Being that my husband is a Vietnam Vet, I am very angry but not surprised, at those senators! They have never been to sent to a war zone, obviously. Did you see how they were high-fiving each other when they smashed PACT? Happily dancing around like they won the lottery. They are REVOLTING and despicable. I cannot stand them! All we need to do is turn 2 Senate seats and get more seats in the House so that we make Manchenema worthless. We must make that happen.

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As an XMarine Sgt from that era, I can say we will prevail. The populist tide is with us. I am trying to get them to recognize my blood disorder from Camp Lejeune. I hope your husband is ok. We are still an ornery bunch.

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What bothers me is a belief that they knew the water was bad much earlier and didn't tell us. My son was born at the old Camp Lejeune hospital in 1980. I remember specific instructions not to use the local water for his oatmeal. I had a miscarriage at Camp Lejeune in 1982, at 4 months pregnant. It was emotionally traumatic. The ads on TV say miscarriage is one of the possible injuries. How could the connection ever be made this many years later? Money could never compensate for that trauma.

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I am not sure you have to prove much of anything other than you were stationed there and a miscarriage. However you are right, the money will never change things for you and the loss of a child. There is no compensation they can pay you for this and deliberate neglect.

It is a cold negotiation and will conjure up memories.

We lost one in the nineties. I remember rushing her to the hospital, sitting with the doctor afterwards and his explanation, and then her tears and the feeling of guilt. We were in our early thirties.

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Going after the "compensation" is a double-edged sword. It will open up all those memories/that period of time/that trauma, and it will never, never bring your child back. That said, it is also a small, tiny way for them to acknowledge their gross misconduct. Do what is right for you.

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And PERHAPS learn from their mistakes.

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That…will never happen’

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Kelly, I have heard similar stories of miscarriages happening there. My heart is with you and all of the others who have suffered at by the enemy from within.

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"Thank you for your service"? A meaningless phrase in those senatorial mouths.

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Next to ‘thoughts and prayers’ in emptiness,

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They never meant it, just damn, I’m glad I didn’t have to go.

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(Sssh...bone spurs...ssh)

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“On behalf of an ungrateful minority” -Mitch McConnell

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Hey, Bill. Over here in Virginia, we are being "flooded" with ads about Camp Lejeune, encouraging people to contact them for help. I'm sure you are connected, but here is a link from the VA. Blessings to you and yours.


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We here in Washington state are also being flooded with those ads. I see them on several cable channels. You did your duty. Have no reservations about forcing the government to do its.

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Yes, we are getting them also, in CA. Put those claims in! Bombard them relentlessly.

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Ads are numerous on tv here in CA both on broadcast channels and CNN/MSNBC.

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Here too in Indiana.

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Thank you

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I once asked an active duty Marine officer ‘what does one call a person who served as a Marine?’ He looked at me and said ‘a Marine’! Bill, no need for the ‘x’, you belong to a proud brotherhood!

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My brother was a marine. Too young for Vietnam (I’m thankful for that)but felt the anger that was bestowed on the military after the war. He says, once a marine, always a marine. Still proud to have served! No such thing as an X marine😉

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The funny thing is the Corp not being used to having 19 year olds who read, read Katherine Ann Porter, Stevenson, Twain, Roth, Catton, Michener, Hugo, etc. I had my own little library sent to me by my first English Prof. (James Friend) who introduced me to other authors such as Porter, Roth, etc. I could escape in these books for a while.

Some officers like when you can converse with them. Others do not.

Another English Prof. I had when I was obtaining my first BA was instrumental also. I was in my last quarter of a three-year sprint to finish a BA while working as a maintenance man at a home for the elderly (they would always talk to us when we were in the field cutting grass, or fixing things). Digressing , , ,

They were not offering the writing course I needed. Off to the head of department in this Lasallian college. We talked and he told me, I could take independent study with him with one condition.

"If I did not do the work I was given and attend his conferences, he would fail me."

Best course, I had ever taken in college. The Japanese, Koreans, Germans who I worked for from time to time and others had me writing business letters for them. What does this have to do with the Corp? Very little other than funding my initial education and giving me the will power to achieve the objective.

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Good for you! I am sure your reading and subsequent thoughts and application contributed to the service you provided, even to other Marines. In all fields there are higher ranking individuals who feel threatened by others with more (different) knowledge. In time, with encouragement, they mature (or retire).

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‘Giving me the will power…’! That is a big give!

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And sisterhood. I once introduced my mother, a WWII USMC veteran, as an ex-Marine. She drew herself up to her full 5'2" and said decisively, "There's no such thing as an ex-Marine!"

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That is funny.

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She didn't think so!

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Bill, I’m sorry. And Thank You.

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I am sitting here writing you all, soon to be 74. I think I am at least good for another decade. No worries, no apologies, no sorry allowed. Thank you though.

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Ornery is survival, persist…

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Yes, y’all are an ornery bunch for sure! :)

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Thank you for your service, sorry for your struggles and we, as a people, owe you a great deal more than basic medical coverage. That you struggle to get it is rank hypocrisy of the first order.

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I have good coverage through Medicare, Supplemental, Part D. I pay for my own dental and vision. It really is not about funds or a need for more healthcare which I have access to with the VA.

It is getting them to recognize the disorder. It is a battle for each of us who present ourselves.

If you looked at me, you would never know. It is just sometimes, I wake up with blood blisters in my mouth, sometime bruises, sometimes little red freckles (purpura) over my body at times. Pack a suitcase (they will keep me) and off to the hospital for IVIG and Rituxan infusions.

I am the healthy one here. There are others far more sick than I and lack resources. Fight for them.

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Thank you so much for your service. May you heal. Can you post a link where people can donate to help the vets you are trying to help? THANK YOU!

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OT: I hav always been told that there are no ex-Marines, only former Marines. I’ve asked former Marines, even former officers why that is. No one seems to know, but they all agree that that’s the case.

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The Marines I have worked with and known in my life say this also. The best explanation I've heard is "that oath does not expire. I may not be wearing the uniform today, but that oath still stands."

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I am very proud and respectful of Marines (or any military veterans) who feel bound to their oath for life. And I am deeply disgusted with any Congressperson (or military veteran) whose behavior spits on our Constitution. What do you call a Senator or Representative who also took an oath to America and its citizens, but who not only looks the other way when an American president repeatedly violates our Constitution, but helps aid and cover up that president's lies, lawbreaking and aggressive attempts to rip our 246 year old government to shreds? None of these despicable power-hungry phonies should be allowed to enter our Capital again. They should be shamed relentlessly and voted out of office. Thank you, honorable current and former members of the armed services for your bravery and courage. You help make America strong. We are in your debt. I hope you get the support you need and deserve from our government very soon. Anything less is a stain on America.

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I feel the same re: the Oath I took (several times) as a peace officer. Retired since 2004 but never see myself free of the Oath (or standard of Conduct).

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Same here, Rusty. Retired 9 years ago tomorrow. My retirement cars expires 12/31/2099. My oath is good through that date.

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I love that expiration date! I should live so long (ha ha). My service was all done in California. When I signed the final retirement papers I learned the actuaries charted my life expectancy to be 5 years after retirement (job-related stress). It's been 18.5 years to date. I figure I am finally collecting on some of the unpaid overtime I put in. Took the Oath 5 times - 3 behind a badge/2 for elected office. Never had a problem taking or meaning it. Perhaps our disgust with certain people is because we saw it as more than a requirement to a paycheck.

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If a young person demonstrates the physical and mental properties, makes it thru Basic training, maybe becomes a SEAL, then launches off with a serious respect for authority. Training and exercises, often with foreign special forces continues. Those that can 'cut it' earn an Honorable discharge. But, for them, 'the Mission' isn't over. It's a bond like no other they share

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In my experience, it's always been, "Once a Marine, always a Marine."

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Yessir! These fine young men want to be part of something. The becoming of a Marine is a challenge they have put to themselves. And, only a Marine can stake claim to being one.

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Thank you for your service, Bill. And ornery is what makes patients in get what they need. You are right, the tide is with you and creating a huge wave of support.

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Watching Cruz and Hawley high-five each other and do fist-bumps with others of the scumbags was the single most disgusting thing I have seen Republicans do.

"Don't cross or we'll hurt people."

I have finally figured out who Hawley reminds me of: Burke, the evil yuppie played by Paul Reiser in "Aliens." Hopefully he can meet a similar fate.

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Both these guys always manage to look extra disgusting. It's the arrogance. The let them eat cake crowd,

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Perhaps we should take a close look at Harvard?

That “educational” entity sure seems to produce some lowlife privileged types.

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Please, let’s not blame college educators for the right wing extremism and arrogance of these men. Let’s hope someone uses a video of their disgusting behavior for a major ad for the midterms. Ask voters if this is how they want our troops to be treated.

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That is what I wish would happen, that the DNC would make a video of that behaviour and a laundry list of other things Republicans have officially gone on the record as being against, and show it in all markets NATIONALLY. Call them out for their reprehensible stances and tie every single GOP candidate in every race across the board to these reprobates in Congress and their Large Orange God. RNC-funded ads here in Georgia are playing constantly, spreading lie after lie. Time to take off the gloves and fight!

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Sounds like a possible Lincoln Project initiative!

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Amen, Bruce!

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Love this. Exactly what they do to Dems. And the Dems have 10x the material! How is it the right wing media is losing its mind over "Biden lying about the recession" - without irony - as Trump and his minions continue to insist, without any evidence, that they won the election?

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Every district across the country needs to message this disgusting behavior of celebration after smashing the PACT bill. This not only hurts our brave veterans but also our first responders. Schumer should bring this bill up for a vote every single day to shine a light on those republikkkans who vote against it.

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Love this.

