Worse in the sense that the violence will become even more random. Politics will become even more extreme. When the cynics are out, the zealots (the ones who actually believe all this crap) will take over. Real chaos may ensue, at least in some places such as TX and FL.
MaryPat, I am very happy to see you. Think of you and your niece, too. Whenever convenient, maybe preferable on TAFM, please don't hesitate to vent. I think of Steve as a very good subscriber pal. Cheers!
You have expressed what I have felt for the last three years. Hatred is not subtle nor are ar 15s. "It will be wild', Trump tweeted to party-goers gathering for January 6th get-together. Pathologies have been set free. Some Republicans testifying at the House Committee hearings know what has been unleashed. This country seems so broken, Steve, it appears too weak to straighten up. Liz Cheney is standing up to the BULLY. Will we see more? So far, a horrifying scenario of mammoth proportion. It is almost as hard to write as it is to contemplate.
Fern, this country has never been whole. The more I learn about the world, the more I see that this is true for most countries. Theft and usurpation are the norm. Coming to terms with this is the national occupation, weather we like it or not, weather we make up lies, blame others, or face it head-on.
How do we go on? By recognizing that 99% of any human experience is made of love. "Mother takes good care of her children" is not a headline, yet it is far more common, far more important, than any goon with a gun. If you look at the world and see no joy, then you are only looking at a very small part of the picture. Keep getting into good, joyful trouble Fern. I couldn't bear it if you didn't.
Greetings, Fern. I’m seeing 31 planning chaos in Idaho; certainly there are other groups and individuals filled with the rapacious propaganda of Rupert, et al, seeking to display their allegiances.
Steve, 'REAL' trouble has begun. Am I correct in believing you are indicating that it will get worse - more widespread violence?
Worse in the sense that the violence will become even more random. Politics will become even more extreme. When the cynics are out, the zealots (the ones who actually believe all this crap) will take over. Real chaos may ensue, at least in some places such as TX and FL.
MaryPat, I am very happy to see you. Think of you and your niece, too. Whenever convenient, maybe preferable on TAFM, please don't hesitate to vent. I think of Steve as a very good subscriber pal. Cheers!
You have expressed what I have felt for the last three years. Hatred is not subtle nor are ar 15s. "It will be wild', Trump tweeted to party-goers gathering for January 6th get-together. Pathologies have been set free. Some Republicans testifying at the House Committee hearings know what has been unleashed. This country seems so broken, Steve, it appears too weak to straighten up. Liz Cheney is standing up to the BULLY. Will we see more? So far, a horrifying scenario of mammoth proportion. It is almost as hard to write as it is to contemplate.
Fern, this country has never been whole. The more I learn about the world, the more I see that this is true for most countries. Theft and usurpation are the norm. Coming to terms with this is the national occupation, weather we like it or not, weather we make up lies, blame others, or face it head-on.
How do we go on? By recognizing that 99% of any human experience is made of love. "Mother takes good care of her children" is not a headline, yet it is far more common, far more important, than any goon with a gun. If you look at the world and see no joy, then you are only looking at a very small part of the picture. Keep getting into good, joyful trouble Fern. I couldn't bear it if you didn't.
I've considered several directions I could take with this response. If some serious convo brings out the love, we'll always play ball together.
Greetings, Fern. I’m seeing 31 planning chaos in Idaho; certainly there are other groups and individuals filled with the rapacious propaganda of Rupert, et al, seeking to display their allegiances.
kim, It's been a while. You know my ears are lean in your direction; on this media, it is open eyes. Please drop a line or more. Cheers!
Will have to ask my "proud" neighbor, Fern.