In America, the land of guns, murder by gun is a normal everyday occurrence, but in Japan the gun laws are so strict even the Yakuza have a hard time getting guns. Just a little while ago Shinzo Abe, the former prime minister, was giving a campaign speech in the peaceful town of Nara, when a disgruntled man with a homemade gun, shot him at close range. It’s dubious that he will survive but at this point everyone is praying for his recovery. The current prime minister, trying to hold back his tears, gave a press conference condemning such cowardly brutality. This is the first gun incident in Japan this year.

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Amnesty International released a travel warning for anyone traveling to the US.......gun violence.

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I am traveling to Chicago in a few days to visit relatives and celebrate my oldest brother’s 50th wedding anniversary. One of my cousins lives in Evanston-just south of Highland Park where the July 4th shooting occurred. Kate is devastated but resolute about staying put and being part of the solution. She just has no idea what a solution looks like.

For the first time, I’m a little concerned about traveling to a city that’s been a second home to me and a place that has some of the absolute best museums and cultural activities to enjoy in our region. My younger daughter is coming with and wants to both shop- and head downtown to the Art Institute. My brother, who is in poor health, wants to cancel everything - he can’t keep family and friends safe and he worries something will happen to one of us because we chose to come celebrate a major event in our family. He and his wife have reached this major, indeed rare milestone in their lives - and he can barely enjoy it at the moment.

It pains me deeply that my country is so dangerous that Amnesty International warns against traveling here. But. As you and so many others here know, the only thing I feel I can do is to work to get out the vote. So that’s what I’ll do.

In 2022, in the United States of America,families should be able to safely celebrate any and all major events. Safely.

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This is such a profound statement on the reality of America’s gun violence epidemic.

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Sheila B., Thank you for taking us with you to Chicago. Thank you for allowing us to celebrate your oldest brother's 50th wedding anniversary with the family. You reminded us of our feelings for family members, friends and for all we know. You touched our fears for their safety as well as our hopes for all Americans.

After reading the Letter, I came to the forum to see how subscriber friends were feeling and what you were thinking. Sheila, you ended with what you have to do, '...to work to get out the vote.' 🦅 You reminded us of our civic engagement. Another subscriber, Bill Willis (SC from NYC, etc) reminded me of our connectedness early this morning. Thank you both.

HCR, reminded us in today's Letter of our connections to one another; the importance of the Free Press as exemplified by journalist, Michael S. Schmidt of The New York Times; the responsibilities of public service and our relationships around the world. As Heather Cox Richardson went far and wide, her Letter dug deeply into home turf in order to bring us home. Thanks to all.

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Grateful to see you, MaryPat.

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I’m visiting relatives in Texas where nearly everyone has gun collections. It makes me nervous but I have to stay positive. We have to live our lives without letting fear grip us. It’s good to be careful but don’t let fear keep you from doing things you love.

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Despite the appalling frequency of gun violence in the US (and the appalling non-response of the US political system to the problem), the probability of becoming a random victim remains infinitesimal. The Chicago Art Institute has one of the greatest collections in the world. It would be a pity to miss out on that, not to mention your family celebration, for fear of a highly improbable event.

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My mom grew up in Wilmette, IL - just west and south of Highland Park. When visiting my grandparents in the 50's and 60's, I used to bug the sh*t out of my parents to take me to: 1. Lincoln Park Zoo. 2. Shedd Aquarium. 3. Art Institute. 4. Museum of Science and Industry. and, and, and. I could go on but I won't. I absolutely love and adore Chicago and know what a treasure trove the Art Institute is (I can start with the Rembrandt etchings, head to the Impressionists and get lost from there). I also know what treasures exist among its residents including about a dozen who are related to me, and millions who aren't but are important to someone somewhere. I understand which neighborhoods I can visit and which might best be avoided. None of that matters. I accept the risks but shouldn't have to.

My step daughter lives just a block and a half from where George Floyd was killed in Minneapolis. I grew up nearby. Gun violence there every, single night. Why? Rhetorical question but I am so entirely exhausted having to even think about it rather than working to prevent catastrophic climate change, I can't even any more Rex. I get exactly what you are saying and you are correct. I won't let the slight prospect of gun violence prevent me from doing things I love. I just wish I hadn't gone to sleep last night trying hard to think about how little Aiden McCarthy is going to thrive without both of his parents. He's a toddler so is resilient. I'm 68 and a little less resilient - and way too f*cking tired of the second amendment hacks that make life dangerous, deadly and frightening. GOTV. Glad we are all here - and if I sound a little flinty today, I apologize. Just so done with all the fascist, racist, @@#$%!

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Please remember, 'More than 2,500 children and teenagers in the U.S. have been either injured or killed by gunfire so far in 2022, according to the Gun Violence Archive (GVA).' (Newsweek)

Each of us protects our families and ourselves in accordance with the facts and good sense, while we are justifiably worried.

Our responsibly as citizens is to see that assault weapons are banned that much stricter gun control measures are passed nationwide.

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Oh Rex, I wouldn't say it's an infinitesimal chance. A victim isn't just the person who's killed or injured. There are relatives, friends and now strangers like us who grieve and have to weigh daily activities against worry for themselves and others. Then there are survivors with PTSD. We are ripples in a a pond, ripples in a pond that spreads fear and mental anguish.

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I agree with you Hope… the day before the Highland Park Tragedy , I went to a Fourth of July Celebration at one of our beautiful parks, full of friends and families enjoying each other and the holiday. As I was walking there with my son and grandchildren I remember thinking “please don’t let any terrible shooting happen here” Then the next day it DID happen, in a place where everyone felt safe to attend a celebration of our country!

How beyond sad this is…it’s almost like the new fashion for our future will be sending our kids to school in bullet-proof clothing and everyday “bullet proof vest wear”so we have less fear of public places… these tragedies impact ALL of US

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Yes, the probability of PTSD is close to 100% and PTSD is experienced whether or not the victim decides to appear in public. The probability of getting shot by a mass murderer is close to zero, again almost independent of individual choices regarding appearing in public.

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Rex, As you are aware of the 'appalling frequency' of gun violence and, perhaps, other alarming facts about its toll on Americans, please elaborate on how knowing probability of getting shot (depending on location?) is useful to the us? As the purchase of guns increases, along with gun violence could statistical analysis help calm our nerves?

'Gun violence is estimated to cost the American economy at least $229 billion every year. Let that sink in — $229 billion. In addition to the medical costs of a shooting, indirect expenses take the form of impact on victims’ quality of life and victims’ lost wages.'

'Beyond the economic cost, we also see fractured families, neighborhoods, and communities. According to the Child Welfare League of America (CWLA), more than 5 percent of America’s children have witnessed a shooting. It’s time to focus on how repeated exposure to gun violence affects the next generation.'