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Harvard, alma mater of HCR and lots of other good people. Good and bad everywhere, meaning don't paint with too broad a stroke.

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So true, dear Ellie. Many thanks for reminding.

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Mike, the woman who writes Letters from an American received her formal education and Doctorate from Harvard. 😉

However their Law School has most certainly produced a questionable crop

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Those lawyers know exactly what they are doing. It is shameful.

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Always privileged, but lowlifes took greed and power to new heights.

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$41 billion spent during elections cycles now. Compare that to pre 2010, Citizens United, the same total was in the 100s of millions. It’s about the money, the most bang for the buck. The more outlandish the demagoguery, the more ‘free’ media coverage one gets.

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Karma is coming for those two....hubris is not a good idea here.

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The fact that Cruz and Hawley high-fived and fist-bumped about stiffing veterans out of service-related medical care anywhere where they could be filmed doing it not only proves their moral depravity. It also demonstrates they are so self-involved that they are incapable of managing their image. I hope the Lincoln Project is right now making an ad to play in TX and MO showing their happy dance, with a voiceover like “Here’s your Senator celebrating after he helped kill a bill to give veterans better healthcare. Still want this guy representing you in the Senate when he doesn’t give a damn about you?”

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That would be excellent Elizabeth.

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TC Cancun Cruz and ‘Raised Fist and then ‘running out of the Capitol Building’ Hawley are fitting compadres to Bone Spur Donald. I and many many others who have served their country in the trenches abhor those who, from their air-conditioned fox holes, denigrate those who have served.

Trump set the tone with his attacks on John McCain and on the non-white parents of a soldier who lost his life serving our country. Cruz, Hawley, and other jackals are singing the same despicable song.

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Sadly, far too many of your comrades at arms do not seem to care; I have one friend (Vietnam Vet, Agent Orange exposure victim) who still argues that what they are doing is right for America. I have yet to engage him on the PACT debacle. I will be interested in what spin he puts on it.

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It must be quite hard for the abused and forgotten to acknowledge such a fact, maybe more so for those that took an oath and were placed in harms way in service to their country. “It is hard to resist lies that for which one has already killed for.”- Tim Snyder.

Probably best to bring them slowly to awareness.

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When you find out, will you let us know?

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An embarrassment to all sensible people living in MO. I just returned from my first visit to Niagara Falls Canada. One of the waiters we had asked where we were from, we said Missouri. He said he was in Washington DC once and met Claire McCaskill. She was so nice and spent quite a bit of time with them. We said how much we loved her and sorry she’d been beaten. He then whispered, so were on the same page? We assured him we were. He proceeded to do the “Hawley sprint” next to our table! We laughed and laughed! It occurred to me just how important what happens in the US has to do with other countries, especially our neighbors to the north and south. But what a hoot, this Canadian running like a chicken in the restaurant!

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Missouri voters did themselves no good to/for themselves when they failed to re-elect Claire. For a state with the motto "Show Me" - I sure hope they feel sufficiently "shown" who and what Hawley is. Such creatures so not belong in government at any level. Under a large rock seems more his appropriate place of residence.

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Spite as a political strategy made worse by the high fives. That is as amazing as the vote. And yes, veterans are noticing. Our veteran cousin in Rapid City posted a memory of her brother who served in Viet Nam and has been on this ever since the vote thumping her senators including Thune who recently spoke at the VFW. As for Cancun and Haul Ass, they have shown themselves to be utter cowards when the going gets tough. As an aside, I saw a post from my ex-classmate in Indiana which extolled the military service of DeSantis and the "great" things he has done for Florida, clearing pushing him as a possible candidate. I didn't let this one pass and noted that military service does not always indicate fitness for public office and government service and mentioned Flynn as an example. No response from her yet, but two people liked it.

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Thank you for speaking out against DeSantis. Murdoch is clearly pushing him via his WSJ, Washington Examiner, and FOX. DeSantis is 10 times more evil than TFG; also smarter and more clearly spoken. A terrifying guy.

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The post was from a person who said she wouldn't like to be educated like me, but I keep trying. I despise DeSantis and I agree with your description.

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I am hoping TFG runs in 2024. Something I couldn't even imagine saying in my lifetime.

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I am eating breakfast and may have to take a deep breath.

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“Haul Ass” made me burst out laughing. Thank you 😂

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I think I picked that up from someone here this week. But it certainly fits.

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I firmly believe Flynn should be called back into service just long enugh to court martial him and remove his rank and pension. To think that a former General in our military should be involved and instumental in formulating an attemted coup is beyond contempt.

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I am all for this as are many people I know. He is a traitor.

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There is a strong "mental illness" vibe coming from him. He's irrational at the very least, and possibly delusional.

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He certainly has a problem. What bothers me is that he is a traitor and is running around speaking to people.

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Michele, I hope your response to your former classmate, in re: not wanting to be educated like you, was something like “well, that’s obvious.” Petty, yes, but still appropriate. 😉👍🏻

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Oh, I was polite and I told her that I was against racism from age 7 and that I would feel the same without all the education. It does help me to understand how things are and come to be. She like to pretend that there is no systemic racism for example. Her best shot and the one that tested my ability to be polite was the meme (not original with her, but some "Christian" wing nut) which said that the fires here in the West were because God was punishing us because some atheist in CA waved a sign. What she found out is that a lot of the people who suffered losses in the fires were rural and Rs and often "Christians" just like her. She did back off and tried to tell me that she posted it to show how wrong it was. She had her fingers crossed on that one.

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Well, since Joshy-boy is so worried about his "manhood" that he is going to share the podium this weekend with monster trucks--not the usual locale for this effete Cat-lick schoolboy--it is unsurprising in the least that he along with the other chicken hawks are using the health of veterans as hostages to Rethuglican fortune. I, personally, would love to slap him silly.

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Great timing for the book....Manhood. LOL.

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I’m with you.

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Regretfully I share that hope. It's hard not to feel hatred, which diminishes the hater. Cold indifference? "I strove with none, for none was worth my strife." The equanimity of small-j justice.

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Indifference has been the “strategy” for decades, requires less energy, but current evil requires what strife I have left at my age. To paraphrase somebody. If not now, when?

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And in the same paraphrase, "If not me, who?" and I'll follow suit with "More in sorrow than in anger".

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Pukefying, needed a new word for the actions of proud vermin.

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I'll try to remember that one Jeri. I used to say I had Trump Tourrettes Syndrome when all this craziness started because I couldn't look at him or hear his voice without shouting out obscenities. I mean no disrespect to anyone that has Tourettes Syndrome. It's the closest thing that came to mind.

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If I had a penny for every time I have screamed at my TV when I saw his insipid face, I’d be wealthy beyond measure.

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I hear you, both in the urge to scream profanity and in the knowledge that Tourette's Syndrome is a terrible malady to have.

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Or a baseball bat to the face as he snuggly exits the capitol where he gave his despicable raised fist to the insurrectionists, it would help focus his mind, if he has one, to try eating without any teeth.

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Then again the former looser in chief might like it that he has no teeth when he is on his knees in front of him.

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I could say "yes!" to all of this for him.

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TC, It was difficult to see it from beginning to end. Cruz, Hawley, Mitchell et al., cause misery and early deaths, then show up at our gravesites to cheer their achievement.

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They all make me puke.

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OMG! I almost spit out my coffee! You are so right!

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You are right - this was a bit of a "cake topper" moment. Unbelievable.

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Jul 30, 2022
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I found Stewart’s rant on Twitter last night - epic!!!! Absolutely rakes Cruz over the coals.

Veterans need and deserve our help. Visit burnout360.org for more information.

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senator worthless has an answering line full of messages angry once again .... I believe that he does things just to get his name in the paper.

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If getting his name in the paper is his objective, an Obituary serves the same purpose.

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He still thinks I can be converted to a supporter, not in this lifetime. Jon does equal national hero, but betcha Rupert is demeaning him as we post.

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Marlene, Revolting and Despicable only begin to describe those who blocked PACT. Thank your husband and all who sacrificed for this country. I am so sorry. I was in Vietnam in 2007 for a month long college course and witnessed the jungles, the tunnels, the air bases, Halong Bay. Mi Lai. Stone Mountain. And people limping and on crutches. Warnings for leftover land mines. People living in poverty as well as those few who profited. Most of the country was destroyed. The Vietnamese call the war the American War. And our country as we believed it to be JUST, was also close to being destroyed. VN Soldiers and those who have fought in wars since are now living with the disabilities and diseases from those Wars. Agent Orange exposure and cancers. PTSD. Missing limbs. Broken families. Now to NOT care for the men and women, many so young and drafted, is shocking. Repubs and Dems have sent our people to War. It’s unconscionable to Vote Against PACT. Where is the answer to Why for a NO vote? War Never Ends.

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We were duped and so were the soldiers from that time. Here I was in DC marching against the war, burning my bra, etc. when I met my husband. He had only been out of Nam and the service for about 4 months. Our daughters saw him go through a breakdown when they were young. He had no control over his emotions as this came on suddenly. They say PTSD is triggered by something, anything that is an experience one has gone through. Unfortunately, as I later found out, there were many experiences he endured. He had been in the Mekong Delta. Nowhere in Nam, for a US serviceman was safe. We caused that war and for what? Greed.

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Yes. Marlene, a war started on lies. We protested and then the choices were to hope the draft number wasn’t drawn, to show up and go, to enlist, or to stay in school or have a family. To walk across the border to Canada. Those were not choices. Yes, nowhere in Vietnam was safe for a soldier. Nowhere.

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Oh Marlene... so very sorry. Suffering of war vets and their families is just awful. That horrible mess in Vietnam was all such a disgrace and yes, for what??? Greed and paranoia and more greed.

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Wars don't end; they come home, and it's the women and children who fight them, too. (and now, sometimes male partners of the women who served) It's a very long road -- filled with landmines -- "to make it home from the war."

