Debate of the Decade Part VII Last Call: The Bar is Closing, Forever

“Christians, get out and vote. Just this time. You won’t have to do it anymore, you know what? Four more years, it’ll be fixed, it’ll be fine, you won’t have to vote anymore, my beautiful Christians.” DJ Trump, Palm Beach FL , 26 July 2024.

Take Note: Bill Barr and you, too Supremes. Did you think that your patronizing and grooming of a dangerous insurrectionist was a game or something? When Colorado pursued the reality of insurrection, you denied them the right of self-protection and for what? Perhaps Standing? It is only a fool who, when given information of a clear and present danger, would pause at a ceremony of Standing. Why is not your proactive protection of Trump not TREASON? You worry about your reputation when you should be worrying for our United States of America. Your reputation of bias and ineptitude is earned, not merely granted because of your lifetime lofty status. I now wonder: What is in it for you? Your extraconstitutional excursion into immunity for Trump may put us all into irreversible fascism.

You got your “gratuities”; your lavish trips and your grand RV and hobnobbing with billionaires and Trump fans. What do we get? A dictatorship with a rubber stamp Supreme court? But you gave us that already! Your incipient memory loss could have been balanced by reading histories; those of Italy, Germany and our own USA that led to the civil war and the14th Amendment which fell from that tree. What are you thinking? You are schooled and specially chosen, so you have no excuse of ignorance. You are of the age of reason, so you have no excuse of immaturity. You have no excuse of hidden behavior. Insurrection and violence has been in the open. Trump’s message of the Last Call for voting by Americans is well past your first call to duty. YOU, the cohort of six partisans, deserve the disdain and condemnation that future American generations will shower upon you. You had the responsibility and the power to do something useful for the nation, but you chose party over country; violence over peace and justice; self over commonwealth. Did you not take an oath to defend our Constitution?

George N. Giacoppe

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Well and completely said, Mr. George Giacoppe. YOU speak for MANY of us to this tawdry and disgraced gathering of wannabe “justices” - just husks of yourselves. And to those who dissented - speak louder, longer, and like you really mean it. I am dismayed. You have let We the People down FAR too many crucial times now.

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RE: Palm Beach Florida......You did not quote the part where Kotex Jesus said..."I am not a Christian".......That is important!!! He admits to working for the dark side.

Pussy Grabber's NPD is getting progressivly worse and more dangerous. The violent Orange cult is being primed to do his willing.

There should be NO nights off until the election..........24/7 efforts need to be put in to protect democracy, all women, daughters, LGBQ, diversity, the environment, NATO.....

Project 2025 must become a history book or shredded and trashed forever.

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I did not hear the “I am not a Christian,” and I listened. Thank you, that is likely the most important thing he said. He was as focused and fork-tongued lying bastard as always but he was also Elmer Gantry. A smooth-tongued shyster/savior. He believes his own bullschittery but the money behind him doesn’t. Just a savior or a useful fool. A Rorschach card for our society.

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Trump would never tell a group of assembled alleged Christians that he is not a Christian. This is what he said about that: "He added: "I love you, Christians. I'm a Christian. I love you, get out, you gotta get out and vote. In four years, you don't have to vote again, we'll have it fixed so good you're not going to have to vote."

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I've watched several times, as that surprised me "I'm not Christian". Yet that is what I see and hear.......https://x.com/Acyn/status/1817007890496102490

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I heard that too!!!! Thank you for sharing this clip....he will deny! I am sure if ever confronted and those in the crowd I am sure never here "I am not".

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Thank you for that video on "X." There are those of us who are deluged with personal obligations to family and are not in a position to check on X or other sources. Listening carefully to that video, that too is what I heard. I had to repeat the video several times to make sure. If he got tongue tied in saying what he said, then that's too bad. He's on the record. And in all places, on "X" which is owned by one of his billionaire minion clowns. As interesting as this clip on "X" is, the real news is in what he is saying: "you won't have to do anymore, it will be fixed, it will be fine...." Now, if that doesn't ring of dictatorship to me, I guess I might as well be tone deaf.

