies (I write this with full knowledge that there are individual Republicans who do have honesty and good morals---but they are pretty much invisible in the machinery the party and in the responses to polls--) Balanced on a knife edge, so to speak, is this nation. The Democrats need quickly to find and eloquent, forceful, and fiery spokesperson! To be sure, Biden has managed take us a long way back to something more "normal' but someone has to counter the fire from the other side with eloquence. Waiting.........

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HCR, you are a national treasure and a blessing.

Abbott is an abomination.

It seems the wheel is turning. Wavering Repugnants. Manchin getting lessons from the body politic. The deliberate Schumer and Biden, in process.

We do need a fiery voice, inspirational and true.

Who are we, how far will we let this go?

Happy Juneteenth! Happy Summer solstice.

May the Universe unfold as she will.

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It seems inconceivable to me that the majority of Texans will not blame Gov. Abbutt (sic)for the power grid problems. If we can get people out to vote despite the barriers to voting we have a purple if not blue state. The control of the Texas Republican Party is being fought over. One state senator and a retired district court judge, both Republicans (sane ones), have told me they feel if the Republicans stick with the crazies the Republican Party is dead. Hang on; it's going to be a bumpy ride.

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I have enjoyed about a 30% perusal of today’s comments following reading LFAA. I am again traveling and cannot comment without logging in every time (phone settings, I suspect).

I find that Texas as a model of government does reflect its history (as I know it) and their governor seems to be distilled from this ingredients.

Thanks, as always, for this letter and community. I’m now off to have breakfast with my father in law who is a racist jerk…and our last parent standing. We are gifting him “How the South Won the Civil War (well known author) and Rachel Maddow’s Bagman.

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“What is on the table this week is a bill that carries outsized weight for its role in our democracy….

In 2021, … Congress will be voting on a measure that will define who we are.”

Dear Prof. HCR,

Thank you for these “weighty” and penetrating words of wisdom. I wish I had complete faith in the integrity of the individuals who populate that once venerable institution, particularly, those who respond to being labeled members of the GOP. Their leaders (McConnell and 45, in particular) and those with the loudest bullhorns stand staunchly against any form of bipartisanship.

Unless … no! Until their language and gestures rediscover the power of compromise, handshakes, and the acceptance of all peoples, our democracy is doomed to failure. Instead of confronting injustice, deflecting all vilification, all invective, welcoming the “other”, their stubborn adulation of authority, sovereignty, and supreme power has transformed them into enemies of their very own compatriots, particularly, those of color. Their election “reforms” have taken our voting districts into dark chasms -- into hatred and othering. Conflict is more than rivalry now: it is social annihilation, segregation, displacement, the destruction of justice, the diminishment of BIPOC and LGBTQIA citizenry … in short, the distortion of citizenship.

“In 2021, … Congress will be voting on a measure that will define who we are.” I am afraid to ask: Who will we be?

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If you can't keep the power on in a frigid winter and sweltering summer, how in the hell do you stay in office? Besides his terrible leadership, Abbott's smugness has to rub a growing number of Texans the wrong way. I don't claim to understand the politics there, but there's no doubt it's a glaring example of a state government working against the best interests of its people.

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The attack on our democracy is indeed from within.

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The senate will come through. Fadeaway is what Mitch will do, after some tantrums

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Thank you Heather.

I wish I could say anything that Abbott does surprises me. He is likely one of the most despicable people living today. At what point does the will of the people supersede what back door money represents.

I wish I had a good feeling about the upcoming vote to stop voter suppression plus more. I do not.

Be safe, be well.

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