I met a man-- a while back now-- who finally started getting help at the Brooklyn VA more than 50 years after the end of WW 11. He had a very successful life but said, "I never knew where the anger came from." Finally, with help he understood and his PTSD began to ebb. He said that understanding his anger made it possible for him to be a better grandfather to his grandchildren than he'd been to his kids.

There's an excellent book-- Vietnam Wives --- that you might be able to find online on a used book site.

Wishing you, your husband, and family, healing and peace, whenever and however it comes.

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Would also recommend: "Achilles in Viet Nam" by Jonathan Shay, MD, PhD. Painful but insightful read.

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Have that book, also. Thanks

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I read that book years ago and it was very helpful. I also was in a Vietnam Wives group for 12 years. Then it came to an end. I am now back in a wonderful Partners Support group through the Oakland veterans support center. It is excellently run by a young female facilitator who “gets” us. My two daughters have suffered panic attacks and depression. They are now in their 30’s and have their own psychiatrists and therapists. It isn’t easy living with a vet who were responsible to seek and destroy anything that got (get) in their way. My husband cringes at the word “VA”. He hates them so much. But thank you, Laura, so much for your very kind words.

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You are a blessing…widow of a Major/USMC…

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Wow, thanks for this recommendation, Laura!

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Based on lies that I hang around McNamara’s neck, perpetuated by the evil deal Dickie made with Anna Chennault before 1968 election. Details that came to light later in NYT article by Peter Baker, Jan 2, 2017. No need to wonder why they got no attention at that time, and even to this day.

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What a tool McNamara was!! Dickie as in Dick-the-real-president-who hid-in-the WH-bunker Cheney?

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Whoaaaa.. Communism! Were fighting "communism". Meanwhile, the USA was being quietly infiltrated by "agents" whose mission was to de-stabilize Democracy. These Agents came out of the Soviet Union. And, just as todays "Letter from an American" informs us what "latest" documents have now made public, that America has been under siege since before 1930. And by whom? Russia. Agents have infiltrated into positions of prominence, where they secretly pursued their mission of seeding discord which we was attributed mainly to Democrats or the media. They (USSR) are following a playbook and the ReDubLickens can't see the forest for the trees.

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Hang tough, Marlene and husband of Marlene. I have to believe that PACT will be revisited soon. There are just too many who won't let it be ignored.

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Persist and prevail

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My husband was a V Vet destroyed in part by agent orange. He received “some” $ from class action but years after a life of alcoholism, death of his child from birth defects, homelessness and paranoia… then suicide! The draft…his low number & left college for a semester… bingo. He is now buried next to his 3 brothers…all vets. What political fodder the republicans create for those who gave their lives willingly or not? ..But Did!

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How sad, and multiplied many times over. My brother was in the Navy (actually part of NSA which he couldn’t talk about for many years) and was in those tunnels, which caused or exacerbated his claustrophobia. I’m sure it all contributed to his 4 marriages and 3 divorces, as well as his burning anger against all politicians, especially democrats…(where Nixon fits in I’m not sure)

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Vietnam had been occupied by the French for a very long time. JFK had our armed services there to thwart any efforts for North Korea and China to take it over, so it started with him. But, it definitely escalated with Nixon and the liar, Gen. Westmoreland. All of Congress was lied to but those in the “know” profited from all off the black market there. There are truly disgusting abhorrent people in this nation.

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Linda, my heart is attached to yours. Hard not to be angry. Very few of us are truly consoled. Grateful, however, for Kinzinger’s military experience and level-headedness. I pray he somehow stays in politics but just not on the Pro-Rape Party side.

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I read most replies with analytical stoicism. And then I got to yours, Libbey, and the tears started to flow. I am so sorry for your family’s losses and pain, and I know you speak for many with what you write here. I am so sorry.

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Sending you respect and kindness...

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Republicans have pissed off 2 very significant constituencies...women and veterans. Add to that the dissatisfaction over Republicans' inaction on anything gun-related or climate change and America will be voting for Democrats in the mid-terms. But, the redrawing of district boundaries may counter a lot of our sentiment, and intimidation tactics like Florida's special voting police, disinformation and outright lies, and other strategies may ultimately sway results to the Republicans unless Democrats and Independents adopt a very active attitude and promote our constructive agenda. There as been no Republican bill since 1980 that has benefitted average Americans, and we need to make sure every citizen knows that.

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Gee, I love this kind of talk...thanks, Bob!

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What you write here is so important. This is what keeps me up at night.

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The maturity of five-year-olds. How did they get into the Senate? Don't answer that, we're sickened enough already.

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Sometimes I think the absurd candidates and Congress members from the fringe Republicans were encouraged and backed by the Russian disrupters. How else to explain how they got so far? Our own knuckle-brained citizens?

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A very able secret network in operation since 2014, according to the latest revelation. Not RussiaRussiaRussia, of course - Truth Antisocial said so, repeatedly. That sinking feeling we all experienced on election night, the disbelief, the premonition of horror, wasn't wrong.

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Thought I'd faint when I saw them High Five each other. They are truly disgusting Cretans. Sorry should not insult Cretans

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While I agree those Republican senators were (usually are) revolting and despicable, voter need to elect more than 2 more Democrats to the U.S. Senate. Agreed - we can not trust Senators Manchin and Sinema but we can not just think in terms of 2 new senators to off set them. Should those 2 decide to vote with the Republicans we would be in no better position than we are now if adding only 2. We, the voters, need to send 4, 6, as many more Democrats to the Senate as we can AND hold on to the ones there now. The same is true of the House where, currently, there is only a 4 point difference. This is not just a Democrat v Republican issue. This is a democracy v autocratic (think fascism) issue for the entire country.

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Yes, of course…I want to see more than teo seats overturned also. We have to keep the House also because who wants Qevin McQarthy as Speaker?!

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Exactly right!

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That was particularly disgusting, and it confirms my suspicion that the Republicans do not know or care how their actions and inactions play out in the real world because none of them live here. I've got an ongoing fantasy of the U.S. electorate playing Hercules and cleaning out the Augean stables.

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Like, draining the swamp, sort of? :)

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I've got nothing against swamps. Swamps are home to valuable wildlife. As a former horsegirl, however, I don't like the idea of horses having to live in a stable stacked to the rafters with manure. (I should note that manure is much more useful than what the Republicans are, uh, excreting.)

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“Manchenema” — brilliant, Marlene.

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Why , thank you!

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Marlene, please thank your husband for his service. And to you, thank you for the support you have given your vet. Your words speak volumes to me.

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Maybe I know your husband. I am an RVN vet and draftee. In Long Binh at USARV HQ, (us army republic of vietnam headquarters)there were a lot of O4s and above, making money hand over fist. They had nothing to complain about. In fact, all the officers did well. So, my outfit, the complaining corp, was mostly EM with a lot of Senior NCOs. I cannot say anything bad about the VA. Maybe they should keep a bullet for your husband to bite on.

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Every time I have had to deal with @#$#@#!! Kaiser for my partner, I get down on my knees and thank god for the VA. And @#$%##@!! Kaiser is supposed to be the best private health care, proving how fcked we are.

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Thanks, I needed that.

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Thank your family and your husband for his service. Absolutely repulsive.

Please think about "how do we get the Dems back on top in the polls?" The best revenge is WINNING.

Your struggles will get the attention and treatment they deserve only if Dems WIN. And to do that we need to focus on rational and sane policies that help the middle class.

There are no so many mistakes on the right that if Dems could just rally around a rational energy policy and get gasoline below $3 (without a terrible recession) there would indeed be a massive "blue wave" IMHO.

But until we embrace basic economics of energy policy, the Dems position will remain deeply challenged. They are polling to lose with shocking consistency. It is TRAGIC that treating veterans with the respect and care they deserve is down to stuff like this, but that is the extremity of our political system. Spite vs. what is right.

Hopefully we are pragmatic and taking it to the teeth of the folks who moved against the very veterans they claim to support.

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I saw comments on a post that the Repubs didn't vote for it because there were things they didn't like attached to the bill....and are blaming Democrats for spending....not sure what the comment was but I am sure it was propaganda.

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Dems changed it to mandatory spending from discretionary spending. In other words, no VA funds may be used elsewhere. What Repubs are whining about is there can be additional discretionary funding available for other priorities Dems have been attempting to do and are being blocked.

Here is the way Toomey worded it: "Congress Must Protect Veterans Care Bill from Being Used as Vehicle for Massive Unrelated Spending Binge."

Any other spending which may occur is completely unrelated to the VA bill. It is a lie that it would have "ANY" impact on the VA bill. I hope people remember what the Repubs keep doing to them.

And there are other issues the spending could be used for such as aid for children which is expiring this year.

Manchin wanted more revenue in the bill which will come from a minimum tax on the higher incomes. He agreed to this. Now I wonder if this is a ploy as Sinema may vote no to this alone. Manchin will insist on more revenue. If Sinema votes no than Manchin is off the hook. He can say "I tried. Others disagreed."

We are still not to the goal.

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Once again, there is evidence that Russian operatives worked to sow division in the US to undermine democracy. Based on this new evidence, I believe that the Justice Department needs to investigate the trip taken by six senators and one congressman to Russia in July, 2018. https://www.msnbc.com/msnbc/amp/msna1119676

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Very disturbing. Thank you for the link, Mary. I wouldn't be surprised if some of these Putin-loving Republican Senators are in the DOJ's crosshairs. I'm more than tired of spoiled, do-nothing, immoral Republican politicians and spoiled Fox News purveyors of misinformation like Tucker Carlson who have more hair than brains, trying to turn America into a dictatorship. The whole lot of them should just move to Russia or Hungary. I am certain we could raise the money for a one way ticket for every last one of them faster than you can say "traitor."

