As dark as all this news is, and it's pretty damn dark, right down there with the two weeks before Christmas in 1776, when it looked to any knowledgeable person that the only question regarding the surrender of the colonial revolutionaries to the British Army was when it would happen; or the months after Second Bull Run when everyone expected Lee to take Washington; or the first five months after Pearl Harbor when it looked like defeat after defeat. But in all those times, the solution to the problems was right there in the midst of the doom and gloom, people with their backs to the wall did extraordinary things they would never have thought themselves capable of before. And that's so now. That spirit of John Lewis is loose in the land, and it's stronger than the Traitor and all his minions. There were no stormtroopers on the streets of Portland tonight, though the people were there. The BLM, and the Wall of Moms, and the Leaf Blower Dads, and the Wall of Vets all came together and defeated the fascists.

It's time to remember Napoleon's advice: "Never interrupt and enemy who is defeating himself." Trump's BS about the election today was proof how weak and terrified he is. The big bad wolf who huffs and puffs and can't blow himself. The Republicans in the Senate just signed their own death warrants. All 23 up for re-election are going to be defeated in November. Trump isn't ahead anywhere that matters. And every time he opens his mouth he loses another point. They're headed for a more thorough defeat than they suffered in 1932. Or they are so long as we all stick to our guns like the people in Portland did.

Go over to MSNBC and listen to Morgan Freeman read John Lewis' final words. Go stream "The Return of the King" and re-watch it.

And don't worry, all those people who did all those great things were scared too. You think John Lewis just walked up the Edmund Pettus Bridge thinking he was going for a walk in the park? As a guy who knew what he was talking about once told me in the Navy, "heroism is when you're so scared you've pissed your pants and shit your drawers and your brain is frozen and you do your damn job."

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Thomas M Cleaver, thank you for the reminder that it is always darkest before the dawn. I caught bits and pieces of John Lewis's memorial service, mostly MSNBC recaps. I agree Morgan Freeman's narration of John Lewis's final thoughts is a must listen, very inspiring. Prentice Onayemi's narration of the same on Audm was also inspiring. "Your guy" from the Navy is spot on in his definition of heroism. We got this!

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Thomas M Cleaver- THANK YOU for these inspirational words. Almost every day I spend time in a “hopeless space”, feeling lost and defeated. Today, you lifted me up.

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Absolutely correct, Thomas M Cleaver. Thank you for adding your staunch encouragement to the ever-heartening words of HCR.

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I listen to Morgan Freeman’s reading on the way to work this morning. Thank you thank you. I feel so much inspiration and an inner calm after hearing it. Great way to start today, and maybe every morning going forward.

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Very well said. Thank you so much for reminding me (and all of us) that it truly is darkest before the dawn and, as a nation, we have faced and triumphed over adversity before and can do so again. Well done!

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Well said, sir. Well said.

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Heather brought a dizzying day of news into perspective, and you gave us hope. Thanks to both.

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Thank you Mr. Cleaver for that encouragement and great reminder that our country has faced dark times before. I live in an area full of Trump supporters and tend to get very discouraged, so much so that I can't sleep some nights.

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Thank you so much. I needed that today.

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Thank you! Preach on! Strength for the spine---and for the soul. Onward!!

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The link to Morgan Freeman’s narration of John Lewis’ op-Ed in NY Times on 7/30/20 for a dosage of oxygen to make good trouble:


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The national discourse has turned ugly the past 4 years. Today’s ceremony for John Lewis was refreshing. It was filled with respect, honor and decency which has been lacking for some time.

Also, learned my best friend from childhood died of COVID 19 this week, and his elderly mother is in the hospital with the virus. When it hits close to home like this, it makes the the ineptness and political posturing of the Trump administration that much more maddening.

Can’t wait to vote.

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Agreed that the speakers at John Lewis’ funeral were wonderfully articulate - I kept comparing them to Trump’s rambling, combative, and often near-incoherent press conferences in my mind and, though appalled at his disrespect of Rep. Lewis, found myself glad that we didn’t have to listen to him. It felt like it would have been a desecration of a beautiful and moving tribute to this amazing man.

Like you and others, I have recently learned of the death of someone from my youth. My sincere condolences to all who have lost people that matter to them. I am so grateful for this group - it is a wonderful community that supports and lifts each other up and encourages each other to keep going. May we all work together to build a better future.

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Don Palumbo, I am so sorry for your loss. That said I can't wait to vote either. In my hometown, a community with a population of less than 1000, a local business leader and his wife died of COVID-19 within days of one another. Their son is in the hospital and his wife is also ill from the same. A couple of weeks ago, the family held a memorial service for an aunt who passed away last March. Evidently, a grandchild who came up from Florida had COVID-19. This is just so senseless. Sending prayers to your friend's family.

