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Can you cite a single example of "LOVE" for freedom?

Love for each one of us? You mean the 50% of the country, he hates? MAGA?

Where is the love for the them? They get the FBI at their doorstep? Censored by social media? Called White Supremacists?

Can you name a single Biden policy that helps the middle class? Taxes? Higher.

Border? Open. Inflation? Destroys standard of living? Can't define what a girl is?

Won't protect girls.

You live in some kind of fantasy land.

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1. Freedom-- A woman's freedom to have an abortion an choose her own reproductive health options..

2. Middle class help-- job creation through the Inflation Reduction Act.

3. Inflation-- currently running at only 3.1% and falling due to Biden policies.

4. order-- Illegal border crossings have dropped over 50% in 2024

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One additional: a solid commitment to the truth and reality.

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And as Anne Applebaum says "evidence-based conversations", which leaves out James A.

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I prefer not to argue on our HCR's wonderful Substack but you sir are ridiculous. A single policy that helps the middle class?

1. Bringing down the costs of life important drugs for everyone.

2. Supporting Unions

3. Improving and supporting education and childcare.

4. Stopping the hidden costs that airlines and other big business add on after you purchase. ex: Spirit charges $98.00 for a flight to New Orleans and then adds $150.00 per checked in bag and $65.00 for carry-on bag. That is just 1 small example of the many hidden cost businesses have been allowed to get away with and no one in government besides our Joe noticed or cared.

Why is the border open? Do you follow the House Congress actions or just listen to your MAGA BS? House Congress chose not to vote for the border closing. The Republican lead House Congress. And then they closed to go on vacation.

But- don't worry- tRUMP has promised you that you do not even have to vote again. He has promised that he and his gazillionaire buddies have it all fixed already. So don't bother voting.

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James, Biden is far from perfect. Agree that he has not protected enough biological women on sports teams which this new fangled policy has allowed trans women into girls shower stalls and some of us understand this crazy newfangled illogic. IтАЩve been a feminist supporter all my life and IтАЩm not about to pull back on my principles in the face of these crazy Frankensteinian notions. Social media has done grave harm. We allow any perverse crap on social media to pollute the minds of young children while Tik Tok in China is only allowed educational programming. We need similar restrictions or our democracy ends. And I fully agree that he has not paid adequate attention to border issues although Trump so shrewdly commanded his House MAGA todies to stop border legislation so do not use border it was Trump that stopped immigration reform.

You mention FBI searching for stolen documents that Trump refused to give up. They didnтАЩt belong to him. He should stand trial as a traitor would in wartime, found guilty and dispensed as a traitor would be in wartime. So please donтАЩt preach to us. Joe Biden on balance has led in government fairly well. You are a hack troll with nothing better to do and further, your lack of intelligence and probably education shows. Begone, Satan.

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The stolen documents and information he revealed to enemies should mean he doesn't get Intelligence reports until he returns them. He shouldn't be allowed to take any government office until the court cases are decided, either.

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Having browsed through the drivel that you write, it is hardly surprising to see you state that we live in a fantasy land. Go back to your sandbox and play with your friends.

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Oh lookтАжitтАЩs James

the тАЬintellectualтАЭ


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VermontGirl. Yes, look, love the quotes around intellectual.

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I'm surprised that someone who reads HCR could be so misinformed

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Depends on what the word тАЬreadsтАЭ means

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Robin, he does what I do on Fox News. They retain an active comment section and I frequently do battle with them. Sometimes I try to reason with them but most of the time, they are unable to perceive reason so I go for the insults. Sometimes I get inspired to write a piece on my blog. So this guy I understand. He is me in reverse.

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I'm not sure he's here to read, since he seems more to be a provocateur lobbing bombs to see who will try to catch them.

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Yeah, I'll pass. He's just making up "alternative facts," and expecting us to argue. Best to ignore him, as there's no reasoning with him.