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Their actions scream traitor loud and clear

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Good idea. I’ll donate to that worthy cause!

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C C, yes let’s send em packin!

Your “… more hair than brains…” hits the mark! My (bald for decades) father has long said “don’t trust a man with too much hair.” Not always the case, but definitely true for brainless monster F’r Carlson.

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Yes. This is one of those odd, seemingly forgotten events from the Trump era. I think of it every time I see that smarmy Ron Johnson on TV.

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Absolutely, Mary!! Haul them in and make them answer questions under oath. What did they talk about and why? (I remain astonished and furious that Trump was allowed to have a private, unrecorded session with Putin!!

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We all know there is a cancer in the Republican party. When will the republican voters, who don’t recognize the cancer in their own party, wake up.

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Oh please, Kay Granger needs to answer some inquiries

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While James Comey made sure to publicize Hillary Clinton's emails (nothing new there), he somehow forgot to mention the years-long Russian manipulation of American political leaders, organizations, and voters. Where were the FBI and the CIA while this was going on? Were there - and are there still - extremists/fanatics in those organizations who admire Russia, wanted Trump, and are still hard at work deleting texts? Hillary Clinton's warnings about right-wing forces undermining our country were spot-on.

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I admire Biden for not doing a wholesale laundering of all Trump appointees in the government in his first year. But as we see the corruption in the head of the Secret Service, the Inspector General of DHS and other Trump appointees, I think it's time to sweep out the rest of the dangerous riff-raff before they do any further harm.

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It appears most of us, including Biden, have been way too trusting about the good intentions of others. Decent people tend to assume decency in others.

"Dangerous riff-raff" is so much kinder than my usual label, "#&%#! scumbags."

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Perhaps we just don't want to believe that the way of life we are accustomed to could really be taken away; yet it's happened many times in many places.

If we are really wanting to do the self-governing society thing, we receive a share of responsibility for our society's fate, as well as a share of choice. We can' be too passive and still expect a pleasing result.

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The warnings were all there, maybe it was Bill Moyers who kept the issue alive for me. Had to wonder if anybody else tuned in…

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Dan Rather!

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It is time to be pragmatic and focus on US energy policy and get gasoline prices down. Unless gas is < $3 without a massive recession, Democrats and moderate politicians will get crushed in upcoming elections.

This is not complicated. The data is clear: inflation destroys politicians. And right now posts like this continue to attack US energy companies while focusing on "high minded" issues around democracy and freedom. While I am in emphatic agreement on the need to preserve our democracy (!!!) we must be deadly pragmatic about this.



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These are talking points from Brady in the 8th District, Texas. Not the findings or opinions among members or recommendations of the subcommittee. Does it matter that Brady provides no evidence for the "possible consequences" he has declared? Understand getting tough, but .... I did not that almost none of the links to the committee work, except to Brady's pages.

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I'm sorry Fred - I'm confused. What does this have to do with Texas? And what links - do you mean in the GOP page? As a reminder....these are not exactly source checking folks lol

Thanks for your patience!

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I'm sure President Biden knew there were a lot of fascist Trump-roaches scurrying around the various federal departments in D. C. when he arrived. I'm guessing that Biden did not immediately broom out all the Trump vermin to deliberately show Americans how democracy is supposed to work. A noble experiment that must now end for the sake of not only our democracy, but the safety of Biden's family and members of his administration.

Thank you, Laurie, for noting my linguistic restraint. And thank you for being the catalyst to send me to the dictionary to retrieve the word for your much more accurate "grawlix." By the way, I found a few synonyms for "grawlix," but my favorite by far is "obscenicons."

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I had no idea there was a word for all those #&%#!. I love 'grawlix!' Thanks for adding to my vocabulary, CC. I also like "Trump vermin." Well said.

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Yep, not printable here

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I wonder if Biden is a bit too naive. Trump required loyalty from those who worked for him; therefore, all of his appointees should go. That includes Wray (and dare I say, three SC justices!

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Past time

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It is time to be pragmatic and focus on US energy policy and get gasoline prices down. Unless gas is < $3 without a massive recession, Democrats and moderate politicians will get crushed in upcoming elections. This is not complicated. The data is clear: inflation destroys politicians. And right now posts like this continue to attack US energy companies while focusing on "high minded" issues around democracy and freedom. While I am in emphatic agreement on the need to preserve our democracy (!!!) we must be deadly pragmatic about this.



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She warned all of us, yet the misogynists and the snipping of, not only Fox, but our MSM drowned her out. My sense of foreboding has never subsided…

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Corruption seems to be at every orifice of our government.

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Corruption, which I think of as abuse of entrusted power seems so often to be motivated and enabled by misuse of money, bribery, de facto bribery, hire of specialists in treachery, domination of communications media, etc.

Bribery and treason are the two high crimes that the Constitution spells out as grounds for which all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction. What if you don't call it a bribe, but it has the same effect?

Plutocratic money has been buying or reinforcing plutocratic policies for over 40 years, probably from pretty much from the dawn of civilization really; but after many successful attempts to bolster democracy and blunt the influence of concentrated wealth on politics and society, we were subsequently collectively gulled into tossing much of that progress away, swayed by the worst misinformation money could buy.

And democracy has recently been on the ropes, as a result in a battle that's still ongoing.

"We can have democracy in this country, or we can have great wealth concentrated in the hands of a few, but we can’t have both” — Justice Louis Brandeis

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Marlene, Are doors now being called orifices, such as, Josh Hawley's office has two orifices?

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Of course there were and are. It is an existential clash of values. That many on the right have embraced the likes of Orban et. al. without being smashed in the polls is incredible.

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Anyone who doesn't believe that capitalism needs to be regulated, I point to the grotesque profits that oil companies are wallowing in. All while millions of Americans struggle financially.

Why oh why do citizens blame the president for high gas prices in the face of what the professor details regarding the profits? People are being bilked, and the companies doing it skate scot-free.

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Why do citizens blame Biden?

1. Lack of education and poor reading skills.

2. Lack of analytical analysis capability due to 1 above.

3. Due to 1 and 2 above a dependency on preachers, Fox News and AM radio to inform what and how to think.

Each of the above contribute to what Thomas Jefferson worried and wrote about: An uneducated population unable to hold the democracy he helped create.

In summary: The problem with America is Americans.

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Agree whole heartedly except for summary. One problem with America is that some Americans decided long ago (esp after Brown v. Board of Ed) that some other Americans oughta not be educated or have good reading skills or learn how to critically analyze. And they set about making that happen. Yes, Jefferson was spot on... and here's our proof.

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Always has been the strategy in "Plantation" culture

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And that came back to bite them in the family butt. We (parent) now don't require any more of their kids to be discerning, knowledgeable, or literate than they were.

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Mike, Add to the reasons for Voting repub: their parents or friends or neighbors vote red. Family and neighborhood, religion, lies in the press and the proliferation of YouTube, Trash Media Fox Fake News, Alex Jones, Rush Limbaugh, Steve Bannon and TFG. There’s more. Protecting investments, not considering an obligation to help and share, be part of a social contract. Empathy and compassion in short supply. Two years of post high school service might help.

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But education is the enemy in cult country, say the Harvard educated cretins

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Sorry, I can't find the link, but Jon Stewart was telling I believe it was Ari Melber that he tried to get on Fox News so he could tell their listeners about Republicans blocking the PACT bill for vets, and Fox News refused to talk to him or air the news about the blockage. He was able to get on Newsmax. So if you are getting your news exclusively from Faux News, you aren't getting the full story. We here know this, for sure, but do they?


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Rupert don’t want no truth to worry his MAGAt cult nuts

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Too true, Jeri!

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Jul 31, 2022
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Good to know. Thanks, Suz!

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There are plenty of well educated people who believe fantastical things because doing so makes them feel better.

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Fantasies of superiority, such power rules. Never heard of walking a mile in another’s shoes…. Or, there but for the grace of God, go I…

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Tho education helps, it's not a fail safe. Germany was a country of many well-educated people and somehow still fell to the Nazis.

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Sounds like a stereotype. There are a lot of wealthy, educated people who vote Republican and listen to the propaganda. What kind of a 'box' would you put them into?

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I think a lot of it has to do with fear. I see it all around me, many of these republicans are regular, if not devout, church goers. Conservative churches (Catholic, Evangelical, Baptist, etc.) have filled their members heads for decades with fear. Sermons in these churches don’t lift people up and encourage them, they terrorize with images of an angry and vengeful god who is watching for every minor slip up. Spend enough time being told you are worthless and persecuted, you react like a cornered animal to anything that challenges your world view. My two cents.

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I don't think it's fear of an angry god - it's fear of anyone who isn't a white, Christian heterosexual born in the U.S., fear of the "other." Republicans constantly stoke that fear and encourage people to hate anyone who isn't like them (so much for "Christian values").

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"Spend enough time being told you are worthless and persecuted, you react like a cornered animal" goes to the mental well-being of a person. And its not just church goers that have this type of experience.

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I have a long-time friend in another state who is a Repub. I don't speak with him any more because I didn't want to lose a friend. I think that he still supports trump. I thought he was a decent person with empathy, high integrity, very well educated (not at Harvard), a lawyer. What makes him like these people? I simply don't understand so I plan to speak with him to find out, since I have already lost him as a friend.

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Been there, but I know why. It’s the Rupert hatred of Dems to a great extent. Decades of vilification take a toll.

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Fox News

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I don't know what box those people belong in, Kim. My guess is having no empathy, they just follow the money.

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Hate, greed, power

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I honestly think it goes deeper than that...into the mental health realm. Mental health doesn't discriminate.

