Being that my husband is a Vietnam Vet, I am very angry but not surprised, at those senators! They have never been to sent to a war zone, obviously. Did you see how they were high-fiving each other when they smashed PACT? Happily dancing around like they won the lottery. They are REVOLTING and despicable. I cannot stand them! All we need to do is turn 2 Senate seats and get more seats in the House so that we make Manchenema worthless. We must make that happen.

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As an XMarine Sgt from that era, I can say we will prevail. The populist tide is with us. I am trying to get them to recognize my blood disorder from Camp Lejeune. I hope your husband is ok. We are still an ornery bunch.

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What bothers me is a belief that they knew the water was bad much earlier and didn't tell us. My son was born at the old Camp Lejeune hospital in 1980. I remember specific instructions not to use the local water for his oatmeal. I had a miscarriage at Camp Lejeune in 1982, at 4 months pregnant. It was emotionally traumatic. The ads on TV say miscarriage is one of the possible injuries. How could the connection ever be made this many years later? Money could never compensate for that trauma.

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I am not sure you have to prove much of anything other than you were stationed there and a miscarriage. However you are right, the money will never change things for you and the loss of a child. There is no compensation they can pay you for this and deliberate neglect.

It is a cold negotiation and will conjure up memories.

We lost one in the nineties. I remember rushing her to the hospital, sitting with the doctor afterwards and his explanation, and then her tears and the feeling of guilt. We were in our early thirties.

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Going after the "compensation" is a double-edged sword. It will open up all those memories/that period of time/that trauma, and it will never, never bring your child back. That said, it is also a small, tiny way for them to acknowledge their gross misconduct. Do what is right for you.

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And PERHAPS learn from their mistakes.

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That…will never happen’

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Kelly, I have heard similar stories of miscarriages happening there. My heart is with you and all of the others who have suffered at by the enemy from within.

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"Thank you for your service"? A meaningless phrase in those senatorial mouths.

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Next to ‘thoughts and prayers’ in emptiness,

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They never meant it, just damn, I’m glad I didn’t have to go.

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(Sssh...bone spurs...ssh)

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“On behalf of an ungrateful minority” -Mitch McConnell

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Hey, Bill. Over here in Virginia, we are being "flooded" with ads about Camp Lejeune, encouraging people to contact them for help. I'm sure you are connected, but here is a link from the VA. Blessings to you and yours.


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We here in Washington state are also being flooded with those ads. I see them on several cable channels. You did your duty. Have no reservations about forcing the government to do its.

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Yes, we are getting them also, in CA. Put those claims in! Bombard them relentlessly.

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Ads are numerous on tv here in CA both on broadcast channels and CNN/MSNBC.

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Here too in Indiana.

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Thank you

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I once asked an active duty Marine officer ‘what does one call a person who served as a Marine?’ He looked at me and said ‘a Marine’! Bill, no need for the ‘x’, you belong to a proud brotherhood!

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My brother was a marine. Too young for Vietnam (I’m thankful for that)but felt the anger that was bestowed on the military after the war. He says, once a marine, always a marine. Still proud to have served! No such thing as an X marine😉

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The funny thing is the Corp not being used to having 19 year olds who read, read Katherine Ann Porter, Stevenson, Twain, Roth, Catton, Michener, Hugo, etc. I had my own little library sent to me by my first English Prof. (James Friend) who introduced me to other authors such as Porter, Roth, etc. I could escape in these books for a while.

Some officers like when you can converse with them. Others do not.

Another English Prof. I had when I was obtaining my first BA was instrumental also. I was in my last quarter of a three-year sprint to finish a BA while working as a maintenance man at a home for the elderly (they would always talk to us when we were in the field cutting grass, or fixing things). Digressing , , ,

They were not offering the writing course I needed. Off to the head of department in this Lasallian college. We talked and he told me, I could take independent study with him with one condition.

"If I did not do the work I was given and attend his conferences, he would fail me."

Best course, I had ever taken in college. The Japanese, Koreans, Germans who I worked for from time to time and others had me writing business letters for them. What does this have to do with the Corp? Very little other than funding my initial education and giving me the will power to achieve the objective.