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I live in a small town too and am waiting for the other shoe to drop. They are still holding polka dances for seniors. Heartbreak in the making. A local pub's parking lot was always full on the weekend. Well, the pub is closed for two weeks now because an employee tested positive for COVID-19. We have all the ingredients for a hotspot in our little village and it frightens me. Stay safe and be well, Sharon

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Sally Rego-Wasinack, Thank you for the kind thoughts. I have not lived in my hometown for decades, but my mother, 81, and my sister and her husband still live there. That said I hear what you are saying about small towns. I have several friends with cabins in Northern Michigan and they come back with tales about the parking lots being full at the bars. I have not seen my family for months. My hometown is in a region that is a mecca for blueberries. They are absolutely the best. I want to make the two hour drive and pick some up and as a perk visit family. However, I am tore about going over at this time.

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My husband and I are pretty vigilant about social distancing. We haven't dined out since the COVID spit hit the fan. It's just frustrating to see the lack of concern all around us. Sending positive energy to you and your family and that everyone stays well.

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I too lost my childhood best friend suddenly last month, though not to Covid, and I feel like a a piece of me has been severed. That simply added to the sense of loss I was already feeling. You have my sympathies.

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A life long friend posted a tribute last night to his mother, who had just passed away in a nursing home. The home has several cases but covid hasn’t been declared yet. I realized I didn’t know her very well! An accomplished pianist associated with Van Cliburn. But I knew her as a gentle kind mother in a chaotic house of three boys. All I needed to know. Condolences aren’t enough for this heartbreak! I’m so sorry for your pain! May you keep those precious memories forever! Hope they bring back all the great times you had!

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Don, I am so sorry for your loss. Covid 19 is now touching more and more people personally every day. It is our greatest sadness.

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Thank you, once again, for giving us the true skinny on the day. I feel as if I have a war correspondent behind the lines.

The contrast between John Lewis, a true patriot, and the man in the White House, could not be more stark.

As I read through the litany of outrages, I found myself thinking, "Is it any wonder we have a national case of PTSD?" Not to belittle the horrors that survivors of mental and physical abuse suffer, but I feel we are all political prisoners here. We may not be being starved or beaten, but we are being psychologically worn down daily.

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I think your assessment is accurate and in no way belittles any one individual who is diagnosed with PTSD. As a medical professional, I am well acquainted with the diagnostic criteria for this condition and agree that, as a body of citizens, our nation is showing enough of the signs of this for your assessment to ring true.

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I am taking way too much joy in the Lincoln Project’s trolling of Trump on Twitter.

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Last nights town hall reassured me they plan to go all out on both trump AND his enablers in these waning days.

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Thanks. Here’s the YouTube link to the 7/30/20 Lincoln Project townhall: https://youtu.be/krIoTcKO3G8

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Ellie Kona, thanks for sharing

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Agree! I was at the town hall too and was so encouraged by what they said. Especially about the group of lawyers headed up by George Conway, preparing to oversee and challenge any shenanigans that the Republicans try at the election.

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Marcy Meldahl, Damn, I missed it! I was signed up too. I can't remember if there was a way to watch a replay. That said I love the ad about the guy in the coma.

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Wasn’t that well done? Made me belly laugh 😂. For anyone who missed last night, you might check their website, lincolnproject.us, or YouTube.

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Economic contraction with decline of GDP, can be seen for its immediate painful impact as well as for the enormous opportunity that it presents. Beyond current political and social upheavel remains the undenyable overarching challenge to the survival of our species, specifically human induced climate change. We can bemoan the economic changes that COVID-19 has imposed, or look for inspiration for ways to adapt to new patterns of productivity that will foster economic growth that reduce carbon emissions and other greenhouse gases. The new normal, including working from home is a small step in the right direction. Far more is needed to take full advantage of the changes in expectation by individuals in our nation and worldwide. It's time to pull up our socks and look at the opportunities that to shape a future that is sustainable.

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Thank you for sharing your optimism. It’s so easy to lose sight of the fact that our current situation also brings the opportunity for positive change. Thank you for the reminder and for lifting my spirits!

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John Lewis' words brought me to tears. Rest in Power, you wise and brave soul.

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A related topic seems to be Trump's assault on the USPS. There seems to be fear that it is to ensure that the postal service is incapable of handling and processing ballots for the election. As I understand it, the USPS is required to be financially solvent and it is currently stressed because of decreased volume due to the economic slowdown caused by Covid 19.

Wouldn't it be possible for private entities (Bill Gates, Bloomberg, Buffet come to mind) to gift money to the USPS to keep it functioning at full capacity through November. This seems to me to require only a modest amount of money. Is this even legal?? If not, why not??

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Jim, the USPS is also required to PRE-pay retirement benefits for people who not only don't work there yet, but haven't been BORN yet - 75 years' worth! In what other agency is that a requirement?

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Yes. I am aware of that, but the short-term issue of the election is the acute issue. Maybe a grassroots campaign to get every Democrat to buy a couple of rolls of Forever Stamps could work, but this seems to be a problem that could be solved with some organizing by the Democrats. Basically that would be a secured, no interest loan.