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If you say “personality disorder, I agree,” but mental health often means illness which I am loathe to attach to the personality traits such as tfg (and MAGAts) exhibit with every breathe

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I know them, ex best friend, educated and smart, whole awesome family listens to Dad who was Foxer since day one. He ruled, despite being the least educated one. Not a dork, but a believer in bull Schitt. Had tv on Fox 24-7, literally, when I spent a lot of time at their house for 20+ years. He still does…

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And yet.... friends that I have who are arguably at least average in education and reading skills and have at least some analytical ability are so set on their sincerely held beliefs that President Biden is individually and personally responsible for gas prices that I literally smack my forehead. I suspect that your point 3 is the cause.

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Really? Explain how attacking oil companies for earning profits is "good education" of any kind? This is Econ 101. This is the type of hubris that alienates indie voters. You may not like the message, but we all have to be pragmatic to retain our democracy.

It is time to be pragmatic and focus on US energy policy and get gasoline prices down. Unless gas is < $3 without a massive recession, Democrats and moderate politicians will get crushed in upcoming elections. This is not complicated. The data is clear: inflation destroys politicians. And right now posts like this continue to attack US energy companies while focusing on "high minded" issues around democracy and freedom. While I am in emphatic agreement on the need to preserve our democracy (!!!) we must be deadly pragmatic about this.



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Maybe I am a cockeyed optimist but I think our energy problems, plus the need to go to war, would go like a f--t in a high wind if we would have the backbone to lower speed limits to 50 in cities and make it stick.

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Its a very interesting observation and speed limits were indeed part of the solution to our last energy crisis. As it is however, US gasoline demand has collapsed to levels last seen in 1996. This indicates we are in the very early innings of a bad recession or that we are deep into the world of demand destruction. Add to that we are subsidizing oil by selling 1ml bpd from the Strategic Petroleum Reserves and one can quickly see we are going to need a serious supply response to fix this.

And unless we give the energy companies some semblance of policy stability to bring supply on we will have energy shortages. Threats of tax increases while the Biden administration leaks plans to halt all drilling are exactly the type of signals that tell energy companies not to add capital equipment.

We have to get honest and practical about this if we want to restore democracy to this country.

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Price of a barrel of oil right now is $98-104/barrel. The last time it was at that level, the price of gasoline in California was $3.50/gallon - right now it's $5.50/gallon, purely by the oil companies exercising their power of monopsony.

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With the new Inflation Reduction Act (assuming Manchin doesn't go back on his word), there will at least be new spending on renewable energy and EVs to provide an alternative to gasoline. The high prices themselves are incentives to switch to alternatives. Fighting global warming needs to be the highest priority.

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Believe it when the ink is dry.

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Maybe we could break up the monopolistic oil industry? It's only a thought.

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111 years on from the break up of John D Rockerfeller's Standard Oil Trust which may have changed the market structure but had little effect on the shareholders extravagant wealth and power....they just changed their methods...smoke and mirrors!

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Rachel Maddow’s book Blowout explains the power of the oil industry very well and worth a read

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Well worth the read!!!

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Is that the rachel maddow who clucked so sympathetically to Jussie Smollet when Jussie turned the whole ChiTown PD on its ear?

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I suppose that's true, but perhaps a cluster of smaller black holes might be easier to tangle with than the supermassive ones. According to Obama's former AG:

"I am concerned that the size of some of these institutions becomes so large that it does become difficult for us to prosecute them when we are hit with indications that if you do prosecute, if you do bring a criminal charge, it will have a negative impact on the national economy, perhaps even the world economy."

Ungovernable? The government has since made "so large" larger (and did not meaningfully prosecute, but not for want of crimes).

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Where is Teddy?

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"Trustbuster" Teddy? He had flaws, but we owe him for his contribution to preserving outstanding public lands, and for corralling reducing plutocratic/political corruption. My understanding is that TR admired Lincoln, and felt betrayed when Republicans sucked up to plutocrats he had tried to discipline.

"Trust" in the abstract tends to be portrayed as a good thing, so maybe "anti-trust" is not the best nomenclature. We sure need it back, though.

I am quite sure if you circulated some of the utterings of TR or Lincoln without attribution, most Republicans would soundly reject them as "communist". Such as, “Labor is prior to, and independent of, capital. Capital is only the fruit of labor, and could never have existed if labor had not first existed. Labor is the superior of capital, and deserves much the higher consideration.” (Lincoln). That evaluation might seem self-evident, but few politicians of any sort would repeat it today.

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A boy can dream.

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Thanks for that, TC. Adding your comment onto the Letter today which I forward onto a few folks.

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Thanks. Shared with credit.

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We regulate automobile drivers. Why would we want to avoid regulating companies that affect large swaths of society? Especially at the point when the evil that we do lives after us, and is poised to play havoc with posterity? That's really unfair.

I'm OK with capitalism the way I'm OK with fire. Fire has multiple beneficial uses when we are careful not to let it get out of control, but entire towns have been destroyed where it ran rampant and consumed everything in sight. If we have a government of, by and for the people, then we set the ground rules, for commerce as well as any other activity that can have a negative effect on the lives of others. The tail should not be wagging the dog.

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It is time to be pragmatic and focus on US energy policy and get gasoline prices down. Unless gas is < $3 without a massive recession, Democrats and moderate politicians will get crushed in upcoming elections.

This is not complicated. The data is clear: inflation destroys politicians. And right now posts like this continue to attack US energy companies while focusing on "high minded" issues around democracy and freedom. While I am in emphatic agreement on the need to preserve our democracy (!!!) we must be deadly pragmatic about this.

Look at the page below. One page. Absolutely crucifies the Dems. PLEASE - GOTTA WIN TO STAY IN THE GAME. Unless we start advocating for simple policies that embrace the basics of Economics 101, the Dems and moderate politicians on the right will continue to get blown out at the polls.

Not about what we want. About recognizing the basic facts and working to win. That is what Trump does. If you think you are "better than" go look at the polling data - a disaster awaits any arrogance on that front.


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I agree. Those CEO’s are obnoxious and dangerous to our livelihoods. They tower over us and until we get to regulate proper taxes on them, their billions will grow. Sickening!

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Power begets power, and the greedy hop on board. Where is civic duty, damn, such an archaic idea

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Petroleum syndicates pay for propaganda, and we lap it up.

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It seems more like hypnosis. Or maybe spells from the Book of Dark Arts. They find the security flaws in our mental/emotional internal infrastructure and exploit them to the max. Sometimes a robust education serves as a patch, or perhaps a kind upbringing.

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Michael, please see my full post above comparing Apple to Exxon. Nobody is being bilked and this type of nonsense was and continues to decimate Dems standing with indie and moderate voters alike.

It is time to be pragmatic and focus on US energy policy and get gasoline prices down. Unless gas is < $3 without a massive recession, Democrats and moderate politicians will get crushed in upcoming elections. This is not complicated. The data is clear: inflation destroys politicians. And right now posts like this continue to attack US energy companies while focusing on "high minded" issues around democracy and freedom. While I am in emphatic agreement on the need to preserve our democracy (!!!) we must be deadly pragmatic about this.



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Criticizing energy companies for price gouging isn't "nonsense." The numbers don't lie. Forcing such companies to pay higher taxes isn't unreasonable given their profits and billions of dollars they receive in federal subsidies.

As for the one-page position paper put out by Republicans on the House Ways and Means Committee, I'm not well-versed enough in the nuts and bolts of energy policy to comment on the specific points. Broadly speaking, there's no doubt a need for comprehensive reform. For me, the reform should provide an impetus to quickly transition to renewable energy sources, which as countries like Germany have shown creates jobs to offset those lost.

Finally, count me as skeptical that a "vast swath" of moderate and independent voters are being alienated by the points raised in the paper. Yes, all voters dislike inflation. But the oil companies, as well as many in other industries, have used inflation as camouflage for price increases that add up to nothing but greed.

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Apologies for using the word "nonsense." But it is simply inconsistent with fact. They cannot price gouge when the price is set by global supply and demand and we make up a small amount of production relative to OPEC++.

The energy companies are paying vastly higher taxes than Apple. Why? Look at my longer post on exactly this topic.

And no - oil companies have not used inflation for "price increases" - that simply is not true. Inflation has been caused due to a re-acceleration in demand and a shortage of supply after the waves of bankruptcies in the energy sector in 2020. There is no "price gouging" - look at the data on production capacity of US oil companies and refiners - it has never been higher in history. They are producing at the absolute flat-out maximum.

All the US Energy companies in the S&P 500 are worth about half of what Apple is. Nobody is complaining about Apple's profits which are exorbitant. (I use Apple simply because they are notorious for tax dodging and the use of slave labor - items inconsistent with Democrat's priorities).

We cannot ask the world look at the facts around Jan 6th but then profess not to understand the basic economics of supply and demand. This is particularly true around energy where high gasoline prices are a devastating regressive tax on the middle class and hurting families' ability to provide for their families.

You can allege there may be some pricing inflation in grocery and other industries but even there, part of that is due to the fact that these companies must replace the goods they sold at uncertain to much higher prices than the goods they just sold you. Look at Walmart and Target - they got destroyed on inventory costs.

While I am sympathetic to your intentions, the implementation you suggest - higher taxes - is simply going to cause oil and gas prices to RISE. Higher taxes reduce the incentives to produce oil.

You can read about Britain's windfall profit tax on energy companies. It was quite clever. They either pay much higher taxes OR they get a huge tax break if they invest in producing more oil. That setup employs both carrot and stick and will indeed bring on the much overdue and much needed investment.

I'd also ask you and other readers to consider why it is we value the maker of a discretionary gadget like an iPhone more than we do the most basic input to food and human existence - oil? If you are going to get upset about profits, why not be angry and Apple? Why is the world's second richest man, Jeff Bezos, built on the back of Amazon - a company that is anti-competitive, anti-labor, a huge consumer of US roads and infrastructure and has paid virtually zero taxes over the decades?