'We’ve heard stories of children in the most impacted communities sleeping in tubs to avoid bullets fired at night. Mothers under stress are giving birth to babies with lower birth weights. Children can’t even go to the library because their streets aren't safe, further putting them at a disadvantage in school. And, because many of gun violence's root causes: poverty, trauma, and ineffective public safety policies, go hand-in-hand with systemic racism, gun homicide has a disproportionate impact on Black and Brown communities—and Black and Brown children.' (Brady)

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Knowing that the probability of getting shot in a mass murder incident is useful to me because it allows me to go about my activities without worrying about it. I think you are right in all of your points about gun violence, and I think draconian measures are required to make even a small dent in the horrendous problem of gun violence (measures including legislation making it illegal to possess guns with magazines that hold more than two or three bullets, for example, confiscation of such weapons, requiring gun owners to purchase large amounts of liability insurance, repeal of the Second Amendment, etc). However, I’m confident that 70 million Trump voters, the filibuster, the Supreme Court, gun manufacturers, and belligerent American bellicosity, among other things, make all such measures extremely unlikely to come to pass. Nothing effective is going to be done about gun violence in the foreseeable future. I wish that were not so, but it is. I will do what I can to get such measures inacted but believe it to be a thousand times more likely that my efforts will be fruitless than successful.

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Thank you for these two posts. It certainly highlights the level of denial we all have in order to survive in this country. We continue on as if all is normal but we are so out of control with gun violence our chances of being killlef by gun violence continues to explode.

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As well they should, warning to the world. America has fascist elements that emulate notorious brown shirts, as well as assault rifles in the hands of any arse having a bad day, or trying to make sure that others do…

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Incredible that it's come to this. I'd be very happy if Texas would secede, as it's threatening, and take enough red states with it to enable us to undo all the BS from the SCOTUS, and fix all the weak points in our Democracy.

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I have been so very saddened by the shooting of PM Shinzo Abe — all the more so because a young man was shot by the side of my house this past evening. I heard shots, called 911, and watched as a young immigrant man was bleeding through the head. I thought he had died, yet the news media say that he is still alive, but critical. This should not be happening in Burlington, VT, but it is! Please stop the sale of guns, please!!!!!!!

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I am sad to read that PM Abe has also lost his life to a shooter. Rowshan, I am so sorry you had to witness another of these horrific shootings. You must be very shaken, take care. I don't live that far away in VT, both my grandchildren's schools have been threatened with gun violence. This country is in deep trouble and it breaks my heart. I came here in 1964 with such high hopes. Heather's letter today speaks to me of integrity and fairness in the distribution of Medals, and the European Parliament's condemnation of the Supreme Court's decision on Roe vs. Wade. All is not lost and we must fight for what is good.

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My heart reaches out to you, too, fellow Vermonter!

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Thanks, Sally. Well said.

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It is all so random and has been accelerating exponentially. With 400 million guns on the streets, including 20 million assault weapons, we don't stand a chance. The only gun control law that is going to stop the carnage is to take the guns away. But the majority is literally being held hostage by the minority. It is not a country many of us want to live in anymore.

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Your last sentence cuts deep. It encapsulates the depths to which we’ve sunk as a nation.

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...an extremely perverse minority at that! I am chilled to the bone by the nature of mass shooters and the advocates for unmitigated gun use. Are they mentally ill? No more so than an entire subset of Americans.

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A terrible thing to witness, Rowshan. Take care of yourself...both inside and out.

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I’m so sorry you had to bear witness to that. I will keep him, and you, in my thoughts.

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Burlington VT —that is alarming and sad Rowshan.

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Burlington, wow. That's were our oldest was born. We lived in VT (Clarendon, near Rutland) for 12 years in the 80s/90s, raised a family, never worried about guns though I knew they were everywhere around us; and I was never concerned about guns in schools or on the streets. Now?

Take care of yourself Rowshan.

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I am saddened that you had to witness such a horrific crime! May time heal your soul, Rowshan,and the body of the young immigrant.

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Thank you, EVERYONE, for your lovely expressions of empathy and compassion -- what a balm you have been for my soul, and what an excellent community of caring friends you are! My thanks to one and all.

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We call you friend and appreciate you and all of your wonderful comments. Hugs

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Rowshan - Burlington Police say 21-year-old Hussein Mubarak was shot in the head. He was rushed to the hospital but died from his injuries just before midnight.


Is this the same man? https://www.justice.gov/usao-vt/pr/burlington-man-sentenced-possession-intent-distribute-cocaine-base

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Looks like it’s the same person.

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Thinking of you tonight. These days will be challenging. Do take care and get plenty of hugs.

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I am so saddened for this young immigrant as I am for any victim of thoughtless violence. We need community so much. Isolation within family is tragic.... physical and spiritual community is needed. We put up so many walls to protect ourselves and this self created isolation leaves those who need unconditional love and someone to listen ALONE with destructive thoughts which become actions. We must build small communites of care and listening. We must learn not to judge but to listen....so many are alone struggling with thoughts and no one they can trust to share.....the bad thoughts.

Too ofen we make ourselves believe that gifts or fun family vacations can substitute for listening to our loved ones. There is no substitute for serious listening to the ones closest to us. For some this is a gift, for some a worthy skill to be learned. We must reevaluate our priorities.

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This article by Anne Lamott (not about football) is a comfort in these troubling times.

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This is a beautiful article, Nancy. Thank you for posting. Going forward, I plan to try to think like Anne Lamott.

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Lynell, don't know if it made your local paper but I just read that Richmond VA police thwarted an attempted mass shooting on the 4th at the city's fireworks venue. A tip off led to arrests and the discovery of a large cache of guns and ammunition.

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I'd like to hear more about how the would-be shooter was stopped: good work.

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Thanks, Nancy. No, I did not see it in my paper, LoudounNow. I also have a subscription to the Times Mirror, but it keeps being blocked somehow.

This is good news. Thanks for letting me know. I'll look for the story anew.

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Thank you. Even though I am not a Christian, I copied the article to help me remember the best in the world and all of us.

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Beautifully stated Emily. I am a true believer in this. I always try to make myself available to listen. It develops a closeness that wouldn't be there otherwise.

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I am so sorry that this young man was shot. The gun violence epidemic in this country is appalling.

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Nancy it is not only appalling, it is insanity.

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I agree, I have spent most of my morning crying over these atrocious murders. And police can mow down a black man with 60 bullets over a traffic violation but can’t red flag a white boy from a wealthy community after numerous reports of domestic violence and threats to family members because he assures them he’s not going to hurt anyone. It is insanity.

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I cannot possibly Heart this, Rowshan. It is too dreadful. I'm sorry it happened at the side of your own house. That in itself must be terrifying. That the U.S. cannot significantly control the sale of guns and ammunition, especially assault weapons, is beyond belief, yet here we are...

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Rowshan, I would never expect something like this in Burlington. I'm afraid it's a sign of these times that shootings can happen anywhere, even in your own yard. I'm so sorry for you and that young man.

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Burlington has had 16 or maybe now 17 gun/shooting incidents this year!

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I am so sorry to hear this, Rowshan. You did your best. All we can do, is demand more gun control and especially demand a ban on assault weapons of mass destruction.

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Oh Rowshan, I can't imagine the terror you must have felt, especially where you live. I am so sorry for the situation that has been forced upon you. I pray for peace to settle in your body and that young man heals.