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I bought several pages of stamps and have shipped things to my daughter. Also bought John Oliver’s Last Week Tonight stamps from his fundraiser. I’ve never participated in as many causes like I have these last months! Too many things on the brink and needing saving!

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The Trump stooge put in charge of the Postal Service, with the unlikely name of Joy, has now forbidden any overtime, so that if there is a deluge of mail-in ballots in November, they might not get to the various boards of elections in time. The whole Postal Service thing, including the pension prepayment mentioned, burns me up. It should be a SERVICE to citizens, a non-profit.

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That too was addressed on LP’s town hall.

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I’m struck dumb, almost, the president says absentee voting is good and mail-in voting is bad. What a complete dumba$$!

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You said it, sister! 👍

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And he’s voted mail in before!

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Translation: votes for Trump and his party are valid, other votes are invalid.

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Dr. Richardson, it is always amazing to me how you put these pieces together night after night. Keep up the great work!

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In terms of the "economic hit" , we're all very much in the same boat regardless of whether the government admits it or not. Unfortunately it is unlikely to improve greatly in the short term and the annual projections will probably prove accurate if not a little optimistic. In the US the Covid tsunami continues unabated while in Europe the 2nd wave will start to rise with the return from "holidays" . The real economic hit occurs when the government stops funding all exceptional unemployment and accepts that none of its loans will be repaid.The figures and the human toll will probably be disastrous and the negative effect on consumer spending will drive a vicious downward cycle of investment and production decisions. They can't print enough money to fund this, nor pay the resulting debt. The scope of the hole that the different governments are digging, and though the Europen leaders are "nicer" than Trump, the results will be the same. They have still not understood that we will not be returning to status quo. They and all the people are naturally afraid when faced with a future that is totally undiscernable. They are sooner or later going to have to sit down together ...and collectively "jump off the deep end" into the unknown...putting first and foremost human dignity and a respect for humanity as part of nature...and not place above and beyond nature with the right to use and abuse at will...Native Americans, like all Aboriginal peoples have much to teach us.

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my condolences, Don Palumbo. It is very sad when it hits home like that.

I am still in a state of shock over this revelation yesterday; how disgustingly low can a person go?

Against the backdrop of this health catastrophe, the president is running a reelection campaign openly based on racism. This morning, he tweeted “I am happy to inform all the people living their Suburban Lifestyle Dream that you will no longer be bothered or financially hurt by having low income housing built in your neighborhood…. Your housing prices will go up based on the market, and crime will go down. I have rescinded the Obama-Biden AFFH Rule. Enjoy!” This is no longer even coded racial language: the 2015 Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing rule (AFFH) was explicitly intended to end racial segregation in housing.

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It is infuriating how blatant his racism is!!!

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A Tale of Two Cities, the worst and the best (apologies to Charles Dickens) Thank you Heather Cox Richardson for ending with the best. I was able to watch and listen to some of the funeral for Representative John Lewis yesterday while at my desk. All I heard stirred my soul. The words and music helped carry me over the other happenings from the President to his defenders/enablers. I am praying that we ordinary citizens may keep our firm resolve to vote the sorry, inept, corrupt, evil lot out of government and go on to make our country a fairer more just place.

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Obama's eulogy reminded me how very much I miss him. He so eloquently spoke of the treasure we have lost in John Lewis, while making it clear the work we need to do to carry on his legacy against the goon squad. If tRump had half the gift of articulation that Obama has, he might be able to convince people he actually passed those tests he took. Obama probably used more words in his eulogy than tRump would ever know the meaning. Hence, tRump's endless bashing of anything "Obama."

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I’m an English major. Listening to articulate, well-spoken ppl for is like listening to a symphony for a music aficionado. Also, it’s good to hear subject-verb-object sentences. 🤩

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They are on the ropes now. Credibility of right wing media is low.

Impeach again

Impeach Barr too

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That explains Dershowitz.

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Just a shout-out of "thank you!", HCR, for bringing a concise and clear summation of the dizzying array of events we're confronted with EVERY day. But, I especially wanted to thank you for ending all the rather dire news items with the hopeful, uplifting report of John Lewis' moving and inspiring funeral yesterday. That juxtaposition was not lost on me. His funeral represented a wonderful antidote to so much depressing news of late. I was moved numerous times during the service, but when I encountered Lewis' op-ed piece in the NYT yesterday morning it really made my eyes tear up. I wept out of sadness that such a leader is now no more. I wept in the realization of what we have lost in our country's present leadership vacuum. But, his stirring words from beyond the grave left me with a deeply renewed sense of hope. Hope is something that stayed with him his entire life. It was his oxygen. We have to keep that hope alive, even in the darkest days. We know what we have to do and we cannot lose sight of that. I couldn't help imagining Lewis sitting up on his cloud looking down at it all with a broad smile across his face. He has shown us the way, now we have to walk the walk. Thank you again, HCR, for helping show what we're up against. We have to do the rest.

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