The Trump Campaign is setting up their "Oh, but her emails..." one-liner for the fall. Something along the lines of, "The Bidens are crooks and we've got the tapes to prove it."

They may be preaching to the choir, but as Rebecca Solnit in her essay "Preaching to the Choir" once observed, "What matters is that some of us act. In 2006, the political scientist Erica Chenoweth set out to determine whether nonviolence was as effective for regime change as violence. She found, to her surprise, that nonviolent strategies worked better. Organizers were enthralled by her conclusion that only around 3.5 percent of a population was needed to successfully resist or even topple a regime. In other words, to create change, you don’t need everyone to agree with you, you just need some people to agree so passionately that they will donate, campaign, march, risk arrest or injury." Ms. Solnit was speaking to a largely liberal audience and her essay is far more comprehensive than this brief excerpt might imply, but Trump's tactic to reinforce the faith of the faithful and encourage them to spread his message has been effective thus far and may continue to be unless the opposition can deliver an overwhelmingly convincing counter message and back it up in the streets and at the polls.

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Ppl in their 70s, like me get these debilitations such as balance problems, (Benign Positional Vertigo) & peripheral neuropathy that limit the most basic abilities making doddering old men of us. I discovered my vertigo in the Italian Alps in 2015, and walking on inclines or stairs without rails is a frightening struggle. I can still hold a vessel in one hand to drink, but many common things once done with my hands are now very difficult.

It is comforting to see that not only we good and decent ppl get these afflictions but disgusting asswipes suffer them as well.

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Getting the vote out is key but let's make those votes count too. Gerrymandering can enable us to build up massive majorities in geographically distinct areas but we can still loose the election because of the shape and size of the voting districts. Non-poltical boundary commissions are an essential control on the venality of politicians.

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It is interesting to see the massive increase in the number of voters for the Georgia Senate primary. Perhaps McConnell's performance and constant obstruction are helping the people better understand the workings of the political institutions and of the absolute importance of controlling the Senate.

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When I read trumps tweet defending his ramp navigation I felt sorry for him for the first time. Which was frankly, very confusing.

It was suddenly apparent to me that he embodies the consequences of a society that denounces compassion and fearless self-evaluation, diluting the notion character nearly to the point of obsolescence; replacing these with insecurity, warped self-impotence and fear.

He is broken and will destroy everything and everyone he can to justify his own brokenness. What a torturous existence.

The conundrum my initial response was directly related to the idea of compassion - it was uncomfortable to feel bad for him, to have even a sliver of compassion for him, yet that very compassion on a societal level may be the antidote for the disease. To dig that out from under a mountain of anger and frustration will require a back hoe of epic proportions.

It makes my brain hurt!

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Heather, would you please comment/discuss voting as a form of speech? It seems to me that in a public canvas, such that one audibly or by sign indicates preference is a “vote.” Should not expressing preference by secret ballot in our elections also be “speech?” Then, should not suppression of voting also be suppression of guaranteed free speech. Comment from others welcome.

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I am heartened to see high-profile black athletes and celebrities taking initiative to encourage and educate voters. There is a story circulating (please let it be true, because it is powerful and moving) about Dave Chappelle being heckled by a young white woman when he was given the subject of racism to talk about. She said "Life is hard, sorry 'bout that." He then proceeded to give her an education on police brutality and the racism rampant in our country. Long story short, after the show she apologized and thanked him for educating her. He thanked her for hearing him and listening. "Know better, do better." "...you're no longer part of the problem, you're part of the solution. "


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I keep praying he'll stroke out in his massive fatal myocardial infarction mid-screech in front of the audience of droolers at one of his hatealongs.

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Well, I watched Trump's unintelligible speech to the cadets in C Span. Lots of words, zero substance. Thank God it was short. (By trump standards)

Many thanks, too, for including the Harper's article. Though I was aware of the Diebold issues I was not aware of the tangled fraternity of players within the industry or the fact that felons lead the automated voting industry. It would be interesting to have an update to the article. I'm sure things haven't really improved.

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Our local paper devoted a medium-length article to Trump's West Point speech. The article described the speech and summarized some of his main points and talked about the recent fractures in his relationships with military leaders, but it mentioned nothing whatsoever about his slurring words and fumbling manners.

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Voter suppression legislation pending in Iowa right now. County auditors across the state are opposed to the language in the proposed legislation which, in part, prohibits then from sending absentee ballot requests without a written voter request. This after Iowa saw record voter turnout for the June 2 primary for which every registered voter was sent an absentee ballot request form and the early voting period for mailed ballots was extended. Clearly a Republican effort to suppress votes.

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For anyone who would like to watch a truly inspiring speech delivered at West Point in 2017 by Ta-Nehisis Coates -- the hour is well worth it.


Zengerle Lecture to the Corp of Cadets at West Point

Robinson Auditorium | April 12, 2017

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'According to the Daily News, the drinking issue could be a sign of a more significant medical problem. . . . "This is a persistent neurological sign that, combined with others, would be concerning enough to require a brain scan," psychiatrist Dr. Bandy Lee from Yale wrote on social media.'

Since his second debate with Clinton I've wondered if tRump has neurosyphilis.

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