Jun 15·edited Jun 15

Happy Flag Day! How ironic that Donald's birthday is on Flag Day!

It took those CEOs this long to figure out that Donald doesn't know what he's talking about? Rex Tillerson (a former CEO before he became Secretary of State) had it figured out quite quickly. Hopefully the country's business leaders will recognize it is better to have a stable environment, even with a few fiscal policies they don't agree with, than the completely uncertain one we would have in another Trump administration. There can be no stability with this lunatic in charge.

On another subject, how long will it take before Congress acts to impeach Clarence Thomas? Does he have to be photographed accepting brown paper bags full of currency on the steps of the White House for Congress to do something about him? When will Dick Durbin wake up and DO SOMETHING? His inaction in the face of Thomas's (and Alito's) outright thuggishness is appalling! Maybe he needs to go, as well?

The naming of the high seas around the U.S. after Trump sounds like something one might hear on Monty Python. You couldn't make this stuff up! I wonder what foreign leaders will think when they hear about this. Heather, you must have had a hard time keeping a straight face while recording this item.

All in all, as much crazy stuff happened in one day as we used to get in an entire month!

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and last week 45 proclaimed that he(not Biden) was responsible for the $35 monthly cost of Insulin for seniors.......

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Although I am a paid subscriber, I would rather receive these letters in textual form, rather than invoice recordings. Is that possible?

Tom Roberts

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Jun 15·edited Jun 15

I don't know why this problem keeps coming up with folks. You should be signed up to be receiving an email with the text ,usually coming in the morning, and links to the text on substack which you can ❤️ or leave a comment. This the other email I also get, the audio version on the same day usually later in the day. That got you here so you must be signed up for it. I get both and can choose to read and comment with the link, or listen and through the other email and comment. Best Wishes..

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I get two letters just like you describe. The one in the morning is in text and the second email links to the audio version.

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Jun 16·edited Jun 16

Yes. You have to sign up for them separately.

But people who are new maybe get confused? It does seem odd the way this is done separately though.

It is really two substacks: one the written letter with its corresponding comments and the audio version with another set of comments!

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Many thanks, brother.

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https://elections.bradyunited.org/take-action/nra-donations-116th-congress-senators. This has been going on for years. $$ to Congress members from the NRA. National Rifle Assc. The biggest lobby group in existence.

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