Jun 17·edited Jun 17

Gerald Ford, who in most respects was a presentable President, committed a grave and unpardonable blunder in issuing Nixon a blanket pardon. Had he been sentenced to prison, we might have made a start at cleaning up the rot in the country's political culture. I found it particularly galling that Nixon was able to walk free when many of his associates did hard jail time for their part in the conspiracy.

Let us hope, now, that Judge Merchan will prove to be "Maximum Juan," issuing Trump the kind of sentence that will terrify anyone contemplating actions similar to his in the future. To this end, one year for each count would be just fine. Let his sentencing guide be the Code of Draco.

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Yes, sadly, time has proven that President Ford’s pardon of Nixon only encouraged future heathens to feel unstoppable.

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You do a great job re-telling that time in history. School children in their History Classes need to be informed of these pieces of American History. I’m hoping that Civics is still taught in our schools. And simple Law.

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If Trump is reelected take to the bank there will be another "Saturday Night Massacrer" as Trump will order his AG to fire Smith. Based on Trump's long history of dissing anything and everything he dislikes it will be a non-event. However, try as Trump history will never be rewritten to change the outcome of Trump's NY civil fraud conviction or Trump's NY criminal conviction. Kudos to the jurors in both cases which reached the correct conclusion. Judges Engeron and Merchan to receive Nobels for excellence in jurisprudence.

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What precedent did Gerald Ford set when he pardoned Nixon? Historical decisions often have unanticipated consequences. I offer a bit more context to Ford's pardon than is offered in HCR's letter. https://jimbuie.substack.com/p/what-precedent-did-gerald-ford-set

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