If we want energy security and lower prices we need to realize that US energy companies are the solution not the problem. And we had better do it fast - anything less and you are a de facto Trump supporter no matter how objectionable that may feel.

High gas prices = destruction at the polls. To the degree gas prices have come down recently it is because gasoline demand has fallen to levels last since in 1996. That is not a good thing for Democrats either - it means we are in the early innings of a brutal recession or people simply cannot afford to drive, which means angry voters. And those angry voters will certainly make it to the polls to pull the lever AGAINST any democrat they see on the ticket.

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I'm positively giddy that the Democrats in Congress are, finally, seizing the offensive and forcing Republicans to go on the record opposing a host of issues that Americans widely support. Keep ratcheting up the pressure. And I'm not sure I've seen the GOP so incisively skewered as they've been for scuttling the PACT bill. You know they're in trouble if they lose the vote of veterans.

Meanwhile, the loss of text messages at the Secret Service and DHS raises these critical questions: who ordered phones to be wiped and reset, and was Trump's White House involved in the order? The DHS inspector general clearly wasn't acting as an agency watchdog but as a partisan to protect Trump. What other agencies might be missing text messages relevant to the attempted coup?

For those who didn't see the link I posted in yesterday's letter, here's a Twitter thread by the popular @MuellerSheWrote. She wonders, quite rationally in my view, whether this was all part of a sweeping conspiracy involving Trump himself. https://twitter.com/MuellerSheWrote/status/1553016914183540736

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Following up on your enthusiasm, each of us can help more Americans learn about and understand the implications of the Republicans' votes. Take a few minutes to write a letter to the editor to your local or regional newspaper - describe what's going on and how it will affect readers' lives. Even a few sentences can make a big impact!

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It didn’t just start with Trump. He merely carried out the plan that Putin put in place many years ago. I know this will sound kinda “ out there” but I honestly feel

that most in the Senate have been prepped with Russian ideology through the Federalist Society. The Society is made up of many billionaires who still do business in Russia. Koch Industries is one. They are also a large manufacturer of plastics which has polluted our bodies and oceans. The patriarch, Fred Koch, was a huge admirer of Hitler. Putin feels women and POC are second class citizens. He cloned Trump. Blinken said our cyber security systems are being challenged relentlessly, by the Russians. We too, must be relentless in fighting these home grown criminals.

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LOVE THIS. Here is a thought: what would devastate RU/Vlad? If US oil companies were given huge incentives to produce record amounts of oil. The Russians have almost no storage. The way the majority of the oil fields work, if they are "shut in" because there is nowhere to put the oil, they will suffer permanent damage. This is not tolerable to RU as a country or people.

Vlad has weaponized oil and we should respond in kind. It is the quickest and most powerful method to reverse everything you highlight above while also bringing gas prices down and getting Dems back into office.

Thank you for the thoughtful comment!

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Is chump the brains behind the evil or the useful fool? Maybe Vlad…

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Washington Post article by Leonnig and Sacchetti (sorry, dead trees today) that fleshes out story about Cuffari and the phones.

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Here is a gift link to the referenced article:


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Amazingly, I caught that thread. But thanks for the link so I can read it again.

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And now we have DeSantis a more intelligence peddler of the same disinformation?

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All this IS INDEED GREAT but......

It is time to be pragmatic and focus on US energy policy and get gasoline prices down. Unless gas is < $3 without a massive recession, Democrats and moderate politicians will get crushed in upcoming elections.

This is not complicated. The data is clear: inflation destroys politicians. And right now posts like this continue to attack US energy companies while focusing on "high minded" issues around democracy and freedom. While I am in emphatic agreement on the need to preserve our democracy (!!!) we must be deadly pragmatic about this.

Look at the page below. One page. Absolutely crucifies the Dems. PLEASE - GOTTA WIN TO STAY IN THE GAME. Unless we start advocating for simple policies that embrace the basics of Economics 101, the Dems and moderate politicians on the right will continue to get blown out at the polls.

Not about what we want. About recognizing the basic facts and working to win. That is what Trump does. If you think you are "better than" go look at the polling data - a disaster awaits.


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Thank you, Dr. Richardson, for the information on the DOJ's indictments and sanctions against Russians who have been interfering in American politics since 2014, trying to sow misinformation and exacerbate our divisions! I had not heard about this story at all today. I hope some of the people the DOJ is going after are those you noted who are part of American political groups whose leaders have worked for the Russians. I'd love to see them prosecuted. If any of the leaders of political groups are eventually named, this story could explode. Thanks again. Hope you have a restful weekend on one of Maine's beautiful waterways.

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I have maintained that the division in our country has been engineered from forces within (Faux, reactionary talk radio) and from without (Russia). I can say that I can see, in myself, what I think is the secondary influence, but perhaps only the psyops effect of the engineering: My willingness to engage with, confront, or inform those of an opposing viewpoint has all but disappeared and instead I am to the point of writing them all off.

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I totally understand. I've started that also. I hate to say it but I've written off mainly the ones that are uneducated and followers of the cult of T. It's the ones that should know better that are harder to cross off the friend list but I've started to. I was in a long discussion last night with a T supporter that is uninformed, hasn't watched any of the hearings and commented how most of the witnesses are probably lying and you can't blame one person for rogue groups like the oathkeepers. I told her to watch the hearings and we'll talk again. No need to waste my time.

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Truly remarkable it is not front page news - deep thanks to Dr. Richardson!!

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President Biden and the Democratic Party have been racking up one victory after another. Those successes are going to translate into BLUE votes in the midterms.

'Biden poised for big wins in Congress'

'The first major prescription drug legislation in nearly 20 years. More than $50 billion to subsidize computer chip manufacturing and research. A bill that would enshrine protection for same-sex marriage.'

'Most politically resonant is a bill to let Medicare negotiate drug prices, a hugely popular idea that Democrats have been pursuing for more than 20 years. It would let Medicare negotiate prices for 10 drugs in 2026 and 10 more in 2029; forbid drug companies from raising prices faster than inflation; and cap Medicare recipients’ out-of-pocket costs for prescription drugs at $2,000 a year.'

'Congress is likely to pass a bill providing $52 billion for companies to build, modernize or expand factories that produce semiconductors, the brains that power all modern electronics, to bolster the American economy and counter China’s influence. “We’re close, so let’s get it done,” Biden said of the bill on Monday. “So much depends on it.”

'Kurt Bardella, a former Republican who now consults for Democrats. “On the health-care bill, this is stuff everybody generally understands. This is not a complex, nuanced policy situation where you may not feel the benefit for 5 to 10 years.”

'The semiconductor bill would also provide tens of billions of dollars for the National Science Foundation and regional tech start-ups. Semiconductors are vital to an array of technological products, and China has been investing billions to make itself the leader in the field. While strategists said the bill would be harder for Democrats to message given its impact will be felt over years, not months, the legislation could eventually help address rising car prices that have in part been fueled by a chip shortage.'

'On the chips and same-sex marriage bills, he added, "Passing a landmark China competitiveness bill that will create manufacturing jobs across the country and standing up for the fundamental right of every American to marry who they love would be profound bipartisan wins for the county.”

“These legislative victories would be very significant because they address voters’ top concerns, which is inflation and the cost of prescription drugs,” said Ben LaBolt, a Democratic strategist. “The best thing the president can do — the most effective thing he can do politically — is to make progress on what Americans are saying is a top priority for them.” (WAPO)

…and the Republicans - WHAT DID THEY ACCOMPLISH this past week?

'Blindsided veterans erupted in anger and indignation Thursday after Senate Republicans suddenly tanked a widely supported bipartisan measure that would have expanded medical coverage for millions of combatants exposed to toxic burn pits during their service.'

'Supporters of the Sergeant First Class Heath Robinson Honoring Our Promise to Address Comprehensive Toxics Act — or PACT Act — overwhelmingly expected the House-passed bill to sail through to the president's desk for signature.'

'But in a move that shocked and confused veteran groups Wednesday night, 41 Senate Republicans blocked the bill's passage, including 25 who had supported it a month ago.'

"We really expected yesterday to be a procedural vote that would go with easy passage," said Jeremy

Butler, CEO of Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America, a nonprofit veterans’ organization. "That was the absolute expectation."

'This is embarrassing': Jon Stewart criticizes senators who voted against toxic burn pit bill'

'The PACT Act would have expanded VA health care eligibility to more than 3.5 million post-9/11 combat veterans who were exposed to toxins while serving in the military. '

If and when the Republicans get their act together, soldiers/veterans and their families won't forget how the Republicans betrayed them.

"We’ve seen partisanship and games within Congress for years," Butler said. "But what is shocking is that so many senators would literally be willing to play with veterans’ lives so openly like this."

"They’re manufacturing reasons to vote against legislation that they literally voted for just last month," Butler added. "And so it’s really a new level of low."

'Veterans who were exposed to toxins during deployments said the lives of sick and dying people who served the nation are on the line.'


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'How the Senate Climate Bill Could Slash Emissions by 40 Percent'

'A surprise breakthrough on climate and energy legislation revives President Biden's environmental commitments by outlining large emissions reductions'

'Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) struck a deal with Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) on major climate and energy legislation yesterday.'

'The announcement marked a startling reversal, breathing new life into the prospects for federal climate legislation two weeks after talks between the two senators broke down. The agreement would offer President Joe Biden a major political victory just before the midterm elections by delivering on his campaign pledge to spend hundreds of billions of dollars to boost clean energy deployment.'

“The Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 will make a historic down payment on deficit reduction to fight inflation, invest in domestic energy production and manufacturing, and reduce carbon emissions by roughly 40 percent by 2030,” Schumer (D-N.Y.) and Manchin (D-W.Va.) said in a statement.'

