Thank you for what you do. I am sure it is not easy. Your position on Biden is sensible to me, and careful. The information about the "Parkinson's doctor" is a great example. Please keep it going.

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Makes for depressing reading (and listening). It's imperative that Trump be stopped. . .Trump delenda est. But after the next election we must come up with new alignments for the 50+ states. Clearly, current arrangements are not working.

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Apparently he really hates being called "Donald"

Just saying....

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Not sure how that fits in to the present discussion. Does he hate it enough that it would raise his blood pressure by 100 points or more?

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It's worth a try

His niece says it riles him.

He likes being Trump, hstes Donald

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Your insights are so needed, I reread them inorder to fully absorb all the information to my every more swiss cheese memory. Enlighting and frightening. Where will be we at Novembetrs end? I fear either way it goes we are in for a crashed and crushed future.

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I want to read your letters. I don't want to listen to them. How do I shut off the podcast? I tried to do it in Substack but the cursor wouldn't move.

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I get two Substack posts from HCR every day:

First, her written essay. This has the Play button at the top that will have a robotic voice read the piece for you.

Second, Heather reading her own piece. That's this one, where we are commenting.

So go to your Substack authors, click on Letters from an American, and look for the two different posts. Then choose the earlier one, the one with the written essay.

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Thanks. YT is representative of the situation! PC: July 9, 2024.

(includes LFaA 07/09

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I love hearing Heather's voice--solid New England sanity explaining our crazy world.

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Thank you Heather. 🩵🩵🩵

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I thought I’d give a donation to Heather Cox as I read her daily but now I don’t get her letters in my email. I don’t want to listen, I prefer to read her articles.

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If you were a paid subscriber you’d get an email, and be able to read on Substack, and be able to listen. If you don’t want to listen, don’t click on the button to listen. I love listening to Heather read her letters, and if I want to follow up I read the letter on Substack.

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Like you, Susan, I love listening to Heather read her letters. It feels like she's reading them to me. The sound of her voice is somehow soothing, even when the content is troubling, as it can to be. And listening helps me to remember the detail which I find myself sharing in conversation. So it's not only something I look forward to receiving ... it also serves as a tool for communicating.

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And there are times when she gets a little louder, and my ears really perk up! Robert Hubbell is the same. He presents the information, letting the listener know what’s important to him. They both ground me.

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Amen, Sister.

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Joyce Vance expanded on the ‘Dirty Trickster’ Stone’s recently recoded comments on improving the ‘Stop the Steal’ concepts he originated that fomented so much of the attempted January 6th coup. (Note the importance of having judges at your fingertips.) He was instrumental in stopping the recount in FL that won Bush the 2000 election. So many dirty tricks! https://open.substack.com/pub/joycevance/p/roger-stone-gets-tricked?r=536ok&utm_medium=ios

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I am a new paid subscriber, but have been a free subscriber for years. The only difference I see is that paid subscribers get an

audio version, which doesn’t help me much because of privacy and hearing issues I have, so audio is not something I use. Am I

missing some extra content of your blogs? My conservative friends have selected you as one they don’t want to read, which piched

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Reading Heather is a daily ritual. She embodies the best of post WWII America. I subscribe to four or five other Substacks, but none draws my attention to move into ritual zone. I’m grateful for the daily added ballast to my ship.

Heather is second only to my I-Phone.

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