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I listened also. I think you could hear it as “not”, but I’m sure it was just the way he slurs his words. Sometimes he says things slurred like he’s drunk.

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I know you're trying to be fair about this and we should all strive to fair; however, I clearly heard the word "not" in reference to Christianity. Nevertheless, he is now on the record.

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“Not going to have to vote”, why? Because he’ll make all the rules? Sounds like a dictatorship to me…

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Really interesting… Yesterday on Threads, this came up. Saw one post with “I am not Christian.” Several posts with ellipses in that space. I have not broken down yet to seek this out on YouTube. But this is, as I thought yesterday, advanced weird.

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Richard, (I won’t say you nailed it)

However, you and JD Chil lifted my morning with the rising sun. Here’s to you Sir Hole in one:-)

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Speaking of holes-in-one: I've had 8 of them, proving that luck beats skill every time.

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Modesty is so becoming.

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Damn, I hate to have to watch that again. Thanks for the clips, Mary Lou and Shirley

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JD Chilcutt,

"Tubby" and team...just useful tools....destroying our great nation for selfish interests...no concern for the future of the lives of our children....no concern regarding our planet or the air our children will breathe. No concern for women and for their health care.

So why is he on the ticket???? He is being used by "darkness". He is " the master of disaster"!

He embraces the power and evil of dictators who are really weak and have no trust in or respect for the children, men, women or elderly under their control.

Those of you who call yourselves "Christian" need to wake up!!!! Who did Christ ever control???? The answer would be "NO ONE"! Have you forgotten that little section of the Bible in which Jesus allowed Himself to be beaten to the bone....pulverized like a piece of raw meat FOR US....FOR OUR SINS.....HE TOOK OUR PUNISHMENT...HE DIED TO SET US FREE!!!! He was the perfect sacrifice because we could NOT be.

Do you honestly believe that Donald Trump has ever done anything for anyone and not received a benefit from his actions!?

He got a little scratch on his ear from shrapnel and though no one should shoot another human being unless threatened, Donald only received a little "ouchie" and used it to increase the "love" and "blind devotion" of his fans.

And another comment!....being a Christian does NOT mean NOT using ones brain....being a Christian does NOT mean NOT to question....being a Christian does NOT mean being a blind follower of a "scam artist"!!!!

Being a Christian also must come with the understanding that faith...true faith is not forced. There are many ways to worship and it must be as one chooses. No one should feel "less than" because of not having a faith or not choosing a faith.

Have we completely forgotten the young American missionaries who went to Africa, not so many years ago, to share the love of Christ? Some packed their belongings in wooden coffins because so many missionaries died...due to disease or by being

tortured to death as they shared the love of Christ and the hope faith offers if we CHOOSE to believe.

I know many will say....leave their form of worship alone! To that I respond. I am thankful my friends in college did not leave me alone when they kept pushing me to hear young Christians who came onto our college campus, share their testimonies.

It saved my life in many ways. And no, it was difficult...my family thought I was "nuts". I was so alone but if you have a faith...you know we are NOT alone. I will add, my faith has been a journey. It was not a church that saved me. I was very alone. It was a growing relationship with a personal "three in one" God. It is real!!!!

It is also true that faith of any type ..... a true faith should never be forced or required of anyone in order to be loved and respected as a fellow human being!!!!

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You sound like somebody that Jesus would be proud that you speak instead of those who smear his words with greed, jealousy and envy. You make sensible points. I’m glad that you hold no cudgel like so many do. Thank you.

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Broadcast on CBN, Christianity Today etc.

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Jeri, if I had not been told that he said that, I wouldn't have caught it. Not surprisingly he dropped his voice as he said that, but once you know to listen for it, it's easy to hear. Incredible.

Your final sentence there is INCREDIBLE! May I use that line for one of the characters in a book I am writing? It would fit perfectly. (Lord knows if it ever gets published. I have two other manuscripts before it, the first of which I am going to start shopping for an agent soon, once I get my health issues cleared up.)