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Jeanne, saying the situation has been forced upon Rowshan captures it exactly. By extension, with every shooting, all of us are having "the situation" forced upon us. Thanks for your clarity.

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Whaaaat? Rowshan, are you all right? Was there an altercation? I am so upset this happened outside your home. Not cool. Let us know if the young man survives. Keeping you close in thought today, my sister. 🫶🏽

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with care for you Rowshan and the young man's recovery. Please share you kind nature with friends.

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"but at this point everyone is praying"

My growing question is why? The data we have now collected for many years indicates that the more we pray the more mass shootings and individual murders we have. Correct?

For example: Since Sandy Hook, "Thoughts and Prayers" have been the most often quoted response to mass shootings. In fact, that is about ALL that has been offered along comfort/solution pathway.

But, the more "Thoughts and Prayers" we offer, the more mass shootings we have. Right?

As an engineer, unfortunately burdened by a willingness to look at the data, I am forced to suggest:

We all stop praying after these shootings. And see what happens.

Because: Maybe we need to do something besides pray to garner some semblance of control over these shooting events.

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Vote out anyone who is against sane gun laws. Vote in people who think as you do: forget praying. Or do it on your dime. This cancer of violence has metastasized to the entire country. THEN and only then will we see change. Sue the NRA into oblivion. And get liability on the books for the gun manufacturers. And of course, hunt down and prosecute those making ghost guns. I shudder at the thought. There ARE solutions! That’s the good news.

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At our family dinner I accosted the two 17 year-olds at the table. 'All right, we adults have clearly blown it regarding gun control. You are a year away from voting. What will you do to end this?' They retreated to an animated conversation on the sofa.

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Good one, Nancy!

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Thank you. All practical solutions. But until we get SCOTUS back to sanity, suits may all fail.

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I don't believe it matters if they do fail. I believe what matters is that we push back, and keep pushing until we prevail. Just MHO.

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Recently someone here in Salem was arrested for making ghost guns. He had quite a business going.

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Our first move has to be against the NRA through SCOTUS. Remember Scalia. Remember that he shot a member of his entourage and was never called to account for it.

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Could you be thinking of Cheney?

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It is possible. My negative reaction to both men was so strong that I may most certainly have confused them. (Two very overweight anti-American best values, with power. Both had positions from which they could have done much good for US, but both were exceptionally flawed.)

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Virginia Thinking of the Cheney hunting trip in which he wounded one of his Neanderthal companions, I would contribute to various hunting trips if they included Cruz, Graham, several of the crazy Republican congresswomen, and ‘the other usual suspects.’ I would even provide AK-15s and 30-bullet Glocks for those who are nearsighted.

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Funny. I would offer an addendum to that proposed hunting trip. Give the weapons to all members of that feeble group and place each person at distant places on that private hunting preserve. Inform them that their "game" is each other. Last person to survive will be selected as president of their hunting club.

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I remember the Cheney incident. He shot a member of his group (or an unlucky bystander). Probably too much alcohol and being careless with his weapon. As I recall, the wounded guy didn't press charges. Now, if positions were reversed and the guy had shot Cheney, that guy would probably have been waterboarded to find out who paid him to shoot Cheney.

Speaking of Cheney, I'm reminded of his multiple draft deferments to avoid military duty and subsequently going to Vietnam. He and Bush Jr. must have gotten super rich from those Haliburton no-bid military contracts to furnish supplies to the military as they started the Iraq War. When Haliburton was later taken to court for way overcharging for military supplies, Haliburton paid almost a Billion $$$ in an out of court settlement. I believe that settled one case. Who knows how many other cases there were. Welcome to the Land of War.

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Thank you for reminding all of us, as we watch his daughter try to keep a good shine on the GOP, about who her father is. He was chosen by Republicans as a fellow oil man to be not-so-bright GW’s Vice President. As I remember there was also an ethics question about Halliburton as a company, which, of course, was not a problem for other oil men, who were more greedy than ethical.

Is Liz Cheney trying to clear the family name as she tries to make the GOP “look good”? Don’t know if that’s a fair question, but I am curious as I watch the hearings.

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Far too late for Liz to cast a "good shine" on the Repub. party and her dad Dick. Haliburton has had sizeable rulings against them. The case against Haliburton by Nigeria had Haliburton paying the Nigerians $250,000,000 in a settlement. Then, Haliburton stocked the oil platform owned by BP (British Petroleum) in the Gulf of Mexico with faulty equipment which leaked oil over a very large area of the Gulf and surrounding beaches. Another secret settlement by Haliburton I imagine.

Now, I'm glad of course that Liz spoke out against trump. But as to Liz's motive in that move, I believe it was a bid for power in the GOP. There were already charges against trump. She gambled that trump would be removed from any power in the party and government, and that she would be the GOP shining knight to remove the evil villain. She underestimated the power that trump's sponsors and owners would provide to keep him in office and/or in the public eye. I believe dad Dick might have given her that nudge. Further, that trump's elimination would create a GOP power vacuum which needed to be filled right then. And, voila, she jumped in. At this point, she has to follow through against trump. She'd rather be telling the GOP that she is whom they should be sponsoring for the presidency.

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Cheney is such an evil PoS. I don't think Scalia, as scummy as he is, comes close. Too bad his daughter came from the same mold. For all the good she's doing now, I'm afraid she'll go right back to her disgusting ways.

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I tried to find info on this but no success.

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Here it is:


Cheney shot an acquaintance, Harry Whittington, an attorney. Minor injury, but it caused a non-fatal heart attack, atrial fibrillation, and collapsed lung, so the consequences weren't minor. A few days later, Whittington said, "My family and I are deeply sorry for everything Vice President Cheney and his family have had to deal with. We hope that he will continue to come to Texas and seek the relaxation that he deserves."


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Wow, indeed! That is some statement from Whittington. Reading that, I smell fear. Maybe Whittington had a visit from some Blackwater mercenaries encouraging him to sign that statement so that Whittington (and his family) didn't have a similar accident.

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Jul 9, 2022
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Wow, is right. Whittington is one that doesn't seem to learn.

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It was while he was on the Court and was reported in my local newspaper at the time. Sorry that I cannot be more specific, but as it was national news, iand has appeared in commentary since, an account should be available unless it has been “deleted.”

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Scalia wasn't involved. I gave the link to the Wikipedia article about this incident above.

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Wasn’t that Dick Cheney, Virginia?

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I stopped long ago, the hypocrisy would turn God’s face from us.

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Yes. Agree.

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Prayer is very personal. My thought is that the Universe hears every one of our prayers and important to remember what words are coming out our mouths.

Salud, Mike. 🗽

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We can pray.

But, we can get out and do as well. The data supports the fact that prayers result in higher incidence of mass shooting.

So, doing something else makes sense.

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The approach to praying is very interesting to me, who lives in Japan. Japan is a Buddhist and Shinto nation, not Christian. The nation was shocked to learn that Shinzo Abe had passed away. There were many hoping that he might still pull through. In Nara, passersby began to place flowers on the site where he was shot, some praying for his safe journey through the spirit world to his next incarnation.

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It sure seems that way! The Republicans are stopping any action to correct these killings with their damn money!

