Thank you for the audio version. I read the Letter earlier today, but felt like I wanted to hear you speak these words with your own voice. The decades-long resistance to oligarchy really resonated with me. Thank you so much for sounding the alarm, and showing us how to stand up and save our democracy!

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Yes, agree totally! Thanks so much for your informed voice!!

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Absolutely one of your best yet! Thank you!!!

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Goosebumps! I always feel validated when I watch how you take some time to think before this kind of post happens. Thank you. Amazing.

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Agree with Linda Dawson…a fine article weaving our history into a narrative of HOPE! Thank you so much for this boost of optimism!!

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We CAN wake up just in time!

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Thank you so much Heather! 💙🩵🌊💕🔥🌴💃🏾🥥

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Thank you for helping me to keep the faith … you nourish the seeds of hope for the future of my nine month old granddaughter …

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‘But all the while, there are people who keep the faith. Lawmakers, of course, but also teachers and journalists and the musicians who push back against the fear by reminding us of love and family and community. And in those communities, people begin to organize—the marginalized people who are the first to feel the bite of reaction, and grassroots groups. They keep the embers of democracy alive.’

To find respite this past weekend, I watched the film ‘I Am Woman,’ an account of the Helen Reddy story. Deeply inspiring. (And yes, one of heartache too.)

Her ‘I Am Woman’ song mobilized the women of her era. And seems her fierce determination can ‘fan us into flame’ still today: https://youtube.com/watch?v=ZrVLL7soS1U&si=D6YH1jau6MGpZaXH

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great column

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So powerful, Heather! Thank you for taking time to remind us that we must preserve our Democracy.

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It’s UP TO US!! Damn TRUE

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Fired Up. Ready to fight! God bless us to succeed.

Thanks for tying our history to our work today! We ARE waking up🎉

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Prof. Richardson once again raises our spirits with cause for hope. She is pointing out some of the inflection points in American history that illustrate a rapid change in the direction of events. I’m just hoping we don’t have to first go through something like the Great Depression for this redirection to occur. We need to be active, use our vote, encourage others to vote, support campaigns we believe in with $$$, and call out Trump and the Trumpublicans on their disastrous policies.

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Thank you once again for a terrific piece of history and perspective. I am so grateful I found this newsletter, which always manages to lift me out of what is often despair. Americans have always pulled through--so far. (Our enthusiasm usually wanes, however, and we tend to drop the ball on the follow-through.) I too am fired up and doing whatever I can to hold on to what we've got.

Today on NPR was an interview with Anne Applebaum highlighting her new book, Autocracy, Inc. She also spoke about the book last week at the Midtown Scholar Bookstore in Harrisburg, PA, to a packed house. I have a question: Do you think our politicians are reading and studying this stuff? Are they aware and planning policies accordingly?

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As a follow up would you speak about some of the leaders of the current Christian Nationalist Movement who want to give us another American revolution>

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I would really like your message to reach main stream media outlets and the greater public at large.....now!

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so appreciate your daily comments!

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