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Good for you! I am sure your reading and subsequent thoughts and application contributed to the service you provided, even to other Marines. In all fields there are higher ranking individuals who feel threatened by others with more (different) knowledge. In time, with encouragement, they mature (or retire).

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‘Giving me the will power…’! That is a big give!

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And sisterhood. I once introduced my mother, a WWII USMC veteran, as an ex-Marine. She drew herself up to her full 5'2" and said decisively, "There's no such thing as an ex-Marine!"

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That is funny.

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She didn't think so!

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Bill, I’m sorry. And Thank You.

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I am sitting here writing you all, soon to be 74. I think I am at least good for another decade. No worries, no apologies, no sorry allowed. Thank you though.

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Ornery is survival, persist…

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Yes, y’all are an ornery bunch for sure! :)

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Thank you for your service, sorry for your struggles and we, as a people, owe you a great deal more than basic medical coverage. That you struggle to get it is rank hypocrisy of the first order.

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I have good coverage through Medicare, Supplemental, Part D. I pay for my own dental and vision. It really is not about funds or a need for more healthcare which I have access to with the VA.

It is getting them to recognize the disorder. It is a battle for each of us who present ourselves.

If you looked at me, you would never know. It is just sometimes, I wake up with blood blisters in my mouth, sometime bruises, sometimes little red freckles (purpura) over my body at times. Pack a suitcase (they will keep me) and off to the hospital for IVIG and Rituxan infusions.

I am the healthy one here. There are others far more sick than I and lack resources. Fight for them.

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Thank you so much for your service. May you heal. Can you post a link where people can donate to help the vets you are trying to help? THANK YOU!

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OT: I hav always been told that there are no ex-Marines, only former Marines. I’ve asked former Marines, even former officers why that is. No one seems to know, but they all agree that that’s the case.

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The Marines I have worked with and known in my life say this also. The best explanation I've heard is "that oath does not expire. I may not be wearing the uniform today, but that oath still stands."

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I am very proud and respectful of Marines (or any military veterans) who feel bound to their oath for life. And I am deeply disgusted with any Congressperson (or military veteran) whose behavior spits on our Constitution. What do you call a Senator or Representative who also took an oath to America and its citizens, but who not only looks the other way when an American president repeatedly violates our Constitution, but helps aid and cover up that president's lies, lawbreaking and aggressive attempts to rip our 246 year old government to shreds? None of these despicable power-hungry phonies should be allowed to enter our Capital again. They should be shamed relentlessly and voted out of office. Thank you, honorable current and former members of the armed services for your bravery and courage. You help make America strong. We are in your debt. I hope you get the support you need and deserve from our government very soon. Anything less is a stain on America.

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I feel the same re: the Oath I took (several times) as a peace officer. Retired since 2004 but never see myself free of the Oath (or standard of Conduct).

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Same here, Rusty. Retired 9 years ago tomorrow. My retirement cars expires 12/31/2099. My oath is good through that date.

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I love that expiration date! I should live so long (ha ha). My service was all done in California. When I signed the final retirement papers I learned the actuaries charted my life expectancy to be 5 years after retirement (job-related stress). It's been 18.5 years to date. I figure I am finally collecting on some of the unpaid overtime I put in. Took the Oath 5 times - 3 behind a badge/2 for elected office. Never had a problem taking or meaning it. Perhaps our disgust with certain people is because we saw it as more than a requirement to a paycheck.

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If a young person demonstrates the physical and mental properties, makes it thru Basic training, maybe becomes a SEAL, then launches off with a serious respect for authority. Training and exercises, often with foreign special forces continues. Those that can 'cut it' earn an Honorable discharge. But, for them, 'the Mission' isn't over. It's a bond like no other they share

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In my experience, it's always been, "Once a Marine, always a Marine."

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Yessir! These fine young men want to be part of something. The becoming of a Marine is a challenge they have put to themselves. And, only a Marine can stake claim to being one.