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Think of Citizens United, the corporate takeover. Republicans have long been the party of Big Business. With the aid of the Koch brothers, the Tea Party, and the Heritage Foundation, and three Republican presidents, they and their “damn money,” have democracy in America “hanging by a thread.” (How many times have I read and heard that in the last month?) Vote blue as if your life depends on it. It does. Climate change deniers are either stupid, liars, or murderers (or perhaps all three).

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Speaking of Citizens United, if corporations are people, and if they (gun manufacturers) supply guns that are used in murders, aren't they accessories to murder? Why can't they be prosecuted as such? Oops! -- trying to be reasonable again.

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Maybe the thoughts are the problem.

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Japan was shocked to learn that Shinzo Abe had passed away when it was reported by state broadcaster NHK. There were many hoping that he might still pull through. In Nara, passersby began to place flowers on the site where he was shot, some praying for his safe journey through the spirit world to his next incarnation.

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Just b/c someone prays for something doesn't mean they don't do take positive physical actions too --the people on this site, for example, many of whom are VERY actively involved. So, to stop praying is not a solution, Mike. Granted, many just say the phrase, but I get the ipression those on this site who say it really do it -- and it makes a difference in them. They say prayer is meant to change us, hopefully it will catapult us into action if we aren't already.

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I am very saddened by Mr. Abe’s assassination. But the striking point in your comment is that this is the FIRST gun incident in Japan in 2022. Our toll is now 300 and growing. Since January 1. We must look to Japan for guidance in how to control gun violence in the US.

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Only 300? Are you sure? Washington Post reports over 300 MASS shootings (not the same as incidents).

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You're right...it's 313 mass shootings this year--(4 or more dead) and 22,000 killed by gun violence as of now..

These stats are from Gun Violence Archive....

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We are at war with ourselves. The reports from Highland Park IL, frequently included that “it was school children knew what to do.” It is they, not adults, who are trained to avoid shooters. Our children are growing up in a local war zone with guns that tear them to pieces as they kill them. It is the world of the oligarchs.

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Yes. The amoral, sociopath oligarchs.

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Sloppy population control.

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Russia bought the NRA

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attempted like

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Thank you, Laura. I knew it was a ghastly number….

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I read that number on fb in a post I trust. Since Uvalde and Buffalo massacres, there have been deaths every day. Or more. Sorry I don’t have the citation…...

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As you may know by now, Mr. Abe died. I would like to think that unlike our country, Japan will not let guns and gun violence take hold in theirs.

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Lynell, Japan strictly controls the purchase of guns. It is one of the most restrictive countries, with almost no shootings. Even criminals find guns hard to find. That makes the assassination of Mr. Abe all the more more shocking.

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And now they can build their guns. I was shocked when I first heard about that happening!

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Well, we have ghost guns for sale on the dark web. I learned recently that the gun that killed Mahatma Gandhi was a homemade pistol. India is also very restrictive about gun ownership.

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Yes good idea.

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From NPR.

“For decades, auto accidents have been the leading cause of death among children, but in 2020 guns were the No. 1 cause, researchers say.

Overall firearm-related deaths increased 13.5% between 2019 and 2020, but such fatalities for those 1 to 19 years old jumped nearly 30%, according to a research letter in New England Journal of Medicine.

Researchers analyzed data collected by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention showing that there were a record 45,222 firearm-related deaths in the U.S. in 2020.”

For children, 65% of firearm deaths are homicides and 35% are categorized as suicide, he said.

And though mass shootings, which have drastically increased over the past 30 years, are clearly part of the problem, the vast majority of kids are killed by guns in smaller, day-to-day incidents.”


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I cannot "like" this. I am so sick of people worshipping their guns.

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Thank you for the statistics. And for your conclusion. I remember the horror when a gun accident killed a child I knew.

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Someone in this thread over the past few day made the important point about other causes of death being higher than gun caused deaths: Yes, there may be more deaths from automobile accidents, but deaths by gun are intentional, rarely accidental. It goes to inherent intent and that sticks with me. A gun comes with the prospect, an intent to maim, to kill at some point and set of undefined circumstances. The means resides in ownership and that is why it is a deadly weapon. Given some set of opportunities, whether grievance involved, poverty, at root momentary insanity, or surfaced evil, a gun, by design transforms intent to assault and death, whether in the hands of an angry teen or a cop using unnecessary force to compel a handcuffed Black man from running away.

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Fred, I have read many accounts of accidental shootings resulting in death. Like a two year old child who reached into his mother’s purse and shot her to death. The mother was an avid gun rights “activist” and now she is dead and her daughter has no mother. The insanity of owning these weapons is just mind boggling.

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Intent lies with the weapon. Stupidity resides with the accomplist with neither the sense to properly stow or fondle a weapon waiting to go off. 😏 I concur with you. Accidental shootings like these should be sufficient reason to put reasonable regulations in place.

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So we must make gun deaths the public health problem it is, as we did with auto accidents, and prevent and stop this murderous slaughter.

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Thanks for this report.

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So terrible that he died.

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Former Japanese leader Shinzo Abe dies after being shot at campaign event


... may he rest in peace ....

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Here is an interesting obituary: Shinzo Abe Was Japan’s ‘Donald Trump Before Trump’—Except He Pulled It Off


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Now Shinzo Abe has unfortunately died of his wounds. Here he was the other day on the campaign trail in Japan: This is a typical day in his campaign speeches:


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Here is an interesting obituary: Shinzo Abe Was Japan’s ‘Donald Trump Before Trump’—Except He Pulled It Off


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“Throughout most of Japan's history, commoners (farmers and fishermen) were NEVER permitted to own weapons of ANY kind. Japan, at its core, has a feudal mentality with a veneer of democracy painted on at the end of the war. The ruling class here has always been terrified of its own citizens. "Commoners" are subservient and obedient.” -Singlemalt Tokyo

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The words "the first gun incident" should be tattooed on every NRA members forehead.

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If I may, Kristen, here is Politics Girl Leigh McGowan who this week is reposting her first podcast. 8 months ago. Talking about the epidemics besides Covid.


Give a listen. Our country is not so starry spangly.

Salud! 🗽

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I am sad to say that he has died from his injury!

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Probably well known by now: Prime Minister Abe died later in hospital after being shot.

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I am happy to hear that the European Parliament condemned the Supreme Court for the majority's overturning of Roe. The court took us backward three steps, but the majority can't hide behind their specious and ahistorical arguments. Because we are at a point in history where the United States is no longer all-powerful and splendidly isolated from the rest of the civilized world, the Supreme Court is no longer the last word on the law here.

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I retweeted “with quote” this article about the European Parliament vote. In about 55 years of voting, I have never knowingly voted for anyone who’s been against a woman’s rights over her own body. Indeed, I wouldn’t, and haven’t, remained close to anyone who would overlook, minimize, or deny this right. The callousness of overlooking this as a “big deal” and going with the flow in one’s politics is unfathomable and egregious to me.

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Unfortunately, though, SCOTUS *is* the last word on the law here, and at least unless and until the Court gets balanced, their decisions will remain radical, ahistorical and abominable.

