We’re kind of at war…doesn’t that make Elon a traitor? Or just another small man compensating?!!

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Elon Musk needs to be arrested as the traitor he is, government contracts need to be cancelled and Space-X taken over by the government on national security grounds.

And it turns out anyone still dumb enough to buy one of his tinny toys is being conned by him about the actual performance/range of said tinny toys. He's so dedicated to supporting his products that he has a secret office dedicated to canceling the service appointments people make to get their cars checked, and if the "remote review" finds any other problems with the car, they don't tell the owner.

Detroit at their worst never did things like that! But every over-educated under-intelligent yuppie moron who thinks he's a genius (he is a genius - at conning the world into thinking he's something besides a con artist) is convince - like Trumpmorons - that poor Elon is being "canceled."

He ought to be canceled. Permanently.

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The MAGA are trying to "bring down" a legitimately elected president who is doing a stellar job serving the American people with honesty and integrity. And they DARE to call themselves patriots. They are traitors to this country, trying to undermine the results of free and fair election. The rest of us must stop them.

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The Trump Administration’s financing of Yellow Trucking benefitted Apollo by supporting outstanding credit Apollo had extended the struggling trucking firm. Apollo’s founder and longtime CEO and Board Chair was Leon Black. Mr. Black resigned his positions at Apollo when it became public he had been Jeffrey Epstein’s frequent guest at gatherings held for the purpose of sex trafficking young women and girls. Perhaps when James Comer and his House Oversight Committee are done with their Hunter Biden fever dream they can investigate just why the Trump Administration tried to ride to Leon Black’s rescue and cost American taxpayers about 500 million dollars.

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Aug 1, 2023·edited Aug 1, 2023

It’s hard not to see Trump, his allies in Congress, and MAGAs becoming increasingly desperate as criminal charges pile up and defeat in 2024 looms ever larger.

We know that Trump will stop at nothing to avoid prison. What crimes against the nation is he planning?

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Aug 1, 2023·edited Aug 1, 2023

Heather this was a ‘master assessment’ of the present political scene with Kudos to Bidenomics…Happy Days are here again….and so much else….but I especially enjoyed/laughed at the assessment of the Republican attacks on Biden …….

“As Smith wrote, the relative weakness of attacks on policy positions means that Republicans are pivoting to attacks on Biden’s character, not a bad move considering their own front runner appears to be weak on that front.”

I loved the ‘not a bad move’ since I expect that tomorrow or Thursday we will have God only knows how many MORE indictments against the Orange one (weak on the ‘moral front’) for his attempts to kill our democracy…..’weak in that front’ doesn’t begin to even remotely assess the evil that horrible man has done…..

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Elon Musk puts the Twit in Twitter. Oops, new name. Can we X him out of SpaceX?

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Let’s not forget that Republicans have been doing everything to rig elections. They have a media juggernaut they took decades to assemble. People who get their “news” from their propaganda machine believe what it’s putting out. And they’re united behind a conman who can get out of his legal troubles if he’s elected. They have taken over the Supreme Court. They appeal to their base through their chaos caucus.

Climate change and inequality are causing many millions to struggle, and there’s no bipartisan agreement to tackle homelessness and addiction to fentanyl and synthetic meth. This makes cities hard to govern, and voters typically blame who’s in office. We’re not out of the woods yet.

Tfg and the GOP have amassed much power and are still very dangerous. I’m not ready to get comfortable mocking their difficulties. Democrats are challenged to get out the vote and unite behind President Biden. Let’s get to work.

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I can’t decide who most threatens our republic.

Trump and his cult of personality or Musk and his accumulation of power through monopolies. Regardless of who is the bigger threat, I can’t Stand the Smug looks of superiority perpetually on either man’s face.

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‘When it comes to Trump, today’s letter honks with the news that ‘…the first New York Times/Sienna College poll of the 2024 campaign shows Trump winning 54% of the votes of likely Republican primary voters. The next closest challenger is Florida governor Ron DeSantis, at 17%. It appears Trump still has a lock on his base,…’

Why wouldn’t that be good news for Biden?

‘A full 56% of Republican primary voters say they prefer the nominee be closest to them on the issues, compared to 39% who prioritize beating Biden. The sentiment holds across virtually all demographics, except for voters aged 65 or older and those who consider themselves "somewhat conservative," who are split. (NBCnews)

‘Here’s the challenge: While Republican primary voters will choose their nominee, independent voters will choose the next president and Congress. That’s just reality’.

‘Trump has an “independent problem” that isn’t going away. His win-loss record in the past three elections, especially with independents, may well be his Achilles’ heel in the primaries if his opponents can articulate not only why winning in 2024 is so crucial but also how they can bring back independents to the GOP.’ (RollCall)


‘Even allowing for how he has changed perceptions of American politics in the past eight years, and made the unprecedented seem routine, the current situation is extraordinary. On Thursday, federal prosecutors in Florida added three more charges against Trump relating to his retention of classified documents after leaving office, including a new obstruction-of-justice count. In the next couple of weeks, state prosecutors in Fulton County, Georgia, will likely indict the former President on charges of trying to overturn the 2020 election result in Georgia, and federal prosecutors in Washington, D.C., will likely indict him on charges relating to his actions after the 2020 election and in the run-up to the January 6th riots on Capitol Hill.’