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Thank you for your service, Bill. And ornery is what makes patients in get what they need. You are right, the tide is with you and creating a huge wave of support.

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Watching Cruz and Hawley high-five each other and do fist-bumps with others of the scumbags was the single most disgusting thing I have seen Republicans do.

"Don't cross or we'll hurt people."

I have finally figured out who Hawley reminds me of: Burke, the evil yuppie played by Paul Reiser in "Aliens." Hopefully he can meet a similar fate.

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Both these guys always manage to look extra disgusting. It's the arrogance. The let them eat cake crowd,

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Perhaps we should take a close look at Harvard?

That “educational” entity sure seems to produce some lowlife privileged types.

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Please, let’s not blame college educators for the right wing extremism and arrogance of these men. Let’s hope someone uses a video of their disgusting behavior for a major ad for the midterms. Ask voters if this is how they want our troops to be treated.

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That is what I wish would happen, that the DNC would make a video of that behaviour and a laundry list of other things Republicans have officially gone on the record as being against, and show it in all markets NATIONALLY. Call them out for their reprehensible stances and tie every single GOP candidate in every race across the board to these reprobates in Congress and their Large Orange God. RNC-funded ads here in Georgia are playing constantly, spreading lie after lie. Time to take off the gloves and fight!

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Sounds like a possible Lincoln Project initiative!

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Amen, Bruce!

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Love this. Exactly what they do to Dems. And the Dems have 10x the material! How is it the right wing media is losing its mind over "Biden lying about the recession" - without irony - as Trump and his minions continue to insist, without any evidence, that they won the election?

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Every district across the country needs to message this disgusting behavior of celebration after smashing the PACT bill. This not only hurts our brave veterans but also our first responders. Schumer should bring this bill up for a vote every single day to shine a light on those republikkkans who vote against it.

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Love this.

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Harvard, alma mater of HCR and lots of other good people. Good and bad everywhere, meaning don't paint with too broad a stroke.

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So true, dear Ellie. Many thanks for reminding.

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Mike, the woman who writes Letters from an American received her formal education and Doctorate from Harvard. 😉

However their Law School has most certainly produced a questionable crop

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Those lawyers know exactly what they are doing. It is shameful.

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Always privileged, but lowlifes took greed and power to new heights.

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$41 billion spent during elections cycles now. Compare that to pre 2010, Citizens United, the same total was in the 100s of millions. It’s about the money, the most bang for the buck. The more outlandish the demagoguery, the more ‘free’ media coverage one gets.

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Karma is coming for those two....hubris is not a good idea here.

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The fact that Cruz and Hawley high-fived and fist-bumped about stiffing veterans out of service-related medical care anywhere where they could be filmed doing it not only proves their moral depravity. It also demonstrates they are so self-involved that they are incapable of managing their image. I hope the Lincoln Project is right now making an ad to play in TX and MO showing their happy dance, with a voiceover like “Here’s your Senator celebrating after he helped kill a bill to give veterans better healthcare. Still want this guy representing you in the Senate when he doesn’t give a damn about you?”

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That would be excellent Elizabeth.

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TC Cancun Cruz and ‘Raised Fist and then ‘running out of the Capitol Building’ Hawley are fitting compadres to Bone Spur Donald. I and many many others who have served their country in the trenches abhor those who, from their air-conditioned fox holes, denigrate those who have served.

Trump set the tone with his attacks on John McCain and on the non-white parents of a soldier who lost his life serving our country. Cruz, Hawley, and other jackals are singing the same despicable song.

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Sadly, far too many of your comrades at arms do not seem to care; I have one friend (Vietnam Vet, Agent Orange exposure victim) who still argues that what they are doing is right for America. I have yet to engage him on the PACT debacle. I will be interested in what spin he puts on it.

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It must be quite hard for the abused and forgotten to acknowledge such a fact, maybe more so for those that took an oath and were placed in harms way in service to their country. “It is hard to resist lies that for which one has already killed for.”- Tim Snyder.

Probably best to bring them slowly to awareness.

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When you find out, will you let us know?