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The court is encased in fencing to keep people out. Metaphorically, it is a cage that would restrict their actions and protect us from further damage. I wish. I trust Justice Jackson will do her best to educate them.

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This SCOTUS majority is also working hard on fencing people out of their rights as well.

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I doubt that "education" would change the Republican majority on the Court. They're not stupid. It's something else.

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However, most of Europe has very antiquated abortion laws themselves, so them doing this is the pot calling the Kettle Black.

Austria --First 3 months allowed, and in some other circumstances after consulting with doctor, abortion pills are available.

Belgium--Legal up to 12 weeks, abortion pills available

Bulgaria--Legal up to 12 weeks,

Croatia--Abortion legal in the first 10 weeks, and abortion pills are available

Cyprus--Abortion legal up to 12 weeks, 19 in case of rape, abortion pills not available.

Denmark--Abortion legal up to 12 weeks, after you need special permission to have abortion up to 22 weeks, must be over 18 to decide alone, otherwise parents must give consent except in special circumstances

Estonia--Legal up to 12 weeks, pills available

Finland--Legal up to 12 weeks must have medical statements from 2 doctors and financial and social situational reasons, only authorized hospital can perform them, but they are considering changing this in light of June Supreme court R v W ruling

France--Legal on demand for first 12 weeks meaning 14 counting from the last menstruation, have pills

Germany--Abortion is legal on demand within the first trimester, after the first trimester exceptions are made if the woman has physical or mental health problems or in case of the health of the baby.

Greece--Abortion is legal on request until 12 weeks

Hungary--Abortion is legal for 12 weeks, must have interview and waiting period, and difficult to get one with pills.

Ireland--Abortion legal in the first 12 weeks. Still strictly banned in northern Ireland.


Italy--Abortion legal on request within the first trimester-12 weeks

Latvia--Abortion legal on request within the first 12 weeks

Lithuania--Abortion is legal on request until 12 weeks and up to 22 weeks for medical reasons, Abortions are performed by suction or curattage and medical abortions are not available at all

Luxembourg--Abortion legal until 12 weeks, have to give written consent if they are minors, all health professionals have right to consciously object

Malta--Abortion is illegal

The Netherlands--abortion is legal until the fetus is viable outside the body up to 24 weeks

Poland--Abortion illegal except to save the life of the mother

Portugal--Abortion is legal until the 10th week

Romania--Abortion is legal within the first 14 weeks of pregnancy. Mifepristone ((medical abortion) was registered in 2008.

Slovakia--Abortion is legal up to 12 weeks. The abortion medicine mifepristone, is not available.

Slovenia--Abortion is legal within first 12 weeks of pregnancy. Mifepristone (for medical abortion) was registered in 2013.

Sweden--Abortion available on request up to 18 weeks of pregnancy, can in some cases be performed up to week 22. Medical abortions available in the earlier weeks usually up to week 9.

In Illinois where abortion is still legal in the USA, the rights are more extensive that in all but one country listed above. https://www.aclu-il.org/en/news/abortion-rights-illinois-after-roe

That is true of California too. https://www.guttmacher.org/fact-sheet/state-facts-about-abortion-california, That is also true of Washington State. https://www.legalvoice.org/abortion-rights-washington, not New York which has an earlier cut off point, or Oregon which requires parental consent before the age of 15. I am not sure of the state by state options, as I am sure that the USA was one of the most enlightened places for abortion in the world because of Roe v Wade, although thanks to the Republican Congressman Henry Hyde of IL his amendment of 1977 denied public funding to pregnant women on welfare which made abortion less accessible to poor women unless they were victims of rape or incest or to save her life.

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I think most people can manage with a 15 week schedule, but there still need to be exceptions for those who develop issues after that. And that would include no access any earlier. Basically, let the woman and her doctor do what needs to be done and when it needs to be done, for whatever reason. Take the legal guesswork out of it.

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Thank you for this comprehensive list which puts the court's ruling in a much broader context that includes multiple government structures.

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So revealing about Europe. I had no idea, and assumed it was much more liberated, but clearly not. Thanks for posting this, Linda!

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That appears to be the best news for this day!

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The last part of your letter so lightened my mood. I love Jimmy and Rosalyn Carter. Habitat for Humanity (created in 1976 by Linda and Millard Fuller in Georgia) and the building of homes for the homeless and others disadvantaged by living in the US and being poor, is an all-time inspiration for many of us. What do we need MORE than decent housing and good healthcare to flourish? You have given us a volume of information to chew on and digest. Happy 76th anniversary to a wonderful man and woman. We thank you for your service to HUMANITY!

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Carter’s work with Habitat for Humanity has been admirable. However, he and Rosalyn did not create that group. Http://habitat.org

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Thank you, Joan. I made a correction in my comment. Such an interesting history. I learned something!

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Yes! And for his work for peace (the Camp David Accords) and for the environment (solar panels on the White House). The example of the Carter marriage is the crown. If more of our politicians had been farmers, we would be in a better place today.

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Mr Carter is the only president I believed when he said that is faith guided and informed his leadership, but his religion did not direct him as president.

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He's a true elder statesperson. As a new voter, I cast my very first vote for Carter.

Can you just imagine tfg doing something like Habitat for Humanity?!?!?! IF, and that's a big if, he aligned himself with it, I could just see a photo op where he tosses hammers out to the people, or perhaps he stands in front of a building site hefting a saw. After which he immediately leaves and grabs the steering wheel of the limo to veer into the McDonald's drive through..........

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LOL. Unfortunately, kindness is not in tfg’s dictionary. He can’t read anyway…..

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Today was a big news day, and it’s a gift to see you leading with good news. President Biden recognized a diverse group of Americans to be honored with the Presidential Medal of Freedom. People who really Help Make America Great in sharp contrast to TFG who rewarded loyalty including Rush Limbaugh. Another example of what it means and what it looks like to be presidential. “Decorated athletes and military heroes, artists, civil rights giants, activists and trailblazing representatives, intellectuals, and innovators,” Biden tweeted. “That’s America. And these are our 2022 Presidential Medal of Freedom recipients.”

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The contrast is especially glaring with tfg’s award to Limbaugh of a Presidential Medal of Freedom. That a racist, misogynistic, prejudiced loud mouth was bestowed this recognition was antithetical to the award’s objective of recognizing citizens who have made “an especially meritorious contribution to the security or national interests of the United States, world peace, cultural or other significant public or private endeavors.”

Like Talia pointed out earlier, the absence of educators and scientists in Biden’s list of recipients is noticeable, but each of his awardees embodies the outstanding character that the Medal recognizes. Bravo!

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Rose, that Jim Jordan also received it cheapened it mightily. Biden has brought the medal out of the Trump muck. Thank you, Mr. President.

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The entire so-called "presidency" of the former guy needs to be completely annulled and voided.

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And the judges/justices he appointed/nominted!

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Trump needs to be eliminated from US memory as Lance Armstrong was erased from cycling.

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I think we need to remember how a rogue party can infiltrate and attempt to destroy our fragile democracy. Am hoping all this corruption being revealed will help those who have been in denial to really stand up and support Civility, Respect, Truth, the Rule of Law and our Democracy!

