A dispiriting reminder of the constant creep towards fascism that we need to resist. I just got an e-mail tonight from a group of progressives concerned about the unwillingness of the Democratic National Committee even to permit discussion about dark money in the party's elections. Not, perhaps, as egregious as the RNC using the wrong flag, but still, a self-imposed silence by the leaders of the Democratic Party, leading me to wonder what we can do to restore our democratic values to our party.

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Judges should not be ruling the US. Challenge their statements and counter them. This is especially true for the corrupt Trump-centered followers, including SCOTU$

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We are in a war of truth and the evil keeps growing and growing. The is painful to read but keep sending the pain Heather.

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I’m writing “thank you,” Professor, because you’re telling us the Truth and we trust you in a time that seems impossible to trust. Where do we go from here? Will we trust any future election or official connected to the repubs? Even with a billboard of truth, diehard supporters of tfg want him as president. I and my friends and family and my fellow Democrats will continue to work for Justice. But the rest of this country? For all our grandchildren I’m not giving up.


In the dark times, will there also be singing?

Yes, there will be singing

About the dark times.

~Bertolt Brecht

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Why do elected officials, who take an oath to serve and protect the Constitution, so flagrantly show contempt for the government in which they serve and disdain the people they have sworn to serve? Josh Hawley, Jim Jordan etc, etc, I’m looking at you. I’m so sad.

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Sadly, this sounds a lot like the near take-over of America by fascists in the late 1930's and early 1940's as reported in Rachel Maddow's "Ultra" blog. All of the Congressmen involved and most if not all of the other perpetrators got off without punishment. At least one prosecutor's reputation was ruined.

In the face of this threat to democracy, a significant number of Republicans who will not vote for Trump are looking for a third-party candidate if Trump is the Republican nominee. They delude themselves that this is the best thing for America, ignoring the fact that a third party candidate would almost surely throw the election to Trump, since his MAGA cult base will stick with him.

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Tonight, Laurence O’Donnell gave a heavy piece on how he has “lost faith with Roberts and his court”. I feel we are in the throws of GOP fascism yet we must fight and resist. Heather, your incites/explanations are scary yet straightforward. We must fight for our democracy.

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Heather, thanks again for highlighting the important stories that aren’t click bait.

The flag mistake on the NRC tweet and the deliberate misinformation in the Josh Hawley tweet (both ignored by the Musk-led content police) seem to show that they believe that their base don’t know or don’t care about the truth. There’s a reason that the social media content police have responded more to conservative posts—alternative”facts” in those posts putting people’s lives in danger through medical information and posts urging violence. It has nothing to do with partisan politics.

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Heather, you have brought something to everyone’s attention that’s going on across this country on a daily basis. It’s pathetic how these justices, at every level, have seemed to forgotten what their jobs are.

I was under the impression/belief that a justice, as I’d law enforcement officers, are ti uphold the law. These justices are violating the constitution with every ruling they are making.

This isn’t making any sense at all. How, or why, are they doing this? How are they allowed to do this? Why are these justices allowed to stay sitting on their respective benches?

If we don’t get a strict Ethics commission for these justices, this country is in trouble. It’s in trouble now, but it will be totally lost if this behavior is allowed to continue. It has to be stopped!

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Thanks Heather ! We certainly need a well crafted tool to teach ways to expose and identify these disinformation platforms for the everyday consumer

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That first couple of paragraphs. Those are so important, many won’t understand why. Shame on Josh Hawley for using Tactics perfected by Putin’s political advisor Solkov, that helped Putin consolidate power. “To take bible versus and invert their meaning”, to distort the truth, to manipulate Christians and in order to get them on the Putin disinformation/propaganda campaign.

Who is advising Hawley, Jordan, and the GOP on how to do manipulate American people this way? And why?

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People who read my blog, on Word Press, asked why there is such a pandemic of uncaring. From Judge Doughty to Vladimir Putin, the answer is clear- Power is king and spirituality is seen as an impediment to amassing that power. As long as the Right to Lie is paramount, our work is cut out for us.

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HCR, you are a hard worker and I for one appreciate what you do so well. But, boy, do I miss you when you take a day off. Anyway, my comment today is prefaced with the line... "...instead of civilization you get chaos and destruction." That, friends, is a good descriptive of today's Repub Party. Chaos and destruction. Another is the magaists and Repubs overwork the missinformation and disinformation practices. They all should remember none of them are above the law... and when the next election comes around, with the work of folks like HCR, those who cast their ballots will be aware. The Repub unConstitutianists will have to answer to the people.

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So much for July 4th. Reality is July 5th....may America stay strong with your words of concern and wisdom. Thank you Professor for the truth, always. Be it as it may, we shall overcome.

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Hawley and his wife are proving again and again to be traitors to our nation. She must be disbarred due her cases brought before SCOTUS and he must be ejected from Congress for subversive words and actions. The Jan 6 “sprinter” supported the insurrection until he ran for his life from the same mob. They are both disgraceful. The GOP are becoming bolder and more traitorous as each day passes.

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My head is spinning! Biden said, I believe in 2021, that he did not trust Zuckerberg as he felt Facebook was spreading disinformation. I agree. Now, as a retaliation to Elon’s Twitter screw-ups, Facebook has launched Threads. I won’t be going there.

In the meantime, Vlad looks very very weak in comparison to Prigozhin. Looks like their argument became a kind of a “double dare” and Putin lost. All I want is the war in Ukraine to end, Putin and Prigozhin brought to trial for their crimes against humanity.

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