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Another idiot response. You can't cite a single example. As Christopher Hitchens said, that which is cited without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.

Another brain dead leftist.

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You cite the late, great Christopher Hitchens and then claim that Bill is "another brain dead leftist"???!?

I'll give you one thing James, you are quite the study in the human capacity for contradiction.

As for your juvenile insinuation that by fulfilling his Presidential duties by executing the law to promote justice, especially toward the brave and beleaguered transgender community, he is somehow not "protecting girls", I both question your Betty Crocker-esque view of what a "girl" is, and send you back to that American philosopher Cindy Lauper to see that "Girls just want to have fun!"

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Did he call me a brain dead leftist? Why that good for nothingтАж putrefied cheeseburger.

However, you and others keep harping on the LBGT community like they were behind fence lines pre-Stone Wall. Furthest from the truth. They have equal rights as anyone as they should. Believe it and stop believing they are an oppressed group. They arenтАЩt. I have no qualms with this community but please stop believing they are some deprived group.

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Ha! I like the putrefied cheeseburger line.

Yet au contraire, mon frere, while the LBGT community as a whole thankfully enjoys more civil rights protections federally and in some States, there remain many States (looking at you, Florida and Tejas) that remain antagonistic to the liberties and dignities of their LBGT population. As for transgender people specifically, they are clearly an oppressed portion of the population, and I am hard pressed to think of a more beleaguered, brave and misunderstood group.

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Absolutely agree, and I live in California the "Left Coast," and while "straight" myself have many beautiful and wonderful friends that are LGBT and Q who tread softly in public for good reason.

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Thank you, Robert!

I think we are two birds of a feather, straight white Californian men whose perspective is exactly as you state. I myself have probably too much love for the distaff side, but I'll leave further details for the memoirs.

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Daniel, Cindy Lauper explained our political system at its core in "Money Changes Everything".........case in point......JD Vance

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Right you are, Robert!

The Hillbilly Fallacy is the case in point for sure

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I understand you. I breach Fox News and splat splat on them as you are doing here.

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No. I tell the truth THEN give my opinion. There are still people that believe in facts. My old friend Christopher Hitchens believed you need to be as critical of your own team as the opposing.

There is much to criticize about Trump and the Republicans. The difference is

I won't LIE to defend them. Heather threw away her reputation long ago.

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Jul 30Edited

Your data is wrong. Well done opinion polling consistently concludes that huge majorities in this country support Democratic positions: choice for all, universal healthcare, common sense gun regulations, government regulations, government agencies, public education, including universal preschool, corporations and wealthy pay fair share of taxes, Medicare, Social Security, gay marriage. We are not divided. MAGA is in the minority. All media loves controversy so they constantly promote division. Better for their bottom line. But facts are out there. You need to move beyond rally slogans and bumper stickers and find them.

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I donтАЩt think you have a friend. Go find a cat. Or in your case, a rat to relate to.

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What a stupid ad homen attack.

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Stop calling others stupid and IтАЩll stop calling you stupid. Fair enough?

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Jul 30
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that's called auto correct genius. How exactly does that invalid the point?

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James, claiming you are a truth teller vs actually being one seems to be an issue

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What's weird is to make claims you never back up.

I just listed factually true statements.

Every word I wrote is true. The truth may seem weird to progressives, but then again, truth has never been a leftwing value.

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You listed тАЬapproval ratingsтАЭ as equivalent to performance

You seem to have an issue with definitions

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Here is an example of what I wrote earlier тАФ itтАЩs MAGA who hates us.

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Go to a conservative substack column and see how you are treated.

Throw a Trump sign in your yard and see what happens. Go to a college campus with a MAGA hat and see what happens.

You are delusional if you believe the treatment would be the same.

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MAGAs are not 50% of the country. And MAGAs are not rational humans. They should be censured and shamed.

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Trump is ahead in current polling, won over 50% of the vote in 2016.

and 47% of the 2020. What in the hell are you talking about.