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Total do-over with a different president.

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Yes! Thank you, Mr. President, for giving us examples to emulate.

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The award to Limbaugh epitomizes that which tfg values, along with the sycophantic, pathologically loyal ppl who served in his “administration.”

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MLMinEt. Yes, “Actions speak louder than words” in this case. We couldn’t believe TFG’s words, but he can’t deny the actions that are in full view and every day becoming more visible to the public. His values. And can’t deny the home video from the Whitehouse. That’s his punishment for looking for his reflection in the pond. For his narcissism.

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His “ad-miseration”!

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Not true. Dr. Julieta Garcia was recognized as the first Hispanic president of an American college. Heard her on an NPR interview yesterday. Raised by a poor immigrant father of 3 who put money in a college fund every week and never touched it, no matter what the current need, because it was his children’s college fund. She is a prominent advocate of education. Did you think that Dr. Jill would let Joe not recognize education?

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Thanks for your kind correction, Jackie.

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He can award more!

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I keep wondering if Rush can have his rescinded.

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Patricia, and Jordan’s as well. I see nothing worthy in him.

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We have a Positive President whom many of us are very grateful for being a mature, kind adult role model for American children...and adults.

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Let’s face it. Insanity Rules... CIDER HOUSE RULES... AND IT IS WORLD WIDE TODAY. The assassination of a Japanese prime minister is a signal to the leaders of all nations... that dystopia can reign anywhere... today. Remember: Abraham Lincoln was assassinated... and the Reformation failed... The United States has failed in effort to end violence and racism - with daily MASS murder by young white mails expressing their anger... mostly at Blacks, and the Republican Party now recognized as a fascist element that sponsored our twice impeached rogue president that will soon be charged again and again for his criminality throughout his life - a grotesque figure of a man accused of rape, insurrection, sedition, and the destruction of democracy itself...

Meanwhile, the PM of the United Kingdom was dumped by his party for his dishonesty, and the dictator of Russia is trying to destroy the democracy and leadership of Ukraine with support from our last president... as FOX News, led by a racist from Australia, markets the worst of it to a huge audience of racists that have commanded the GOP, and 70 million Americans seem to believe that our electoral process is corrupt as their leader seeks to hijack the presidency and the congress and health care itself - as the leadership of that fascist racist party accuses the latest Justice confirmed to the Supreme Court of exactly what Putin accused Yeltsin’s enemies of - supporting pedophilia in court decisions... in an attempt to destroy her career... that has failed, so far. Ketanji Brown Jackson may be the only hope on SCOTUS.

Heather Cox Richardson’s nightly rendition of fact rolls on... and she fails to examine her campus’s racism... and the behavior of a white female senator I happen to know... whose tepid commitment to justice as led directly to the state by state violence that will result in the death to women and the destruction of fetal medicine and obstetrics nation wide... all in the name of GOD... as our 6-3 Court destroys life itself and attacks women in the name of the unborn, healthy or not, destroying medicine and the best in that field consider fleeing Arizona and elsewhere rather than risk jail for their principled efforts now characterized as murder...

What’s happening world wide - from Japan, to Russia, to China, to North Korea, to Washington, DC, London, Paris, Hungary, India, Burma, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, and in dozens of states in The United States of America is simple: fascism that emerged with Mussolini and swept through Germany, Austria, France and much of Europe under Hitler - and now affects Israel as it does the West Bank and GAZA... is sweeping the world...

The forces of evil are winning... as those awarded by President Biden seek to bring sanity, those awarded by the former guy seek to bring insanity...

All of this is clear as a bell in Highland Park, Illinois where a relative of a high school chum of my wife was killed... she was a wonderful woman... and dozens more were slaughtered... as the daily slaughter in the USA continues with the NRA bribing its way and gun violence perpetuated by insanity in the young white male fearing Jews will replace him - and Blacks slaughtered by white cops - with support from their ranks... as law enforcement itself is corrupted by racism...

Letters from an American is useful for what HCR repeats nightly - and for what she is unable to say nightly... and her followers applaud her for both...

We are a racist nation, our historians cannot and will not interpret fact to hold up that cracked mirror... and the world we seek to lead is in disarray, with rising dystopia everywhere... warming denied by half off America.. and our teens, the sane ones, in despair - and our One Six Committee saved for the moment by a 26 year old assistant to a coward coming forward - to tell the truth... and her boss cowering somewhere near his fearless leader...

My view is simple: women of all races, Blacks of good education in America, and still sane teens must join hands as good men step aside... we must push the reset button... and we humans must find a way to honor Mother Nature and stop the relentless pursuit of destruction in the name of profit... and with intelligence and wisdom guide this planet back to a state where common sense rules and fascism is explained to those presently misled...

Or we will find the war in Ukraine and in our streets and in Japan sweeping the planet... the signs are everywhere.. WW I was started with one shot... and WW II was started by the Axis Powers... American isolationism nearly commanded us... till we were bombed into action in Hawaii...

What will it take to bring sanity to rise above racism... in Washington, London, Paris, Ukraine... Egypt, Israel, China... you name it..

What will it take? The bells are ringing, and the Bell Tolls for Us... Shinzo Abe is dead... and we are dying... right here in American, daily... in the name of freedom misused.. as we destroy a woman’s right and need to choose... and our children are afraid to go to school...

And I am afraid to go to a concert, and our prisons are choked with those Black men that never had a decent chance at life...

Alexis de Tocqueville came to study us and reported wisely in two volumes... what would that nobleman say today?

What historian today will call it like it is... and not waste time here as increasing numbers of writers and thinkers come to SUBSTACK to write.. and our daily newspapers fail us... and Timothy Snyder of YALE... teaches and writes his incredible wisdom - and he warns us again and again, support your weekly newspaper...

President Biden was elected and he seeks to protect the unborn and the women.. of America... and the world... as he navigates the insanity of the Born Again Fascists that highjack religion and democracy with their sexual dysfunction and polemical rants and are led in their chants by the GOP in DC...

The Party of Lincoln is destroyed... and his memory is forgotten...

Who will rise to reflect Abraham Lincoln when the good president we have is no longer? Will Trump rise to destroy us... will racism and silence on campus mislead our students nation wide?

See something, say something ... words can save us... speak...

It all starts at the kitchen table... and a woman’s right to choose... and the truth...

we are in trouble... big trouble, world wide.

Tonight, former Japanese prime minister Shinzo Abe was shot in the chest while he was giving a campaign speech in the city of Nara. His condition is critical. Police have arrested a male suspect in the shooting. Washington Post Tokyo/Seoul bureau chief Michele Ye Hee Lee tweeted: “Can't overstate how shocking this shooting is—not only because Abe is very popular and prominent, but also because gun violence is extremely rare incident in Japan, a country with some of the world's strictest gun laws.”

President of the European Council Charles Michel tweeted that Abe is “a true friend, fierce defender of multilateral order [and] democratic values.” He promised that the European Union stands with Japan and Prime Minister Fumio Kishida.

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Sandy, agreed.