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An embarrassment to all sensible people living in MO. I just returned from my first visit to Niagara Falls Canada. One of the waiters we had asked where we were from, we said Missouri. He said he was in Washington DC once and met Claire McCaskill. She was so nice and spent quite a bit of time with them. We said how much we loved her and sorry she’d been beaten. He then whispered, so were on the same page? We assured him we were. He proceeded to do the “Hawley sprint” next to our table! We laughed and laughed! It occurred to me just how important what happens in the US has to do with other countries, especially our neighbors to the north and south. But what a hoot, this Canadian running like a chicken in the restaurant!

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Missouri voters did themselves no good to/for themselves when they failed to re-elect Claire. For a state with the motto "Show Me" - I sure hope they feel sufficiently "shown" who and what Hawley is. Such creatures so not belong in government at any level. Under a large rock seems more his appropriate place of residence.

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Spite as a political strategy made worse by the high fives. That is as amazing as the vote. And yes, veterans are noticing. Our veteran cousin in Rapid City posted a memory of her brother who served in Viet Nam and has been on this ever since the vote thumping her senators including Thune who recently spoke at the VFW. As for Cancun and Haul Ass, they have shown themselves to be utter cowards when the going gets tough. As an aside, I saw a post from my ex-classmate in Indiana which extolled the military service of DeSantis and the "great" things he has done for Florida, clearing pushing him as a possible candidate. I didn't let this one pass and noted that military service does not always indicate fitness for public office and government service and mentioned Flynn as an example. No response from her yet, but two people liked it.

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Thank you for speaking out against DeSantis. Murdoch is clearly pushing him via his WSJ, Washington Examiner, and FOX. DeSantis is 10 times more evil than TFG; also smarter and more clearly spoken. A terrifying guy.

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The post was from a person who said she wouldn't like to be educated like me, but I keep trying. I despise DeSantis and I agree with your description.

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I am hoping TFG runs in 2024. Something I couldn't even imagine saying in my lifetime.

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I am eating breakfast and may have to take a deep breath.

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“Haul Ass” made me burst out laughing. Thank you 😂

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I think I picked that up from someone here this week. But it certainly fits.

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I firmly believe Flynn should be called back into service just long enugh to court martial him and remove his rank and pension. To think that a former General in our military should be involved and instumental in formulating an attemted coup is beyond contempt.

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I am all for this as are many people I know. He is a traitor.

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There is a strong "mental illness" vibe coming from him. He's irrational at the very least, and possibly delusional.

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He certainly has a problem. What bothers me is that he is a traitor and is running around speaking to people.

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Michele, I hope your response to your former classmate, in re: not wanting to be educated like you, was something like “well, that’s obvious.” Petty, yes, but still appropriate. 😉👍🏻

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Oh, I was polite and I told her that I was against racism from age 7 and that I would feel the same without all the education. It does help me to understand how things are and come to be. She like to pretend that there is no systemic racism for example. Her best shot and the one that tested my ability to be polite was the meme (not original with her, but some "Christian" wing nut) which said that the fires here in the West were because God was punishing us because some atheist in CA waved a sign. What she found out is that a lot of the people who suffered losses in the fires were rural and Rs and often "Christians" just like her. She did back off and tried to tell me that she posted it to show how wrong it was. She had her fingers crossed on that one.

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Well, since Joshy-boy is so worried about his "manhood" that he is going to share the podium this weekend with monster trucks--not the usual locale for this effete Cat-lick schoolboy--it is unsurprising in the least that he along with the other chicken hawks are using the health of veterans as hostages to Rethuglican fortune. I, personally, would love to slap him silly.

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Great timing for the book....Manhood. LOL.

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I’m with you.

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Regretfully I share that hope. It's hard not to feel hatred, which diminishes the hater. Cold indifference? "I strove with none, for none was worth my strife." The equanimity of small-j justice.

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Indifference has been the “strategy” for decades, requires less energy, but current evil requires what strife I have left at my age. To paraphrase somebody. If not now, when?

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And in the same paraphrase, "If not me, who?" and I'll follow suit with "More in sorrow than in anger".

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