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This is Trump's latest pitch, just arrived in my email:




But shadow liberal billionaires just bankrolled her $250 million dirty dollars to achieve this sickening plot.


YOUR FIRST ACTION: I need YOU to show that you stand with the police and Trump by claiming a Thin Blue Line MAGA Hat now. >


[Richard's note: to get the cap one needs to send in $47.)

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Well, of course you can. Sure hope health spares you it’s worst and you can continue to tell the tale of our human struggles and the many iterations they go through. Can’t fathom that anyone thinks human history and the lives that walk onto that stage are boring. How I would love a little “boring” sometimes, or a moment to breathe.

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I'm pretty weary myself. Boring sounds wonderful!

I can hear my character in my mind and your line sounds like it would come right out of her mouth. I'd use it in my third manuscript which is about 80% complete, first draft. It's actually a story of a woman raised by cold parents, who makes a poor choice at marriage and is a disaster in rearing her two children. (No, not autobiographical! LOL)

My first manuscript has been professionally edited by a reputable long time career editor who believes it is worthy of publication. This is a holiday story of a man beset with a lifetime-worth of tragedies that caused him to lose his faith, which is ultimately redeemed by a visit from an unusual visitor. Once I get some medical testing done, possibly surgery, I plan to start my query letter with the help of this editor.

My second manuscript is about how experiencing trauma (again, not autobiographical) and keeping it secret can be more damaging than exposing it. My two main characters are 14 and 80 years old. The 14 year old's trauma is recent, the 80 year old's life has been entirely dictated by the trauma she kept secret. Isn't really YA, I don't know how to categorize it. But to publish has been a lifelong dream of mine, and it was actually the influence of MAGA on some family members that made me decide to write my first book. Ultraconservative Christians will have it banned if it gets published. Will get published--let's keep that positive attitude!

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You are amazing. I envy your skill and your creative mind that wants to use your skill to speak to all of us. That’s what writing is. One speaking to many. So many young people experience trauma, likely because their caregivers experienced trauma also. Yet trauma, loss, deprivation and such can strengthen and teach. Seems to me that even one “influencer” can mitigate so much. Your ideas sound intriguing. Hope all goes well, career and health wise.

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Can you source where Trump says he is not a Christian. I am having trouble finding it. Thanks.

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Here's a link to video in cnn article....it looks & sounds like' I'm not a Christian' at 21 secs .... raspy, saliva speech so articulation is sloppy....hence not definitive.


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If you can find an audio clip of his statement, it ABSOLUTELY sounds like he says that in the middle of it. His voice volume drops a bit but it absolutely sounds like that.

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Yeah it sounded like what he said so I listened to it a second time and still thought he said “I am not”

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Sounds like that, but I think he was slurring. I’m sure he intended it to come out as “ I’m a Christian”. Of course we know he’s not, but he was talking to a so-called “Christian” group so he would have said that.

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Julie, it just goes to show how incompetent Trump is: he can't even make it clear whether he is or isn't a Christian. Fact check: There is no way in hell that Donald John Trump is a Christian., regardless of what he says. "He lies." - Jasmine Crockett, Texas Congresswoman.

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A powerful, eloquent statement speaking truth to power. Thank you.

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Excellent piece of writing. Just exactly what so many of us are feeling. Thank you. It is such a crime that the sheeple have no clue how they’re being manipulated by a bunch of billionaires.

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It's been quite a week and I'll end it with this.

After seeing Evangelicals and Christian nationalists fall all over themselves to support Trump, this is what I think: Some believe Trump is the Antichrist due to his controversial actions, divisive rhetoric, and perceived moral failings, which align with biblical descriptions of the Antichrist. Conversely, others view him as a savior-like figure, fighting against perceived corruption and championing conservative Christian values, akin to Jesus. Both views are wrong. Trump's immorality and criminality actually reflect about 30% of the electorate, highlighting societal divisions and the complexity of political support.

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Jul 28·edited Jul 28

Might try reading Timothy Snyder's "The Road to Unfreedom" -- to get a sense of how religion is used as a tool once again to control the masses, how truth is erased as a bulwark, how Christianity is expressly removed from the mix.