'The bill includes $60 billion to boost domestic clean energy manufacturing, including $30 billion in production tax credits for solar panels, wind turbines, batteries and critical mineral processing. It also offers lower- and middle-income motorists a $7,500 tax credit for clean vehicles, while states and electric utilities would see $30 billion in grants and loans to expand clean energy. The bill also includes $60 billion for environmental justice communities and a fee on methane emissions that will rise to $1,500 a ton by 2026.'

“We will improve our energy security and tackle the climate crisis — by providing tax credits and investments for energy projects,” Biden said in a statement. “This will create thousands of new jobs and help lower energy costs in the future.”

Experts say the United States cannot meet the emission targets of the Paris climate accord without federal action. The United States is currently on track to cut emissions 24 percent to 35 percent of 2005 levels without additional federal actions, according to a recent analysis by the Rhodium Group, a research firm. Those cuts would largely be driven by a combination of renewable energy and electric vehicles, but those estimates were highly variable and dependent on commodity prices and economic growth.'

'Those declines in greenhouse gases would fall far short of the 50-52 percent reduction in emissions Biden targeted by the end of the decade. The bill announced yesterday also falls short of Biden’s goal, but it would bring the country closer to the president’s target.'

'Many analysts and lawmakers were still sifting through the details of the 725-page bill last night. Still, many Democrats were eager to declare victory.'

“For the first time, the tax code is going to reward emissions reductions, and encourage the development of new clean energy technologies as soon as they come online. No longer will Congress need to legislate technology by technology, making it easier to bring new technologies to market,” Wyden said in a statement. “Importantly, this is permanent energy policy. Congress will no longer need to extend these incentives every few years, giving companies and states certainty to plan clean energy projects and create jobs.”

'The agreement, called the “Inflation Reduction Act of 2022,” offers $433 billion in new spending, with $369 billion of that funding going toward climate change and energy security. Some of that money be used as tax credits for renewable energy, hydrogen, nuclear and offshore wind.'

'The bill would raise $739 billion in revenue, most of it through an increase in the corporate tax rate to 15 percent ($313 billion) and prescription drug reform ($288 billion).'

'The bill must undergo negotiations among Democrats in the House and Senate, including progressives who want far more action. It leaves out tax relief provisions that some House Democrats had sought, and it includes an increase in corporate tax rates and a carried interest loophole that Sen. Kyrsten Sinema (D-Ariz.) has opposed.'

'It must also undergo a review by the Senate parliamentarian to ensure it can pass muster as a budget reconciliation bill.'

'Schumer and Manchin said the bill would be taken up next week ahead of the August recess. Because it is a budget reconciliation bill, it only needs 51 votes in the Senate — or the support of every Democrat, with Vice President Kamala Harris acting as tiebreaker.'

“Holy shit. Stunned, but in a good way. $370B for climate and energy and 40% emissions reduction by 2030. BFD,” tweeted Sen. Tina Smith (D-Minn.).

Sen. Brian Schatz (D-Hawaii) called the bill “the biggest climate action in human history.”

“The planet is on fire. Emissions reductions are the main thing. This is enormous progress,” he said in a statement.'

'The bill would dwarf the $90 billion spent on clean energy tax credits as part of the 2009 stimulus package. It would likely lead to more immediate emission reductions than the infrastructure bill that passed last year, which funneled research and development dollars into emerging technologies that are unlikely to be built at scale this decade. And it would exceed the $300 billion in clean energy spending called for in the “Build Back Better Act” that Manchin opposed last year.'

“This bill has the potential to be the single largest investment in clean energy in American history,” the group said in a statement. “Making major investments in clean energy is one of the best ways Congress can lower inflation and shield Americans from the volatility of fossil fuel markets.” (ScientificAmerican)

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Fern, I would really like to know who held a gun to Manchin’s head for him to finally agree on a package!

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Very funny and excellent question, Marlene. Pressure as the heat (without fossil fuel) of furor on the part of human beings who want to live, truly made him sweat, and conscience: did he dig real deep to find it? Okay, maybe Manchin overheard Schumer negotiating with a hitman.

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LOL, Fern. I pick Answer B!

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Sorry, Lynell, the answer is a secret. DEEP STATE!

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My sentiments exactly!!👏🏼👏🏼😁

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The devastating Flash Flooding in Appalachia this week included West Virginia. Maybe it was a wake up call?

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I thought about that too. Look at Kentucky. Wonder if Paul and McTurtleneck feel anything for its inhabitants.

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I’m sure they live high up on a hill where nothing can touch them. Paul is up for re-election so he’ll probably try to emulate some form of concern. Ironically, he usually votes against compensation for natural disasters.

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The bill’s mandate (put in at Manchin’s insistence) requiring new oil & gas leases in the Gulf of Mexico & off the coast of Alaska certainly helped.

And according to a source in Senator Coons office, he (& many others) has been applying pressure. Coons said to Manchin:

“There are folks in our party who are saying all sorts of terrible things about you, who believe you were stringing us along for a year and that you were never going to come to a deal because of your state or because of your conflicts of interest,...I can’t think of a better way for you to prove them all wrong than to sign off on a bold climate deal. Prove every critic wrong.”

According to the source, Manchin replied, “It would be like hitting a homer in the bottom of the ninth, wouldn’t it?”

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Coons is very effective, obviously and good for him to guide Manchin towards the light. Now let’s keep it that way!

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Yay! Also, Chuck seems to have been able to offer Joe a better deal than Mitch. I will really cheer when Big Joe (Biden) signs it into law. Still, I am very encouraged that this may be a sea change int the fight to combat global warming and for climate justice.

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Let's celebrate, Steve, when it's signed, sealed and delivered. 🌿🌼🌳🌴🌺


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Is it a done deal?

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No, haven't yet heard from Sinema on whether she'll vote for it.

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Gawwwd…think Sinema needs a waterboarding. Did I just say that??

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As for semiconductors, could the US try and buy over the leading and dominating production in Taiwan; making Taiwan less attractive to China?

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Fascinating question Olof, with more questions attached. Do the chip/semiconductor companies want to be bought out by American companies? What would the Taiwan government's opinion be about that? Is it too late to consider such a proposition? There are more questions...and I cannot answer any of them. Good morning, Olof.

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Good morning, Fern. Is the proposition too early? Is the government of Taiwan not quite yet facing being captured by China? Would a buyout be cheaper for the US than trying to defend Taiwan in a war? - Now I just read in The Economist that the US is still leading developer and Taiwan mainly leading manufacturer. On the other hand I heard from somewhere else that the development of manufacturing is crucial when it comes to making semiconductors ever smaller, and that is where Taiwan is really leading; making them useful and affordable in many new applications. Good for us that we don't have to come up with the answers!

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Also, most of the world's PCs are manufactured in, or have many of their components manufactured in Taiwan - not to mention Timberland shoes (for a brief period in the summer of 1979, I worked at the Timberland factory in Newmarket, NH - the factory first moved to North Carolina (?), then to Taiwan).

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What? They steal IP from foreign companies without hesitation. Watch the video below - its so brazen. What makes you think if we owned the factories in Taiwan they would care? They are debating taking the country over. There are rumors that the CIA is working with the island's manufacturers to setup detonators that will destroy the facilities if they come under attack.


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Wait til the ink is dry to celebrate, but now is the time to label republicans as the cretins they have been, at least in my lifetime.

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Only TEN drugs to be negotiated 2022 and only TEN more in 2024? Anyone else stunned at that little tiny opening in the dam???

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If they are the 10 KEY drugs Medicare underwrites, and then another 10 KEY drugs 2 years later, the impact will be so poweful that the door should open for negotiation of prices on ALL drugs. Of course, then the pharmaceutical companies will join the oil companies in efforts to dismantle democracy.

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Ah….thank you. Makes more sense looking at it that way.

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While I agree in many ways..... It is time to be pragmatic and focus on US energy policy and get gasoline prices down. Unless gas is < $3 without a massive recession, Democrats and moderate politicians will get crushed in upcoming elections.

This is not complicated. The data is clear: inflation destroys politicians. And right now posts like this continue to attack US energy companies while focusing on "high minded" issues around democracy and freedom. While I am in emphatic agreement on the need to preserve our democracy (!!!) we must be deadly pragmatic about this.

Look at the page below. One page. Absolutely crucifies the Dems. PLEASE - GOTTA WIN TO STAY IN THE GAME. Unless we start advocating for simple policies that embrace the basics of Economics 101, the Dems and moderate politicians on the right will continue to get blown out at the polls.

Not about what we want. About recognizing the basic facts and working to win. That is what Trump does. If you think you are "better than" go look at the polling data - a disaster awaits any arrogance on that front.


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Here's an important bit of information on how bad the oil companies are: the price of a barrel of oil is bouncing right now between $98-$104/barrel. The last time the price of a barrel of oil was in that neighborhood, the price at the pump was $3.50/gallon in California - where the current price is now $5.50/gallon (down 85 cents from a few weeks ago, so an "improvement"). The current prices have nothing to do with costs, they are purely the companies using their monopsony market power.

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Is it possible the oil companies are attempting to influence our upcoming election by keeping prices at an all time high? They know that many people believe the high gas prices and inflation are Biden’s fault. By continuing to feed inflation/recession fears, those oil companies continue to feed anti Biden/Democratic Party sentiments.

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But, of course 👿

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Legal robbery

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No. California is higher than that, TC! At some stations it’s $6.19 a gallon. That is, of course, at Chevron, Shell, and Exxon. I tend to buy at Costco where it is $5.50.

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So far, over here in the Wild and Woolly West End of the SFV, the majority of stations not near the freeway are $5.50

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Jon Stewart is speaking for all of us as he drags the horrible Republicans over the coals for their vote. https://www.thedailybeast.com/jon-stewart-deliciously-trolls-fox-news-viewers-while-on-fox-news

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That was delightful! Thanks for the link.