However, I must take issue with your statement that Heather has "failed to examine the behavior" of Maine's Sen. Susan Collins. These paragraphs are from her Letter of May 3/4, 2022:

"Senator Susan Collins (R-ME) and Senator Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) provided key votes for Trump’s nominees and are now on the defensive. Collins publicly defended her votes for both Gorsuch and Kavanaugh around the time of their confirmation, saying she did not believe they would overturn Roe. She noted that Gorsuch was a co-author of “a whole book” on the importance of precedent, and that she had 'full confidence' that Kavanaugh would not try to overturn Roe. Murkowski voted to confirm Gorsuch and Barrett.

Collins today said: 'If this leaked draft opinion is the final decision and this reporting is accurate, it would be completely inconsistent with what Justice Gorsuch and Justice Kavanaugh said in their hearings and in our meetings in my office.' Like Collins, Murkowski noted that the final decision could change, but ‘if it goes in the direction that this leaked copy has indicated, I will just tell you that it rocks my confidence in the court right now.' The draft is not going in 'the direction that I believed that the court would take based on statements that have been made about Roe being settled and being precedent.'

Washington Post columnist Jennifer Rubin suggested that the Senate Judiciary Committee should hold hearings on whether the justices lied in their confirmation hearings, and call Senators Collins and Murkowski as witnesses.

This apparent shift from what they had promised is a searing blow at the legitimacy of the Supreme Court, which was already staggering under the reality that three of the current justices were nominated by Donald Trump, who lost the popular vote and then tried to destroy our democracy; two were nominated by George W. Bush, who also lost the popular vote in his first term; and one other is married to someone who supported the January 6 insurrection and yet refused to recuse himself from at least one case in which she might be implicated. "

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Re: Sandy, agreed.

However, I must take issue with your statement that Heather has "failed to examine the behavior" of Maine's Sen. Susan Collins. These paragraphs are from her Letter of May 3/4, 2022:

"Senator Susan Collins (R-ME) and Senator Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) provided key votes for Trump’s nominees and are now on the defensive. Collins publicly defended her votes for both Gorsuch and Kavanaugh around the time of their confirmation, saying she did not believe they would overturn Roe. She noted that Gorsuch was a co-author of “a whole book” on the importance of precedent, and that she had 'full confidence' that Kavanaugh would not try to overturn Roe. Murkowski voted to confirm Gorsuch and Barrett.

Collins today said: 'If this leaked draft opinion is the final decision and this reporting is accurate, it would be completely inconsistent with what Justice Gorsuch and Justice Kavanaugh said in their hearings and in our meetings in my office.' Like Collins, Murkowski noted that the final decision could change, but ‘if it goes in the direction that this leaked copy has indicated, I will just tell you that it rocks my confidence in the court right now.' The draft is not going in 'the direction that I believed that the court would take based on statements that have been made about Roe being settled and being precedent.'

Washington Post columnist Jennifer Rubin suggested that the Senate Judiciary Committee should hold hearings on whether the justices lied in their confirmation hearings, and call Senators Collins and Murkowski as witnesses.

This apparent shift from what they had promised is a searing blow at the legitimacy of the Supreme Court, which was already staggering under the reality that three of the current justices were nominated by Donald Trump, who lost the popular vote and then tried to destroy our democracy; two were nominated by George W. Bush, who also lost the popular vote in his first term; and one other is married to someone who supported the January 6 insurrection and yet refused to recuse himself from at least one case in which she might be implicated. "

To Mim Eisenberg (Nyer now in GA) -- Sen. Susan Collins is the master of twitching GOP while she flirts with sanity in the Democrats of Maine. Her Uncle Sam Collins was the Law Court Judge - leading Maine’s top state court... and our real estate lawyer in Rockport - and honest man that suggested I avoid his son’s legal practice, and said why... similarly, Sam was not a warm supporter of his seemingly sweet and naive niece... and we took the time to meet with her before she won her seat. My view: Susan hears what she wants to hear in essentially is a lying Republican phony, not a Liz Cheney Republican hero... And her repeating errors of judgement with Trump issues, all of them, bespeak a woman that is cunning and well balanced - and dishonest... she knew the Trump candidates were vetted by the usual collection of GOP cynics from a few Speakers to Moscow Mitch... these are racists... and Susan is comfortable in the racist pew... and she will remain there... along with white historians can claim they are color blind... present company not excluded. I can smell this stuff a mile away... and this racist nation is in the process of decay - as it has been since Lincoln was assassinated and Ronald Reagan lied his way along with all the rest. Two terms of Obama frightened the racists.. Jews will not replace us... add color will not replace us, and you have the picture...

Justice K B Jackson has what it takes... keep an eye on her minority opinions and prepare to impeach lying Clarence, lying Brett, and lying Amy... those that lied to get on that court... forget what they look like, look at what they do... and let’s get rid of that opinion writer that leaked his opinion.

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I would love to see the last three Injustices impeached. Just don’t expect convictions.

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Magnificent! Thank you for saying so much truth. I hope everyone reads your comment and wish I knew how to make a copy. My one thought is that possibly many readers of this newsletter know these truths, but your explosion is more than most of us can ingest daily. I have to fight one battle at a time and hope others are fighting others. Above all we must vote for Democrats in November, remembering that we are all human and politics is the art of the possible.

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Sandy it is dystopian, but so very real. I am beyond sad for our country. NYT had a recent article about our increasing chance for a civil war. The scholar is Barbara Walter. Here is a YouTube clip summarizing her study and findings in her book, “How Civil Wars Start”. We are wobbling and entering dangerous territory. Knowing there are 400 mil guns and 20mil assault rifles in the US, many in the hands of the brown shirts and those that are unhinged, is frightening!

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No hot war here. No Civil War. Just the daily slaughter fomented by color racists. WE MUST BEAT THEM AT THE POLLS. VOTE TWICE?

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Agree. We are in big trouble, world-wide. Too many see what is happening and keep their mouths shut as a self-protective mechanism. (You meant 'Reconstruction,' not 'Reformation,' I suspect, although the latter might not be entirely without blame. Was that a Freudian slip?)

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Vote! Be availabe for your neighbor without being in their business. Let's work harder at really listening. Be involved as we are able ....nothing is too small.

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Thank you Sandy.

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Regarding Abe shooting, NYTimes reports that "(i)n 2021, there were only 10 reported shootings in Japan which contributed to death, injury or property damage, according to statistics from the country’s National Police Agency. Of those gun-related incidents, only one person was killed and four were injured." Maybe European Parliament will next mention guns?

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Bradley, thank you for sharing the NYT report about the Abe shooting in Japan and the sharp contrast to gun statistics (people) in USA. Once again the difference here in USA is profound. We just had a tragic mass murder in Chicago. The World Health Organization could honor countries like Japan with low gun fatalities, sales, ownership and laws that prevent mass murders.