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Wow, George! Just wow.

So incredibly powerful. I feel your outrage, and as so many others do.

There is a saying "For all it's faults, it's still a beautiful world." Isn't this true of the US, as well?

I don't understand---and become infuriated---by people who accuse me of hating this country when what I want is change to make it better for all Americans.

Can a billionaire pay a bit more in taxes, and thus own one less car, such that a school district can supply meals to hungry children?

Could their personal real estate portfolio have one less multi-million dollar mansion, such that a city could care for their homeless population?

Could they decide against owning a yacht, not only to lessen the impact of pollution on our waters, but that an entire community like Ford Height have clean, safe drinking water? Or that Lowndes County, Alabama residents finally have a sewage treatment system?

Those that die with the most toys still die. We only live on in the memory of others, or the history books. How do they want to be remembered?

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We are together on this and your thoughts are both simple and elegant. Let us work to make things better. George Giacoppe

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Those that die with the most toys still die. The beginning and end of all life. If the rich really believed in eternal life in paradise, they should be scared shitless. The Bible does mention the rich going to heaven. They believe in nothing.

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How many houses do One need to own?

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Thank you George. This is something I will archive and share as often as I see an opportunity to enlighten, validate, or encourage someone in need.

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George, like you I find it hard to understand how seemingly intelligent Americans in positions of power can justify paving the way to fascism. I can only think of one answer to this question: Opus Dei.

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Opus Dei...the organization? Pretty small group but way right? Mussolini defined the fascism he created and called it corporatism where he was financed by large corporations and they ruled. We have parallels and recently Trump hoped to extort 1 Billion dollars in exchange for eliminating regulations. Trump has copied Mussolini right down to thrusting his chin in the air. They have gains and built-in protection. George G.

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Thank you, George!

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Thank you George! Well said!

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We all need one. But it's been a better week than most.

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BAM! The tsunami of Kamala!

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I love watching that wave build, Judith. I wonder if Donold can swim? Not that I spend anytime thinking about that

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Hey! Fat floats!!!

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Joan, that's when we'll start calling him Bob. 🤣

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Of course not.

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@ Judith. Register Democrats to make a tsunami.


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I am in Merida Mexico. We have Dems Abroad and think we have it covered. Very active with help registering and parties

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Usa la computadora! Llame con nosotros!

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I am voting for Vice President Kamala Harris in November and Democrats all down the ballot

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And keep track of them -- when they start voting against democracy, replace them.

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We rest up, and then we have more excitement in the next few days!

(courtesy of the Women for Harris who sent the best follow up email I've ever received)

* Join the Women for Harris National Call on Monday, July 29th at 7pm ET

Follow @womenforharris on Instagram for updates.


* Continue to share this fundraising link with your friends, family, colleagues and neighbors.

Donations through this link will continue to be attributed to #AnswerTheCall2024 and we will keep you updated as we continue to raise. Remember: 100% of the money goes straight to the Harris campaign.


* Download and share these Kamala Harris talking points to help you convey why you are supporting the Harris campaign.


* Volunteer to text-bank, phone-bank, door-knock or host an event for Kamala here. Our Zoom drove 30,000 new volunteers to Women for Harris!


* Follow @KamalaHarris and @KamalaHQ on X, @KamalaHarris on Instagram and @kamalahq on TikTok.

* Register here for the next Women for Harris Fundraiser: A Virtual Conversation with Heather Cox Richardson and DNC Treasurer Virginia McGregor on Thursday, Aug 1st at 7 pm ET.


* Tell the men in your life there is a “White Dudes for Harris” organizing call on Mon, July 29 at 8 pm ET. Secretary Buttigieg is already confirmed and they’ve amassed 20,000 RSVPs in just 24 hours. Please share the RSVP.


* Register here to the “Win With Black Women Platform Power Call” on Monday, July 29, at 6 pm ET led by Luvvie Ajayi Jones. Learn how to navigate the complexities of election season and ensure your voice and message resonate with confidence and integrity during this critical election season.