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The fact that FOX had him on is nothing less than remarkable!

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Dr. Richardson: Thanks for highlighting the fact that 50% of gas price inflation is due to oil company profits.

However, as a bonafide ignorant and poorly read American I will choose to continue to believe that Biden is at fault because the fake blonde on Fox News told me it was Biden’s fault.

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Or Jake Tapper.

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Yep. Plenty of charlatans out their feeding their ignorant prey.

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Tapper is a chameleon. He is always searching for a way to blow an issue way out of proportion or harm a person to satisfy his ego. He did huge damage to Biden because of Afghanistan. He really pounded on it.

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Exactly. Rupert is the reason for much of the dissension.

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Don’t forget Biden has caused inflation worldwide, not just here!!! Or am I confusing him with that Russian friend of our dear leader who had his election stolen by all those evil people who refused to vote for him?

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"Democrats continue to illustrate the difference between them and the Republicans in the lead-up to the 2022 midterms," writes Heather. Consider being a much needed election worker of integrity and awareness!

Here is important reading by Jennifer Cohn about the depth and breadth of Republicans' and Russian interference in 2016 and 2020 elections--need to know ahead of our upcoming 2022 midterms. Lots of echoes, dense, but punctuated by lots of punchy cartoons!


Jennifer Cohn writes about the ties between Kremlin incursions/subterfuge/assassination-by-poison in Ukraine; oligarchs; Paul Manafort; Roger Stone; annexation of Crimea; Steve Bannon; Trump; Michael Cohen; Felix Sater; Russian blackmail of Republican Party by leaking hacked emails of Democratic Party; suspicious re-routing of Ohio’s 2004 election-night results by Karl Rove’s IT guru who died in a plane crash after a civil suit was filed against Rove for allegedly hiring the IT guru to rig vote tallies for Bush; 2007 Bush administration's claim to an inquiry that 22 million emails were "lost;" Russian oligarch Deripaska to whom Manafort owed $20 million when he joined Trump’s campaign in 2016; Deripaska associate/Russian intelligence officer Kilimnik who took confidential polling data from Deripaska in New Jersey and delivered it to Deripaska on his yacht in Norway; Roger Stone's "Stop the Steal" campaign started in 2016; FBI 2016 alert titled “Targeting Activity Against State Board of Election Systems,” which disclosed that the FBI was “investigating cyberintrusions against two state election websites this summer, including one that resulted in the “exfiltration,” or theft, of voter registration data…” later identified as Illinois and Arizona, followed by 37 states finding traces that “Russian hackers could edit actual vote tallies;” installation of hackable wireless modems in precinct ballot scanners in Florida. Wisconsin, Rhode Island; November 2016 Trump's surprise Electoral College win over Clinton; May 2017 Trump fired FBI director James Comey, who was “leading the investigation into whether Mr. Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign had coordinated with Russian election meddling;” whistleblower Reality Winner leaked a classified report that Russian hackers successfully used phishing emails to get a U.S. election software company's employees to give their login credentials to a fake "Google" website, thus compromising the company's epollbooks used in the 2016 elections in Florida, Illinois, Indiana, North Carolina, Virginia and West Virginia; June 2017 DHS admission that it had conducted no forensic analysis of voting equipment to determine whether tallies had been altered; Mueller’s July 2018 report; July 2019 bipartisan Senate Intelligence Committee’s final report that Russian hackers had targeted election systems in all fifty states before the 2016 election; 2020 Democrats' election-security bill, the SAFE Act, which would have banned paperless voting machines and internet-connectivity to voting systems (including wireless modems), while requiring robust manual audits for all federal races, was blocked by Republicans.

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OMG Ellie! That is it... the carefully itemized list which is responsible for the cloud that's been following me everywhere over the course of these past years. We are continually forced to move on. Try as we might to remember each transgression, fixed on brain's screen, we move onto the next stunning revelation or brazen action while the flood of denials of wrong doing fill the airwaves. It's a high speed train of transgression, the past becomes blurry with just that overwhelming sense of betrayal remaining. So Thank YOU! I am printing it out because this old brain of mind just can't hold it all. While I certainly do not like punishing myself with the whole upsetting story, I hate being called a paranoid worrier even more. The list contains the reminders I need to justify why I continually feel "punch drunk" about Repub politics. Thanks again to you and this entire group.

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Thanks, Ellie.

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I remember reading about the Ohio shenanigans in 2004 in a Rolling Stone article & have often wondered why it was just dropped; swept under the rug. While I was waiting to vote that afternoon (in TX), the man in line next to me was telling me how a friend of his in OH had watched his vote change. And no way should anyone ever trust Rove.

Though I admire Obama in many ways (& worked on his 2008 & 2012 campaigns), he never seemed to understand that the gop does not play fair. Even when ole Mitch told him that he viewed the Senate’s job to obstruct every part of Obama’s agenda that they could. And this article certainly lays that out & ties together so much, succinctly.

Ms. Cohn’s medium article pulls so much disparate & obvious info together, from 2000 to the present. She got a new follower today! Should be required reading--thx for posting it, Ellie.

And while I’m very pleased that IL now uses paper ballots, they are then scanned (via an older model scanner at my precinct that I’m certain is connected at some point to the internet). But at least there is a paper trail, now.

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MAGAts and cretins are just waiting for repubs to take the house so that investigations can be “redirected,” and then just stall, stall, stall til the power is back in their hands.

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So much important information here. I feel like we need more than 1 DOJ!! I find myself more and more infuriated by the ever deepening evidence of how comprehensive Russian interference in our elections was and continues to be. Throws into starker relief the nature and depth of the struggle our” democracy” is facing. The terrifying part is how fraudulent trump’s presidency was and that it has enabled the hollowing out of so many government agencies filling them with appointed trump toadies. Malignant self-serving actors.

None of it surprises at this point, at the same time hard to believe.

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Are there enough investigators/prosecutors in the DOJ to clean all this up? Seriously, though, it takes a huuuuuuge staff to work through all these issues, and I hope they have enough folks.

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Last sentence freezes my brain

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100%, Rebecca.

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We need to see a few heads roll at DHS, no? After all, the Secretary of DHS reports directly to the POTUS.

Companies issue stock when they need capital, repurchase stock when they have extra cash. They don't wish to carry large cash balances through the end of a tax year. Reinvestment into infrastructure or other business expenses is a more methodical, time consuming means of expending cash. The government could easily influence their behavior by taxing money used to repurchase stock. Companies would be far more careful about issuing more stock knowing that there was a tax penalty to repurchase it. They would be more likely to use debt for expansion and distribute cash to shareholders, perhaps, after retiring debt when cash is plentiful.

The Republicans have succeeded in dragging the Dems down towards their level a bit. Pelosi and Schumer can continue to lob veto-bait at the opposition ad infinitum in the run-up to the election and force the other side to continue showing it's soft underbelly as it resists legislation popular with the breadth of the electorate. Just change a few clauses, find a new nifty acronym as a headliner and re-introduce the previously vetoed bill/act. Wash, rinse, repeat. It means yielding to legislative gamesmanship, but if the other side intends to shut down legislation anyway, then why not eke a bit of political advantage out of it?

I think we've punished Russia plenty in the last several months; it may now be more fruitful to go after the internal collaborators and make them into law school study cases for what happens when you take political money/direction from enemies of the state. Sanctions against foreigners only mean something to the degree they wish to continue acting outside of their own countries' borders. They can change name, articles of incorporation and reemerge as another entity rather easily. We have far more leverage within our own borders, where striped suits and small cells await the convicted.

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Thank you, as always, Heather, for a plethora of solid data and information! I am especially delighted with the news of the impending Inflation Reduction Act. We are in dire need of investments in climate change and clean energy!

“The record profits of oil companies made a perfect backdrop to early discussions of the Inflation Reduction Act advanced by Senate majority leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) and Senator Joe Manchin (D-WV). If passed, that measure will be a sea change in the nation’s economic policy. Its $385 billion devoted to addressing climate change will be the nation’s largest ever investment in clean energy, and it will incentivize cutting carbon emissions, delivering 40% cuts by 2030, which is close to Biden’s stated goal.”

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Morning, all!! Morning, Dr. R!! Let me add to the pile here another important piece of news, one that Heather did not talk about here but I think is pretty newsworthy. Marc Elias and the Democracy Docket is the source for this latest on the independent state legislature theory:

"On Thursday, July 28, the U.S. House of Representatives’ Committee on House Administration held a hearing about the fringe independent state legislature (ISL) theory that could upend American elections. The U.S. Supreme Court will review this theory during the upcoming term when it decides the North Carolina redistricting case Moore v. Harper. The witnesses were unanimous in their testimony that the theory has no basis in the U.S. Constitution or U.S. history and is dangerous for our democracy." Chair Jamie Raskin said this about the results of the hearing: "I’m glad we seem to have some kind of bipartisan agreement about the strangeness of this doctrine.”


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Morning, Lynell!! I am really (oh dear... concerned? pissed off? amused?) by this entire ISL theory and what the current SCROTUS will do with it. The only thing I can be sure of is that the Federalist Society will prevail in this decision.

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Hey, Ally! I am depending on Marc Elias to get us through this. Hope he can do it...as well as all the other folks who are working on it behind the scenes. As for SCROTUS, since they're not interested in democracy anymore, we have no hope there!

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Same here!!

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Thank you Heather.

During lunch yesterday, a colleague and I discussed how disturbingly deep this situation with the deleted texts is. Step back and look at the number of Departments that are complicit with this cover up. More so, consider that had there not been a formal investigation, none of us would have known how dirty the departments are.

What more do we not know about?

Be safe. Be well.

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