‘Assuming the courts don’t remand Trump in custody, he will, as Christie said, be free on bail—a privilege that he will surely continue to exploit by galvanizing his supporters and bullying elected Republicans, and his fellow 2024 hopefuls, into repeating his cries of “witch hunt.”

‘The thing that is more difficult to gauge, largely because of the lack of precedent, is how the American public will process Trump’s legal drama between now and November, 2024. Will the accumulation of charges and evidence, and maybe even actual trials, gradually turn opinion decisively against the former President, especially among voters who aren’t highly partisan? Will things swing in his favor? Or will things stay where they are now, with views highly polarized on partisan lines?’

‘…the latest opinion survey from Bright Line Watch, a group of political scientists that monitors threats to democracy. The survey, which was published last week, was carried out before the latest charges against Trump were filed. On the face of things, it confirmed the familiar picture that, when it comes to anything having to do with the former President, universally acknowledged truths hardly exist. Fewer than one in six Republican voters said they believed that Trump had committed crimes in trying to overturn the 2020 election, in his actions before the January 6th riots, or in making hush-money payments to Stormy Daniels.’

'Among self-identified independents who don’t lean toward either party, the survey yielded more ambiguous results. Fewer than half of these respondents—between thirty-seven per cent and forty-six per cent, depending on the specific cases—said they believed that Trump had committed a crime. And about half of these respondents said that the charges were politically motivated. But, although these findings seem encouraging for Trump and his supporters, the survey also found that the number of independents who believe that Trump has done something criminal is growing, especially in relation to the classified-documents case. In a Bright Line Watch survey carried out last October, thirty-four per cent of independents said that a crime had been committed in that case. In the latest poll, that number had grown to forty-six per cent.'

'This suggests that, as prosecutors release more details of the charges and evidence against Trump, opinion is slowly shifting against him among less partisan voters. The survey even showed evidence of movement among Republicans. Since last October, the percentage of Republicans who said they believed that Trump had committed a crime in handling classified documents rose from nine to twenty-five. “We have to keep two things in mind at the same time,” Brendan Nyhan, a political scientist at Dartmouth who co-founded Bright Line Watch, told me on Monday. “On the one hand, the public is incredibly polarized on these cases. On the other hand, the new evidence does seem to be moving the needle.”(JohnCassidy, NewYorker) Sorry, not gifting privilege.


I see a loser in all this and it isn't Democracy or President Biden.

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The range of your news gathering is so impressive, madam, that I am breathless. Ukraine's asking Saudi Arabia's to conduct peace talks seems a little frightening, but I guess we'll have to see how that turns out. And thank you once again for recognizing the many journalists hard at work on the myriad aspects of our situation. Newspapers may be failing, but journalists seem to be thriving.

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HCR’s July 31st post is an enormous masterpiece in scope (Ukraine’s 10 Point Peace Plan, Biden Economics emergence as a success story of historic proportion, Yellow Truck bankruptcy another epic Trump corruption scandal, Musk “conducting foreign & military policy in conflict with that of the United States,” and House Oversight Committee digs in futility for Biden scandals rather than scratching the surface of Trump’s scandals) yet she covers all that ground with a remarkable depth of sources and economy of words, carefully curated and flowing seamlessly to produce yet another lucid and cognitively transparent tapestry, thereby connecting the day’s most important news strands, and as usual, extracting and filtering signals from noise!

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I am keeping it simple. When I mark my ballot in the November 2024 election, I will be voting for sanity, truth, and the rule of law.

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Unfortunately the republican voters have an attention span of nano-seconds which makes them perfect targets for trump and the republican 'leadership' lies and entertainment instead of leadership and policy.

Isn't trump's pac grifting money from donors to pay for the legal defense of his fellow criminals paramount to bribery of potential witnesses against him...or in other words witness tampering? Not to mention how sad it is that an alleged billionaire has to steal money from donors to pay his legal fees for crimes he committed against them.

Finally musk is an enigma. Nobody will ever be able to explain his actions or lack of morality.

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“ it is 100% insane to have a president opposed by basically his whole cabinet”

Yes it is. And I would like to add that it’s a full 1000% insane to have a president who incited an angry mob to go and hang his own vice president.

And Elon Musk should be in prison for being the traitor to Ukraine and democracy that he is. I definitely wouldn’t mind seeing this fascist Putin-fanboy go to jail, where he belongs. He’s courting people with his image of the autistic genius. Nice try, but being a narcissistic tech bro doesn’t make you a genius, and being autistic doesn’t make you immune to being an *sshole.

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The peace talks are a surprise. I like the ten points. Is there the remotest chance that Putin will agree? I am so glad that at least some journalists are reporting favorably on 'Bidenomics' We need that for all of Americans to prosper. The Party of Trump is in trouble? Good, they deserve to remain in trouble. I just hope there are a few, non-fascist Republicans left to reclaim the real Republican Party, pre-trump and the tea party.

Why on earth, did the United States of America allow an unstable imbecile like Elon Musk to gain control of something as important as Star Link, he can and will wreak havoc. The atmosphere is supposed to belong to all nations, how did Musk come to manipulate to his own impulsive advantage?

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