Your plan is censure 50% of the country? How in the hell do you do that?

Are you looking for civil war?

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Trump won 45 % of the vote in 2016; Hillary won 48 %.

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Thank you!

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It wasnтАЩt anti-Trumpers who attacked the Capitol, Mr. тАЬLooking for a Civil War.тАЭ

Polling doesnтАЩt mean a damn thing.

My plan is to keep my head low, be an activist, and fight if that becomes necessary. I am not a mob cultist like the MAGAs. I do not need a obscenely large flag on the back of my pickup truck/boomer cart in order to validate my worldview.

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Is that your MO when you are wrong, change the subject?

50% of the country disagrees with you. What is your solution? Find common ground or civil war?

Of course you are cultist. You don't even have a rational view of the world.

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This is why I rarely engage on the Internet. See you in the trenches. History will not remember you kindly.

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So you are calling for civil war? You don't have the guts to say it?

You are willing to kill your neighbors? Their families?

You are the cultist. Not me.

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Give up. You lost when you started with the logical fallacies. Shame on you for claiming to be an intellectual. I practice the non-aggression principle. I am also a combat vet. I donтАЩt start problems. I solve them.

IтАЩm calling for Trump to be put in a cage where he cannot damage the world any further. If that leads to some sort of civil war, so be it.

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Apparently LOGICALLY thinking its in your skill set. First you denied MAGA was half the country. Then when I asked do you find middle ground or civil war with the people you disagree with - you said I'll be in the trenches.

Now you want the leader of the opposition in a cage? How do you do that without civil war? If they believe the same things do they belong in cages too?

Jailing Trump doesn't solve your problem.

How would you respond to BIDEN or HARRIS being forced into a cage?

No problem?

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Convicted felons belong in cages. You are not trying to have a conversation or solve any real problems. You are whining like all MAGAs. There is no тАЬmiddle groundтАЭ when it comes to cults.

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Everyone, donтАЩt converse with тАЬJames AтАЭ. He loves to spread disinformation and stir emotions up. DonтАЩt let him.

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Trump is not a convicted felon until the judge hands down the actual sentence. Which at this juncture may never in fact actually happen.

Why are all you leftists so very angry all the time? You especially speak of violence often. You hate America, you hate the constitution, you hate half of the population, you hate nuclear families, you hate Christianity, you hate children. You are free to go anywhere on this beautiful blue planet. Why do you stay? Millions are trying to get in, perhaps those who are so miserable should leave.

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I have already written тАЬFred Jackson and the Second American Revolution.тАЭ You should buy my book.

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JAMES A or whoever you are, I have reported your multiple violations of Substack Inc's CONTRACT Terms of Service.

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This is your 30th email.,....STOP HARASSING ME

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Stop liking your own posts, James. That's cheating.

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This guy again.....

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Yes, I'm a member of the site and won't be bullied by people like you.

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Dear Jimmy, I'm far too civil to ever try to "bully" you from this site, but if I was to offer to return the $ you contributed to be a member, would you go away?

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Let me answer for him. A big fat NO. He loves the attention here.

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It appears that your subscription was paid by Putin, James. As I observe your comments over time, I realize Putin has made a poor investment. You provide others, so much more informed than you, good opportunities to deflect your attempts at seeding propaganda. Thanks for the service.

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What a stupid comment. Why did Putin invade Ukraine while Biden was president? Because he knew Biden wouldn't do a damn thing about it. Putin was a lot more afraid of Trump.

BTW - it might time to put down the bong and read a little history. The Trump Putin connection was invented by the Clinton campaign as James Brennan CIA director briefed Obama in the summer of 2016.



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Please do some reading. Start with "Autocracy, Inc" by Anne Applebaum.