Like Kamala says, laugh and have fun while we do this critical work to save democracy!

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Thanks, Ellie. You're the best!

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Ellie, I'd love to participate in the "White Dudes" call, but I have a commitment (that I'll try to get out of.)

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Best week I've had in many years. Doug, don't you wake up each day now with renewed energy and optimism? Last Sunday was a shocker. The fascists fighters are still trying to regroup and formulate a response. The one about cat ladies was great. /s

To say the dark forces are in disarray would be the understatement of the campaign.

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I agree Bill, but I believe that the dark forces will again be arrayed very quickly. I expect CF45 to dump Vance and pick someone else who will add to the ticket without causing distractions, which may give him a bump.Then again, Kamala's choice will do the same for her and more.

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It was 90 degrees with matching humidity here in my corner of Minnesota today - and Trump was here for a rally - ugh.. Sun dogs usually appear here more in winter. Loving the thought of cooler days ahead - with Kamala Harris as POTUS!

Rest up. We cat ladies have work to do and we understand the assignment!

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A chorus of Meows from Lulu and Rosie

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"It's been a long week..."

Whew! You ain't kiddin'! But, it's been the best week we've had in a long while. A smile has comes to my face much more easily, and much more often, of late.

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Assume nothing, it’s not over

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“Assume nothing, it’s not over”

A good reminder.

It’s not over until a Democrat is securely in the White House and TFG is In prison.

And even then…

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We have a lot of work to do once democrats have the Presidency, the House, and the Senate to reform SCOTUS and secure democracy. As Rachel Maddow teaches us in Ultra seasons one and two. The dark side never goes away.

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They will never accept equality and its ramifications. If the Civil War didn’t do it, what will…

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8 years of frustration, confusion, anger, fear, depression.........wiped away.

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Make that nine tears, the first time, summer 2015, I heard a *future* Trump voter describe him as “refreshing”, I almost fell down in shock. Fear followed shortly thereafter.

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I lived in NYC from the early 70's. Everyone knew about Trump....pulling off illegal stuff, gold toilets, the wives, etc. He's so NOT NYC, at least not a quality aspect of NYC and I'm not talking about money. NYC had so much talent in every field; an artist could get a large loft for $400 a month. Theater was from experimental preformed in budget places and even basements...to commercial Broadway. The general public only knew about his Apprentice show, which made him look powerful and cool. They got sucked in to a con man's game. Every aspect of his life is a con.

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Beautiful picture!

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I heard you today in Pittsfield! You were awesome and I appreciated the lesson you gave us!

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Was it recorded?

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A truly relaxing serene photo. Thank you. I agree that it's been a better week than we have had in a long time.

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Yes, quite a week. America now has a VP whose POTUS respects, as opposed to one whose POTUS encouraged a crowd to hang. 😎

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I hope you rest well Heather.

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Rest well, Heather.

Thanks to Peter for the gorgeous photo.

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It's been an amazing week. We all deserve a night off.

In other news, who saw Celine Dion's performance at the Olympics? I was stunned.

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I saw her and listened. She was outstanding!

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Lynell, she’s always outstanding. We’re lucky to have her.

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Thanks Professor. Rest well and refresh. Certainly this photo is a great start.

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Beautiful! Thank you!

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It seems former Presidential photographer, Pete Souza was suspended on Twitter for posting recent photos of Trump’s ear which appears curiously undamaged.

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Who didn’t know that

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Apparently Elon Musk

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For a smart man, he is incredibly stupid, or ignorant, o greedy , or all of that.

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Where did the blood on his face come from?

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I never thought it was real. I (me, myself, and I) think it came from Steve Bannon’s Hollywood connections. David Pecker could not have planned better headlines. Headlines that would discourage any serious questions. They proved on Jan 6 that collateral damage is no prob to get what they want.

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No idea. Don’t get me wrong. I’m not pushing conspiracy theories. It’s just that you’d think that with blood, there would be a wound. If he was hamming up an injury for the purpose of manipulation, people have a right to know the truth.

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Love these photos, they are good palette cleansers

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