Thanks! I needed that. Lately I have been so discouraged. This helped remind me why I need to keep trying to do what I can to save our democracy. I volunteer to help get the vote out: help people understand the stakes and register to vote and get to the polls. I have been feeling discouraged and wondering why I bother. I needed this boost and hearing your voice was also inspiring.

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Five men and one woman vs three women judges just a few day prior to the Celebration we celebrate today, judged that the president is above the law, that , we are not equal any more.

Was I misinformed?

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I’m asking my 11 adult grandchildren , and spouses, to please read Heather Richardson’s five-minute message for the 4th of July!

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Like this idea!

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What can I do about all this?

I am an old man of no particular importance. What I do as I go on my morning walk round the neighborhood is to greet everybody. I say "Hello" to all and sundry. One gratifying thing I've noticed is that I often get a smile. This increases happiness.

john brohan

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My further thoughts:

Dear Joe,

1. I am still reeling from the fact that Hillary lost to Trump. She acted like she deserved the position because she lost her chance to Obama in 2008 but hung on to serve as the SOS position for the administration. Her mess with Bengazi and her private server showed similar disregard for the rules. I will always think of her as the person who let Trump in the door. Joe, don’t be the one to let Trump back into the White House.

2. You will never be more robust than you are today. The next four and a half years will be a challenge to your physical and mental health. Don’t ask us to chose a president who has the appearance of not functioning on all cylinders. The 330,000,000 people need a representative who can boldly voice the efforts of our great society.

3. Trump is the greatest threat to our democracy that may ever occur. He has swindled his way through his working life and does not respect the constitution, democracy or the principle upon which this country was founded. Give up your candidacy and the campaign funds you have collected to the Democratic Party so they can determine the best candidates who can defeat Trump.

4. If Trump gains the White House he will never pay the price for all his crimes. He will make all the lawsuits and all the convictions go away at least for another 4 plus years. I doubt that Trump could run for a third term but knowing his past does not mean he would not try. Would Trump start a war to try and retain the presidency past the end of a second term? I don’t know.

The country is facing many difficult situations not only at home but also abroad. Would Ukraine survive a Trump presidency, would NATO, would the refugees in Gaza, would our national debt bring down our economic stability. Give this country the best chance to remove Trump from our political scene. Show the country the wisdom you have gained over all these years.

Sincerely, A worried citizen who is almost as old as you are.

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Jul 4·edited Jul 4

The Presidency is not a job for someone over 80, who would be 86 at the end of his next term. There are good reasons why no one over 80 has ever served before, and why before Biden no one over 70 was ever elected to a first term. Only 7(about 15%) of all U.S. Presidents have even lived to that age. Many of those would not have been fit to serve by that age. Actuarially, I believe there is only about a 50% chance that Biden would survive to age 86, let alone survive in fit condition to run a country. The bad debate performance could have been brushed off if Biden had been even 10 or 12 years younger, but in this case it raises much larger issues of fitness and ability to do the job. Those issues will not go away. Working harder for Joe won't make them go away. They are totally legitimate concerns likely to cost the Democrats the White House, and perhaps some down-ballot races as well, if Biden stays on the ticket. The Democrats need to be preparing a short list of people ready, willing, and able to step in to take his place. In my view, a ticket of Gretchen Whitmer and Raphael Warnock or Whitmer and Hakeem Jeffries would be very hard to beat. (P.S.: I'm 79, and I wouldn't run for city council or library board).

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Jim this is a good letter. Thank you for sharing it. I trust you also sent this as an email to Biden via Whitehouse.gov and to your senators and representative.

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FDR served from a wheelchair until he could no longer. We are not in a position to be making any changes. I’m sure Joe will know when to quit.

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I must respectfully disagree. If he had known when to quit, he would not have offered for a second term. Yes--FDR was crippled, but he was not 80 when elected to his last term. He was extremely ill--so ill that when Truman had lunch with him he said he saw death on his face and noted that FDR had great difficulty stirring his coffee. Knowing when to quit is hard. Lots of outstanding people don't have that knowledge--among them RBG and Willie Mays!

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Bad mouthing RBG and Willie Mays? Leave them alone.

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Not bad-mouthing at all . ..merely noting that even many of the greatest have feet of clay. I yield to no one in my admiration of RBG; however, had she retired during Obama's terms, she could have been replaced by another progressive. Her staying on through Trump cost the progressive bloc a critical seat. As for Willie, the greatest position player of all time, he stayed on for a couple of barely-over-.200 seasons at the end. Why? He couldn't have needed either the money or the glory. FDR was another who stayed on too long, running for a 4th term when he was clearly dying. Very sad.

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Hardly a good example. . .he dropped in harness, a broken man. People might think of him as they think of Biden continuing to serve into his mid-80s.

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It sure is. Share widely.

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"The Greatest Generation fought in World War II and saved the world from fascism. Its aging children now have an opportunity to do the same."

Froma Harrop

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Very well said.

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All these.

"Words to live by in 2024.”

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Jul 4·edited Jul 4

Beautiful. US citizens are strong!

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Thanks Heather. I was blasting this on my computer to drown out the noise of fireworks that was scaring my dogs. Then I played it again and spoke some of the lines with you. Might be a good thing to take on the road and for everyone to read at rallies. Felt personal since you mentioned the Chinese. I'm 4th generation on American soil, first to grow up with a mother and father. You know if Trump blamed us for COVID, spying, there will be more. He convinces his base that they've been maligned, and they find someone to blame with his encouragement. #weareinthistogether

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He plays the old fascist game of blaming immigrants for all society's woes, turning them into scapegoats, while conveniently ignoring the fact that he himself is of immigrant stock, though the country would have been infinitely better off if his grandfather had been denied admission.

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Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness . . . Of the people, by the people, for the people . . . Well, my goodness, I hope we don't lose this.

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Thank you for this interesting and easy to understand summary. Great focus.

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I would like to ask all those suggesting it would be better if Biden were to step down how that might work.

With four months to go, we suddenly do not have Democratic Presidential candidate, in either sense of the word. Does Kamala step right in? Her VP?

Or do we open the gates to contenders. Does one of them seem so perfect that all opponents eagerly clear the way on their behalf? Or do they spend a few months pointing out the faults of each other, saving Sean Hannity from featuring them each evening? Or, does Hannity annoint someone, raising the question, why?

Meanwhile, all the news and controversy has not abated. Now the age, speaking skills, experience, history and "charisma" of each fills talk shows and "Breaking News" to the point of saturation.

The MAGAs know on sight that everyone of them is worse than Trump. The left agonizes over which will beat Trump. Everyone wishes it was all over. Except the "swing states", they're swing like kids with a piñata.

Because everyone knows Trump, he is no longer a point of interest. "Trials schmiles, who cares?".. "Did you read the latest about X in the Enquirer?". "People are sayin the Ballots are already printed even before we are told who the candidates are! It's just another Lefty F...ing Hoax!".

Ok. that's all absurd. So you tell me, us, how do you see a Biden resignation playing out for the better over the next four months?? Forget the next four years, that will be bad enough, regardless.

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Could you please offer to write speeches for Joe Biden?

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