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An Apple/BBC News flash has just notified that Mr. Abe has passed away. It also informs that “In 2014, there were just six incidents of gun deaths in Japan, as compared to 33,599 in the US.” Two lamentable facts…


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Rose, Abe’s death, now an assassination, is tragic on so many levels. I’m sorry, because he is a human being. And the contrast in numbers, the statistic of shootings in USA is also a tragedy. And shocking. I watched the video and it reminded me of the assassination of Robert Kennedy. Televised and unexpected and shocking. The biggest difference is how “common” gun deaths and violence are in USA compared to most other modern, “civilized” countries. We express shock with every senseless tragedy and basically do nothing. The recent anemic bipartisan gun law is inadequate and we knew it from the beginning. Should we remove those adjectives, civilized and modern, from the description of USA?

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We were not informed of the particulars when Heather went to print. Comparing Japan to the USA is like comparing apples to oranges.

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I was reading this with great interest. So much (and such diverse happenings) is pulled together as one continues through the piece - amazing, profoundly so. Wow!

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I'm gratified that Diane Nash received the Medal. Her efforts to nonviolently end segregation were key to the ultimate success of the movement, and up till now she hasn't been adequately recognized. This was also a vindication of SNCC as she and other founding members originally conceived it.

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I was interested to learn some time ago that Thom Hartmann was also a member of SNCC.

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How to edit typos?

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Abbie, click on the three dots after “Collapse” :-)

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Abbie-also, if the effort to edit doesn't work, try going to the top of the page and look to the left of the search bar. There's an incomplete circle w/an arrow @ the end-that's the refresh button. Click on it. It also will let you do the "heart" if it initially doesn't work.

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But only on your own comment; otherwise, the action is to Report a comment.

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Abbie, under your comment, to the right of “Collapse” are three dots. Touch those and you will see a choice “Edit”. Click on that and you can edit your comment. Remember to Save and repost.

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Thank you! Just tried it!

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Say what you will about Boris Johnson, he was a staunch supporter of Ukraine. The Carters celebrating 76 years made me so happy.

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Support for Ukraine motivated by BoJo’s political interests is still support for Ukraine. I have heard the promised weapons donations have been arriving.

I am happy for the Carters, and also that the Brits have a limit to their tolerance of liars.

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He is no loss to Britain. That is for sure. How much damage he has done will take a while to sort out.

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Yes, he was. And at what was probably his final Questions and Answers session he thanked the people of the country for their generosity in welcoming Ukrainian refugees, some of whom were in the gallery. Hope you guys are doing well. Think of you two often!

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Yes, it is always good to see Allen Hingston's presence in our community. May this unjust war against Ukraine end rapidly❣️

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My thought was, if ONLY tfg's cabinet all quit and he had the decency to step down!!

If only.

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They couldn’t even agree to use the 25th amendment, though some were in favor. Decency seems an antiquated concept in our country. Decency involves concern for other people, many of whom you have never met. A tough sell, since others may be the Others that people have been encouraged to denigrate and to fear.

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Me too, Allen. Me too.

Salud! 🇺🇸🇺🇦🗽

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While the 17 recipients of the Presidential Medal of Freedom are an inspiration to us all by their embodiment of "hard work, perseverance and faith", there is not a single teacher, librarian, author, scientist, or mathematician on the list. Did someone accidentally get left out?

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Good point, Talia. And hoping journalists, historians and writers, including Heather Cox Richardson will be honored in 2023. Truth, objectivity, creativity, honesty all critical to the Freedom of our Democracy.

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Today’s recipients are certainly deserving. We can hope these were Biden’s first and far from his last recipients.

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there are so many categories, someone is always going to be "left out". Pres. Biden has a very well rounded and diverse group.

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This is a year to celebrate other Americans. To recognize a wide variety of US.

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On the "deep audit" of Comey & McCabe, Yogi Berra said. "You can learn alot by watching". McCabe was fired 2 days before his retirement vested. Comey was a target the moment he promised "honesty" to the tfg.The time is now to appoint a Special Prosecutor to insulate the investigation & delve deeper into what the NYT's, Michael Schmidt has uncovered. Signature work Mike.

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Luckily I happened to turn as CNN as this presidential event was just beginning. I enjoyed it so much— it was so uplifting to see these truly inspiring human beings honored in such a tremendous way by our great President Biden. Thank God he’s healthy and working hard every day!

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Thank you Heather for unpacking a heavy day of news. So much to read.

I was struck by the shear variety of people who were bestowed the Presidential Medal of Freedom. None of which were political paybacks for President Biden.

Be safe. Be well. Let freedom ring.

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I hear the peal!

Salud, Linda. 🏅🇯🇵🇺🇦🇺🇸🗽

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Christine, good morning. Have you watched the Lincoln Project video from a few days ago with the song My Country Tis of thee? I came across it last night. I think I listened to it 20 times.

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So bittersweet. https://youtu.be/WNsvp61yb0k

You know how I love our country’s patriotic songs. I’ve never cried listening to them with furious tears as much as I have this year.

Salud to the Lady. 🗽

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The only version of the Star Spangled Banner that rings true to me lately because of its raucous, electric, protesting sounds is that of Jimi Hendrix performing it in the wee hours of Woodstock so many years ago.

Salud! 🗽🇺🇸 https://youtu.be/sjzZh6-h9fM

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Yes, Gail! I posted that on July 4th. I love the youngins’ coming up with their versions.

Salud! 🗽

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I think you’d enjoy the Tuba ensemble’s rendition.

Nothing like a heavy metal anthem!!

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Yep! 🗽💜

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Thank you for reminding me of “America.” In my public school during WWII, we sang all 6(?) verses at least once a week. I can remember fragments, so must look up the whole hymn.

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Virginia, America is a different place than it was. It saddens me to read all verses. However, the meaning of the song remains the same.

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One verse has always chilled me: “Thine alabaster cities gleam — undimmed by human tears.” It always comes to mind when driving past homeless encampments.” I’m sure that’s not what was meant, but it is certainly what it has become.

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Patricia that line very much encompasses that truth. I will think of this as I pass the encampment I often drive near.

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Dr. Richardson, as Cassidy Hutchison testified, and as Sarah Matthews prepares to testify to the Jan 6 committee, both have said they were proud of the legacy Trump was leaving. Can you tell us what, exactly, they were proud of? I know I hated pretty much everything Trump did, so I am curious what these young, white women found to be proud of.

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That troubles me too. I wish they’d articulate that. That individual, single-handedly destroyed the office of President of the United States. What on earth are they referring to?

I can tell you that in my professional world, ONE lie under oath renders you unable to be trusted again, ever. That man’s oath taking was a lie, thus tainting all that he did.

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What a loaded letter today. The list of medal recipients is a list to be proud of. It is a clear statement of fine values. Good job, Joe. The list that TFG provided was a pathetic statement from a little abused boy in a large soulless old man suit.

Heather continues to wrap up her letters with a powerful closing. Wow. Jimmy Carter failed to effectively navigate the swampy waters of DC influence peddling and political machinations. But his example and his actions establish him as one of our finest Presidents. His activities after office are examples of dedication and service. I speak as an agnostic.

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“a little abused boy in a large soulless old man suit” On a car trip we heard part of Mary Trump’s audio book detailing Donald’s early years. It is no wonder he became a monster. The mystery is why people fell under his soulless old man spell.

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A letter of almost normalcy, a welcome respite, though tinged with sadness at the attack on Abe. And, Now & Then today was outstanding!

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