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Yes that book is on my buy list

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Yo.. James.., get down on your knees and pray dude. Pray. Like.., what have you got to lose. I just noticed one of your neighbors in their brand new 64 foot center-console Cigarette (boat) with 4 six-hundred horsepower Mercury Racing outboards (52$$ thousand each) cruising down the Biscayne Bay on a "poker run" together with at least 60 or 80 other 'go-fast' boats. They're mostly Trumpers like you.., and they don't seem to be doing bad in this TERRIBLE economy. Some of my friends were amongst them too, waving, laughing, dousing themselves with frozen margaritas and Coppertone. So.., JAMES... just what the hell is your problem. An while I'm at it here James.., let me ask you: Are you a "christian".., a "muslim".., "hindu".., Buddist.., catholic..(I think they're considered christians ..?).., maoist.., floridian.., beer drinker.., ? Like just wtf are you? Human? Bot? I'm just curious cause the point of view you expressed might imply you live in a vacuum. This current administration has accomplished a lot. We've never had it so good.

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Hi James - I've read your comments and responses to others' posts and I'm wondering, do you really believe what you're writing or are you just poking a hornets' nest. I would love to know. Thank you.

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Yes I believe EVERY word I wrote. Feel free to challenge factually. If I'm wrong I'll admit.

What I hate is propaganda. That's what's most put out here. The current lie

is that Joe left for the good of the country and he is a hero.

He was forced out by the threat of the 25th amendment by Obama, Pelosi, Harris and Schumer.

Even worse the Democrat elite installed their own candidate who never got a single VOTE.

As for the hornets nest? This is a public site and I'm a paid member. What do the members think? They seem to believe they are entitled to endless confirmation bias. Sorry to break up the kumbaya circle, but if you criticize others, you deserve it back.

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As I have read on the 25th amendment , itтАЩs only the cabinet that can bring it forth. Definitely not former politicos

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Sy Hersh reported it yesterday.

No one is denying it.

The funding was drying up, All the major players ask for him to step down, and the polling was cratering, yet he was trying to hang on.

He was forced to walk the plank.

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DonтАЩt weasel out of your comment, weasel. You said they were considering involving the 25th and that is a fallacy and you, big boy, should know better.

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NOT "censored by social media". Whoever you are on this Platform you are bound by CONTRACTUAL duties an "Author" & separately as a "Reader" under Substack Inc's choice of law & mediation venue at JAMS-SF. You whoever you are do NOT have to participate but, I reserve all my contractual rights.

I have reported your contract Terms of Service (TOS) violations & will continue to do so until Substack Inc's counsel calls me or Substack Inc comes to the Mediation at their favored venue in San Francisco which has at least 3 Mediators who can handle digital platform contractual disputes including a SF Judge that handled one such case to a Jury verdict

Everyone, you can communicate directly with Substack Inc at "tos@substackinc.com. IMO the 'report' function is a dust bin.

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Nice line of BS!

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Are you denying that Brennan meet with Obama? Are you denying that

the Clinton campaign employed Steele to create a dossier? Are you denying

that the dossier was bullshit?

Leftist hate facts and the truth. Good luck

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Only the people of Heather's site have no idea that

-Steele Dossier started with Clinton

-Clinton campaign paid $100,000 fine for hiding in their FTC statement

- Steele admitted the dossier was unverifiable

- There was no secret pipeline between Trump & Putin (Alfa Bank)

- That the FBI spied on Trump via FISA warrants based on Steele dossier

and on and on.......

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Can you name the policies from your prefered President that protected our girls from sexual harrassment, improved our standard of living, brought down taxes for anyone other than the wealthy?

I am very interested in your examples of FREEDOM.

Religious freedom?

Thank you.

Have a great day!

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Nice try, Ivan.

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You are too stupid too believe?

What is your point? That Trump supporters are all communists? What a dumb claim.

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Ah, yes -- the inevitable childish insults. Apparently you have learned well from tfg.

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Sorry you do not understand that the name is not what matters it is the behavior and the beliefs. Can you list some beliefs you have about how things should be?

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James A. You seem to be invested in Weird News

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