For all your "cheerleading," everything you say is absolutely true! Biden has done a great job of extracting us from grifter-infested politics, and I am now proud of our country again. Your note about Warnock and Ossoff, though, reminded me of another article I read today about how the one lonely man on the Georgia elections board who would not go along with Trump's big lie was finally removed from his post.

Thank you so much for recording your newsletters. I listen every single day.

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The chief opinion columnist for my local weekly began his editorial disinformation asserting that "no one can cite a specific law (Trump) violated." The denial is appalling. All he had to do was read news reports to know what laws Trump violated. I sent part of this rebuttal as a letter to the editor. http://jimbuie.substack.com/p/18-rebuttals

We’ll see if they print it. I’m not holding my breath.

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Everything Heather says about Biden versus Trump is true. The country is in much better shape than it was on the last day of Trump‘s administration. That’s not even a serious question.

But what worries me about what Heather writes every day is that she’s just preaching to the choir. if you look at comments here nearly all of us agree with Heather. What I worry about is: How can we reach people who fall pray to Trump demagoguery? I’ve never seen anything like it and my many years of following politics: NOTHING reaches those people. Heather uses tools that seem anachronistic: truth, reason, history and evidence. Nothing reaches a huge swath of the electorate.

I’m not criticizing Heather here. She’s doing all she can: speak the truth. I’m just frustrated that that doesn’t make a dent with the followers of the most accomplished (by far) demagogue in American history.

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You had me right to hearing, ‘America is the greatest country on Earth,’ justifying your position by saying we are rich. You know better. Make the same remark to Blacks, American Indians, descendants of kidnapped Chinese, descendants of Americans of Japanese origin, and women who trouble themselves to read history, which I know you have done.

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HCR was quoting Pennsylvania governor Josh Shapiro.

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everyone is here on the planet to give or teach something. Trump is no exception. what he is teaching us - and we are in a rock bottom situation - has to do with the importance of language and how to choose your news sources wisely, in an ever-confusing and jam-packed information explosion. "Follow the money" is one of the best pieces of advice for our times, and increasingly difficult to do. To wit: Citizens United. But Sheldon Whitehouse is crossing T's etc, just like Biden does, adhering to the rule of law. Right now we have a winning team. With any luck everything federal goes Blue in NOV, and state legislatures possible as well.

Thanks to HCR for all your amazing vision and intelligence. and work. <3 <3 <3

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<3 USA!

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